MTL - Look In the Mirror-v2 Chapter 664 Bodhi true understanding

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  Chapter 664 Bodhi True Explanation


  Everyone couldn't help being surprised.

  Little Taoist Fuyun nodded: "Master uncle said it was because of the incompleteness of the method of transformation she practiced."

   Having said that, his eyes turned and fell on Li Chen's face.

  It has been handed down since ancient times that the transformation methods of the Yaozu all come from the "Taiyin Refining the True Art" created by the ancient Nuwa God.

   And this method has been passed down for thousands of years, and it has been in the hands of the Demon Emperor.

  But thousands of years ago, the last demon emperor of the demon clan, Chixiao Demon Emperor, was killed by the patriarch Bukong of the Shasheng Temple.

  Since then, "Taiyin Lianzhen Jue" has been followed by Yaozu.

   were acquired by Longevity Villa, Yunzhong Valley and Biyou Island respectively.

   Ye Fuliu's confidante is the eldest princess of Biyou Island.

   That is Yu Qingling's older sister, Yu Hongshan, whom Li Chen met in the small town of Nanhuang before.

  This Yu Hongshan is not a good person, she is called the 'Red Emperor' by the demon clan.

   is the monster clan wizard who is closest to the position of the demon emperor since the scarlet sky demon emperor.

   Once agitated huge waves in the sea, submerged large areas of Kyushu, and then led Biyou Island, drove straight in, and invaded hundreds of lands of the human race.

   At that time, the human race was killed, the people were displaced, and there were countless casualties.

  Da Zhou was shocked.

   Although the situation is precarious, Yunzhong Valley and Longevity Villa are eyeing.

  Just waiting for the Red Emperor to give an order, the monster clan made a comeback and re-ascended the supreme position.

  Just when the human army was retreating steadily and the status of the Great Zhou was on the verge of collapse, the "Scattered Sword Master" from the Jange Jiange went straight into the hinterland of Biyou Island, captured the thief and the king, and captured the owner of Biyou Island, the "Shark King".

  Using him as a threat to force the Eldest Princess to submit, the Biyou Island rebellion was quelled.

  Since then, the Cancha Jiange has been stationed on the coast, and with its own strength, it has occupied a hundred miles away from the Sea Clan.

   Afterwards, 'Scattered Sword Master' Mo Cangqiong asked the 'Ziyang Immortal' of Kunlun Mountain to imprison 'Red Emperor' Yu Hongshan in the Kunlun Mountain Demon Locking Tower.

   It's been decades.

  There is no doubt that the monster 'Red Emperor' practiced the fragments belonging to Biyou Island.

  It is the remnant chapter, if you force it to practice, you will go crazy.

   "Master Uncle said that she has gone mad this time, and if she is a little careless, her life will be in danger."

   "If something happens to her, then Yaozu and my uncle..."

  Everyone suddenly realized when they heard the words.

  Based on the status of the demon clan Red Emperor, if she really dies, not to mention Biyou Island, even Longevity Villa and Yunzhong Valley may be in chaos.

   What's more, she also has a lover who is among the best in the world.

  Ye Fuliu is notorious for not playing cards according to common sense.

  Many years ago, he failed to fall in love with the Yaozu Red Emperor, so he left Kunlun alone and traveled around the world.

  If the Red Emperor really died, the whole Kunlun Mountain would have to be reversed.


   "Even so, what's the use of the 'Confused Buddha's Relic'?"

  I haven’t heard that the ‘Buddha Relic’ can cure people who go crazy.

  Little Taoist Fuyun shook his head, and sighed: "Auntie, she became mad, but it was because she lost her mind when she comprehended the fragments of transformation."

   "If you want to make her recover, you can only survive this catastrophe if you complete the "Taiyin Refining Truth"."

  The "Confused Buddha Relic" itself is the result of the great Buddha's merits and virtues. It contains supreme wisdom and has the effect of sudden enlightenment.

  With the intelligence of the Red Emperor, with the help of Huo Buddha's relics, it is indeed possible to have an epiphany of the kung fu and overcome this catastrophe.

"I see."

   Everyone nodded involuntarily.

  But at this time, Li Chen was stunned for a moment, and after pondering for a moment, he said: "If that's the case, there's no need to 'confuse Buddha's relic'."

