MTL - Longevity Martial Arts: Start with Five Animals Health Boxing-Chapter 279 Martial saint-level combat power! Sweep invincible!

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  Chapter 279 Martial Saint-level combat power! Sweep invincible!

   "Elder Su!"

  Gan Rui, Zuoqiu and others all let out a sigh of relief, it was Su Changkong who appeared on the martial arts arena!

It's just that Su Changkong's face was sinking like water at this time. He glanced over and knew none of the five people who appeared in the Lingdao Sect, but judging from the faintly leaked aura, all of them were of extraordinary strength, even It is extremely strong!

   "Qin Miesheng... Qin Miesheng found them?"

As soon as these five people came to the Lingdao Sect, they called 'Dao Wufeng' out by name, and not many people knew where he lived, and those who had a deep hatred for him, except Wei Shengxin, who had been killed by him. Besides, it was Qin Miesheng.

It is not difficult for Su Changkong to guess that Qin Miesheng came to find these five people. When he was fighting Wei Shengxin before, Wei Shengxin also mentioned Lingdaozong. It is suspected that Qin Miesheng wanted to provoke Wei Shengxin to deal with him. .

   These five people came directly to Lingdaozong to declare war loudly, which undoubtedly made Su Changkong unable to hide and show up directly!

   "Is he the one with no blade?"

  The terrifying murderous intent in Su Changkong's eyes made the burly man and the other five people immediately understand that the young man in white in front of them was the target they were looking for!

  The figures of the five people flashed, forming a faint encirclement, surrounding Su Changkong in the center, their eyes were full of blazing and murderous intent.

   As long as Su Changkong is killed, that mysterious 'Master Qin' will help them survive forever!

  Qin Miesheng had demonstrated in front of their eyes the means beyond their imagination before, it was not a lie.

   "Qin Miesheng didn't come?"

  Su Changkong ignored the five people who surrounded him, but carefully perceived the surrounding situation, and did not find Qin Miesheng's shadow or aura.

  Qin Miesheng seemed to have learned his wisdom because of the experience of the demon soul being destroyed last time. He didn't show up and come in person, but just ordered these five people to deal with Su Changkong.

   "Dao Wufeng, I heard that you are the number one martial sage in the Great Yan Dynasty. I am the Heavenly Swordsman Dongmenjian, and I want to learn your brilliant moves."

  Among the five people, a stern man in white stared at Su Changkong with sharp eyes, and he spoke slowly.

   "Heavenly Swordsman Dongmen Sword? Isn't this the super strong man two thousand years ago? The sword challenged the world and defeated all the powerhouses at that time. Only the devil swordsman Mo Han can be compared with him. The two are destined to confront each other and die together!"

  The stern man in white announced his name, causing some Lingdao Sect disciples to tremble, and expressions of disbelief appeared on their faces.

The Heavenly Swordsman Dongmen Sword, among all the swordsmen of the Great Yan Dynasty, is ranked number one. The duel with the Demon Swordsman Mo Han has been widely circulated, and it is a legend and a good story, but it has already died two times. The thousand-year-old Dongmen sword actually appeared here?

   "Could it be... the previous rumors are true? Some strong men who should have died have reappeared?"

  In addition to questioning the identity of the other party, some people have also heard of the strange things in the territory of the Great Yan Dynasty recently, but they are all dubious. Is this person really the Heavenly Swordsman Dongmen Sword?

   "Blade Wufeng...the man who calls himself the Heavenly Swordsman called Elder Su Dao Wufeng?"

   And more disciples stared at the young man in white standing there in disbelief.

Elder Su is extremely mysterious among the elders of the Lingdao Sect. He became the guest elder of the Lingdao Sect many years ago. Dao Wufeng, the number one strongest under the martial arts sage?

   "It turned out to be a group of dead souls... What benefit did Qin Miesheng give you, and you want to come here to seek death?"

  Su Changkong also immediately understood that these five warriors with powerful auras were not alive, he said coldly.

  The five people in front of me are the same as the previous Wang Fuhu, who were projected under the influence of the power of the 'Great God'. Each of them was once famous in this land and left their own traces.

   It's just that Su Changkong didn't understand why these five people followed Qin Miesheng's order and came here to deal with him.

   "Qin Miesheng can make us live forever." Among the five people, a black-clothed evil swordsman licked his lips, his eyes were burning hot.

