MTL - Longevity Martial Arts: Start with Five Animals Health Boxing-Chapter 278 Mirror world! Turmoil!

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  Chapter 278 Mirror the world! Turmoil!

   "What... what happened? Father, Mu Sheng and others are the top powerhouses of the Dayan Dynasty. The four of them entered this portal together. Except for Father, the other three saints are all injured?"

  Xia Yanyi couldn't help being shocked.

  There is great danger inside this portal! Even the martial saint may fall dangerously!

  Xia Yanlong said in a deep voice, "Leave first!"

  Xia Yanlong quickly left this place with Xia Yanyi.

  Mu Sheng, Liu Sheng, and He Sheng also looked back at the twisted portal with lingering fear, and then flew away quickly.

   "The Great God Seed... the deepest part of this portal has the aura of the Great God Seed! But to reach there, it is almost a narrow escape! It is almost impossible!"

  The faces of the three were both excited and helpless.

  The four of them entered the portal, and felt a strong attraction as soon as they entered. It was a force that was irresistible to the saintly powerhouse, and it was the breath of the gods!

  The breath of the truly top-notch god-species, the great god-species!

But the inside of the portal is too dangerous, it is a danger beyond the limit they can deal with. After going deeper for a certain distance, they encountered a life-and-death crisis. The four of them did not move forward and chose to return by the same way, otherwise they would wait for their death. will be death!

   "A great god... I'm afraid the nine kingdoms of the human race will be shaken!"

  Mu Sheng, a feminine man in Tsing Yi, said in a low voice.

  A great **** was born in the territory of the Great Yan Dynasty. I am afraid that the saintly powerhouses from other countries will be alarmed and come here upon hearing the news.

   This kind of unimaginable "big **** species" cannot be monopolized by a certain person or a certain family at all!

   A group of people left in a hurry, making preparations early.

   And just as they expected, the spectacle of heaven and earth reflected in the sky above the Yellow Sand Sea couldn't be concealed at all, and some local strongmen from the Great Yan Dynasty were attracted here.

   There are warriors from other countries coming from afar.

   "Great God Seed? Apart from the ancient Holy Kingdom, how could there be a Great God Seed appearing in the world?"

  In the sky above the Yellow Sand Sea, a huge golden boat shuttled through the void. A voice as majestic as a **** resounded, and there was a faint golden figure overlooking the Yellow Sand Sea below.

  The Great God Seed is only possessed by martial saints who have cultivated great supernatural powers. Such characters are rare in the capital of the ancient holy country!

   There was a great supernatural martial saint sitting on this land and mountain, thus leaving behind this 'great **** seed'?

  Everything is unknown, but this is undoubtedly a great opportunity, a great opportunity that makes the heart of all martial arts saints!

  Outside the Great Yan Dynasty, the Yinyue Empire, the Wuji Empire, the Heavenly God Dynasty and other countries, there are martial saints gathered in the Yellow Sand Sea, wanting to take the great gods deep in the portal into their pockets.

   Without exception, they all failed!

  The local powerhouses of the Great Yan Dynasty, and even the "Gods" from the Three Kingdoms all entered the portal in person, but they all returned in defeat!

   It is even rumored that a saintly powerhouse fell in it, which makes people shudder.

   And all of this is a matter between the martial saints who stand at the top of each country. Naturally, it has nothing to do with ordinary warriors. Even if they know about the changes in Huangshahai, no one can compete.

  These martial saints are also exploring the laws of this portal, and gradually discover something!


  One month after Su Changkong killed Wang Fuhu, Su Changkong has been practicing quietly in Lingdao Sect.

   "Elder Dao, I have something important to talk to you, please come to Dayan Town Mosi to discuss it."

  On this day, Su Changkong received a voice transmission from Xia Yanjie.

   "Could it be about that great supernatural power?"

  Su Changkong's heart moved, he probably understood that Xia Yanjie's search for him was probably related to that suspected supernatural power!

   "Go find out."

  Although Su Changkong doesn't want to get involved in this kind of incident that is suspected to be related to the 'Great Ability Martial Saint', it is still necessary to understand the specific situation.

   Immediately, Su Changkong did not stop, and rode a white crane to Dayan City to meet Xia Yanjie to learn more about the situation.

   Several hours later, Su Changkong saw Xia Yanjie who was waiting in a living room of Zhenmasi.

  After sitting down, Su Changkong asked straight to the point: "Brother Xia Yan, is it because of what happened last time that you were looking for Dao?"

