MTL - Little Madman’s Guide to Acting Good-Chapter 110

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He sank all the way into the quilt with his tail spine, unable to distinguish traces from light and shadow.

The sound of water was still coming from the bathroom, the cold water was pouring, and the clothes of two people were scattered on the ground.

Shen Yuhuai's body was icy cold, he casually wrapped a bath towel, and when he came out of the bathroom, he had already seen Chen Qizhao sleeping on his back. He pushed the person, and the latter moved slightly, but did not make a sound, obviously exhausted.

He pulled up the quilt that was half-covered, readjusted the temperature in the room, and then went to clean up the mess.

Shen Yuhuai looked down and picked up the wrapping paper and casing that had fallen on the ground, and threw them into the empty trash can. He picked up the clothes that had fallen outside and was about to put them in the dirty In the clothes basket, he was just checking the dirty clothes to see if there were any missing items. From another pocket of Chen Qizhao's black and white coat, he took out another box with a slightly pink flavor.

Chen Qizhao slept very comfortably all night. In his dream, he dreamed that Shen Yuhuai was sticking to the back of his neck, his scorching breath sprayed there, itching so much that he was at a loss. He also dreamed of the charming scene in the bathroom. When he opened his eyes, the floor-to-ceiling windows facing him were wide open, and the light came in through the curtains.

He was lying on Shen Yuhuai's bed, the smell of Shen Yuhuai seemed to be all around him, the warm feeling was against his back, he felt the man's breath spraying on the back of his neck, and his whole being was The other party was in his arms, the man's hand stopped on his waist, and the two hugged each other.

Chen Qizhao suddenly woke up, memories of yesterday flooded into his mind, the place where the coccyx was connected seemed to be faintly painful, and the sore and tired feeling came up afterward, he didn't want to move, Also feel that the indoor air conditioning is not cool enough.

Just as he wanted to change his position, Shen Yuhuai from behind made a sound.

"Awake?" Shen Yuhuai asked.

"Yeah." Chen Qizhao responded only to find that his throat was very dry and he was a little uncomfortable talking.

At this time, Shen Yuhuai moved, his warm breath was getting closer and closer to the back of his neck, and finally the hot and humid feeling fell on the bones of the back of his neck, "Sleep again, I'll go make breakfast."

The man left the room and the bedroom fell silent.

Chen Qizhao had nothing to do when he lay on the bed. I didn't read the information all night, and there was quite a lot of accumulated news. Yan Kailin asked him if he wanted to go out on the weekend, and there were some scattered news.

Drawing down, he noticed that Chen Shiming played a voice chat at around nine o'clock last night.

But he didn't answer at the time, and Chen Shiming didn't play it a second time, just briefly told him about the situation on Gu Zhengsong's side. After Chen Qizhao listened to the voice message he sent, he knew that Gu Shen had already explained a lot of things. According to his prediction, this dog-eat-dog drama was about to come to an end.

Gu Shen is a ruthless man. He wants to deal with Gu Zhengsong, so what he said must be no trivial matter.

From the deployment of the police, it can be seen that the police pay great attention to what Gu Shen said, and the action information is also suppressed a lot. All in one go. Gu Zhengsong was so good at running that he pushed a Gu Shen, and he pushed a scapegoat. If he wanted to catch him, the best way would be to catch him on the spot.

Thinking of this, to be on the safe side, he still sent a message to the studio responsible for inquiring about the news, asking the other party not to relax their vigilance against the forces of Gu Shen and Gu Zhengsong during this time.

After reading Chen Shiming's news, Chen Qizhao sent him an [ok] emoji.

The message was just sent, and Chen Shiming replied immediately.

[-Chen Shiming: Just woke up? ]

[-Chen Qizhao: ? ]

On the driving vehicle, Special Assistant Xu was still reporting today's work arrangements, "According to your request, the afternoon and evening itineraries have been rejected, and I also told Mr. Chen to reduce the itinerary today. ."

He noticed that Chen Shiming was looking at his phone and seemed a little distracted, "Boss?"

Chen Shiming came back to his senses, his face was serious, "Wait."

