MTL - Little Madman’s Guide to Acting Good-Chapter 111

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Chen Qizhao's limbs were cold, when he heard the news, he hung up the phone and wanted to go out.

Chen Shiming saw this and followed, "Where?"

"The Ninth Institute."

Chen Qizhao walked out with great strength, Chen Shiming failed to hold him at the first time, he was worried about Chen Qizhao's state, and immediately shouted towards the door: "Xiao Xu, prepare the car. "

Xu Tezhu heard the sound of the glass breaking in the office, and thought that the Chen brothers were making a noise again. As soon as he walked to the door and heard the voice of his boss, he turned around non-stop to inform the driver to prepare the car , Even Xiao Zhou, who was following next to him, couldn't react.

"I don't worry about you going alone, I'll go with you."

Chen Shiming grabbed Chen Qizhao's hand, worried that he would accidentally let go.

The speed of preparing the car was very fast, Chen Qizhao did not speak, and kept calling Shen Yuhuai's phone, but no one answered after several calls, and the feeling of unease was rising.

Chen Shiming saw this and said: "I have asked Xiao Xu to contact the Ninth Research Institute. You have to tell me anything, otherwise it will be difficult to deal with."

Chen Qizhao's voice was calm, but Chen Shiming was a little frightened when he heard it.

"I asked Gu Zhengsong to check and found that the property rights originally belonging to Lin Shizhong belonged to the name of Gu Shen's relevant contacts. This company called Yueze Chemical contacted the Ninth Research Institute last week, A batch of instruments was donated to the research institute. But Yueze Chemical's stock market plummeted, and people related to Gu Shen disappeared."

The words of the Ninth Research Institute appeared in Chen Qizhao's mind, as if cutting off past memories and putting a certain memory of receiving news in a previous life in front of him. Chen Qizhao didn't doubt that the accident in Shen Yuhuai's laboratory in his previous life was not an accident. It was only after the accident in his previous life that the official report of the accident was that someone in the laboratory made a mistake, which led to the accident.

This type of laboratory is inherently risky, and mistakes in every link may lead to accidents. But apart from the reports from his previous life, he had no extra information on the laboratory accident, which should have happened when he was 27 years old, that is, when Shen Yuhuai was 31 years old.

Because of Gu Zhengsong and Gu Shen's father and son, he has doubted many things in his life, he doubted the accident of his family, and doubted the accident of Shen Yuhuai's laboratory, so even if the ending of Gu Zhengsong and Gu Shen was doomed during this period, Before the other party's charges were completely settled, he was worried that the remaining party of the two would cause problems at this time, so he did not relax at all in the investigation.

Without any premise and without any trace, until the time node arrives, he will never be able to determine whether it is an accident or a man-made accident.

Until the call came today, the word Yueze Chemical and the name of Gu Shen gave a traceable possibility.

Chen Qizhao clenched his fists. He tried his best to calm down and calm down. The cold female voice on the phone ended and hung up again, and he pressed the phone again.

Chen Shiming sat in the car with him, watching Chen Qizhao's behavior on the phone, "There will be no problem, the instrument may not be in trouble, and there is no other news here."

He was talking when he suddenly received a call from the police in S City, and Gu Zhengsong's crazy words also reached Chen Shiming.

"Did you tell the Shen family?" Chen Shiming asked.

S City Police: "Said, we confirmed the safety of the Shen family at the first time, but Shen Yuhuai did not contact. The Shen family has now gone to the Ninth Research Institute, and our side is also When I contacted the institute, it seems that something happened, and people from the police station in the nearby area have rushed over."

Chen Shiming's heart sank when he heard this, "Okay, we got it, please let us know as soon as there is any news."

Chen Qizhao looked at him, his voice a little hoarse: "Did Gu Zhengsong do it?"

Chen Shiming did not hide: "The police have rushed over."

The car drove very fast. When we arrived at the Ninth Research Institute, a police car was already parked outside the door, and many nearby residents were blocking the door to watch the fun. There was a cordon at the entrance of the research institute. As soon as the car door opened, Chen Shiming had not had time to speak, but Chen Qizhao had quickly got out of the car and walked over, and was stopped by the police outside.

"I heard that there was a problem with the equipment, so a lot of people came in."

"This research institute is engaged in chemical engineering, how can the explosion be fixed?!"

"No way."

"Why not, look, the fire alarm is coming."

