MTL - Liu Yao: The Revitalization of Fuyao Sect-Chapter 80

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Everyone was silent for a while. The puddle picked up the invitation of His Majesty Wu Changtian and said, "The 15th day of the first month, Taihang for a while ... Brother, what are you doing here, shall we go?"

Yan Zhengming groaned silently.

Li Yandao: "Tian Yan's office kept sending invitations around, and it was necessary to make this matter known to the world. If I were Han Yuan, why would I take someone to show up? I think this is an offer? "

The demon repairers in the southern Xinjiang are not in a system, they are scourge everywhere, making the people boring, and the Tianyan Department is unable to order the world. Both sides are fighting for their own politics and politics. In this way, there will never be peace. It is better to meet together and find a place where no one is. Will be too far off, everyone fighting happily.

"If I were Han Yuan, I wouldn't go together to make this lively," Yan Zhengming whispered. "While they were gathering in Taihang, it would be inconvenient for them to directly kill the emperor in Beijing and lift the nest of Tianyan Department?"

Li Xundao: "The long story about Wu is true and false, but I have heard some other messages-Tianyan Department must now have internal disturbances. The original Tianyan faction might be thinking about leaving the court. They may not care about the emperor's life. "

Speaking, Li Yumei became worried and sighed: "Han Yuan ... Hey, he fought such a big battle, nothing more than to seek revenge with Tian Yan, but the devil in southern Xinjiang ... … Isn't this account to be counted on him in the future? "

Yan Zhengming's face was a little dignified and he turned around and said, "Send a letter to Xun Shi, I will find Han Yuan before Tian Yan."

At this time, Cheng Qian, who had been silent, suddenly said, "I always feel something is wrong."

Li Yan: "What?"

"There is a road waste, there is righteousness, wisdom comes out, there is great hypocrisy, there is discord among the six relatives, there is filial piety, the country is unconscious, there are loyal ministers", Tian Yan calls herself 'for the skywalk', but 'for the skywalk' itself "Reverse the nature of the road?" Cheng Qian frowned, saying, "This is not consistent with what Master taught in the past. I really can't figure out why Fuyao Ancestors and Tianyan School signed such an oath? I always think there is something in it. Something else-by the second elder brother, I remember that we found an island chronicle on Qinglong Island that year, and listed a lot of memorabilia. Is that book still in existence? "

"Should be still," Li said, "we took away from Fuyao Mountain and the classics that were later transcribed and collected on Qinglong Island. Fang Shi was afraid to lose it, and he took it with him in a storage bag, so he fled from Qinglong Island. It was only preserved at that time, you should look for it, there should be, in the small classic building behind the bamboo forest. "

Cheng Qian heard and immediately stood up and passed. At the same time, he repeatedly remembered what Ji Qianli had said, always feeling that there was a lot of clues in the old crazy man's words.

According to Li Yan's words, he turned to the back of the bamboo forest and found the legendary Xiaojinglou.

This place is also called the Jinglou, but it is a pity that the nine-story Jinglou of the world's classics can no longer be gathered. It is just a small wooden two-story building, slender and crumbling.

On the first floor, there are some exercises collected during the past 100 years of arguing with them, from orthodox Taoism to the left side of the door. Some of them were only scraps when they were collected. They were manually revised by Yan Zhengming or Li Zhi. Hitting has become a new set of exercises.

On the second floor are the things that Fuyao sent to them. There are scriptures written by Yan Zhengming, and Fu Qiang ’s wooden sword and sword spectrum repaired by Cheng Qian himself, as well as miscellaneous books that they brought out when they left Fuyao Mountain. These books have undergone several twists and turns. It has been preserved to this day, although the moth-proof and moisture-proof charms are attached to it, the sheets of paper are inevitably contaminated by the vicissitudes of time.

Cheng Qian's fingers swept across a row of spine relentlessly. At this moment, he suddenly missed Fuyao Mountain like never before. It was like a hometown that couldn't go back. There was a lock between them that couldn't be opened. And Dangerous and chaotic world situation and removing magic seal.

Qinglong Island's classics have special symbols. Cheng Qian quickly picked it out from a pile of messy scriptures. Fuyao confiscated the disciples. These people are all in charge. The scriptures can be reversed, so nothing is wrong. Someone will come over, and they are stacked together casually. Cheng Qian drew an island chronicle, and suddenly seven or eight books fell down with a pile of dust.

Cheng Qian made a "beep", bent down to pick them up, and suddenly found that there were actually two books inside.

Who has silenced a superfluous book?

Cheng Qian picked it up and cleaned the dust bombs on the paper. I saw one of the handwritings was smart and thin, which should have been written by Li Yan, but the words on the cover of the other one seemed a bit naive. The refusal to stay in the right place is exactly the handwriting of his master and brother.

As a child, Cheng Qian wrote countless penalties for his ghostwriting, and his handwriting was mimicked, so he recognized it at a glance.

Cheng Qian was a little puzzled, then turned the quiet script behind, and was shocked to find that there was another cover under the cover of the scripture, with the carved flowers and green jade ridges painted on it, and there was a portrait in the flowers and grass. Holding a jade flute, he was smiling at the man in a disheveled dress, with a small line next to it.