He sent a message, "Go ahead."

[-Chen Shiming: It's okay, I haven't been out in the past two days, Gu Zhengsong may have other actions. ]

Chen Qizhao replied after receiving the news, and turned to get the clothes prepared on the chair. He could no longer wear his clothes, and what Shen Yuhuai put next to him was a set of pajamas. He put on his clothes, rolled up his slightly longer trouser legs, and went to the bathroom with his phone.

When he went in, he found that Shen Yuhuai had already prepared the toiletries for him.

The aroma is lingering in the kitchen, and the breakfast is delicious.

In just half an hour, Shen Yuhuai had almost prepared breakfast. Chen Qizhao noticed the coat and backpack on the sofa, and suddenly remembered that it was only Friday, and Shen Yuhuai was going to study Place.

"When will you go to work?" Chen Qizhao asked.

Shen Yuhuai poured him a bowl of porridge, "Weekend weekends, are you waiting for me at home?"

After breakfast, Shen Yuhuai left, and he was the only one left in the apartment.

Chen Qizhao called Xiao Zhou and asked him to bring some clothes and books.

Shen Yuhuai doesn't seem to use the Internet TV in the apartment very much. When Chen Qizhao had nothing to do, he flipped through the list of episodes and caught a glimpse of "The Eye of the Heart" in the front row. After clicking in, he noticed the historical record and found that Shen Yuhuai had already finished reading the Eye of the Heart.

At this time, the phone next to me rang.

Chen Qizhao answered the phone, it was from the studio.

Flower Shirt received news from the boss in the morning, immediately went to work as soon as he woke up, and summarized the things he found recently according to the boss's request. Because he has always been staring at Gu Shen's forces, some things have been checked, he heard the words: "Gu Zhengsong is dealing with Gu Shen's forces, some of the properties have been transferred by Gu Zhengsong to other people's names, and others can be resold and destroyed. He didn't stay at all, like those who are easily targeted by the police, they didn't stay at all."

Gu Zhengsong was very decisive in dealing with these, leaving no flaws.

"What did they keep?" Chen Qizhao asked while flipping through the documents.

"Some things must not be kept, Gu Zhengsong can't wait to distance himself from Gu Shen... But before, Gu Shen and Lin Shizhong cooperated behind the scenes, and there are some industries in S City that have something to do with him. The legal person and shareholders on the surface have nothing to do with Gu Shen. If you look closely, you will find that these people have discussed business with Gu Shen." The flower shirt flipped through the things and said: "For example, medical laboratories, drug sales agencies, chemical experiments There are both in the room, and there are still disputes over the disposal of Lin's medical assets, and the Lin family has been busy with this recently."

Chen Qizhao habitually checked everything and asked: "Does those assets have relevant documents? What about the recent property rights changes?"

"You didn't ask about this before, it may need to be refreshed."

Flowered shirts have been checked a lot during this time. Knowing that Gu Zhengsong wants to clear the relationship, then Gu Shen’s things can be sold, and they will not be left as hidden dangers. Coupled with the news from the police, Gu Zhengsong is actually a turtle in the urn. He doesn't understand why the boss is so cautious and has to check so many things, but since it is the boss's request, as a migrant worker, of course he has to do everything: "I As much as possible, let my little brother run a few more times, and arrange these for you in two days."

Chen Qizhao hung up the phone after speaking, and was less interested in TV.

When Xiao Zhou came to knock on the door, he brought today's medicine along the way, "Madam said you didn't bring enough medicine yesterday, let me bring these too."

He carried a bag and took things one after another, "Oh, and this one, it's a document from Special Assistant Xu."

Chen Qizhao explained something after taking the things. After Xiao Zhou left, he wanted to check something again and saw Shen Yuhuai's laptop in the bedroom.

Shen Yuhuai stepped into the laboratory in the morning, and as soon as he entered, he received attention from all directions.

"Yu Huai, I was almost late today." Old Wang glanced at him and handed him the work he was doing, "Well, did you get bitten by a mosquito on your neck? It turned red. "

"Cough cough cough." Liu Sui almost choked on drinking water.