Xia Yanjie didn't hide it either, he said with a solemn expression: "Brother Dao, the martial sage of our Xia Yan family personally investigated this matter, and found the source of that power in the Huangshahai area. There is a portal there, and the place leading to it is It is in a 'Mirror Heaven and Earth' similar to the Paradise of Paradise."

   "Mirror world?"

  Su Changkong listened quietly.

   "In the depths of this mirror world, there is the breath of a great god!"

  Xia Yanjie said.

   "Great God?"

  Su Changkong's heart shuddered, he is not a fool, he knows how valuable a great **** seed is!

  One God Seed can create a Martial Saint, and a Great God Seed that contains great supernatural powers is worth hundreds or thousands of times more than ordinary God Seeds!

   "Sure enough, Wang Fuhu and others have reappeared in the world against common sense, and are related to great supernatural powers!"

  Su Changkong secretly thought, he had already guessed at that time, and it was almost the same as what he guessed, it was the power of a great supernatural power that could do such an unimaginable thing!

"According to many martial sages who went in to investigate and got a lot of information, what can be guessed is that this 'mirror world' should be the relics left by a great supernatural martial sage who has fallen for many years. There are many treasures, the most precious of which is of course The deepest Great God Seed! But it is also extremely dangerous, even His Majesty Yanhuang entered it, and chose to retreat! I also heard that there was a saintly powerhouse in the Promise Empire who was unwilling to give up and turn back, and ended up falling into it!"

  Xia Yanjie said.

   "Even the saintly powerhouse died in the mirror world?"

Su Changkong was also startled when he heard that, Emperor Yan and other martial sages didn't dare to go deep, so they could only choose to turn back. The martial sage who dared to force his way fell directly into the 'mirror world', and he knew in his heart that in this mirror world, What a danger!

"The powerful people from all sides tried to explore, and finally figured out some rules. The reason why this mirror world is called mirror world is because it is like a mirror, and many people and things that have perished and disappeared are projected, just like It is a mirror that can reflect the ages."

  Xia Yanjie told Su Changkong precious information, which was discovered only after a lot of casualties.

Mirror Heaven and Earth, which is similar to the Paradise of the Paradise, was forged by the might-fallen Martial Saint with great supernatural powers before he sat down. It can reflect the people and things that have left traces in the long river of history. .

   "And the dangers in this mirror world are actually related to the people who enter it. Those who enter are martial sages, and the dangers and tests reflected are at the level of martial sages!"

  Xia Yanjie said in a deep voice.

The most frightening part of the mirror world reflected by the great supernatural powers is that some people and things recorded in it can be reflected out. Those who enter are martial saints, and the test reflected is the level of martial saints. The biggest test may be the level of entering the second heaven, or even the level of entering the third heaven!

  Even when a martial saint cast into a divine body enters it, the danger he encounters will exceed the limit he can bear!

  Warrior saints who go in will die even if they are powerful!

   "But if the person who enters is a natural martial artist...then the dangers and tests encountered are also of the corresponding level!"

  Xia Yanjie said, this made Su Changkong faintly guess.

   "In other words, it is much safer for warriors who are congenitally perfect to enter it than martial saints, because they have already reached congenital perfection, and no matter how dangerous the test is, it will not reach an exaggerated level."

  Xia Yanjie informed Su Changkong and the martial saints and sent a large number of warriors to bring back the information in the mirror world.

  The higher the level of cultivation you enter, the higher the dangers and tests will be. Those who enter are martial saints, and they will face the test of martial saint level. Those who enter are innate warriors, and they will face the test of innate level!

   It is impossible for Wu Sheng to reach the upper limit and reach perfection.

  A martial sage who has reached the holy nine heavens? That's the Old Ones! The ancient holy country was once created by several ancient saints!

   There are not a few warriors who have reached innate consummation. Therefore, entering the mirror world, innate warriors have far more chances to reach the end than martial saints, and are safer.

   "It is much safer for innate warriors to enter Mirror World than martial saints. In addition, each person can only enter Mirror World once. Once entered, it is impossible to enter Mirror World again."

  Xia Yanjie said.

  Su Changkong nodded. These information were all summed up by the major forces sending people into the mirror world during this period.

Xia Yanjie then said sincerely: "Elder Dao, all major forces and even other countries have strong people sending people to Huangshahai to explore in the mirror world. Naturally, our Xia Yan family will not be willing to lag behind. The elite of the clan will set off to Jingtiandi in the Yellow Sand Sea, Elder Dao, you might as well go together, the Jingtiandi is certainly dangerous, but there are countless treasures and opportunities!"

