MTL - Live Beautification System-Chapter 5 perfect eyebrow

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  Chapter 5 Perfect Eyebrows

  Finally, the plane arrived in Athens. After dropping off the luggage at the hotel, it was the first day of free activities.

  Xu Goose, Shui Tong and Ding Mu's "Astro Boy Squad" are going to rest for a while, and in the afternoon, they will go to LC areas such as Sethion and Plaka in Athens. This kind of free activity doesn't matter in the group, Shui Tong has the language advantage to contact the vehicle first.

  Xu Goose really helped Ding Mu trim his eyebrows with an eyebrow brush and eyebrow trimmer, and it took about ten minutes. Then he smiled with satisfaction and handed Ding Mu a mirror.

  Ding Mu looked at himself in the mirror, and felt that his appearance was much sharper and handsome, and there was an indescribable smell.

   After thanking Xu Goose, Ding Mu went back to his room to take a shower, and then entered the real-life photo system in his mind. Inside, his eyebrows have been synchronized with the ones that Xu Ewan had trimmed.

  Ding Mu made a trick and removed the extra pores according to Xu Goe's trimmed appearance, so that the shape of Ding Mu's eyebrows will always maintain this shape. Then save.

   With a flash of golden light, you can achieve "delicate" perfect eyebrows. Get 1000 points of Perfect Coin.

  Looking at the prompt attributes, Ding Mu couldn't help but be overjoyed. The top makeup artist is really not free, and the eyebrows of Xu Goose's version are amazing.

  Perfect eyebrows: 100% bonus for handsome and sexy. The title of "exquisite" will make people feel neat, sunny and serious.

  Eyebrows can reflect personality, which is also mentioned in Zeng Guofan's photobook Bingjian.

  It's a pity that it takes 2000 perfect coins to open other tools, and now I only have 1000 perfect coins, which is not enough.

   Change into a clean adidas classic tracksuit and sneakers, and pack tissues, wallet and phone in your **** pack. Of course, you have to take the 5Dmarkiii camera. Ding Mu went to the hotel lobby in advance to wait for the two "teammates".

  Walking all the way, no matter what country you are from, you will always look at Ding Mu more. In the elevator, you met a family of three in the group, and the father among them praised: "The young man is very energetic."

   For no reason, Ding Mu became a little more confident. This is really a face-to-face world. With just the change of eyebrows, Ding Mu changed from being somewhat handsome to quite handsome.

  In the next ten days, from the Acropolis of Athens to the Temple of Zeus, from Delphi to Epidaurus, Mycenae, Nafplion.

  Greece fought in Italy. From the Colosseum to the Sistine Chapel in the Vatican, all the way to Pompeii.

  As the so-called **** must have my teacher, together with Shui Tong and Xu E, Ding Mu, a high school student who studies science, has also added a lot of romantic elements and aesthetic taste to his mind.

  Shui Tong is an art student. Not only has he taken special art history courses, but he can also talk about many things that ordinary people don’t understand from the perspective of knife and brushwork and composition design in addition to the tour guide’s explanation. Sometimes, Xu Goose would also express some of his own opinions from an aesthetic point of view, which really benefited Ding Mu a lot.

   Along the way, Ding Mu has been meticulously taking pictures of Shui Tong and Xu Goose, but even Ding Mu can feel that his composition level and artistic imagination have also improved unconsciously.

  Looking back and looking at my beautified legs, I felt that there are many places that can be improved. "Using external forms to express inner strength. Ancient Greek sculpture. This may be the goal I need to pursue."

   Wandering together in the museum, Ding Mu's serious expression fell into Shui Tong's eyes, and Shui Tong suddenly felt that he fell in love with this big boy.

  Happy journey time is always short, and soon, it will be the last day. After visiting the Plaza España shopping area in Rome, it is time to fly back to the country.

  The girls in the tour group are more interested in shopping. They chose a lot of luxury bags and clothing, and spent tens of thousands of dollars. They also felt that they made money because they were much cheaper than domestic ones.

  Ding Mu was completely indifferent to these luxuries, so he found a coffee shop, ordered a cup of ice cream and waited for everyone.