Cheng Qian: "..."

No ... what is this!

He stood there for a while, turned it around and looked at it. This booklet pretending to be a very lively book with pictures and poems was about a romantic affair that happened in a brothel in the world. After spending a few months with the infatuated prostitute, in the end, Lao Yan split off, interspersed with a few words of melody and appreciation, and the story is completely and enthusiastically.

...... It ’s just that the picture is very ridiculous, it ’s really no longer straightforward. Not only has the heroes drawn such and such things without any obstruction, even the men and women in the next room have painted the scores completely, which can be described as " How to Have Fun "advanced guidance.

Can't look straight.

Cheng Qian made a rough look, but he did not see a painting with the same weight, and I did not know who invented the various poses. The noisy magic repairs in the magic cave of Zhaoyang City were compared with the world in this painting. Dumplings!

Cheng Qian didn't dare to look closely. He was about to close the book. When he remembered the handwriting of the master on the cover of the Fake Qingjing Suddenly, his face became strange.

Before he was weird, there was a sound of footsteps. Yan Zhengming walked up the stairs of the building in two steps and asked, "What did you find?"

Cheng Qian was frightened on the spot.

The fake Jingjing fell off the ground after falling hands, and fell back and forth, spring / light appeared.

Yan Zhengming: "..."

What is sunny thunderbolt?

At this moment, Cheng Qian suddenly felt that Tianjie was actually nothing.

He was stunned for a while, pretending to be pretentious, and pretending that nothing had happened. His expression was bland to pick up the evil thing mixed in the scriptures.

Yan is in charge of everything, and has long forgotten about the unlucky things he did when he was a child. At first glance at this thing, he didn't think of guilty conscience, and was furious at first, as if someone had stepped on a black footprint in the hard-protected snow.

He patted Cheng Qian's hand with a slap, and said angrily, "Where did the evil demon come from? Didn't you say you came to Shima and found this thing?"

Cheng Qian had to explain palely: "... it fell off the shelf by itself."

Yan Zhengming held the booklet, but felt the picture above was extremely dazzling, and asked fiercely, "Have you looked through it?"

Cheng Qian: "..."

Yan Zhengming almost smoked, and rebuked angrily: "I also said that you are more worry-free than those two things, you can do it! What's so nice about it, huh? Do you have internal injuries and don't you know? Regulate your breath, and look at these unstructured things ... "

The more he said the fire became bigger, he took the pamphlet and patted Cheng Qian's chest heavily, almost shaking the paper: "Junk!"

Cheng Qian didn't dare hide, and at the same time I really didn't know what to say.

Yan Zhengming said indignantly: "If you let me know which **** put this thing in the Jinglou, I ..."

Cheng Qian finally whispered: "Brother, it seems you ..."

Yan Zhengming: "... what?"

Cheng Qian stretched out two fingers, and carefully turned over the book that had been slap-slapped by Yan Zhengming, pointing to the three words of "Qing Jing Jing" that wanted to be magnified.

Yan Zhengming stared at those three familiar words and froze.

Cheng Qian quickly said "compassionately": "All right, brother, I know, you were still ignorant at that time ..."

Before he finished speaking, he didn't feel right. When he was "little", he secretly mixed such things in the scriptures and carried them out thousands of miles. Doesn't it mean that he is a prodigal boy from the inside out?

Sure enough, Yan Zhengming's face was even greener. He had crimson ears, with a lawsuit of red and green in his mind, snatched the interesting small picture book, and turned away without a word.

Cheng Qian moved suddenly, lying on a wooden railing on the second floor. The moisture-proof and insect-proof spell on the wood gave off a faint white light in his palm, which reflected that his always cold face was much softer.

"Brother," Cheng Qian stopped him, and asked boldly. "Zhuang Nanxi told me that there is a casual practice. He likes to stay with her even if she is a mortal. You have seen these when you were a kid ... Alas, has there ever been anyone in the story who says, "Even mortals who live and die will love them?"

Passing downstairs, the light was slightly dim, Yan Zhengming's face was buried in the shadow of the bookshelf, he could not see his expression, he was silent for a while, and seemed to hold his breath for a while, and became a stiff stone statue.

After a while, Yan Zhengming asked irrelevantly: "Where is Zhuang Nanxi?"

Cheng Qian: "That disciple who spoke a lot in Baihu Villa."

Yan Zhengming's voice chilled coldly: "In the future, I will rarely deal with these people who are not indifferent. Now that you know how to get rid of the five flavors for the sake of God, don't you understand what is called" Daoxinqingzheng "? If you think about it, give it to me Go to Qing'an and think! "

Cheng Qian's eyes suddenly dimmed.

The sound of footsteps downstairs gradually drifted away, and the door of the building "squeaked", and after being opened, it was automatically closed by a spell, and a fine cold wind floated in the building.

Cheng Qian bent down silently, picked up the books that had accidentally shaken to the ground, and put them back on the shelf one by one. Finally, he took out the Qinglong Island Chronicles and sat on the stool by the window and opened it. .

