MTL - Liu Yao: The Revitalization of Fuyao Sect-Chapter 58

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Li Yan almost chopped the skin of the puddle bird and saw it cramped. He even prepared coarse salt and pepper noodles next to him. He was ready to have a roasted bird at any time--he also didn't figure out how she could not go back. of.

It can be seen that some men really only let go of their mouths, and they usually can't watch it. When the critical moment comes, they will drop the chain.

The puddle pounced on Li Jiu's head of bird feathers, and said angrily, "What do you want!"

She gave birth to a rebellion against her offender, and then fell aside breathlessly, remembering something, and spit out a small sticky note from her mouth.

Yan Zhengming's complexion changed immediately, covering his face with a fan, and calmly making two wrong steps backwards.

"I can't help it," the puddle said angrily. "I don't have it in my hand, so I can't put it under my wings?"

Yan Zhengming said, "Want me to catch a carrier pigeon, and let you see how other birds do it?"

The puddle grieved: "Have you ever seen a carrier pigeon tying a letter on his own leg? I have never seen the brother of Shishi. This stuff was mixed into a pile of bird food. Yes. If it weren't for my sharp eyes, I might have been wrong. "

The word "bird food" successfully pushed her elder brother one step further.

However, Cheng Qian unconsciously reached out and picked up the slip of paper. After opening it, he saw only one line of small prints: "It has entered the Tianyan Department. This place is severely graded and secretive. It will be encountered in the future. Be careful."

Cheng Qian slightly turned his head to see Yan Zhengming in amazement: "Master ..."

The fan in Yan Zhengming's hand was still half-covered, keeping the red card Hua Kui's attitude of refusal to return, but his eyes were sharpened, and he whispered, "Tian Yan is in the eyes of an outsider, but it is a clueless way. Where the repairmen were conscientious, it took more than thirty years for Xiu Shi to mix in. There are too many unspeakable points. "

He "brushed" the fan together, with his hands behind his back, and then said, "Many things are trivial. It is reasonable to say that people in their own practice should not be involved in too much practice, but I have been thinking about one thing-- Those mortal dignitaries, Ronghua rich and wealthy, don't you want to live forever? The emperor doesn't want to live forever. I don't believe that the adults of North Korea and China remember to bow all the way, and never think about it. Why does a mortal king rebellion involve so many charms and immortals? "

The puddle wondered: "What does that have to do with us?"

"Stupid bird," Yan Zhengming kicked her with a folding fan tail. "For some reason we don't know, we're probably already in the record of Tianyan Office. Zhou Han knew about us 100 years ago. I never want to see the second Zhou Hanzheng again, so I have no choice but to be prepared to start first. "

He didn't know when he was infected with a trace of killing, and sometimes he was really incalculable.

Cheng Qian was sore in his chest. As he left the ice pond for a longer period of time, the mood of anger and sorrow that originally belonged to him was like the beginning of the glacier, and it was slowly melting and recovering. At this time, he finally felt distressed. .

He destroyed the note of Yan Shi, and patted on the back of Yan Zhengming by hand: "I killed the first Zhou Hanzheng, and then I killed the second. You can rest assured."

Yan Zhengming couldn't be more relieved to him. He turned his head and said eloquently: "You better give me a break-point-you know exactly what the big and small calamity still gave me, and I haven't pursued you yet, don't Thought ... Ah! Cheng Qian! You little bastard, what did you touch just now! "

The head brother was very normal and serious, when he reflected on which hand Cheng Qian was using to wipe his body, he suddenly turned into an extremely screaming.

Cheng Qian raised his hand slightly with a look of a gentleman-like innocence, adding: "It's just a little drool, it's already been done."

Yan Zhengming's face was distorted.

Cheng Qian sighed and comforted: "Don't do this, brother, you are still innocent."

Yan Zhengming: "..."

What is called "raising a younger brother is worse than a dog". He now feels it really. Fuyao ’s ancestors have fallen because of their disability. It does n’t seem that there is no reason.

For a while, Yan Zhengming didn't know whether he should go back to picking skins, washing clothes, or changing clothes, or when he was packing up the dive first, suddenly, there was a sound of footsteps outside.

Several people froze at the same time, the smile at Cheng Qian's eyes disappeared, the whole person seemed to have just turned out from a handful of frost, and the puddle closed his mouth and flew to the pen holder on the side, pretending that he was just a Ordinary bird.

After a while, I saw an unfamiliar young sister running all the way to the door, and said respectfully, "Cheng Gongzi, there is a letter."

Yan Zhengming asked coldly, "When did the inner court let you in and out at will?"

On the one hand, there are rules in the villa, and on the other hand, there are spells at the door of the courtyard. Outsiders should not enter at all.