  The five of them are not real living people, they are just projections reflected by great supernatural powers, and they cannot last forever in the world, but Qin Miesheng found them and proved that he has the ability to make them last forever in the form of projections!

  Although it is not a real resurrection, it is undoubtedly an irresistible temptation for them.

   Survival, this is everyone's instinct, let alone them, even those powerful martial saints, don't those who follow their instincts live longer?

  Su Changkong understood that the killing intent in his heart had climbed to the extreme, and Qin Miesheng used the power radiated from the great god-seed to control a group of projected strong men.

   And Qin Miesheng obviously also regarded Su Changkong as a thorn in his side. Once he took control of a group of strong men, he immediately gave them tasks and couldn't wait to deal with Su Changkong.

  Qin Miesheng, with a mysterious identity, is suspected of being a real demon. He and Su Changkong have become enemies because of Hong Zhenxiang, and they can't wait to tear each other into pieces!

   "Dao Wufeng, you'd better obediently seal your own dantian, if you really start to attack...the rise of this king's killing will not leave anyone alive, not only you will die, but all your Lingdao sects will be wiped out!"

  The eight-foot-tall, dark-skinned burly man smiled, revealing a mouth full of huge teeth, with a threatening tone in his tone.

The burly and strong man is the top strongman of the evil sect, the "Mountain Demon King", and he is expected to become a saint. Strong enemies against him are waiting for his arrival.

Faced with the siege of a large number of powerful enemies, the Mountain Demon King killed all the powerful enemies and died from serious injuries. Although he is just a projection, he does not want to disappear in this world. As long as he can catch or kill Su In the sky, Qin Miesheng will use his incredible ability to help them live forever in this form!

  In order to prevent Su Changkong from having the chance to escape, the five people directly came to the Lingdao Sect, threatening the Lingdao Sect with a full family. If Su Changkong escapes, they will razed the Lingdao Sect to the ground!

  Besides, when fighting within the Lingdao Sect, Su Changkong must have had scruples in his heart, fearing that it would affect other Lingdao Sect disciples, they were restrained, but they could fight with all their strength without any scruples.

  Although this is a bit mean, it is also for foolproof!

   "Stand back!"

At this time, the suzerain He Lianyuan knew that a big battle was inevitable, so he immediately ordered the disciples of the Lingdao Sect surrounding the martial arts field to retreat a little bit. Although He Lianyuan was worried, he knew that Su Changkong was really the martial artist. Holy under the invincible hand of the 'blade without edge'!

  What they can do is not to cause trouble for Su Changkong, let him let go of his hands and feet, and if Su Changkong is really at a disadvantage, they will rush forward again!

   "Elder Su... is he going to do it himself?" Zuoqiu and the others were more excited than worried.

  Su Changkong is unfathomable, he has trained them from the Qi and blood realm to where they are now in a short period of time, but they have never seen Su Changkong make a real move, and today, they will have the opportunity to see the true strength of 'Elder Su'!

"Your real deities are just losers who haven't even achieved sanctification, let alone you projections that are not even living creatures. Why do you want to show yourself here? Forget it, I'll give you a ride, let you... die without death. Whole body!"

Su Changkong sighed, his eyes turned cold. In order to prevent these five people from causing too much damage and hurting other Lingdao Sect disciples, he could only use his real skills to tear these five enemies into pieces , but also to deter Qin Miesheng who might be watching secretly.

  Besides, after today, his identity will definitely be exposed, showing his formidable strength, and he will be able to deter some forces that have enemies with him! Let them understand that they are not a role they can provoke!


  Dongmen Jian and the others suddenly jumped their eyelids, they heard a loud noise, like a drum-like sound.

   "Bang bang bang!"

   That was Su Changkong's heart beating. During the beating, it was steady and powerful, and the loud noise shook for miles!

   "Ka Ka Ka!"

The bones of Su Changkong's body exploded, his body was more than two feet taller, his loose white robe was stretched to pieces, his Qi and blood flowed rapidly, turning his skin red, and the furnace-like heat made the air heat up. Battle patterns emerged, like thunderstorms and sea waves!

  A terrifying aura permeated the air, Su Changkong's whole body seemed to have turned into a real beast in human form, one look was enough to make one's heart and soul dejected!

   "Kill him!"

  Dongmen Jian and the others all twitched their eyelids and noticed that Su Changkong's aura was rising steadily. They realized that something was wrong, and they all shot together without any hesitation.