   Xu Goose and Shui Tong went shopping together.

   After a while, everyone came back, Xu E carried a few shopping bags, but Shui Tong didn't buy anything, but brought back a parting gift for Ding Mu, a very low-key black Prada wallet.

   "For the sake of taking a lot of good photos of me, I will give them to you."

   "How embarrassing."

   "Here you go, take it."

  Ding Mu couldn't resist, so he accepted it. Ding Mu had a good life since he was a child, but he didn't have a strong concept of money. Everyone knows that this limited edition wallet costs four to five thousand yuan equivalent to RMB in Italy, and eight thousand or even tens of thousands in expensive places in China.

   "By the way, Ding Mu, you have been taking pictures, and our Astro Boy team hasn't taken a group photo yet! Hurry up, let's find someone to take a photo for us."

   "Sure!" Ding Mu asked the tour guide to take a group photo of the three of them.

   "Let's take a picture of the two of us too, and let Sister Goose help us take pictures."

   "Okay! Sister Goose is here to help."

  Xu Goose happily took a photo with the camera.

  Shui Tong immediately pulled Ding Mu to change several backgrounds and angles.

  Seeing Shui Tong's heartfelt smile, Xu Goose couldn't help shaking his head secretly.

  Who is Xu Goose? She has worked in Vanity Fair like the TV station for more than 20 years. She has long seen that Shui Tong has gradually developed a good impression between men and women towards Ding Mu, but Ding Mu obviously hasn't gotten the hang of it yet. However, Shui Tong looked young, but she was about to enter the third year of graduate school at the beginning of school, so she was seven years older than Ding Mu.

   From Xu Goose's point of view, Ding Mu is obviously a student with orthodox education, and his family environment is not bad, at least he has no worries about food and clothing, but he has not had much contact with the society, and he has no feeling for money and power.

Shui Tong’s skin and hands are well maintained. She studies art and understands Italian. Although she is lively but not overstepping the rules, the accessories on her body are all fashionable boutiques. The Hermès platinum bag alone is worth more than 200,000 RMB , this is obviously not an ordinary family.

   These two people really don't match well.

  On the airport bus, Shui Tong asked Ding Mu: "How do you feel about this trip?"

"Well, among other things, European architecture is really shocking. Compared with European architecture, our country only has houses, and nothing can be regarded as architecture. There are also sculptures. The sculptures of ancient figures in our country are not very good. I The knowledge of mathematics, physics and chemistry seems to be of no use."

"Young man, what you said is not right." The man in the family of three next to him interjected: "Our Dahua country also has its own ancient architectural culture, and our wooden buildings are as precious as the arches. The heritage, but it has not been preserved due to the limitation of materials. Of course, you are right, the modern architecture of Dahuaguo is indeed separated from the ancient architecture of Dahuaguo, and they are not in the same line."

   "Old Lin, you have started to suffer from occupational diseases again." The lady in the family of three said.

   "I'm sorry, I haven't introduced myself yet. I, Lin Hongyi, teach at the Architecture Research Center of Peking University."

   "Professor Lin, hello, I also applied for Peking University, but I didn't notice that Peking University has this major."

   "Oh, this is a research institution that has just been established and does not recruit undergraduates." Lin Hongyi explained.

   "Oh, that's it. If I have the opportunity to be admitted to Peking University in the future, I would like to ask you a lot of advice." Ding Mu said politely.

   "How many points did you get?"

   "666 points."

"That's not bad. The score line for this year hasn't come out yet, but the hope is great." Lin Hongyi said, patted his child on the shoulder, and said: "My child is called Lin Wutong, and he is very introverted and doesn't like to talk. Now I am in the first year of senior high school at the High School Attached to Peking University, and I will take the college entrance examination in two years.”

  Seeing Ding Mu talking with others, Shui Tong couldn't help being annoyed, and said to himself, what I want to ask is not these at all, what I want to ask is whether you have any thoughts about me.

  Fiction world, just imagine. All the more dirty places are in the extra chapter, with rational explanations, read the Q group of book friends outside the fan: 257105898

  (end of this chapter)

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