Assistant Xu immediately went over to negotiate with the police. At this time, Chen Qizhao crossed the cordon and walked to Building A of the laboratory building with a clear purpose. Along the way, he saw the people from the research institute, as well as the fire alarm and police personnel. The door to the interior was unlocked. He quickly jumped over, and finally saw the cordon pulled up outside Building A of the laboratory building, and a group of people wearing clothes. The researchers in white coats gathered there.

"Relevant personnel have gone in to check. This time they found problems in several laboratories in Building A, but I am not sure whether other instruments have problems."

"Yes, the police have recruited professionals, and now the investigation has been carried out. All the experiments in the morning have been suspended, and the researchers have all withdrawn."

Several researchers were standing and discussing, Liu Sui was still a little scared looking at the situation, he looked at the man standing next to him, who was turning over a document board with a very serious expression, " Yu Huai, thanks to your careful attention this time, if this is really activated, it will be too scary."

"Don't say it, my feet are soft now."

"Did they check the results over there?"

"Didn't you just burn one? I can smell the burnt wires. My mother, what kind of hatred does Yueze Chemical have with the research institute? They won't burn all the instruments Are you done?"

Who would have thought that this batch of instruments sent by Yueze Chemical has a problem? As a local enterprise, Yueze Chemical is not the first to cooperate with the Ninth Research Institute. The institute has given away instruments, who would have known that they would do something on the instruments. This Monday, Liu Sui and a few people arrived at the laboratory first. Originally, they wanted to see if the instrument was working. However, as soon as they arrived, they saw Shen Yuhuai and several leaders coming in, and then stopped all experiments in the institute, saying There is a problem with the instrument.

Among the crowd, Shen Yuhuai looked solemn and was checking the number of instruments donated by Yueze Chemical.

Standing next to him was the person in charge of the equipment handling. He looked at the young man in front of him, thinking that after the equipment was moved yesterday, the young man came here on Sunday afternoon. I asked the administrator for a key check, and then I found out a lot of things. As soon as they received the news this morning, they immediately organized people to review the instrument that Shen Yuhuai had raised questions about, and then called the police.

When it got bigger, some internal lines were broken, and some operating parameters were adjusted to a high-risk level.

"Basically checked, there are problems with the instruments in several laboratories in Building A. Fortunately, you found these in advance. The places where these instruments are used are carefully set up. To be honest, you If the researchers in the institute do not know the machine well, it is difficult to find the problem during normal operation, and if something really happens, the follow-up accident investigation may also classify these as the error of the experimenter's operation."

The professional in charge of the inspection came over and told the leaders of the institute about this matter. Not only that, but because of the seriousness of the situation, it was difficult for the police station in the area to deal with it. It has been the first time Immediately notify the city criminal police team to come.

Shen Yuhuai asked: "Is it only here?"

"No problems were detected in other laboratory buildings, mainly the laboratories in Building A." The professional showed him the worksheet in his hand, and the specific problematic instruments had been circled.

Seeing this, Shen Yuhuai looked very solemn. The instruments that were circled were from their laboratory and the two surrounding laboratories. Yueze Chemical did not start with all the instruments. If an accident happened and the problems of laboratory instruments were re-checked, problems with so many laboratory instruments would inevitably be discovered.

on their operational errors.

It's a bad thing to say, it's really unexpected, it may not be possible to find out what was being done.

The problem of Yueze Chemical was found, mainly because Shen Yuhuai was also investigating Gu Shen during this time. Shen Xuelan has been checking Gu Shen's related personnel, but he felt that there was something strange about the cooperation between Lin Shizhong and Gu Shen, so he returned to the original starting point to review Lin Shizhong, Gu Shen and the few people who first found out the aromatherapy problem. The home agency then noticed an unknown detail point.

In the beginning, they checked several companies that sold legally, and only after they found no problems would they turn to check the institutions that control the extraction equipment. Among the first few industries that legally sold controlled substances, there was Yueze Chemical, and then they noticed the change in property rights.

When learning that Yueze Chemical donated materials to the research institute, Shen Yuhuai contacted Yan Kaiqi and asked relevant personnel to check the laboratory instruments. Before the inspection, Shen Yuhuai hoped that it was just his own delusion, until the instrument problem was finally discovered.

"What is Yueze Chemical doing? What is the difference between intentional killing and manipulating equipment."

Several leaders of the research institute looked very bad, especially after knowing the problem, they contacted the people of Yueze Chemical for the first time, but they did not answer the phone.

The police came over and discussed with the leaders to let the researchers leave temporarily. There may be some on-site evidence collection here.

Shen Yuhuai knew that this matter was not that simple, and most of it had something to do with the Gu family. in the lounge.