As soon as Cheng Qian waved his hand, the letter fluttered over, and the moment the letter left Xiao Xiao's hand, he seemed to be awakened by a stick, and the whole man stunned and looked at the front of him in horror. The owner of the villa, facing Yan Zhengming's astounding glance, knelt down with a thump, and said, "Zhuang and Zhuang, there is a letter and a demon in that letter, villain ... villain is not intentional ... "

Cheng Qian glanced down at the envelope, only to see it said "Cheng Xiaoyou kisses", and the payment was "Tang Yan".

The envelope was ripped open, and a faint scent came out, and Cheng Qian knew it was the grass juice of sleepwalking grass. Tang Yan has traveled all over the world, and there are so many strange things around him, even Cheng Qian has followed a lot of insights.

Adding the grass juice of sleepwalking grass to the ink, except for the real recipient, anyone who speculates that they want to open the letter will be backstabbed-for example, if there is any gap that has been wandering outside their villa, He was thinking about how to get into the inner courtyard. Then when he touched the sleepwalking grass, he would be directed to break in directly.

Yan Zhengming raised his hand and grabbed the man. He tried tentatively and didn't use a bit of force, but the suspicious Xiaozhang took it seriously, jumped up from the ground, ducked away agilely, and ran quickly. .

Only then ran to the door, and a shadow fell in front of him, Frost Blade Hanguang ran across the courtyard door, blocking his way for a moment.

"Let you go?" Cheng Qian said lowly, "Stay."

The little sister-in-law wanted to do it first. Unknown recently, she had been stunned by the heavy pressure of Cheng Qian's smashing of the seven heavenly hordes. Her feet were soft and she went directly to the body. ... "

The words of begging for mercy were not finished. Suddenly, the man's body stiffened, his mouth widened to the sky, his head fell backwards, and the mouth was split into two, like a rotten watermelon that was split and broken by a knife. Then, a cloud of gray gas came out of his mouth, and hurled toward Cheng Qian.

Li Min exclaimed, "Be careful!"

As soon as Cheng Qian's gaze was frozen, the ash was frozen within three steps of him, and it had already been frozen. It stepped back like a human, re-drilled into the little puppet, covered his head, and instantly This person's head turned into a bone on his head, and then fled.

Cheng Qian lightly with the tip of the sword, the white bone shattered into a pile of powder, and the little cricket just turned into a headless corpse, and fell silently to the side.

"The means of demon repair." Cheng Qiandao, "but not necessarily what demon repair did, has this happened before?"

Yan Zhengming's look was a little dignified: "That's not true. I haven't seen this person before. People who come in and out of the cottage are familiar faces. We have settled here for nearly ten years and haven't seen any monks."

Li Yan quickly responded and said, "Can somebody follow Xiaoyuan and touch us along him?"

Han Yuan's introduction to the magic road was Zhou Hanzheng's painting soul, as if it had something to do with Tian Yan.

Suddenly, the puddles didn't dare to say a word, but I said that fortunately, Xun Shi didn't meet her.

Li Yan asked softly, "Brother, then ... do we need to change places?"

When he said this, his heart was almost a little embarrassed. The bereaved dog had been a habit for nearly a hundred years.

Yan Zhengming was silent for a moment and then said, "We are not going anywhere."

Li Yan: "But ..."

Yan Zheng raised his eyebrows in a frown, interrupting him: "Can I hide for a lifetime? I'd like to see how these scumbags can treat me."

After speaking, he shook his sleeve and listened only to a loud noise from the door.

Cheng Qian heard his heart jump, and Frostblade Sword immediately rose to mid-air. He saw in the mid-air a huge stone monument rose without warning, and countless mortals heard the sound, and they were eagerly watching and pointing. I don't know who first looked up and saw Cheng Qian standing in the midst of the royal sword. The mortals in the villa suddenly knelt into a slump and begged the blessings of the immortals.

There are four big characters on the stone monument: Fuyao Mountain Villa.

Cheng Qian shook his head, for a moment he was not sure whether his brother was mad or wanted to do so. He silently picked up the letter Tang Tang gave him and returned to the bamboo forest.

There was nothing important in Tang Xinxin, only that Minggu sent Liu Lang to him, Liu Lang was possessed by the magic repair Jiang Peng, and his soul was damaged. Fortunately, Cheng Qian's three ice cones nailed him, and he took this practice The road, I am afraid that it will be much more difficult than others, he will try to find a way.

A vague mention was made at the end to keep them from appearing near Fuyao Mountain too frequently recently, and there were too many people staring there.

Cheng Qian felt a little heavy for a moment, always feeling that the road back to Fuyaoshan was too long.

A few days later, Yan Zhengming strengthened the spells around the villa. The group set off as they planned to set off for southern Xinjiang. They were still three people and one bird—the birds perched on Li's head. In order to urge him to spend less time, think about ways to change her back as soon as possible.

Several people did not walk along the way.