  Buzz buzz!

Amidst the sound of the sword, the Dongmen sword took a step forward, and the ripples visible to the naked eye spread. A bright long sword at his waist was already out of its sheath. Howling, the tip of the sword pierced the air, locking onto Su Changkong's vitals!

  Dongmen Sword, as a well-known swordsman in the history of the Great Yan Dynasty, his swordsmanship has reached the level of the soul of the sword, and Wan Jian surrenders as soon as he strikes.

   The rest of the people also shot at the same time.

That black-clothed swordsman, Mo Han, is like a ghost. He is the old enemy of Dongmen Sword. At this moment, he joins hands with Dongmen Sword to fight against the enemy. His figure has merged into the void. There is only a long sword with a cold light, a poisonous snake spit out letters, and a tricky angle. , piercing Su Changkong's heart from behind.

   These two famous swordsmen have different styles. One is upright and mighty, the other is weird and invisible. Together, under the martial arts, there are only a handful of people who can resist a face-to-face encounter!

  Two magical weapons hit Su Changkong's chest and back at the same time.

   "Dang Dang!"

   But it didn't pierce the body and soul as imagined, and there were only two crisp sounds of metal and iron ringing at the same time.


The pupils of Dongmen Sword and Mo Han shrank simultaneously, and their swords all hit Su Changkong's vitals, but the red skin was as hot as a furnace, a thousand times, ten thousand times harder than steel, and the tip of the sword was only left on Su Changkong's skin. There were small white spots, but even his skin couldn't be broken!

Su Changkong's basic physique is close to that of a martial saint. When he bursts out with true blood and activates the giant whale battle body, it is even better than ordinary martial saints. His body is so strong that even if he stands still, there will be no one under him. hurt him!

   "Such a weak and weak sword... no wonder you will die together, it is indeed the same."

   Turning on the giant whale battle body, Su Changkong's voice became thick and heavy, and every word seemed to be overwhelmed by Mount Tai, but the words he spit out changed the faces of Dongmen Jian and Mo Han.


At the same time as the voice fell, Su Changkong twisted his feet. As his figure twisted, he drove his thick arms to smash at Dongmen Sword and Mo Han in front of him and behind him respectively. There were no subtle moves or changes, only extreme speed with power!

  Mo Han and Dongmen Jian both contracted their pupils, and quickly withdrew their swords to block them.

   "Dang Dang!"

Two crisp cracking sounds exploded, and the violent wind swept across. At the moment when the arm collided with the long sword, a terrifying divine power burst out. Mo Han and Dongmen Sword didn't even have half the room to contend. The body flew forward and backward like cannonballs, accompanied by the sound of bones exploding.

   "Crack! Crack!"

The wrists holding the swords of the two were broken, and the five fingers holding the hilts were twisted and burst, and the phalanges pierced the flesh, and the blood from the mouths flew upside down thirty or forty feet away, rolled and fell to the ground, coughing up blood again and again, But I couldn't get up for a long time.


  This astonishing scene left Zuoqiu, Qian Rui and others dumbfounded.

Mo Han and Dongmen Sword, these are well-known swordsmen in the history of the Great Yan Dynasty. When the two of them came, they made the swords of many sword users in the Lingdao Sect bend and surrender. They were absolutely strong beyond expectations. !

   But in the end, when facing Su Changkong, Su Changkong was like slapping mosquitoes, and they were severely injured in just one encounter?

   It's not that they are weak, but that Su Changkong is too strong!

   Without bursting out with true blood, Su Changkong would still be able to defeat an invincible powerhouse like Wang Fuhu under the Martial Saints!

  But now Su Changkong was really angry, burst out his true blood, and used the giant whale body. The swords of these two people couldn't even break through his body full of true blood, and they were like adults and children in every way!

   "How... how is it possible? He is obviously... not a martial artist!"

Mo Han and Dongmen Jian kept coughing up blood and couldn't get up for a long time. Their hearts were shaken uncontrollably. If Su Changkong was a martial sage, it would be normal for him to be able to crush them, but Su Changkong is just like them, just an innate warrior. It made them a little unacceptable to be defeated in one face-to-face.

   "Aren't you going to kill me? Come here!"

  Su Changkong looked at the eight-foot-tall mountain demon king with his golden eyes, as if he was in a higher-dimensional life, looking down at an ant he kneaded at will.