The small oil lamp on the wall lighted up smartly, Cheng Qian flipped through two pages, and suddenly felt a bit boring.

He has fought with heaven and earth, with fellow workers, and with life and death over the years. He has never walked halfway back, never willing to believe that there is nothing in the world that he cannot do.

Until this time, he knew that there weren't as many people in the world as possible.

I do n’t know if his damaged Yuanshen has n’t been tuned up yet. Cheng Qian feels that the whole person has been buried by a period of burnout. He looked aimlessly at a few lines of dull islands, and suddenly thought: “Repair into power What ’s the point? Is n’t it jealous and trapped by others? What's the point of soaring into an immortal? Thousands of true love is thrown behind you, and you will be thrown into a vast and unclear avenue. Are you looking at the mountains and rivers? "

It's not as good as the mortal who died.

Cheng Qian stunned, he returned to God, and really felt his turbulence.

He may indeed need to retreat for a while, but now it is in this section ...

Cheng Qian, while thinking that Feisheng was boring, swept across the Qinglong Island Records at a glance, and did not deliberately pick out the views related to the Fuyao faction. Suddenly, his gaze fixed and found something.

Although Qinglong Island is overseas, it has always been universal. In addition to the island's affairs, the island's history is modeled after the history of mortals, recording the events of the monks in the world.

Cheng Qian discovered a law, but whoever cultivated Yuanshen after 300 years of age basically had to stop there. If there were any adventures in the later period, he would end his life when he was 800 years old.

There is another kind of person, either with a firm mind or a different talent, who repairs the Yuanshen early and can be written on the Qinglong Island Records. Presumably, they are also the characters of the year, but these people have either disappeared afterwards. , Or go into trouble or encounter some disaster and die halfway.

The entire Qinglong Island Chronicle has no record of soaring.

Cheng Qian froze his eyebrows, gathered back some of the distracted minds, and had a doubt in his heart-so to say ... Whether these people are soaring and flying low-key, or have they been in Qinglong Island for many years since its establishment? No one has ever successfully ascended?

Cheng Qian collected the island, quickly moved to the first floor, drew a trick on the spell next to the bookshelf, and slowly lost Zhenyuan into it, whispering: "I want to see Record. "

The wooden bookshelf shuddered for a moment in his frosty real Yuan. Several books on the shelf gave out a light, Cheng Qian picked them out one by one and brought them back to Xiaoqing Anju.

After Yan Zhengming sent an evil fire to Cheng Qian in Jingjing that day, he regretted going out, but he couldn't help it. God knows, when Cheng Qian lay on the stairs and rushed to him to ask that sentence, he seemed to be smashed in the chest by a huge stone, all the internal organs and all the sacrifice moved, and it hurt and vibrated. For a few days, he hid from Cheng Qian.

However, he soon found that it was unnecessary to do so, because Cheng Qian never left the door of Xiaoqing Anju after that day. The two lived next door, but no one saw him for a dozen days.

It was at this time that Xi Shi wrote.

The errand is still a puddle that can be easily turned into a bird. In order to hide her more eye-catching bird, Li Wei saw that she was a sparrow.

The sparrow puddles flew away with tiny wings, carrying the resentment that they didn't share the sky with the second brother. However, she soon discovered that the body was so convenient that it was almost pervasive, second only to flies, and could be mixed in with two or three birds anywhere.

This time, she finally met Yan Shi.

"Mr. Shishi said that the Tianyan Department has a clear hierarchy. Everyone who is new to it must be a secret agent for dozens or even hundreds of years on the periphery, and then undergo a review of the skin cramps to confirm that he can only enter the interior door, but the former For a while, I did n’t know what happened. The insiders seemed to fight themselves. They were so fierce that more than half of the familiar faces were not seen overnight, and they caught up with the Fourth Division ... Alas, the Dragon Rebellion, Tianyan There is a shortage of staff everywhere, so a backup inner door is set up outside the inner door. They have been repaired by Brother Shishi, and there are no flaws in the outer door. Waiting for someone to throw himself into the net, although there was no speech on it, Brother Shih said that the wait should be the four brothers. "

Taiyin Mountain ... It is less than fifty miles from the original site of Fuyao Mountain.

Yan Zhengming said nothing, and commanded: "The mountain will be closed tomorrow, and we will immediately set off to Taiyin Mountain."

Li Yan quickly chased after him and asked, "What happens when you arrive at Taiyin Mountain? What are you going to do? Are you going to help Tian Yan to take Han Yuan, or openly break the vow, do not abide by the magic seal, and help Han Yuan avenge?"

"You must obey the magic seal," Yan Zhengming said firmly.

Several people listened, and their hearts sank.

The next moment, Yan Zhengming continued: "But we must not let Han Yuan fall into the hands of Tian Yan. During this trip, we must **** him before the Taihang Assembly and bring him back. The people of Fuyao even if he will A hole in the heavens is to kill or to kill, and it is not up to outsiders. "2k novel reading network

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