Shen Yuhuai said calmly: "Well, the mosquito bites a little bit hard."

Pharaoh is a middle-aged man, and he doesn't know the things about young people, "Get some mosquito repellent."

Liu Sui: “…”

Old Wang said: "Remember to copy all the data before leaving today, don't drop anything. The people from Yueze will move in a new instrument tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, and the data will be entered at that time."

The people in the laboratory were engaged in work, chatting without a word, Shen Yuhuai walked to the working wall of the laboratory to check the schedule, and caught a glimpse of the work instructions next to him. Soon he joined the work, and while waiting for the data on the way, he went back to the lounge, saw the message Chen Qizhao sent him, and asked if he could use the computer in his bedroom.

Shen Yuhuai replied, and by the way told him the password of the computer.

When he came out of the lounge, he noticed that there were several porters working in the laboratory on the same floor, he walked over and asked, "Are the instruments on this floor going to be replaced? "

The administrator saw this and said: "Yueze Chemical has cooperated with the research institute on a large project. It is said that there will be long-term cooperation in the future, so the laboratory instruments in Building A can be replaced as soon as possible. Yes. A while ago, I heard that Yueze's stock price has been falling, but I didn't expect to cooperate with the research institute this time, I guess I want to gain popularity. "

There is also a staff member of the research institute next to it: "Our research institute has also produced a lot of results in the first half of the year, and it is not the first time that Yueze has cooperated with our research institute... It is their sponsorship this time. There are so many instruments, and the leaders told them that there is no need for so many, and they still stuff it inside."

The administrator asked: "Why do you do so much? Let us cooperate with them to make a hot search promotion?"

Staff: "Maybe, companies like them still care about word of mouth and cooperation. The leader said that as long as it is not a matter of principle, they can cooperate. ."

Shen Yuhuai was listening to them, his eyes stopped on the porters, until Liu Sui's shout came from a distance, he withdrew his eyes and left.

B city, the lights are bright after dark.

In the quiet suburban villa, the red wine glass was shaking, and everything was going as Gu Zhengsong expected.

"People have been arranged over there, and there is no movement from the police." The confidant said that the transaction went smoothly tonight, and they were really at ease in City B.

Gu Zhengsong took a sip of red wine and looked at the monitor on the TV connected to the transaction site, "Is there any news from Gu Shen? Are people dead or alive, and no news has come out yet?"

Looking at the man sitting in the front seat, he suppressed the fear in his heart, and his own son could give up. Their boss was very decisive in certain matters. It was because of this that people were afraid and did not dare to disobey.

Gu Zhengsong didn't look at other people's expressions, his focus was on monitoring. After dealing with these things, Gu Shen's hidden danger has also been resolved, and the return gift to the Chen and Chen family should not be too light. His current situation is caused by these people. It is never too late to kill with a knife, so let these people pass by. Two quiet days.

He will not let go of anyone who is involved in this matter.

As he was thinking, he suddenly noticed a momentary jitter in the surveillance screen, "Call over there."

At this time, there seemed to be some movement outside the villa.

The confidant was calling the trading site, but before the call was dialed, the place where they were was broken into, and the combat team rushed in in one fell swoop. Gu Zhengsong, who was talking to his confidant, changed his expression suddenly, but before he could wait for his bodyguards to act, the police officers who had been prepared immediately captured all the people present at the scene.

Everyone in the room didn't react to the sudden situation. Gu Zhengsong's face changed slightly. When he glanced at the monitoring screen, he saw an unexpected side.

In the quiet suburbs of the city, the people who have been in ambush for a long time started to act on an order. The trading scene was captured in one fell swoop. The whistle and gunfire ended after a brief exchange of fire. The rapid action was accompanied by the dissemination of information that no one knew. The police rushed into Gu Zhengsong's residence.

Everything was unexpected, no intelligence, no news.

From the transaction scene in the surveillance screen and the police who appeared indoors at this time, it was like a silent confrontation. The red wine glass fell to the ground, and the crisp sound pulled back some people thoughts.

