MTL - Liu Yao: The Revitalization of Fuyao Sect-Chapter 81

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After Yan Zhengming spoke clearly, he got up and left. As soon as he pushed the door open, Li Yan behind him called and stopped him.

Li Min hesitated, and looked away, saying, "Oh, yes, there is one more thing ..."

Yan Zhengming glanced down his eyes: "What's the matter?"

A voice in the air replied: "It's me ... me me me ... oh!"

With the loud noise, a heavy object fell to the ground, Yan Zhengming silently retracted his stepped foot back.

"I've been relying on ... I've been living in the rooms of Fuyao Mountain Villa for a long time," Li said with a bitter smile. "I want to worship Xiao Qian as a teacher, and I must pay for everything that Fuyao sends, and I say that whatever I need The test, he was out of the question. "

Nian Da nosedance raised his head with a swollen face, a touch of nosebleed, and a smirk with fangs and a grin hidden in the strokes, and his mouth was a little unclear. I do n’t know if I broke my teeth or broke my mouth when I fell down: Kennel. "

Li Yan: "These days, Xiao Qian retreat. I haven't had time to meet him. He has been wandering outside for a long time."

Cheng Qian wondered, "Why haven't you left yet?"

Nian shook her face greatly, and finally spoke clearly. She said, "I am persistent!"

Yan Zhengming frowned—The Fuyao faction was already destined enough. In the previous generation, the famous disciples made themselves half-human ghosts, and the formal disciples became a weasel with a short waist and long legs. . The first disciple of this generation was himself. Yan Zhengming was very self-aware and knew what kind of person he was.

There is not one reliable disciple of two generations of big disciples. If the next generation accepts another disciple named Sticky, will the martial arts have dignity in the future?

This tradition of collecting disciples like a joke must not be tainted anymore!

"No," Yan Zhengming said decisively, "I'm afraid we have something to leave, I'm afraid I don't have the energy to entertain foreign guests, please do it yourself!"

Nian took a deep breath and whispered, "I'm willing to be a tea appetizer, a young apprentice before and after a saddle, please let me get started!"

Yan Zhengming was too lazy to argue with him: "Li Yan, write a letter to Ning Mingming, his own son has betrayed other martial arts, does he care?"

Li Xun leisurely said: "You don't know about this. Mingming Valley is a monk gang among monks. He usually eats and worships the mountains and drives out some undeveloped little demon for the villagers down the mountain. In addition to arresting, how is it selected in the past Lord, if other people do n’t want to hang around, they can worship other martial arts at any time. Obviously, there is one more patronage from here, and it ’s too late to be happy. Why would you care? ”

Yan Zhengming: "..."

There is such a lowly martial art in the world.

Yan Zhengming: "My Fuyao faction does not lack such a disciple who can drop a sword."

The three masters and sisters behind him were speechless together. It felt that the big brother was asking for a lot of money. When they got started, they said nothing about the royal sword, and they could n’t even hold the sword.

Years loudly: "Head, I know that my qualifications are not good, and I will practice well in the future, and I will never lose the face of a martial artist."

"Do you still have to discard the martial arts face?" Yan Zhengming glanced at him and said without reason, "Go back, during the period when I am in charge, I will not accept people who look ugly."

Years: "..."

This excuse is sufficient to refute.

Nian struggled and glanced at Cheng Qian, but Cheng Qian was walking away. A word from Yan Zhengming reminded Cheng Qian of many old things that he had forgotten—yes, since he was a kid, he is not a man who is only satisfied with his own rotten beauty, but it is a peerless thing that he refuses to even chopsticks even when he is ugly. Child essence.

Cheng Qian glanced down at the half-old indigo green robe that he hadn't changed for years. For the first time in his life, he found that he seemed a bit shabby.

The young man kneeling in the courtyard struggled several times and uttered a sentence: "He is in charge, his face is helpless, but I can find ways to cultivate my extraordinary temperament!"

After he finished speaking, glanced at Cheng Qian, and clapped his farts smartly: "Like Master as soon as possible!"

Who knows that this flattery slaps on the horse's legs firmly, Yan Zhengming said: "What are you, dare you compare with Xiao Qian?"

The sword in the sheath is not a game of pressure, and Nian feels that even if he has ten spines, he also bends it at this time, but he thinks it is a test of entry, bit his teeth, and dare not relax. For a moment, however, Ben's beautiful face began to drench in thin blood.

Finally, Cheng Qian, who hadn't been silent, opened his mouth: "Brother, please spare him. If he is so persevering, it is not impossible."

