MTL - Little Life on An American Ranch-Chapter 690 gossip

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  Chapter 690 Chatting

  Arrived at the door of the private room, Jian Heng stretched out his hand to push the door, but suddenly heard a voice in the room, so he took two steps back and looked up at the number plate of the private room.

   After carefully looking at the house number, Jian Heng muttered, "Yes, there is no mistake!"

  So he stretched out his hand to push the door and walked in directly.

   "Yo, so it's the two of you, who am I talking about!" Jian Heng saw Wu Yuanyuan and Xu Mei sitting together as soon as he entered the door.

  Xu Mei saw Jian Heng smiled and asked, "Who do you think it is?"

Jian Heng casually pulled a stool and sat down, and then replied: "I didn't think it was anyone, I just felt that there are still more than 20 minutes before the agreed time, and you are definitely not here! Who knew that when I heard someone’s voice at the door, I thought I had made a mistake at first, but I looked at the door plate and then I was sure I made the right move.”

Wu Yuanyuan said with a smile: "We went shopping together in the afternoon, and we happened to stroll around the neighborhood. We came here when we were tired from shopping. You see, there are always our grades over there. After dinner, Boss Jane must Do me a favor and send these things back to us."

   "What is this? It has always been my honor to work for the beauties." Jian Heng said, turning his head and looking at the shopping bags by the wall.

Seeing the shopping bags, Jian Heng couldn't help but let out a hoot. At first he thought it was just a few bags, but who knew that there were more than twenty of them on the floor, occupying a small half of the wall, and each of them looked like a bag. They are all big guys, and they all look quite upscale.

   "Why, your wife doesn't buy it like this?" Xu Mei asked when she saw the surprise on Jian Heng's face.

   Jian Heng said: "Fortunately, the two of our family are addicted to fitness, shopping is shopping, and they don't buy so much at once!"

Jian Heng praised Barley and Wheat as two little white flowers. He didn't know that Barley and Wheat were much more vicious in spending money than the two in front of him. It's just that Barley and Wheat didn't like to go shopping with Jian Heng. They were sisters. The two are a natural pair, one is that they have good physical strength, and the two sisters can take all the heavy things, and the other is that Jian Heng has no aesthetic ability, and it will only add to the chaos if he goes there, so he is not like other women who like to carry With a boyfriend or husband or something.

   "Yo, these two are really good hands in life," Wu Yuanyuan said.

  Jian Heng smiled, didn't say anything more, and asked after a pause: "By the way, is there any good girl in the company, who is beautiful and has a good personality?"

   "What are you doing? Do you think..." Wu Yuanyuan couldn't help thinking a little when she heard Jian Heng's question.

   Jian Heng said: "I think what I think! I was thinking that if there is someone who is beautiful and has a good personality, you can introduce it to Sun Siwei. If this continues, I think this kid will have psychological problems!"

Wu Yuanyuan smiled and said: "You want me to introduce? There are also beautiful girls he doesn't know in the company? Let me tell you this, a few girls are looking at Sun Siwei behind the scenes, and there are two beautiful Shanghai girls Little girl, there is a house at home. It’s just that he has high vision now and looks down on others. Now Sun Siwei not only needs to be educated and beautiful to find a girlfriend, but also needs to be literary and artistic. Either he can sing or he can sing. fiddling with a musical instrument or something...".

   "I'm going to go, then this kid caught me complaining in the morning, so he is a scum!" Jian Heng couldn't help being happy when he heard it.

Xu Mei smiled after hearing this, and then asked Jian Heng: "By the way, does your body sculpting center have a branch in New York? This waist is almost a foot thicker than before."

   As he spoke, Xu Mei pulled the clothes around her waist, revealing her small waist, and showed it to Jian Heng.

Jian Heng glanced at it and said: "You people, you all feel that you are fat and have nothing to do, so you have to lose a little bit of flesh. Let me tell you that you don't need to lose any more weight. Really, it looks quite standard. ".

   "No, I'm over 100 catties! And I'm going to be the third person soon, so be tough on yourself!" Xu Mei said.

  Hearing what she said, Jian Heng shook his head and stopped talking.

   "You haven't answered my question yet," Xu Mei said.

Jian Heng replied: "Next year, oh, not next year, but this year, the store in New York will open in October this year, the store in Los Angeles will start in August, and the store in San Francisco will open at the end of November and early December, around Christmas. , At the same time, two stores in London and Paris will also open, and the stores are almost there, even if there is an increase, there will be a Tokyo store and a Madrid store at most.”

   "It's not small, is it? No wonder your classmates say you are a big boss, an invisible rich man. By the way, some people say that your current net worth can be ranked among the top 100 in the country!" Xu Mei was speechless.

  Jian Heng said: "How is it possible, don't be in the top 100, the top 400 may not be able to count me, I didn't invest much money, it was all technical investment."

The rapid expansion of the body sculpting center is due to the participation of the rich Montana group. Now, in foreign stores like New York and San Francisco, except for Los Angeles, the major controlling parties are banks and funds. Jian Heng now only It can be the company's directors, shareholders and partners, or the kind that doesn't show up.

   Of course, when it comes to making money, Jian Heng will not make less money, and he will not do it if he makes less money. Now he can’t get into the top 400, but after three years, he will really be able to get into the top 100.

