MTL - Liu Yao: The Revitalization of Fuyao Sect-Chapter 59

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Yan Zhengming was hesitant for a while.

Although he didn't say anything, Cheng Qian already saw his doubts in fact. In fact, Cheng Qian was very proficient most of the time, but he probably didn't tell the truth, and he basically didn't go to his heart.

Seeing the elder brother, Qian Qian answered: "If you want to go and see, we will go to the second elder brother now."

Yan Zhengming groaned and didn't move. For a while, he suddenly said indifferently: "The ancestor was thinking about martial arts until his death. He would rather be dead and dead, but he would also turn the three souls into copper coins and stop the martial arts. Calamity-Breaking the Valley of the Demon, Destroying the Soul-Eating Lamp ... Moreover, although he went into the devil, he did not look like a man full of evil. If you are a master, just rush to this feeling, will you cruelly buried him under the tree? "

Cheng Qian paused, without a positive answer, and asked: "What about Xiaoyuan? If we really stopped him in southern Xinjiang, what would you do?"

Yan Zhengming's brow froze tightly, and then he was silent for a while.

No matter what way Han Yuan chose afterwards, when he killed Cheng Qian, he didn't do it out of his own mind. The person who got the art of painting the soul did not even know that he had broken his body into pieces. Han Yuan couldn't resist it. These Yan Zhengming are all well-known-but knowing that he knows, he always has a heart.

At this time, a small voice in his heart asked again: "What if the other way around? If the person who hit the painting soul is Xiao Qian?"

As soon as this idea popped up, Yan Zhengming couldn't help but want to get into God.

His eyes slowly shifted to Cheng Qian-Cheng Qian's appearance was actually not much different from that of his youth, except that he was a little taller, his eyebrows and bones were slightly longer, and his outline was dim. But every time Yan Zhengming looked at him carefully, he would have some indistinct feeling.

At first, he thought it was a strangeness he hadn't seen for many years, but later found it wrong, because every time he closed his eyes, he wished that he could remember a few eyelashes with Cheng Qian.

It stands to reason, shouldn't everyone be blind to familiar people or things?

Yan Zhengming found that he was more and more afraid to stare at Cheng Qian.

"If it was a small dive, I might not have watched him jump off the sea at that time." For a long time, Yan Zhengming reluctantly reached such a conclusion. He secretly sighed, a little guilty, because he was too biased.

When Yan Zhengming thought about it beside him, his eyes inevitably seemed a little foolish. Cheng Qian remembered for a moment that he was frowning in the bamboo forest, and suddenly he was a little upset.

"These annoying things shouldn't have been on his mind," Cheng Qian secretly said, "what's the problem? You can ask me to do it all. What's so difficult?"

The brother has been suffering for hundreds of years. It is enough. Cheng Qian decided to let him eat, drink and play in the future, and occasionally put on the spectrum of the leader, and he has only had the addiction of prestige and prosperity. Tianjie has been carried down, can't it still hold Fuyao this crumbling beam?

"Let's go, since the ground lock is in the head seal, we have to look at the Suzaku Tower anyway." Cheng Qian said, stood up, stretched out his hand and yanked.

For some inexplicable reasons, Yan Zhengming, every time Cheng Qian's hand flickered in front of his eyes, he would be involuntarily nervous, so he subconsciously blocked and grabbed Cheng Qian's hand.

Cheng Qian's fingertips were cold, but there was a little thin warmth in his palm, but it seemed to burn people.

Yan Zhengming gave a quietly nod, not willing to let go.

Cheng Qian didn't care, and "snapped" a backhand, grabbed the paw with the copper ring of "Lou Qiangongzi", and slammed his unsightly ring into his sleeve, sighing. "Okay, no one slaps you this time ... I have such an imitated spirit on my body, I think you're really full."

Yan Zhengming's hands were suddenly empty, and if he felt lost for a moment, Cheng Qian had already walked outside the restaurant.

Fang Cai's cold touch seemed to be still at his fingertips, Yan Zhengming reluctantly moved his fingers behind him, feeling that he was a little abnormal.

Is it too hot, Cheng Qian has cold hands, can he avoid the summer town house?

Cheng Qian had already stepped out of the door at this time, and when he saw that he was still suffering, he turned back in doubt and asked, "Brother, what are you doing?"

Yan Zhengming yelled, "I ... um, it's a bit hot ..."

He spurned himself while he was vomiting. Xiao Qian wasn't an outsider. He rolled on his bed without knowing how many times he did when he was young and did not wash his sword. What can you say, "Come here and let me cool down"?

At best, it's just one eye!

However, Yan Zhengming said that he couldn't say anything. It was nothing to say. His heart was like a wild horse, and his thoughts ran in an increasingly weird direction. There was a man in his mind who stretched out his hand. Cheng Qian hugged a full scene.