  The coercion in Su Changkong's eyes made the eight-foot-tall Mountain Demon King's heart twitch for no reason, and he took a step back subconsciously.

   This retreat immediately made the Mountain Demon King react. He is the Mountain Demon King. The Mountain Demon King has killed countless powerful enemies. How can he retreat in the face of the enemy?

   This made the Mountain Demon King furious, and he let out a roar: "Boy... I am going to tear you to pieces!"

  Dark clouds billowed in the sky amidst the roaring sound, and the solid martial arts arena was cracked. The surrounding Lingdao Sect disciples all had expressions of distress on their faces, as if their eardrums were torn!

Amidst the explosive roar, the muscles of the Mountain Demon King's body swelled up, making his already tall body muscular. His height of more than eight feet was no different from that of a little giant. Huge palms grabbed Su Changkong's shoulders and tore them hard, trying to tear him in half!


However, this forceful tearing could not shake Su Changkong at all. There was a sense of powerlessness as a mayfly shaking a tree, and the palms of the Mountain Demon King were burnt to a pulp under the high temperature emitted by Su Changkong's blood, and the smoke rose. Bloody.

   "No... not good!"

  The mountain devil's forehead was dripping with cold sweat. He wanted to retreat, but Su Changkong's broad and powerful palms had already grabbed his huge head.


   Su Changkong's eyes flashed fiercely, and he squeezed hard with both palms.


  Amid the sound of bones cracking, and in the terrified and unwilling eyes of the Mountain Demon King, his head, which was ten times harder than fine steel, burst apart like a watermelon.


The burly headless body fell limply to the ground, and then slowly became transparent, dissipating in the air like light and shadow, leaving no trace. He was originally a projection, and after being killed, he completely disappear.

   "Is... is he a monster?"

The other two projection masters are two old men. Their eyelids twitched, and they never expected that the "blade without a sharp edge" was so strong. Mountain Demon King, Dongmen Sword, and Mo Han were all left in the history of the Great Yan Dynasty A master who had made a mark before was almost completely defeated in the face of Su Changkong.


  Gritting their teeth, the two of them gritted their teeth, with a look of ruthlessness in their eyes, they rushed towards two directions at the same time, towards the disciples of Lingdao Sect outside the martial arts arena.

  Su Changkong's strength was beyond imagination. They didn't have the confidence to fight Su Changkong head-on, and wanted to threaten Su Changkong with a disciple of Lingdao Sect.

  Wu Qin Xi. Demon Ape Takes the Sky!

  The blood stained on Su Changkong's hands was burned away by the scorching heat. His eyes were cold, and he stretched out his palms to capture them!

   "Ka Ka Ka!"

The void in front was distorted and sunken, like crumpled paper, the two old men didn't even have time to scream, their bodies were squeezed, deformed, burst, and exploded in the distorted space Come.

   "This is not at all... an enemy we can deal with..."

The corner of Mo Han's mouth was trembling, and the arm holding the sword was useless. In less than ten breaths, the five of them were crushed and crushed. There was no suspense in their defeat, and they didn't even have the ability to resist. .

   "I'm just a projection after all... Perhaps, quietly disappearing is the best ending."

The white-clothed swordsman Dongmen Jian's face was even paler, and his grief was greater than his heart's death. He used to be invincible, fighting powerful enemies with his sword, and had a high self-esteem, but facing this man like a demon **** in front of him, he couldn't even fight One or two can't be done, the gap is too huge!

Mo Han and Dongmen Jian looked at each other. The faces of these two former enemies showed a wry smile and unwillingness. Their bodies slowly turned into light and shadow and dissipated. The huge blow made them no longer survive in the world. idea.


  The scene in front of them left Zuoqiu and the others with dull eyes.

  Anyone can tell that these five people are all top experts who can run rampant, and any one of them can sweep the first-class warrior sect!

  Su Changkong had thought it would be an earth-shattering battle when he faced them, but there was no evenly matched fierce battle, and some were just unilateral crushing.

  In the hands of Su Changkong, Dongmen Sword and other strong men who were famous in his time and hoped to become saints were easily crushed to death like ants, and they couldn't even do a decent resistance!

   (Starting point Chinese website update notice, the next chapter will be updated at 22:00 on the 21st)

   There is an update today o(╥﹏╥)o, depression, insomnia, I got some sleeping pills, I adjusted my schedule o(╥﹏╥)o



  (end of this chapter)