The laboratory building was sealed, and Shen Yuhuai was about to ask the police to help him get his backpack when he suddenly heard a sound behind him.

"Irrelevant personnel leave here, and they cannot enter without a pass."

Shen Yuhuai tilted his head when he heard the voice and saw Chen Qizhao with a pale face.

Chen Qizhao panted slightly, as if he ran all the way, his face was terrifyingly white. Seeing Shen Yuhuai, he immediately ran to Shen Yuhuai's side regardless of other people's resistance, stood in front of him, and glanced up and down with a pair of eyes, as if to stare through the person in front of him.

In the end, he slowly calmed his breath, looked at Shen Yuhuai and asked, "Why don't you answer my call?"

Shen Yuhuai paused slightly, "The phone is not around."

Chen Qizhao watched Shen Yuhuai standing in front of him unscathed, the panic in his heart gradually calmed down, he ignored others and directly grabbed Shen Yuhuai's hand, "It's dangerous here, you follow me first Walk."

Shen Yuhuai felt that the hand holding him was very cold, and he also noticed the trembling that was not easy to detect.

Chen Qizhao frowned, no matter what else, he just wanted to take Shen Yuhuai away from this place.

Shen Yuhuai's eyes sank slightly, he did not ask why Chen Qizhao came over suddenly, nor did he ask Chen Qizhao's apparently abnormal attitude at this time, he turned to hold Chen Qizhao's hand and put the cold He held his hand behind his back, "The matter here is not over yet, I'm going to the police station to record a statement."

When Chen Shiming brought Xu Te's help in, the police of S city also arrived, cooperated with the information provided by Chen Shiming, and immediately sent someone to Yueze Chemical Industry, and took over the scene of the Ninth Research Institute of S city Handling, the illegal equipment will be taken away as physical evidence, some researchers need to cooperate with recording the statement, Shen Yuhuai will also follow.

Along the way, Chen Qizhao did not let go of Shen Yuhuai's hand, and did not separate until he recorded a statement at the police station.

Recording the confession needs to explain things, Shen Yuhuai did not hide it, and told them all the facts that he knew.

"Mr. Shen, your backpack." A police officer came over and gave him the backpack Shen Yuhuai had left in the lounge.

Shen Yuhuai said thank you, took out his phone and noticed nearly 30 missed calls on the lock screen. Chen Qizhao called him 18 times, but he didn't answer.

S city police noticed the problem from B city police long ago. The equipment in question is all near Shen Yuhuai's laboratory. It is hard not to guess that this incident was directed at Shen Yuhuai. They immediately went to Yueze Chemical to arrest the relevant personnel. The Shen family and the Chen family also rushed over. Due to the seriousness of the situation, a joint investigation may be required.

During the period of other people's confession, Chen Qizhao had read all the materials sent by others, and learned about the institute from the mouths of others. Knowing that this matter has been discovered by the institute before it even started, the police and fire trucks surrounding the outside are also to prevent accidents during the evidence collection process.

But even so, he couldn't control his emotions when he thought that Gu Zhengsong did this on purpose. The matter of Yueze Chemical was like a thorn hanging in his mind, and the more he looked at it, the more annoying he was. He couldn't imagine that if Shen Yuhuai didn't find out about it and activated the instrument in question, it would really happen. all consequences.

It's like in the past life, all the contacts are gone, and there is no echo.

The cold water is cold from head to toe.

Xiao Peri said while looking at the boss's expression: "It's almost like this, the police won't reveal too much, Xiao Chen said that he has something to do with Gu Zhengsong, and they are still with the police. Communication, I didn't hear anything else."

"It's alright, I understand." Chen Qizhao looked at the information on his mobile phone, thinking of the bulletin boards hanging in the entrance hall of the institute when he went to the institute with Shen Yuhuai to get the materials, he lowered his head slightly. Focusing on his eyes, his eyes were dark and unclear, and he continued to explain: "I will check again what I just told you, and check all the companies that have cooperative relations with the Ninth Research Institute."

Xiao Zhou didn't dare to ask more questions, he went to work immediately after receiving the order.

The corridor was quiet, Chen Qizhao glanced at the door not far away, Shen Yuhuai was still inside.

After a while, the door was opened, and Chen Qizhao came back to his senses. He saw Shen Yuhuai come out after recording his confession.

The eyes of the two met, Shen Yuhuai said to the policeman next to him, and then walked straight towards Chen Qizhao.

Chen Qizhao didn't move, watching Shen Yuhuai walking towards him, and finally crouched in front of him and took his hand.

