MTL - Lord, I’m A Lizardman-Chapter 85 , Bai Chi, the gift of sanctification

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"Hei, can you see these?"

Bai Chi's soft and tender voice resounded in An Mubai's mind.

An Mubai withdrew his gaze towards the hillside of Asazawa, only to see that Bai Chi was not even his calf-high snow-white body, but was already among the fruits dug up by the inferior lizardmen.

I picked out thirteen stem fruits that were slightly larger than other succulent fruits.


An Mubai nodded, squatted down on his strong two-meter-high body, and found that these were already the largest stems and fruits that Bai Chi had picked out of all the stalks and fruits of the strawberry.

"Well, then I'll start!"

Bai Chi whispered softly, and then instructed the two inferior lizardmen on the side to replant the thirteen raspberry stems and fruits she selected into the soil, and the awakened bloodline ability in the young body was stirred up.

"Wow wow..."

With the cool mountain wind blowing, An Mubai felt a gust of spring blowing over the earth, with a soft and warm aura, emanating from Bai Chi's body, and entering it into the thirteen succulent stems and fruits in the soil.

The new soil that was just dug out of the loose was rolled, and green teeth grew out of the soil at a speed visible to the naked eye, and then branched out, grew leaves, and grew.

In less than a while, it grew to a height of more than 20 centimeters, and the branches and leaves were lush and full of vitality.

At this moment, Bai Chi's young body trembled, and the agitating bloodline power in his body subsided. Pink Ye's eyes were full of exhaustion and sadness, and he looked at An Mubai.

"Heiyu, the power of the awakened bloodline in my body has been exhausted. I have to rest and recover before I can let these thirteen pine grasses grow."

"Well, it's okay Bai Chi, let's take it slow, it's hard work."

An Mu's face with black scaly growths, smiled softly and picked up Bai Chi, and then ordered the inferior lizardmen beside him not to dig out the plants in the wasteland to eat.

He ordered the three inferior lizardmen to collect the other stalks and fruits they had dug and walked to the thatched hut area.

At this time, the thatched hut area has completely changed its appearance, and there is no thatched hut.

The figure of the ink scales is guarding the pile of stone slabs, in front of the dry thatch pile, with thick ropes of thatch woven with both hands, with a blue gem on one side, and three round eggs in the pile of thatch on the other side. , enjoying the sunshine.

This is the thatched hut where Bai Chi used to live with Mo Lin. The pile of slate behind her is the slate that An Mubai asked San Scale and the others to collect and used to carve the shallow pits of the Lizardmen and various development plans.

Thanks to these piles of stone slabs, the three six-headed heavy lizard eggs were not damaged, and Bai Chi mostly crawled among the piles of stone slabs, stroking the Chinese simple words engraved by An Mu Bai, and put down the low-level water attribute magic stones to find them again. back.

"Uh... put it here."

An Mubai walked out and placed Bai Chi next to the low-level water magic stone, and then asked the three inferior lizardmen behind him to place the collected Rongrong stems and fruits in front of him.

Looking at each of these with both eyes, there is only a small pile of Rongrong stems and fruits, and the figure in his eyes has a little trance.

"Heihu, the frogmen in the black mud swamp shouldn't be able to provide much food, right?"

Bai Chi took the low-level water attribute magic stone into her arms and asked An Mubai. She was still young after all, even though she had awakened the bloodline of the Lizardmen and stepped into the extraordinary level.

However, regardless of his physique or the amount of blood in his body, it is far from what An Mubai can compare to. He needs to use magic stones, eat magic medicine, or the flesh and blood of monsters to recover quickly.


An Mubai nodded with a frown. There are indeed not many adult frogmen in the black mud swamp. There were even half-transformed frogmen cubs from the food presented by the old frogmen yesterday.

This means that in the black mud swamp, the frogmen that the old frogmen can offer as food are already close to the bottom line of the frogmen in the black mud swamp. It is very likely that the old frogmen will not be able to offer their own food in a long time. tribe as food.

After all, although the old frogmen are afraid of death, they are also the patriarch of a group. Under the threat of death directly brought by Wu An Mubai, most of them still have to consider their own group.

"The black mud swamp frogmen are a long-term stable food source for our shallow pit lizardmen. We can't let them go extinct, and we can't let them resist."

"The cubs of the frogmen don't have much flesh and blood. Three days ago, Iron Fang and Scale Feather collected food from the shallow swamp."

"There is a kind of mud fish. I heard Tie Ya say that this is their favorite food to catch when they were cubs, but it is very difficult to catch."

"We can ask the black mud swamp frogmen to help us catch this mud fish as food. Although they are not as powerful as our people, they are more flexible than us in the swamp and can help us catch mud fish for food."

Bai Chi looked thoughtful in her pink eyes, and told An Mubai a solution to the clan's food problem.

An Mu's white-gold eyes were wide open, and she looked at Bai Chi with a shocked expression on her face. There were indeed many mud fish in the shallow swamp.

These mudfish lizardmen cubs and adult lizardmen are difficult to catch, except for food, they mostly hide in deep mud.

An Mubai didn't have many ideas about this difficult-to-catch mud fish. All he thought about was how to do it as soon as possible. UU Kanshu turned a plant like Rong Rong grass into food that could be grown in the clan.

However, there is no Bai Chi, so he would have thought of this idea of ​​driving frogmen to catch mud fish. Although Bai Chi is intelligent, after awakening his bloodline and stepping into the extraordinary level, he is even more enlightened and wise.

But she is only less than a month old now, a person born to know, a person to be sanctified.

"Bai Chi, have you awakened to any inheritance, or maybe you have understood a lot and learned a lot of things."

An Mubai was shocked and couldn't help asking Bai Chi.

"Heiyu, what inheritance?"

In Bai Chi's pink eyes, there was a thick look of puzzlement, and some did not understand what An Mubai was talking about.

"How did you come up with the idea of ​​letting the frogmen catch mud fish as our food?"

An Mubai suppressed the shock in her heart, looked at Bai Chi's puzzled pink eyes, and asked Bai Chi a question in her heart.

"The frogmen in the black mud swamp are going to provide us with food. They are vassals of our shallow-pit lizardmen. Our people are not good at catching mud fish."

"Frogmen are good at water and muddy ground, so it's time for them to catch them."

Bai Chi gave An Mubai a puzzled answer. This logic is very simple. Just like some strong children in school who can't do homework, let someone who is good at homework help him. Write in general.

But this logic of thinking is a shallow pit, and no high-level lizardman, or even an extraordinary lizardman, can come up with it.

"Is the priest really the enlightenment of a race, the prophet of a race?"

An Mubai looked at the simple words and answered. Bai Chi, who did not feel that there was anything wrong with her, was shocked and sighed again in her heart.

Read The Duke's Passion