It's true!

Yan Zhengming couldn't help but secretly took a nap. This was really weird. Could it be so many days? The spirit demon who practiced that time is still there?

But then, a secret desire arose in his heart.

It really turned around, scratching his ears.

"How does this **** woman look like the legendary girl Huaichun?" Yan Zhengming was stiffened by lightning for a while, standing still in place, his soul gave up for a long while, and his fragile heart gave a breathless cry, "God, I must be out of practice. "

The unscrupulous head of the gate and Cheng Qian left the town all the way along the wild mountains to the past with the most aura in the mountain, but before they found Li Yan, they heard the chaotic voices.

From a distance, I saw a swaggering Pegasus parked there, pearly and veiled on the body, and the veil flew over, making it seem like there was going to be a petal rain all around.

The Pegasus is not something that ordinary people can feed. At least it can be afforded by a school of the size of Minggu. Moreover, the monks will be able to defend the objects shortly after being condensed. It is also common for the powerful to shrink to thousands of miles. They endure the cold wind in the sky and go out in such a magnificent Pegasus.

Either way, the level of people in the car must not be advanced.

The canopy on the carriage was very thin, and the gauze sculpted with charms was put down, and then I saw a young man sitting in the carriage. He leaned lazily there, and he looked really handsome and dog-like, but He wasn't right, and a red mole was pressed on his left eyebrow, which added a little bit of suffocation to him.

At least a dozen monks followed the pegasus in front of and behind the horse, glanced at each other, and they were not weak, and two old men with white hair followed the carriage from left to right. With the air of dust, I am afraid that he is still a master of Yuanshen.

Surrounded by people in this circle, it was Li Li who was the same as the barefoot man.

Li Yan's mental skills, but unfortunately too much distraction, a thief's heart is broken, which is not conducive to spiritual practice. When he was young, Cheng Qiang motivated him in front of him. Later, after Yan Zhengming mixed the oil, he dedicated himself to him. Those messy sidewalks have left the road. In recent years, they have been performing mediocrely in terms of cultivation, and they are not inferior to others. They have stuck in the ten-year-old Kanchan for ten years without gain, and they do not know that they are anxious.

The puddle hangs over his head, his whole hair explodes, and yells at the young man in the carriage: "Who is a bird? I think you're the bird with a sharp-billed monkey cheek! Even if your aunt is really a bird, that's someone else Raised, it ’s shameful to bring you so many dads to make a fortune! "

The young man in the carriage didn't seem to have a bad temper, but obviously he really thought of the puddle as a bird who could not speak badly, but he didn't have any general knowledge with her after such a swearing, but he felt very interesting and smiled at Li He said, "I see that this Taoist is Dan Dao, right? I heard Dan Dao is most focused and ca n’t be disturbed at all. Would n’t it be noisy if you take it? Moreover, it is not easy to throw Dan Dao into Dan. The herbs in the furnace are all resources of real gold and silver. This Taoist ... alas, always be shy. "

Although Li Yan has a real white face, he is a bit shabby, especially he has been wandering in the countryside in the southern Xinjiang for a long time. At this time, his back is broken, his legs are high, and he does n’t know where to splash a mud mud. It is indeed a real poor acidic phase.

"I'll give you two gold and two powerful amulets," the martyr in the carriage said. "Suzaku Tower is opening soon. Many monks are gathered here. If you lack any resources, you can have these three powerful amulets in your hand. Trade them something good-sell me the bird. "

Li Ye didn't say anything, it seemed as if he was really moved by the price.

The puddle was suddenly anxious. Her two brothers were timid and unprincipled. Maybe she could really do something to sell her. Suddenly there was a wave of excitement on his head: "Dare you dare to sell me, head Break your leg! "

纨 绔 and 纨 绔 are not the same, like the big brother, although they can only be insidious, but they can still make sense most of the time.

The man who sat in the carriage was different. Although he could also look good-looking, he actually made his encirclement surrounded by Li Yan, and he was ready to grab or buy.

Li Yan's eyes turned slightly, and he secretly said a trouble.

He reached out and grabbed the puppet puddle bird and muttered, "Little sister, otherwise I will sell you first, and then go back to rescue soldiers to grab you back?"

He wasn't very worried about the puddles. Although the puddles weren't very clever, he knew that the sky was thick, and he was very considerate-for example, when the master was away, she found that she had no backing, and never provoked others.

The puddle pecked him bitterly, and Li Xuan thought frowningly, "Drop it down, you are not worth a thousand gold ... Well, forget, who made me a brother?"