   After speaking, he took out two jade slips from his bosom.

  One has "Swallowing the Moon Refining the True Chapter" written on it, and the other has "Chasing the Moon Refining the True Chapter" written on it.

  The previous article was obtained from Bai Mao Da Xing from Wanshou Villa.

  The second article is from Wumengzi who I met not long ago.

  Two monsters, one from Longevity Villa and one from Cloud Valley.

In addition to the Red Emperor's own Biyou Island's "Finding the Moon and Refining the True Chapter", if the three articles are combined into one, with the Red Emperor's ingenuity, he will be able to comprehend the essence of the Yaozu's ancient secret method "Taiyin Refining the True Chapter" How sincere!

  When he saw the two jade slips, little Taoist Fuyun couldn't help but be overjoyed.

   "Hahaha, chance, chance, this is what the master said about chance!"

   "So it's here, so it's here!"

  Laughing and dancing.

  At this moment, he wished he could hug Li Chen and kiss him.

  Before going down the mountain, Daoist Master Weichen once told the little Taoist Priest Fuyun the whereabouts of the 'Huo Buddha Relic'.

   also said that he had a chance this time and could save the life of the Red Emperor.

  Originally, he thought that the opportunity that the master mentioned should be on the "Delusion Buddha Relic".

   Unexpectedly, the "Huo Buddha Relic" was just an introduction, and Monk Lichen was the real opportunity.

   "Wonderful, wonderful, Guru Lichen's action this time is a great merit to stabilize the monster clan."

   "If you go back to Xiaodao, you must be a famous teacher."

   After speaking, he bowed deeply to Lichen.

  After the salute, without stopping, he directly bid farewell to everyone with fists in his arms: "Time is running out, so I won't stay on the trail any longer, masters, have a good journey."

   "You can come to Kunlun Mountain as a guest in the future, and the little Taoist priest will treat you well."

   After finishing speaking, he touched his feet and turned into a blue shadow, escaping into the void.

  Monk Xinguang looked at the disappearing figure, and couldn't help admiring: "The "Three Appearances of Clouds and Dragons" in Kunlun Mountain is really amazing."

  Li Chen also nodded, but he was thinking about a series of encounters in his mind.

  Between coming and going, cause and effect are connected, every drink and peck is all in the law of fate.

   In just a short time, Bu Qingyun prepared a table of rich dishes.

  Everyone eats and sleeps in the open air along the way, which can be regarded as a feast.

  Because Li Sao was still unconscious, everyone temporarily stayed overnight in Qinghong Villa.

   Nothing to say all night.

   Li Sao barely woke up until the next morning.

   And at this moment, the bell in the 'Shifang Dojo' rang loudly.

  Li Chen's eyes were filled with joy, but the "True Interpretation of Psychics" was finally repaired.

  【"The True Solution of Psychics" has the potential of psychics, unlocking the incomplete wisdom. 】


  【"Psychic True Explanation" is in the Ten Directions Dojo, enlightened by the "Wise Old Man" with Buddhism, giving birth to Buddhist Zen, evolved into "Xintong True Explanation", unlocking primary spiritual wisdom. 】


  【"Xintongzhenjie" is illuminated by the circular light of cause and effect, the Buddha nature is increased, and the intermediate spiritual wisdom is unlocked. 】


  【The "Xin Tong Zhen Jie" got "Ting Ting" and recited the "Grand View Sutra", the Buddha nature increased, evolved into the "Bodhi Sutra", and unlocked high-level spiritual wisdom. 】


  【Bodhi Sutra

   Advanced Psychic

  Personality: Bodhi root

  Status: With the relics of eminent monks as the source, you can reshape your own spiritual roots into the top spiritual roots of Buddhism 'Bodhi roots'.

  Description: The heart comes from the Buddha, and the root comes from Bodhi. 】

  Bodhi root? !

   Li Chen was stunned.

   I didn't expect that my intention was better than my innocence, and I used many Buddhist scriptures to forcibly cultivate an evil secret method into an authentic Buddhism.

  When the lower face showed joy, he said to Li Sao who had just woken up: "Junior brother! Your spiritual root is saved~~"

  (end of this chapter)

Read The Duke's Passion