MTL - Live Beautification System-Chapter 6 task system

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  Chapter 6 Task System

   It has been a few days since I returned from Europe, and Ding Mu has been staying at home, in a trance, why? Because after returning to China, I lost contact with Shui Tong.

  If he hadn't seen a new task system in the real person beautification system, Ding Mu would not have believed it. On the plane back to China, such a pure girl would have done such a thing. I don't know whether I took advantage or suffered a disadvantage.

   When it was time to transfer to the night flight back home, the Astros were still in the same row. It's just that this time the one by the window is Xu E, and the one by the aisle is Shui Tong.

  On this day, the group members in Dahuaguo were tired from playing, and many of them went to bed early on the plane. Only a reading light in the distance was still on. The overall light was very dim, and the expressions of the neighbors could hardly be seen.

  Ding Mu also leaned back and rested with his eyes closed. I am very satisfied with the experience of these days. Especially after getting to know Shui Tong, a heart-pounding girl, maybe we can contact again after returning to the capital, and maybe the relationship can go further in the future.

  Thinking of the beauty, Ding Mu put a smile on the corner of his mouth, and soon fell asleep.

   "Come with me if you want." Shui Tong's soft and delicate voice reached Ding Mu's ears like the sound of nature.

   "Yeah." How could Ding Mu say no when a blessing from heaven fell on him? Pidianpidian followed Shuitong to the restroom between the first class and business class.

   Lock the door, and the lights in the bathroom automatically turn on. Only two people can stand tightly together in a small space. Ding Mucai noticed that Shui Tong in the evening was not like the innocent dress in the photos these days, on the contrary, he was wearing very sexy, black silk high heels with a Valentino lace skirt, and a high-stretch tight-fitting low-cut top.

  Shui Tong's eyes are full of infinite charm, and he glances at Ding Mu with winking eyes. Ding Mu was stunned by that beauty. Subconsciously, Ding Mu wanted to kiss Shui Tong's delicate red lips again. But Shui Tong firmly pressed Ding Mu's chest with one hand, and the other hand nimbly slid to the belt around Ding Mu's waist.

  5000 words are omitted here.

   Right at the end of the battle, the live beautification system prompted that Ding Mu had obtained another achievement. The beauties were beheaded alone.

  Beauty beheaded by one person: let the person who can be called a beauty fall physically and mentally. Number one.

   Obtain 1000 perfect coins. An additional 1% bonus to Charisma and 1% bonus to Sexual Ability.

  Shui Tong received a quota of 100 Perfect Coins.

  Open third-party beautification interface: players can spend perfect coins to beautify the third party, and the limit of perfect coins depends on the life essence obtained by the third party.

   Turn on the reminder function, and you can use Perfect Coin to exchange for beautification direction reminders.

  Turn on the task system, and you can get perfect coins through the task.

   Ding Mu was surprised, clicked on the prompt function, and learned some basic information through a few words and brain supplements.

   This real-life beautification system is actually a game-oriented application software of Named Star. The Namedians place great value on appearance and carnal pleasures, but have no earthly ethics. Improving appearance and acquiring more opposite sexes through games is a proper job for Named Stars. People with poor appearance and poor figure can hardly find a partner of the opposite sex. Therefore, the orientation of real-life Meitu Xiuxiu is to quickly improve its appearance and gain more favor from the opposite sex.

   It’s just that such a software was obtained by Ding Mu’s classmate on the earth, no, Ding Mu was counterattacked.

  Because of what happened just now, Ding Mu is very satisfied now.

  Afterwards, Shui Tong rested her head on Ding Mu's shoulder and whispered in a voice that only Ding Mu could hear: "Don't look around, she seems to be awake."

what! Ding Mu was startled, and couldn't help but slowly shift his gaze to the side where Xu Goose was. Sure enough, as Shui Tong reminded, Xu Goose, who was sitting on the other side of her, woke up at some point. However, Xu Goose was still quite reserved, just pretending that she didn't see anything. However, her tense body language gave it all away. There is no doubt that it is just pretending to sleep.

   "I told you not to look around, go to sleep." Shui Tong said coquettishly, tapped Ding Mu's eyebrows with her fingers, and then gently stroked Ding Mu's cheeks, just like coaxing a child to sleep. Let Shui Tong be like this, only to feel that the eyelids suddenly became heavy, and when he woke up again, the plane had already landed at the airport in Beijing.

   Unexpectedly, it was time for parting so soon. Ding Mu opened his mouth, but didn't know what to say. After holding back for a long time, he said to Shui Tong: "Let's keep in touch, shall we?"

  At this time, Mizutomi was completely different from the obedient one last night. He took a deep look at Ding Mu with big eyes with unknown meaning, smiled slightly, but turned and left without saying a word.

  The old group is abolished, the new book friend group: 627626734, the full subscription VIP book friend group: 387015006

  (end of this chapter)