For more than ten days, Yan Zhengming hasn't found a chance to talk to Cheng Qian. The taste is like grabbing his heart and scratching his liver. At first, he heard him say, hoping that he could hold this step as a life-saving straw. He There was a sudden jump in my heart, before I suppressed my urge to immediately go up and down, Kankan kept the face of the head of the unflinching, snorted hard: "Huh?"

Cheng Qiandao said, "When I wasn't out of Mingming Valley, he waited for me all night outside the valley, all the way to Fuyao Mountain Villa, which was considered commendable. In that year, Qinglong Island also recruited a large number of casual repairers who did not enter the valve every year. He Although the swordsmanship is sparse, it can be regarded as a crooked sword. "

In Cheng Qian's view, he only accepted a few apprentices. As long as he has good morals and no wrongdoings, the others need not be too selective. Anyway, their martial arts are usually "Masters lead the door and practice in individuals." A great burden, and those who do not have the ability also have the responsibility.

He just said what he said, and Yan Yan, who was very resolute in his attitude, even softened his voice, and said, "I don't think his roots and qualifications may be superior."

Cheng Qian smiled, "I don't look at the monk's face and the Buddha's face, I always owe a kind of friendship to Mingminggu."

Yan Zhengming said nothing in silence. As soon as the puddle was about to express his opinion, Li Yan raised his hand and pressed it down. The two sat silently on the side, watching the excitement of the head.

Sure enough, Yan had to take a slap to take the year back to Ming Minggu. Yan Zhengming gave way concisely: "Well, go, you can take it if you want, but you can afford it anyway ... Now the soldiers are in trouble. We will go back and forth to Fuyao Mountain, and give him an introduction ordination ... "

Li Yiqi coaxed: "Brother, how can you talk as soon as Xiao Qian opens up?"

Yan Zhengming: "..."

He glanced hard at Li Zhuan, did not dare to see Cheng Qian's expression, and ran away.

Cheng Qian stepped forward and patted his shoulder: "Come with me."

Then he took away the cheap apprentice who came to his door.

Li Min looked at his back, and dangled his puddle with his elbow: "What do you see?"

The puddle thought about it and said very realistically: "If there is something going on in the future, go to the little brother first. The little brother makes sense, and the big brother will agree if he doesn't agree!"

Li Yan: "..."

Puddle: "I'm wrong?"

Li Min touched her head with pity, "No, boy, you're right."

The puddle shook off his hand and asked, "Second Brother, have you ever been ordained? What is the resignation?"

Li Yan was silent for a moment, and the wry smile on his face suddenly converged. He hung a puddle of misses he had never seen before, and said softly, "Master said that I am smart, over-smart, and over-smart People are impetuous, they are easy to shake when they get used to it, and over time, they are painful and troublesome, so they gave me the word "baopu".

After he finished speaking, he lowered his eyes and sighed, as if he knew that he had lived up to Master's trust.

Puddle said with envy, "Don't sigh, I haven't given up yet."

When Master passed away, she did n’t even say a word, and she did n’t have time to give up. To this day, she was so late that she never seemed to be an adult.

The puddle murmured, "Second Brother, what would you give me if Master was still there?"

Li Yan: "Quit resignation is generally based on the strengths of the people and the shortcomings of the people, if you are saying ..."

The puddle looked at him expectantly.

Li Yan said: "Maybe it's" hairless "?"

He became the first brother in the history of Fuyao school to be covered with little sisters.

Ten days later, the Central Plains was overcast.

The Taiyin Mountain is flat, and compared with Taihang, a fairy-like sight, it is more intimate and more earthly.

Along the mountain to the southwest nearly a hundred miles, there are villages, such as Guo Linli, Xiongguan Baizhang, an official road running through it. In the early years, there were busy traffic on both sides, hustle and bustle of business travel, valleys with more fields and thousands of hectares, and numerous cattle.

Legend has it that there is a fairy dwelling not far away, and it appears from time to time. Only "connected people" can see a hazy shadow on the full moon night. There are fairy cranes dancing on the top of the mountain.

But right now, the Taiyin Mountain area is not what it used to be.

Half a month ago, the armored soldiers at the gate under the Taiyin Mountain suddenly tripled, and the air was tense and tense.

On the next day, there were those immortals who appeared high and high. They moved their swords like flying and did not contact the mortals. However, some people got news from the guards and soldiers that the immortals were drawing arrays near Taiyin Mountain. Deal with who.

No one came out to drive the people who lived here, but the local government issued a list of words, saying that those who left voluntarily for a few months could receive a sum of money for the custody of food and drink.

As soon as this list came out, it immediately caused a heartbreak. As the formation method near Taiyin Mountain gradually became more and more serious, the ordinary people were finally scared. The place to receive money began to line up every day from dawn. It was dark, but for a few days, the Taiyin area was basically empty, except for a few old, weak, and disabled.