"I may be in a hurry in the morning." Chen Qizhao paused, and after a few seconds he continued: "I received the message, but you didn't answer the call. I'm worried about your accident."

"You called me 18 times, but I couldn't hear." Shen Yuhuai looked at him, "I'm sorry, I didn't tell you about this in advance."

Chen Qizhao paused, are there 18?

He doesn't remember, he just wanted to get in touch with people, and he didn't care about anything else.

Chen Qizhao had a lot to say, but when he looked at Shen Yuhuai, he couldn't say a word.

The silence spreads between each other, and it is not known how long it takes to be broken.

Chen Qizhao's voice was low and flat, "You have to tell me next time."

Shen Yuhuai was slightly startled when he heard the words, "Hmm."

Before the matter was confirmed, Shen Yuhuai could not guarantee that his suspicions were correct, but seeing Chen Qizhao like this, he realized that he had done something wrong.

Chen Qizhao had no sense of security. This was something Shen Yuhuai realized when the other party was hospitalized. Because he has no sense of security, he will repeatedly worry to confirm the safety of his family and friends. Uncertain things are a bomb that may explode at any time to Chen Qizhao, just like Chen Qizhao once told his family about a terrible nightmare, Possibly a real nightmare.

Shen Yuhuai trusts this past, even if it may only be a dream of the other party.

Reality and falsehood of dreams are never defined by right or wrong, and belief or disbelief is not the only result.

When Xu Tesuke came in with the car key, he saw the scene beside the lounge chair.

The man squatted quietly in front of the boy, without saying too much, he held the other's hand, and the two looked at each other quietly.

Xu Tezhu didn't know whether to speak or not, but the key in his hand seemed to be hot to the touch. Seeing that the two of them didn't seem to speak, he found an opportunity: "Mr. I'm here in the car."

In the long silence, Chen Qizhao didn't realize that something was wrong. While he was glad that today was just a false alarm, he couldn't stop thinking about the possible consequences of this happening.

It wasn't until Shen Yuhuai called him that he sat in the co-pilot.

The vehicle did not start, the parking gear was hung, and there was only a whirring of air-conditioning in the car.

Shen Yuhuai was about to fasten his seat belt when he suddenly noticed the figure next to him, and soon the person sitting in the co-pilot came over, put one hand between them, and kissed him cheeks.

Chen Qizhao's impulsive and clumsy behavior, their lips and teeth collided.

At this moment, no amount of words is useful.

Shen Yuhuai raised his hand to support the back of his neck, obediently accepted the impatience from the other party, and guided him to calm down little by little.

The vehicle was parked in place for a long time, and someone was walking in the distance outside the windshield.

The kissing in the car is still going on, the two can't tell their emotions clearly, they just want to kiss each other at this time, not to confirm the authenticity of each other, but to prove that each other is alive and their body temperature It's hot, and the heartbeat is real.

Breathing heavily from the kiss, breathing on each other's faces.

This feeling, as if back in the hospital bathroom, Chen Qizhao touched impatiently and flustered.

Shen Yuhuai pressed Chen Qizhao's forehead, "Are you afraid of my death?"

Chen Qizhao was silent for a while, he pursed his lips slightly, and replied truthfully after a long silence: "I'm afraid."

There are too many things to be afraid of, an accident too late to stop, and a silent loss.

He is not a seer and cannot control everything all the time.

Full of panic about the unknown, he knows that this suppressed and inexhaustible panic is a morbid state, he originally thought that things could gradually calm down, and his family would protect him, all obstacles It was almost cleared up, but once what happened today, he still couldn't help thinking about it.

"I'm sick." Chen Qizhao lowered his eyes, did not look at the eyes that were close at hand, and had an indescribable sadness: "I'm afraid you will die."

The atmosphere in the car was getting lower and lower, Chen Qizhao did not know where the impulse came from, and continued to say: "I have seen it, the instrument was operated incorrectly, an accident occurred in the laboratory, and you died."

It's like peeling back the past little by little, Chen Qizhao can't say everything, he doesn't think Shen Yuhuai will believe, "Don't worry about me, I may need to calm down..."

Before he finished speaking, Shen Yuhuai held his face and kissed him down, kissing the corner of his lips, the tip of his nose, and all the way to the corner of his eyes.

The sun was shining brightly outside the window, and the harsh sun seemed to enter the car through the dappled tree shadows.

No one can afford to lose, this is never a disease.

During the shortness of breath, Shen Yuhuai's voice was serious and low.

"I promised you."

"I won't die."

"Don't be afraid, okay?"

Read The Duke's Passion