   The three chatted for a while, Jian Heng looked at his watch and saw that the time was almost up, he couldn't help but said: "Hey, Sun Siwei is stuck here? You are too disrespectful to beauties, beat him up later!"

  Wu Yuanyuan smiled and said: "That's right, my child is in an interest class, didn't I go shopping with Xu Mei in the afternoon, he helped me pick up the child!"

   Speaking of this, I looked at my watch: "If there is no traffic jam, they should be there soon."

   Before Wu Yuanyuan finished speaking for two minutes, the door of the private room opened, and a small figure jumped into the private room, rushing towards Wu Yuanyuan.

   "Mom, mom! Look, the little bear Uncle Sun bought me!"

  The little girl plunged into her mother's arms, and then began to show off the woolen bear in her hand.

   "You child, why do you want things when you are with Uncle Sun! Don't do this next time," Wu Yuanyuan said with a cold face.

Sun Siwei had the child's small pink schoolbag hanging on his shoulder. Seeing Wu Yuanyuan's expression turned pale, he immediately said, "It's not the child's fault. I just bought it when I saw this bear when I had nothing to do. If you don't like me If you don't buy it next time, it will be fine, don't scare the children!"

   After finishing speaking, Sun Siwei made a face at the child.

   Obviously, Wu Yuanyuan's little girl had a good relationship with Sun Siwei, and the little girl made a grimace at Sun Siwei behind her mother's back.

Wu Yuanyuan looked at everything at random, sighed and said, "I don't know how much trouble you have with our family, Jian Heng has found such a comfortable job, and you have been helping me forward all the time." After being busy, it will affect yourself in the end!".

"Hey! My business has nothing to do with you. That woman wants to be an American, she's a bitch! She found a white old man for American citizenship. That's enough, I'm too lazy to talk about it myself, it's time to turn the page! "Sun Siwei said with a smile.

  Of course there was a smile on his face, but everyone couldn't guess what was going on in his heart.

   "Order, let's order, it's not easy for Jian Heng to invite a guest, I have to eat a big piece!" Sun Siwei changed the subject.

  Jian Heng laughed and said, "Be casual, it's your job to make me poor!"

   "I told you to say this, if I had known, I would have put the place to eat in the Songjiang No. 6 courtyard, and I would have to eat hundreds of thousands of you for one meal," Sun Siwei laughed.

   "I don't have any money to go there. After a meal, you should **** the car and **** the car, and you should **** the daughter-in-law to suppress the daughter-in-law. It has nothing to do with me." Jian Heng laughed.

Sun Siwei opened the menu, and then began to ask while ordering, mainly asking everyone if there is any taboo, obviously this is not the first time this kid has come here, he knows all the special dishes here, and ordered seven times in a row. After a dish, the menu was passed to Xu Mei.

  Xu Mei waved her hand, and then passed it to Wu Yuanyuan. Wu Yuanyuan transferred it to Jian Heng again. Jian Heng took a look and added a large boiled dried shredded rice and a Pingqiao tofu soup. After pressing an order, he put the tablet aside.

   Listening to Sun Siwei and the three chatting for a while, Jian Heng inadvertently turned his attention to Wu Yuanyuan's little girl who was drinking water.

   Just looking at it unintentionally, Jian Heng couldn't help being stunned for a moment. The little girl is now kneeling on the chair, holding the cup with both hands to drink water. She takes a sip and looks up at the person chatting, and then takes another sip. While doing this action, Jian Heng unexpectedly discovered that this little girl's face was so similar to his own!

   In Jian Heng's heart, there are ten thousand muddy horses galloping past!

The little girl's face doesn't look like Jian Heng from the front, and it doesn't look too much like it from the side, but when looking at it with a quarter of the left side of the face, Jian Heng feels that the little girl looks like himself, especially with this expression now .

  Xu Mei's gaze was on Jian Heng most of the time. Seeing Jian Heng looking at Wu Yuanyuan's little girl in a daze, she couldn't help but teased and said, "What's the matter, I'm going to be a father soon, do you feel it?"

  Jian Heng shook his head and said, "No, I just think this little guy is quite interesting!"

  Wu Yuanyuan smiled and said, "When your child grows up, you won't find it interesting. Now I see her every day and my head hurts!"

  The little girl heard the adults talking about herself, rolled her eyes, and looked at her mother with an expression that I don't want to see you either.

   "When is the birth?" Xu Mei asked.

  Jian Heng said: "It's coming soon, there are still more than two months, less than three months!"

   "Have you read it, the boy is a girl?"

   Jian Heng understood what she meant: "I just looked at the number, one is a double-yolk egg, and the other is normal."

  Sun Siwei sat beside Jian Heng, unintentionally glanced at Jian Heng's face, and then at the side of the little girl's face, he couldn't help being stunned for a moment.

   "Hey! I really haven't found it yet!"

  Xu Mei and Wu Yuanyuan listened and asked, "What did you find?"

   "Girl, don't move, keep this posture!"

   After finishing speaking, Sun Siwei turned Jian Heng's face like this, and said to Xu Mei and Wu Yuanyuan: "Look, do they have a seven-point resemblance, just look at the profile!"

  Jian Heng felt extremely embarrassed when he heard it, and thought: You are the only one who has a lot of things to do!

  (end of this chapter)