  Xia Yanjie's purpose for calling Su Changkong, apart from informing him about Jingtiandi, was to invite Su Changkong and the disciples of Xia Yan's family to explore Jingtiandi together.

  Su Changkong is extremely powerful. He has defeated Wang Fuhu, a martial sage, and there is no match for him!

  Su Changkong pondered for a while, thought carefully, and finally shook his head: "Forget it for now, I want to meditate for a while."

  Su Changkong rejected the Xia Yan family's invitation, of course, out of his own considerations.

Firstly, this mirror world must be full of dangers, even the martial saints who penetrated into it would fail or even fall. But if you go deep into the mirror world, you will inevitably encounter the danger of falling!

  Secondly, the Yellow Sand Sea where Jingtiandi is located has gathered a large number of top powerhouses, many of whom are attracted by the 'Great God Species', martial saint powerhouses from all over the world!

  The last time Su Changkong got the Hualongmen in Tianlong Mountain, they were all mobilized and attacked. If the ancestor of the Yan family hadn't been quite benevolent and trustworthy, and personally claimed that Su Changkong was qualified to hold the Hualongmen, it would have been difficult for him to take away the Hualongmen.

  Even if Su Changkong passed many tests, entered the depths of Jingtiandi, and got the 'Great God Seed' in his pocket, how could he take it away surrounded by wolves?

  A great **** seed is enough to make all the martial saints wandering in the Yellow Sand Sea crazy about it, but Su Changkong has no ability to keep it!

   And after all, there is too little information about Jingtiandi, so how did the great supernatural warrior fall? What is his purpose for leaving Mirror World? I don't know any of this!

If that great martial sage is an evil person, and the "mirror world" left behind is a vicious and dangerous place, then none of Su Changkong's warriors who have become holy will be like ants in front of this great martial sage, and others can crush him to death casually !

The most important thing is that Su Changkong is confident that even if there is no other opportunity, he can rely on accumulation within ten years to continuously accumulate the true essence of the black turtle to reach the limit, thereby pushing the turtle's breathing power to a new level, and enter St.

   Being able to become a saint with every chance, and being surrounded by a pack of wolves, even without much information, is it possible to take risks in the "Mirror World" involving great supernatural powers and martial arts? It's not the right choice in any way!

  Instead of going on an adventure in the mirror world, you may not be able to take away the treasures obtained by risking life and death in it, it is better to practice steadily and wait for transformation!

   "That's a pity..."

  Su Changkong's refusal was not beyond Xia Yanjie's expectations. Even the martial saints in Jingtiandi fell, as for the warriors under the martial saints? More dead!

  Most of them think that they have the strength to get a chance in it and get out of it.

  With Su Changkong's strength and talent, he is almost 100% able to become a saint, so there is no need to go to the mirror world to fight for his life.

  Xia Yanjie was a little disappointed. With Su Changkong's strength, and the few elites selected by Xia Yan's family to join forces to explore the mirror world, the opportunity is huge!

   Then Su Changkong and Xia Yanjie bid farewell and left.

   "Mirror world, great supernatural martial arts..."

  Su Changkong shook his head secretly, none of this had much to do with him, what he had to do now was to accumulate the true essence of the black turtle, reach the limit, and then complete the breakthrough.

  According to today's faster and faster efficiency, in the future, a drop of Xuangui Zhenyuan, or even a few drops a day is possible!

  Su Changkong set off to return to Lingdaozong.

  In Zhouling Mountain where the Lingdao Sect is located, as the aura rises, the aura becomes more and more abundant, and even the aura seems to be growing and changing.

   A few days later.

  Ling Dao Sect was peaceful. At night, there were still hardworking warriors practicing their inner skills.

   "Chi Chi Chi Chi!"

  The tall, rough-looking Qian Rui waved an epee in his hand, dancing vigorously.

Gan Rui is a disciple of the old man Qishi, and his talent is quite good in the Lingdao Sect. At the beginning, he received the innate energy presented by Su Changkong and entered the innate state. Go up a level!

  Qian Rui is almost the default choice to be the next Lingdao Sect master, and he himself is also working hard to practice.

  "Elder Su has given me too many benefits. Not only has he helped me reborn, but he has also provided many panaceas... I must practice hard so that I can live up to everything I have obtained!"

  Gan Rui is sweating profusely. He is honest, single-minded, and very focused on his work.

