MTL - Look In the Mirror-v2 Chapter 663 The four wonders of the world

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  Chapter 663 Four Wonders in the World

  The "Gui Zang" obtained from Kunlun Mountain is also a fragment.

  However, some ancestors realized a "Tianfeng Bongshu" from this fragment.

  This secret technique means 'wind' and is counted by the broken hair on the forehead.

  Divination by "wind blowing mobilization".

  The wind comes from the sky, and it has its own magical powers.

  Emitted from the human body, it is a human relationship qi.

  The place where the foot stands, forms the geomantic omen of its own.

  The three talents of heaven, earth, and man are also the number of secrets.

  Monk Xinguang discovered that Taoist Fuyun was always looking at the ends of his hair randomly, so he guessed that he was a disciple of Daoist Master Weichen.

   And it happened that he knew the weakness of this "Tianfeng Sending Numbers".

  The wind comes from the sky, but it is a coincidence.

  This "Heavenly Wind Sending Numbers" is as good as it is wonderful, but if it is not enough, it will be easily disturbed.

  So when rolling the dice, he purposely does not move the dice.

   Let little Taoist Fuyun see clearly.

   But when the little Taoist Fuyun used "Tianfeng Sends Numbers" for divination, he deliberately used spells to blow his hair.

   Disturbance Days.

   Little Taoist Fuyun tried divination, but the result was completely inconsistent with what he saw with his own eyes.

  At the moment, my mind is in turmoil.

   Chaos is unknown, that is, secrets are obscured.

   In the eyes of Kunlun monks, this is a taboo for divination.

  So at that time, Little Taoist Floating Cloud directly conceded defeat.

   At this time, Monk Xinguang called out his identity, and only then did he realize that he had fallen into the trick of the great monk in front of him.

   Shaking his head with a wry smile on his face, he said, "It's bitter, it's bitter."

   "The trail has followed the path of the Great Monk!"

  Master Xinguang clasped his palms together and bowed deeply: "Amitabha."

   "Little Taoist priest, don't blame the poor monk for saving people this time~"

   After speaking, he took out a bottle of elixir from his arms.

   "The poor monk knows that you are also trying to save people. This medicine is the 'Pudu Dan' from my Landa Temple."

   "Take it for now, lest the next time I see Master Ni, he will complain."

   Immediately, he couldn't help but stuff it into the little Taoist's arms.

   But seeing the corners of his mouth trembling slightly, it was obvious that he was very distressed.

  Purdue Pill, which means to save all living beings, is the healing medicine of Landa Temple.

  In the world of comprehension, gold is hard to come by.

  The bottle of Monk Xinguang must have at least ten capsules, so the price is naturally high.

  Who knew that the face of the little Taoist Fuyun was not only not the slightest bit happy, but let out a long sigh.

   "Great monk, although Pududan is good, it can't save the life that Xiaodao wants to save."

  Hearing this, Monk Xinguang couldn't help frowning: "Even Pududan can't save you?"

  The little Taoist shook his head and said, "It can't be saved."

  At this moment, Li Chen had just settled down in Li Sao.

  Because the "True Interpretation of Psychics" in Shifang Dojo is still under restoration.

  So it is not yet possible to recast the spiritual roots for Lisao.

   just overheard the conversation between the two.

  Originally, he had the same thoughts as Monk Xinguang, and wanted to compensate Little Taoist Fuyun with the holy medicine for healing.

   Didn't expect that even the 'Pudu Pill' would be useless, Dang even wondered, "I don't know who Chang wants to save?"

  Little Taoist Fuyun glanced at Lichen, hesitant for a moment, and after a long time he sighed: "ε=(ο`*))) Alas."

   "It's a long story."

   "Master, have you heard of the Four Wonders of the World?"

  Li Chen nodded: "That's natural."

   "Withered vines, old trees and crows, small bridges and flowing water, people, ancient roads, westerly winds and thin horses, the sun sets, and heartbroken people are at the end of the world."

  The four masters in the world are the four strong monks who are closest to ascension in the world.

   These four sentences correspond to one of them.

   Among them, "withered vines, old trees, faint crows" refers to Cao Changshou, the "Old Man of Kurong" of Dongyue Taishan School.

