MTL - Little Life on An American Ranch-Chapter 689 bad eyesight

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  Chapter 689 Bad eyesight

  Liu Guangming took off his gloves, threw them into a dumpster not far away, turned his head to Jian Heng and He Ye and said, "Shall we have dinner together tonight?"

He Ye has nothing to do, and it seems that the Chinese New Year is almost over. At this time, apart from the boss who wants to pay the bill, he is busy jumping up and down, and a boss like He Ye really has nothing to do. Who in the country would dare to owe the boss He The money for the Chinese New Year? You are so courageous, I guess if the bank's money is not returned, you have to give him his money first.

  He Ye’s foreign companies are either he just participates in the shares, or they are all his own. If you want money, you can’t find anyone. You can’t ask for it yourself.

  Jian Heng waved his hand and said, "Go ahead, I have a game tonight."

   "What game, just push it if it's not important," He Ye said.

   "An old classmate from the United States came back. We made an appointment early in the morning, and Sun Siwei also went," Jian Heng said with a smile.

  Hearing what Jian Heng said, He Ye patted his head and remembered: "It turned out to be the case. No wonder Sun Sisiwei has been holding the phone and making endless calls these two days."

   Jian Heng didn't answer his words, but cupped his hands at Liu Guangming: "Thank you this time."

"You're welcome, it's a matter of mutual benefit for both of us. You have obtained a satisfactory jewelry, and I have gained a reputation in the industry. We owe each other nothing. Hey, it's not easy to do this business now. Not only do you have to To support a group of people, you have to come up with something that attracts attention," Liu Guangming said with a smile.

  Jian Heng said: "What is easy to do, as long as it is to make money, it is not easy to do anything except open a money printing factory."

After hearing this, He Ye said to Jian Heng: "I think it's easy for you to make money. You idle around all day, let your two wives teach your students, and you have the nerve to say that money is not easy to make. Do you think the ranch is not big enough? , if it is big enough, maybe you can get ten daughter-in-laws to make money for you."

   "I'm sorry, you really don't have anyone else from this angle!" Jian Heng has never imagined that someone would look at himself from such an angle.

But Jian Heng thought about it again and felt that this angle is not wrong. Now the students are teaching barley and wheat, and at most two old men are added, one of them is a massager. As for the other youngsters, don't mention it up.

   "That's because I have this ability, come here if you don't agree! Eating soft rice is also a high-should skill."

   "I've heard that Boss Jian's place is fun. I've always wanted to see it, but I haven't been able to get away," Liu Guangming said.

Jian Heng replied: "Welcome, if you want to talk to me at any time, I can't talk about fun over there, that is, riding a horse or something. The most important thing is to eat, whether it is beef, sheep, fish or melons and vegetables. It’s first class, it’s not my bragging, there are really not many ingredients in the world that can eat such good quality ingredients as mine.”

   "Oh, so confident?" Liu Guangming smiled.

He Ye said: "I'm really not boasting. These things from him are not only top-notch in taste, but also really pollution-free. Even the mercury content in them is much lower than that of deep-sea fish. When it comes to healthy ingredients, his food is really good. It means number two, but no one dares to call it number one.”

   "This business is easy to do." Liu Guangming immediately became energetic when he heard it.

  He Ye said with a smile: "Don't even try to get in the way, now I'm partnering with him to do this business!"


  Liu Guangming patted his thigh, with an annoyed expression on his face: "I missed it, I missed it! This healthy food will have a lot to do in the future."

  Jian Heng just smiled, although Liu Guangming's expression was annoyed, but Jian Heng knew that he was just saying that, even if you let him join now, he might not be happy.

   "What time did you make an appointment with your classmates?" He Ye asked.

  Jian Heng raised his hand and looked at his watch: "It's half past six!"

   "So early? Your classmates are all doing well!" Liu Guangming said.

  Jian Hengdao: "Two are part-time workers under Mr. He, and one is from the United States. Both have a lot of time, so the time is a little earlier."

  He Ye said: "Like you don't have half of the company!"

   Speaking of this, He Ye asked Jian Heng: "I said, did Wu Yuanyuan have a hand with you?"

   "It's nothing, who has nothing to chew on this tongue?" Jian Heng said.

   "Really?" He Ye expressed disbelief.

   Jian Heng said: "I'm going to go, when did I do this, why don't I know?"