  According to Su Changkong's previous guidance, cultivating the artistic conception of martial arts is as important as improving the cultivation level, and it is a prerequisite for becoming a five-qi master!

   "Huh? My sword... trembles?"

   At this time, Qian Rui stopped practicing sword with a face full of astonishment.

  Just because the epee in his hand trembled and trembled, it made him feel a little difficult to hold, and the tip of the sword was even bent downward, as if surrendering to someone!


In the Lingdao Sect resident, there were Lingdao Sect disciples patrolling, but when they passed by the Lingdao Sect Center to hold an important ceremony, and the elders of the inner sect inspected the martial arts field where the disciples had progressed, a Lingdao Sect disciple was startled and said Let out a deep drink.

   On the wide martial arts arena, at some point, there were five more figures.

These five people are either tall or tall and light, with different postures. The only thing they have in common is that in the dark, their eyes are shining with green light, like monsters. It can make people feel frightened and heartbeat like a drum!

   Those are the eyes of the hunter sizing up the prey, the eyes of the strong facing the weak!

   "There are... enemies!"

  The Lingdao Sect disciple was swept away by the other party's eyes, and his heart was convulsed, and he almost fainted. He uttered a terrified cry, these five people are absolutely extraordinary, and they are not kind!

   "Clang clang clang!"

   Not long after, a series of bells rang in the Lingdao Sect, indicating that an enemy was coming.

  The entire Lingdao Sect, whether it was resting or practicing, was alarmed.

  A few years ago, the Lingdao Sect experienced a catastrophe that almost wiped out the sect. Now that it has finally recovered, it seems that another enemy is attacking!

   "This is the hiding place of Dao Wufeng? The Lingdao Sect...the Lingdao Sect didn't even exist when I ruled the Great Yan Dynasty!"

  A black-clothed swordsman stroked the hilt of his long sword at his waist, ignoring the disciples of the Lingdao Sect who gathered around him, and he sighed.

   "To deal with a Dao Wufeng, we still need so many of us to fight together? It's too flattering him!"

  A tall man nearly eight feet tall, with dark skin like a forged iron stone, stood with his hands behind his back, he said calmly.

  Each of them is a strong man who has left traces in history. Any one of them can sweep the Xiantian realm, but today they are going to join forces to deal with one person? It's easy to understand if the opponent is a martial artist, but it's just an innate martial artist!

   "These five people... who is so sacred? So... Such a terrifying breath, I'm about to reach the state of three flowers gathering at the top, but the breath of any one of them makes my pores and cells tremble!"

  Qian Rui rushed to the scene at the first time. When he saw the five strange martial artists standing proudly or looking around leisurely in the martial arts arena, his heart twitched violently, and it was difficult to conceal the horror in his heart.

In a short period of time, because of Hualongmen and the panacea provided by Su Changkong, Qian Rui has almost reached the state of three flowers gathered at the top, and he is definitely a master, but his instinct tells him that any one of these five warriors, They are not existences that he can provoke! You can kill him easily!

   "Dao Wufeng, get out! Otherwise, today's Lingdao Sect will be wiped out!"

  The dark-skinned, devil-like burly man let out a roar that shook the sky, shaking many Lingdao Sect warriors dizzy, and the clouds in the sky were rolling.

   "Dao... Dao Wufeng? These people are also here to find Dao Wufeng?"

   "Are they crazy?"

  The ear-shattering roar made many disciples of Lingdao Sect bewildered. Dao Wufeng, they had heard of this name before. He was the first martial sage of the Dayan Dynasty and became famous in the battle of Tianlong Mountain.

  A few years ago, someone came to Lingdaozong to find Dao Wufeng, and now someone is here again? Their Spirit Dao Sect doesn't have such a peerless figure!

   "I'm here to find Elder Su!" But Gan Rui, Zuo Qiu and the others knew the true identity of 'Blade Wufeng', and it was the most low-key guest elder in their Lingdao Sect, 'Elder Su'!

  These five people are so scary that just a breath of air leaked out will make people feel frightened and disturbed. They are not good people!


  The burly man and the five people suddenly shrank their pupils slightly, and felt a terrifying murderous aura, making the air cold!

   "You you want to die?"

  A voice full of chills sounded, and a young man in white appeared on the martial arts arena as if he had moved out of thin air. The strong killing intent in his eyes made people shudder!

   (Starting point Chinese website update notice, the next chapter will be updated at 22:00 on the 20th)

  (end of this chapter)

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