  'Little Bridge and Flowing Water' is referring to Mo Cangqiong, the master of the Scattered Sword Pavilion, the 'Scattered Sword Master'.

  'Gu Dao Xifeng Shouma' refers to Gu Xingqiu, a general in the army, 'Slender Jade Kirin'.

   And the last sentence "The sun sets, the heartbroken man is at the end of the world" refers to the Kunlun Mountain disciple Ye Fuliu, the "heartbroken man".

   These four masters are recognized as the strongest in the world.

   are also the four geniuses who are closest to proving the ascension.

   is admired by all in the comprehension world.

  At this time, everyone couldn't help but look at the little Taoist priest.

  He is a disciple of Kunlun, and at this time he suddenly mentioned the "four wonders in the world". Could it be that he wanted to get the "Confused Buddha's Relic" and it was related to the "heartbroken man" Ye Fuliu?

   Soon Little Taoist Fuyun solved the doubts in everyone's mind.

   "Xiao Dao asked for this relic indeed to be related to my uncle."

   "What? 'Heartbreaker' Ye Fuliu is actually your uncle???"

   Monk Xinguang's eyes widened.

  The corner of the little Taoist priest's mouth twitched, but the expression on his face was somewhat proud.

   "This relic is what 'Heartbreaker' asked for?"

   "That's not true."

   "Although it is not used by my uncle, it is related to my uncle."

   Immediately, Little Taoist Fuyun's complexion darkened, and he began to talk.

  'Heartbroken Sorrow' Ye Fuliu is truly a legend.

  He was born with the 'Qingxuan Taoism' and 'Gengjin Sword Bone'. He became famous at a young age, and he is known as a once-in-a-thousand-year genius in the cultivation world.

   Counting with fingers, only the 'Monk Liaokong' thousands of years ago can stand shoulder to shoulder with him.

  At the age of three, one becomes innate, at ten years old one becomes an interior scene, and at fifteen one develops an exterior scene.

  Ask at the age of twenty-four.

  The Kunlun Mountain's "Hongmeng Ziqi" has been comprehended to the extreme.

   Opened up the prototype of the small world of 'Chaos'.

   is one of the most mysterious small worlds in the legend.

   It caused a sensation in Kunlun for a while.

   He was appointed as the successor of Kunlun by the head of the sect.

  But when a teenager becomes famous, he is always worried.

  This 'heartbroken man' is worthy of his name.

  He was a young man with high spirits, and he entered the questioning at the age of weak crown. It can be said that he has never been seen before or since.

  After that, he was arranged by the elders of Kunlun to practice in the "Monster Locking Tower" for three years.

  The ones imprisoned in the demon lock tower are all evil monsters in the world.

  After this young genius entered, it was a lot of experience.

  But after practicing, he fell in love with a monster in the tower.

   When the three-year period expires, one person and one demon, you and I.

   This made Elder Kunlun mad.

  Since ancient times, transvestites have gone the other way.

   What's more, it is a holy place of righteousness like Kunlun Mountain.

   Naturally, he would not tolerate the disciple having an affair with a monster.

  So in order to beat the mandarin duck with a club, imprison the monster at the highest level of the demon lock tower, and experience all kinds of hardships every day, between life and death.

  But Ye Fuliu was young and passionate, how could he watch his lover suffer so much.

   So they made a big fuss in Kunlun Mountains.

  But one side is a lover, and the other side is a teacher.

  In such a dilemma, the ending is self-evident.

  Ye Fuliu was very injured, his lover was not rescued, and he was punished by the elders.

   After that, he left Kunlun alone.

   One person and one sword entered the Northern Demon Territory, and finally beheaded the 'Extreme Demon Lord'.

   Since then, he has become famous.

  Because of being emotionally hurt, he always showed vicissitudes of life and was full of depression, so he got the titles of "heartbroken man" and "kunlun worried guest".

   "Speaking of... it's the one in the Demon Locking Tower."


  When everyone heard the words, they suddenly realized.

   It turned out to be Ye Fuliu's confidante.

  Little Taoist Floating Cloud showed embarrassment, but just like his name, everything was just a floating cloud, and immediately his face returned to normal, and continued:

   "Ahem, it's that auntie, her old man... gone crazy."

  PS: Recommended tickets, monthly tickets~~

  (end of this chapter)