For one thing, this trip to southern Xinjiang is not a matter of burning eyebrows. For another, the monks have been closed for a long time, and indeed they have to join the WTO occasionally. To break through the bottleneck-everyone understands that most monks who just started practicing do the same, but the strange thing is that the more powerful the name is, the more profoundly simple they are.

When people go to a high place, they are on a narrow road. One day, Wanli Pengcheng Road will turn into a scary single-wood bridge one by one.

People who seem more powerful are more timid, because they dare not risk falling down at all.

Fuyao Mountain Villa is located in the Central Plains, and is slightly northward, which is very different from the southern style.

At this time, midsummer has passed, and it is nearing the beginning of autumn, but the southern part of the country is still soil-run and hot, and it travels during heavy rain. Far from reaching the border of southern Xinjiang, Li Zhi has been dazzled by the abundant spirit grass here.

Every day, he has a bird on his head, a bamboo basket on his back, and a cat like a stray man digs into the old forest in the mountains. He sometimes instructs the puddle bird to grab some precious treasures from those unreasonable little monsters and monsters. With the majesty of Shimei's face.

Li Yanmei said by name that he was trying to remedy "drug avoiding dan" to prevent radon in the southern Xinjiang.

But according to Cheng Qian's estimation, picking like him, let alone alchemy, I am afraid that even three meals a day is enough.

Yan Zhengming could not help his second master, who had no human form, and had no choice but to know him, posing as a mortal every day, and leaving Cheng Qian in the market. This fact is difficult for a strong man. Cheng Qian has been quiet and happy since he was a child, not to mention that the frozen place has not been in contact with the crowd for such a long time, and he has shoulder to shoulder with countless people every day, tormenting him miserably.

However, Yan Zhengming didn't know what was wrong. It was like a cat who was not weaned, always looking for a mother-in-law. If he didn't see him for a while, he would become a demon again, and he would be in trouble.

They were interested in investigating the pedestrians, and lived in a small border town on the outskirts of southern Xinjiang. However, for more than half a month, they did not find any traces of demon repair.

Could it be that these groups of pedestrians are usually like "girls", "the door is not out of the door and the second door is not in step"?

That demon deserves to be ... but quite like the head brother of their house.

Yan Zhengming was not afraid of robbery and was not afraid of Lu Fu. He asked for several rooms in the only restaurant in the town. He never asked what to order every day, but only let the store take the most expensive up and down, from his hair to his hair. Toenails are everywhere.

It was so difficult to come here. The store owner almost regarded him as the ancestor, and the people around the southern Xinjiang were sturdy, and there was no defense between men and women. The store owner specially sent his daughter to the front, lest it be a little bit wrong.

No matter how complete the flavors and dishes are, Cheng Qian never touched his chopsticks, and just kept silently waiting for a cup of cold water.

The little lady carefully checked the color for a moment, and finally summoned the courage to talk to him: "Is there anything wrong with the son?"

Cheng Qian treats people clearly inside and out. Outsiders are always a bit polite and dull in front of them. If it is not necessary to inquire about anything, they hardly talk to others actively. It looks cold.

Yan Zhengming was beside him at this moment, he was too lazy to deal with others, and only said briefly: "No, thank you."

The little lady at the store finally managed to cope with the courage and immediately ran out of cleanliness. She didn't dare to provoke him anymore, she turned to Yan Zhengming and accompanied the laughter. There aren't so many people around. "

Yan Zhengming asked, "Why, are there any places nearby to see this season?"

The shopgirl said, "But isn't it, not far away is the old site of Suzaku Tower, all for that."

Yan Zhengming stunned: "Suzaku Tower? You mean Xu Yingzhi, one of the four saints ... hey, senior?"

He only knew that Xu Yingzhi was in the south, but he didn't know the exact location of Suzaku Tower.

The shop lady nodded her head busyly: "Exactly, the owner of the Suzaku Tower has been dead for more than a hundred years, leaving only a ruin and a loyal old servant. The old servant according to the owner's will makes this place a breeze and a bright moon. One side has no place. Every August 15th, the door is opened to meet the destined person. Every year, some people want to try their luck. Even if they are not 'dead person', they can't enter Suzakulou and meet the old servant. Maybe they can meet him. The old man ’s eyes point to one or two—hehe, but although the Suzaku Tower has no master, it is not so good. The two sons are rich and wealthy at first sight, so do n’t mix with these wild monks. They broke their heads, but they wanted to see the blood, and the government couldn't control it. "

Seeing that they stayed nearby for a few days, nothing about the pedestrians was found. I no longer wanted to delay, but I did not want to find the Four Sacred Suzaku Tower accidentally here.

Can it be blessed by misfortune?

At the same time, Yan Zhengming had some doubts in his heart. Since he knew that the earth lock might be related to the Four Saints, he had paid close attention to the rumors related to the Four Saints, but Suzaku Tower was put him last.

For no other reason, Xu Yingzhi, the owner of the Suzaku Tower, died in the hands of Bei Mingjun. 2k novel reading network

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