It wasn't until the police's cold handcuffs were placed on Gu Zhengsong's wrist that Gu Zhengsong's fierce eyes moved to the side. He looked at the police officer and did not admit his failure: "What do you mean?"

The police officer said indifferently: "Gu Zhengsong, we have received a report from the relevant personnel that you are suspected of illegal transactions, please come with us."

The news of Gu Zhengsong's arrest, followed by the news announcement of the police in City B, caused another uproar on the Internet. Chen Qizhao saw the exposure of all Gu Zhengsong's criminal evidence from a few lines of text. When City B caused a storm because of this incident, Chen Qizhao ignored all kinds of news and watered his boyfriend's green plants.

The location of the kitchen smells of breakfast.

Stayed in Shen Yuhuai's apartment for two days. Halfway through breakfast, Chen Qizhao was interrupted by Xiao Zhou's call. He learned that there was a small problem with the business handover in the East District. company handles. Coupled with the new results of Gu Zhengsong's investigation, Special Assistant Xu also sent some documents, Chen Qizhao planned to go to the company to be on the safe side.

"Is it a big deal?" Shen Yuhuai asked.

Chen Qizhao looked at the phone and flipped through the documents sent by Xiaozhou. He didn't want to be called away by unexpected circumstances in the weekend, thinking that the team must quickly arrange the trip, "It should be fine, I'll go take a look."

Shen Yuhuai said, "Then I'll drive you there."

There was nothing else on the weekend, Shen Yuhuai sent Chen Qizhao to the company.

After getting off the car, Chen Qizhao stopped by the car for a while.

Shen Yuhuai laughed, "Come here."

Chen Qizhao got closer, Shen Yuhuai raised his head and kissed him, "Call me when you're done."

"Maybe a little longer." Chen Qizhao replied.

After Chen Qizhao went upstairs, Shen Yuhuai looked down at his phone, noticed Yan Kaiqi's news, and called the other party, "Well, I'll go over now."

After arriving at the company, Chen Qizhao noticed the accumulated documents and Xu Special Assistant with an awkward smile in the office.

"Why so many?" Chen Qizhao frowned.

Xu Te assistant said: "Part of it is the business of the East District, and the other is the result of the Gu Zhengsong incident. The boss said that you should take a look at it."

Chen Qizhao was a little surprised by this, but it would be hard for Xiao Zhou to do it all in a hurry.


He first opened the document about the Gu Zhengsong incident.

There are a lot of container warehouses at the port in the commercial and trade area of ​​B city. After Gu Shen provided the corresponding location, the police immediately observed and deployed the key locations. The city B police stared at Gu Zhengsong for a long time, and after getting the news from Gu Shen After checking the news overnight, after several days of ambush, the on-site traders were vigorously arrested, and the unknown goods hidden in the container warehouse were captured in one fell swoop following the clues.

Same. This time, the ambush involved a wider range of people, including local supervisory personnel and relevant officials, causing a large-scale thorough investigation in City B.

Gu Zhengsong was arrested that night, affecting the entire unknown underground industrial chain in City B.

After the S city police finished handling the matter, they immediately summoned Gu Shen. Gu Shen was wearing a prison uniform, and his face was full of stubble. Without the gorgeous appearance of a rich young master, he looked like a defeated prisoner, with only his eyes lit up on his entire face.

The police arrested Gu Zhengsong based on his intelligence, and also found some criminal facts that Gu Zhengsong did not notice through the clues he explained, and will soon close this major case that spanned nearly half a year. , When telling Gu Shen this news, the prisoner's face did not show any waves, as if he was not interested in the fate of his father who blamed him and even wanted his life.

I can tell you, it's best that he died before me, and I can still give him the death as a son."

The officer looked at him, "You said."

Gu Shenlue's frantic expression calmed down at this time, he looked at the policeman sitting opposite him, and suddenly said, "I want to see someone."

The policeman asked, "Who do you want to see?"

Gu Shen looked away and stopped at the silver-white handcuffs around his wrist. He stopped for a long time before he spit out a name coldly: "Chen Qizhao."

The policeman's expression did not change when he heard Chen Qizhao's name. After telling the matter to the superior, the superior made a decision.