  He Ye said solemnly: "I've seen her child, and the first time I saw that child, you knew who I thought of? I thought of you, **** it, the one with the small nose and small eyes is you."

   While talking about He Ye, he took out his mobile phone, took out a photo and shook it at Jian Heng.

Jian Heng stretched out his head to take a look, and found that the photo was of He Ye holding a little girl. The little girl looked pretty good, and she was pretty like Wu Yuanyuan in four points, and maybe her father in the other six points. Like, Jian Heng really didn't see it, if I had to say it, it would be that the faces were a bit similar, and the difference in the eyebrows and eyes was not small.

"Let me see!"

  Liu Guangming stuck out his head and glanced at the screen of He Ye's phone. He Ye was afraid that Liu Guangming could not see clearly, so he straightened the phone in his hand.

  Liu Guangming glanced at it and said, "Don't tell me, it really looks alike!"

   Even if it doesn’t look like it at this time, Liu Guangming has to say it looks like it. If it doesn’t look like it, there is no reason to continue the trouble, so Liu Guangming said to Jian Heng: “When did this happen?”

   "Don't listen to his nonsense, I stayed in the United States from the time the child was conceived to the birth, how could I have time to go back to China to do this?" Jian Heng said.

  When the child was born, Jian Heng was still driving cattle and sheep for the old man in the pasture.

He Ye really felt that Jian Heng and this child looked alike, so he took back his phone and looked at it again, and after putting it away, he began to hate Jian Heng: "How long does it take to sprinkle a seed? It takes only one minute to go to the bathroom. Enough, even if you were not in China at that time, Wu Yuanyuan could still go to the United States. When the two old classmates met, they found a small bar and had a drink or two. When the love got stronger, they couldn’t help it for a while, and the bathroom in the bar could also complain. Sincerely!"

   "I'm sorry, I just found out now that you are a scum hiding beside me." Jian Heng really doesn't know what kind of eyes this guy is, how can he see that this child looks like himself.

He Ye thinks that this topic is almost over. He doesn't really care about whether Jian Heng has slept with Wu Yuanyuan. Whether he has slept with Wu Yuanyuan or not, He Ye is not interested in delving into it, because he thinks it is Jian Heng himself. For things like this, it is enough to laugh at Jian Heng from time to time.

   "Let's find a place, this meeting room is uncomfortable," He Ye said suggested.

   "Okay, let's change places!" Liu Guangming nodded in response.

   After speaking, he asked Jian Heng: "Where do you eat?"

  Jian Heng reported his name, and Liu Guangming knew where it was.

   "It's not far, let's find a place nearby to drink tea and chat." After Liu Guangming finished speaking, seeing that the other two had no objections, he picked up his mobile phone and started booking a place.

  The place is not far away, and the three of them didn't drive, they went downstairs directly, walked through a street, got on the elevator and arrived at the place.

  After arriving at the place, the three of them first washed their feet in a wooden bucket, and then lay comfortably and chatted. At the same time, a little girl rubbed their feet.

The three people are not talking about any serious things, it is nothing more than some interesting things happening around them, or the three little girls who are being massaged from time to time, Jian Heng does not do this, and neither does He Ye, only Liu Guangming never tires of it, but he is just the kind that goes to the end, and he is also too talkative, so the three little girls are very happy.

  Looking at the phone, it was almost half past five, and Jian Heng stood up: "You guys are playing, I'm going to eat."

  Liu Guangming looked at his watch: "It's still early, if you go now, you'll have to wait at least 20 minutes."

   Tapped the watch on Jian Heng's wrist, Liu Guangming signaled Jian Heng to lie down for a while.

  Jian Heng waved his hand: "Go early, I'm not used to getting stuck all the time."

   "Don't stop him, he's in a hurry!"

   After speaking, He Ye raised his eyebrows at Jian Heng, meaning you go, I understand you!

   Jian Heng pointed a finger at He Ye, then went to the dressing room and changed his clothes, and went to the agreed place to wait for everyone to come.

(Ps: There are almost 100,000 words in this book to be finished, and there will not be so many updates in the future. Two chapters will be updated every day, one chapter at 10:00 am and one chapter at 5:00 pm. Wait until the book is finished, The new book will be uploaded soon, the title of the new book has not yet been decided, but the location of the event has been conceived by Stone, this time Stone is going to change the protagonist to a more difficult place!)

  (end of this chapter)

Read The Duke's Passion