The group of monsters will go north to meet in Taihang. To go to Taihang, they must pass through the Taiyin area, and the Taiyin Mountain is very close to the old site of Fuyao, then the magic dragon Han Yuan will definitely stay here. You Liang was ordered to ambush here in the Taiyin Mountains. There is a large array of demon monsters around, even if the dragon cannot be trapped, he must go down to the city before everyone's attention is too much.

He stood on the city wall and watched the people who were as small as ants rushing out of the house.

You Liang knows that these people are not safe when they leave the Taiyin Mountain area. Instead, they have lost their protection. In the event of encountering a demon repair on the road, it is just like a worm who has suffered from an evil child and the skin is cramped.

But You Liang also knows that these people must go, the mortal reincarnation, the atmosphere is chaotic, if there are many people left here, it will inevitably disturb their battlefield.

He held his sword tightly-the brother said that his sword was called "tan heart" because when the sword was forged, the swordsmith accidentally spilled a ash in the furnace. When this thing was born, it was less ferocious than other swords. It was a "sword of mercy."

The young Jian Xiu took a deep breath and felt that the "compassion" sword in his hand was really cold.

At this time, a monk with a head full of hair flew to You Liang and said, "Master, it seems that there is a mighty power intruding into the array, and the foot in the southwest was touched.

This person is an outsider of the Tianyan Department. Others call him something "straw Zhang". He was recruited to Taiyin Mountain because he is proficient in the formation method. He is fully responsible for drawing and urging the Devil Formation.

You Liang Wenyan retracted his mind, injected the true yuan into his eyes, and lifted the "Eagle Eye" formula. He looked over thirty miles away, and looked in the direction of the straw. A surprise-the people here are Fuyao and his party.

Yan Zhengming glanced at him lightly. The next moment, a sharp sword air came from the air and rushed into the heart of You Liang.

You Liang was frightened, and did not dare to make a hard connection. He retreated ten times in the same place before he dared to lift the sword to resist, only to hear a "ding" sound, it turned out that the sword gas looked scary. , Gently wiped in the sound of the scabbard, even if scattered.

You Liang gasped for breath, without the half-heartedness to escape the sorrow, and was shocked by the sword with cold sweat.

Jian Xiufeng is extremely easy to attack, and it is also easy to run straight. As long as he has courage in his chest and sword spirit in his heart—however, “just enough” and “freely retractable” are beyond the scope that You Liang can understand. The difference between himself and Yan Zhengming is not just a sword **** realm, but a natural divide.

"Master Yu!" Straw Zhang was taken aback, and he took a step forward. "Who is such a bold person, should his team send a team to follow him?"

You Liang's face was pale, and a word was almost squeezed from his lips: "The man is a sword repair of the sword **** realm. The four saints still let him make three points-it's up to you? Give food to others?"

The straw was scratched.

You Liang hated, "Go!"

He roared after others, but he left in shame and anger first.

As soon as You Liang turned, Straw's face with a respectful and charming smile disappeared. He stared at You Liang's back for a while, then turned to look farther away from the direction of the sword, his expression cloudy.

Several monks gathered at him, and the leader whispered, "Brother Zhang, we have never been treated by these so-called" orthodox monks "as craftsmen who can only go the other way. They are too bullying."

Straw Zhang Leng laughed: "But a junior who has just completed Yuanshen, the state is stable and stable. He also said that he is really doing a good job by relying on himself to be a sword repairer-who is I to cut the magic circle for? Demon Dragon Han Yuan! Any sword **** realm and sword ghost realm, as long as I move my hands and feet a little bit, I will be able to serve them! "

A monk asked cautiously, "That big brother means ..."

Straw Zhang summoned a group of people, so arranged like this, let alone mention, in the distance, Li Zhi frowned and shouted to Yan Zheng: "Brother, what are you doing?"

"Tear your face," Yan Zhengming put his hands behind his back, "can't you see? Since Tian Yan Chu can get such a great thing as a demon seal, I can't resist it, can't I still humiliate them?"

Li Xuan bitterly said, "Hey, Tian Yan has many villains. To deal with villains, you must use the villain's method. You must either use the snake or kill it when you are not ready. Never play with him. The snake is anxious Bite you, do you hurt? "

Yan Zhengming listened in his left ear and went out, but didn't go to his heart. He is not warlike or killer, but there is a problem-probably too many days in the mud, Yan Zhengming is too paranoid about self-esteem, and beating others in the face can be done with confidence. If he used to be The offending person didn't know it, and now he deliberately left no room.

He walked too far on the kendo, so far as the four saints do not need to put his eyes on him, how can he put a sword in his mind to repair the Yuan Shen?

But how can a person leave no room for this? Li Min was always upset. 2k novel reading network

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