Someone called Chen Qizhao soon. When he received the call, Chen Qizhao happened to be in the company, and all the business in the East District and new recruit recruitment information accumulated in front of him, Chen Shiming was sitting opposite him , the conversation between the two brothers was forced to stop.

There are a lot of files, Chen Qizhao had a busy day on Sunday.

Come here early this morning, I plan to finish it early and pick up Shen Yuhuai from get off work in the afternoon.

When he heard the news that Gu Shen wanted to see him, Chen Qizhao's eyes did not waver, he just asked a little funny: "He wants to see me?"

"Yes, Gu Zhengsong's news has been explained to him, and finally he asked to meet you. As a rule, we will convey this news to you. Seeing or not seeing is your will. We will also keep you safe here."

Chen Shiming looked at Chen Qizhao and noticed the change in his expression.

The person over the phone was waiting for a reply, and Chen Shiming was also paying attention to Chen Qizhao's answer.

A long time has passed, and it seems like only a few seconds have passed.

Chen Qizhao closed the document in his hand, "Why should I see him?"

The police officer paused for a while, "Okay, then we will relay the reply for you here."

"Wait." Chen Qizhao stopped, "Please help me with another sentence."

The policeman asked, "What?"

When the news was communicated to Gu Shen, the other party was still sitting in the interrogation room, Gu Shen was stunned for a moment, as if he did not expect Chen Qizhao to refuse to meet, he frowned unhappy, and was about to use his hands The clues in the file gave the police a hook, and the police officer said that Chen Qizhao had something to tell him.

Gu Shen: "What is he going to say?"

"He asked me to deliver a congratulatory message." The policeman paused when he said this, "He said I wish you all your wishes and what you deserve."

Gu Shen was stunned for a moment, then laughed out loud, like a lunatic who lost his mind.

On the other side of the glass wall, the captain of the police force who was watching the situation here asked Gu Shen to be taken there, and then went out to make a phone call. After Gu Zhengsong was arrested, he refused to cooperate, but the evidence they had on their side was enough to convict Gu Zhengsong.

"Gu Zhengsong's attitude is very strange." The police from City B said, "During the interrogation today, he asked, what happened to the Shen family?"

The captain of the S city police force was stunned: "Shen family? What do you mean?"

In the office, Chen Shiming looked at Chen Qizhao, noticed that he was very calm after answering the phone, and secretly asked Xiao Zhou, confirming that Chen Qizhao had taken medicine in the morning. He was worried that the affairs of the Gu family would affect Chen Qizhao's mood, but obviously he didn't need to worry about it anymore.

Not long after hanging up the police call, Chen Qizhao's mobile phone on the table vibrated.

Chen Shiming noticed the anonymous call, "You call."

"Well." Chen Qizhao flipped through the document, paused for a moment when he saw the phone, did not avoid Chen Shiming, opened the voice changing software and said, "Well, I have something to say."

Just this connection, the flower shirt seems to have found something, and the tone of speech is a bit faster: "Boss, you asked me to check the relevant institution the day before yesterday, I just found a Things. When I was investigating Chen's aromatherapy, several laboratory institutions related to Lin Shizhong had their property rights changed some time ago, and the owners of the property rights all became Gu Shen related personnel... But these people have completely lost news some time ago. Now, it should be in a state of disconnection."

Chen Qizhao flipped through the document: "Then what?"

“One of them is Yueze Chemical Industry, which signed a batch of equipment donations last week, and it seems that it will sign a cooperation agreement with the Ninth Research Institute of S City. It is reasonable to say that this company is related to The executives have lost contact, and the stock price has plummeted, so there shouldn't be any cooperation matters at this stage." Hua Xie continued: "I will send you the information here, the relevant information of Yueze Chemical..."

The office chair was pulled back, the boy stood up, and the water glass in his hand was overturned.

Chen Shiming, who was sitting next to him, stared blankly and saw Chen Qizhao's cold eyes.

Chen Qizhao suddenly interrupted him: "Which institute are you talking about?"

The floral shirt stopped: "The Ninth Research Institute of S City."

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