He squeezed the bird's beak in the puddle to prevent her from speaking out, and put on a dilemma: "This boy, your bid is very high, but you, the little beast, have seen it, and have a bad temper. It ’s hard to feed, in case it offends the son ... Well, this is also a life. "

When the boy in the carriage saw him sticky and refused to let go, the impatience flashed on his face, and it seemed that he did not intend to talk nonsense with Li Yan, and he urged: "I bought it for a large price , Naturally will be well maintained, you only say whether to sell or not. "

His voice faded, but the puddle seemed to see something, and she quickly broke away from Li's hand and ran out of the crowd.

When a monk saw him, he was about to reach out and beat her down, and a real Yuan had already run out.

At that moment, the monk suddenly felt a horror. Then, a sword was cut with great precision. The man who made the sword seemed to disdain the attack, did not hurt him, and only smashed his true yuan. Immediately the sword dissipated, and the coolness was soaked in the heat.

Everyone looked back stunned, and saw two people come far away. It seemed that they were here in an instant. The two old men who were not far away from behind the pegasus looked upright, crossed the crowd and greeted them, alerting: " Where are the two Taoists? "

When the puddle bird could not speak, she had the talent of "looking for the most reliable person when something went wrong", and saw that she plunged into Cheng Qian's hands and collected the murderer who was scolded by the savage woman. Jing, grieved and grieved: "It was the man who gave me off the net in the middle of the road that caused me to become like this. Now he actually chased after him in a haunting way. His surname, Li Sansan, was interested and wanted to sell me. Here it is! "

Last name of Li: "..."

Cheng Qian reached out and closed his head in the puddle, glanced at the man in the carriage, and then fell on the two old men in front of the carriage.

Just when Li Yan thought so timidly that he was going to speak well, Cheng Qian nodded slightly to the pedestrian, although it wasn't a smile to welcome people, it was kind.

"Thank you Daoyou for being eye-catching, and seeing my little bird at home," Cheng Qian said slowly. "It's just that she has been around for a long time and is psychic. Like half a family, we don't usually take her as a pet. I ’m sorry for the inconvenience of selling. ”

Yan Zhengming didn't say a word beside him, glanced at the seemingly valuable carriage from top to bottom, and secretly decided that when he returned to the villa, he had to get a few pegasus to raise him. Even if it was useless, he sat up and displayed a circle. Still OK.

Cheng Qian was once "to disagree with others, he must fight", but that does not mean that he is combative, he just can't help it.

Now that he is trained to run across Kyushu, coupled with a frost blade in his hand, he has long been fearless, but he is polite to treat people. This statement is not flattering and does not show arrogance, although the tone is light. However, while talking, he always carefully held the broken-billed bird in one palm, showing a certain sense of sincerity.

The young man on the carriage looked down at Cheng Qian and frowned, "You also came to Suzaku Tower to try your luck?"

Cheng Qian can see at a glance that this person's level is still stuck on the sacred threshold, he said, "Does it work?"

However, because I didn't want to make extravagant branches, I still replied: "We plan to go to southern Xinjiang, pass here, and just pass by. If you can look at the Suzaku Tower by the way, it will be an accident."

Seeing that the young man was so ignorant, one of the old men in front of the car couldn't help looking back, and whispered a few words to the young man in the car.

But I do n’t know what the old man said. It ’s okay if he did n’t speak. The voice did n’t fade away. The young man was anxious and pointed to the old monk. Yes, even the wild monk who met on the road had a lot of scruples-I want that bird! "

The old monk has reached the age and is a master. How can he not get stuck in it? At this moment he was applauded in public by a child with a yellow mouth, and his face suddenly became ugly.

Yan Zhengming pounced out of the puddle that enjoyed the cool summer treatment in Cheng Qian's hands, and finally felt relieved, so he had time to whisper, "It's rare to meet a person who is **** than me."

He was so self-aware that no one else could say anything.

After Yan Zhengming said, he gestured at Li Ye and said, "We said we don't sell--brother, go."

After that, he saved even the imperial sword, Zhenyuan directly turned into a sword shadow, carrying him straight into the sky, and his sword was full of sharpness.

The two primordial old men looked at each other, their looks were alert—the sword monks made millions, but not everyone could be called a sword repair. Sword repairers, Yuan Shen can be turned into sharp swords, and put outside. Can make people difficult to distinguish between true and false.

How difficult it is to cultivate the sword of Yuanshen. Time and place are indispensable for harmony with people. At least a hundred years of work are indispensable. The young man has such achievements at an early age, and his future may be infinite.

Sword repair is rare. Most of the achievements are not for life. In a realm like Yan Zhengming, they are willing to talk to their juniors. Basically, they have been treated as a courtesy. The young master, born with a pair of two and five eyes, even felt that he was being taken lightly, and immediately became angry: "Since you don't use it, I will come by myself."

Before the two old men had time to stop, a small flag flew out of the young man's sleeve, with colorful mantras like soul-raising chants. I do n’t know where the baby was, there seemed to be no requirement for the repair of the activator. The surrounding environment is involved, and a new world is created! 2k novel reading network

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