MTL - Limitless Sword God-Chapter 1517 Invincible

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Su Yun ended the battle first and shocked the audience. However, people are still full of curiosity about Su Yun’s means. Why, drunkenness will become like that? Why is he so fearful that he completely loses his ability to resist? What happened to him? Or is it related to this unknown swordsman?

The result that everyone expected was drunk and ridiculously erased Su Yun by amazing means, but never expected that the result would run counter to one another, drunk and ruined, and even the chance to fight back

"This unnamed swordsman doesn't see him using a sword. I guess he must have mastered some kind of wonderful illusion, or he has some kind of strong jewel that can attack the spirit. When he is enemies with drunkenness, he will be 趁The use of this kind of attack spirit is not enough to let the drunken spirit collapse and lose the fighting spirit, so that won the game." A fairy said loudly.

When everyone listens, they all nod. Although this immortal's statement is somewhat far-fetched, it is the strongest person who seals the peak of the gods. It is so easy to recruit, but this view is the most reasonable.

People guessed, analyzed, and soon, the conclusion came out. Su Yun used the sneak attack to attack the spirit of drunkenness, and destroyed his will to win so easily, so many people fell down. Su Yun is mean.

However, Su Yun does not agree with this. As long as he can win and obtain the qualifications of the ancient stone tablets, the other ones do not matter.

After the end of the battle, Su Yun rested in Jinlian, waiting for the next big ratio, and the noise of the surrounding noise was endless, but he turned a deaf ear.

Soon, the second game ended, but what is ridiculous is that the winner of the second game is actually the ancestors!

The lion king with his enemies was bruised and bruised, and looked very miserable, and he was unscathed, leaning against the golden lotus petal, where he swallowed the roots and swallowed the clouds.

"This guy has never seen it!"

People are inexplicably excited, this is a big ratio, the black horse is really a lot, 偌大仙界, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon.

Zhaizu defeated the lion king. It didn't take long for several other golden lotuses to be separated. Although they are all the peaks of the gods, they can seal the peaks of the gods, but also the strengths and weaknesses. The realm is only a kind of strength. In general, the magic weapon and tricks in each hand are another difference.

The seven-hearted goddess defeated the sacred Taoist, and the cold heart defeated the sword without me, and the great emperor was still fighting the ancient heart of the ancient world.

The firepower of the two men was fully opened, and there was no reservation in the law. The knife released the mad knife and shattered the emptiness. The knife was terrible. It seemed to be able to stir up. It was subverted and the whole Jinlian swayed with his knife.

The ancient heart is the old-fashioned **** with a long gun in hand, and it is easy to advance and retreat. Once it is attacked, the momentum is not weaker than the emperor.

Both of them had injuries, and no one had negotiated cheaply in the other's hands. However, the ancient heart was clearly identified from the knife of the great emperor.

"You, it is the great emperor! I know your knife!"

Old heart and quiet.

"How about it? I want to tell you today!"

The knife is completely crazy, and the stone monument is more important than anything. If you can win the ranking, you will be able to impact the ancestor. This is how many dreams people dream of, and the opportunity is rare.

"Hey my testimony? Hey, are you worthy?" The old heart screamed, his hands were madly patted, and his chest burst into a blood-red awn, which was the power of his heart. It is said that every head of the ancient world is Before leaving office, he will pass on the power of his heart to the next successor. It will be passed down from generation to generation. When he reaches the ancient heart generation, he does not know the strength of his heart has been strong, only to feel the power of his heart bloom, all around the void It is a terrible trend, and it is all around the ancient heart, as if it has been manipulated by him.

The sword of the Great Emperor smashed away, but he could not tear this trend.

"Give me broken!!!"

The knife screamed at the great emperor, screaming at the knives, and carrying the power of the heavens and the earth to bombard the past with the sword. This blow, even the night is moving.

boom! ! ! !

The tyrants slammed on the general trend and shook the general trend. If this knives were added to the human body, I am afraid that the ancestors would be removed and anyone would be killed on the spot.

"Do you have this means?"

The ancient heart snorted and slammed the general trend. The man rushed to the emptiness, and the emptiness of the emptiness sounded. The old gun in the hands of the old thorn was stabbed in the past, and the long gun covered all the power of his heart.

The knife released the Emperor immediately to lift the knife, but the next second he felt wrong.

This rifle is not right!

It has no sharp and unstoppable mood, but it has a terrible power to destroy the heavens and the earth!

not good! This is not a rifle!

The knife released the face of the emperor, and immediately withdrew the knife, but he finally turned a step, then saw that the long gun suddenly burst, the horrible waves constantly bombarded the body of the emperor, he spit three blood in the air, fell in On the ground, look at the ancient heart, the gun in his hand does not know when, has turned into a sledgehammer!

"Thousands of changes to the gods!"

Someone was exclaimed outside the court.

"What? The rumors of ever-changing gods??"

"It is said that this **** soldier is a soldier who is not a **** in the ancient battlefield. This material is stored in the history books. I did not expect it to appear today, still in the hands of the ancient world! It really opened its eyes!"

There was a commotion outside the court, and the magic weapon of the ancient heart sacrificed, so many people envied and excited, but it was the ancient gods. Even the eternal ancestors of Yongye couldn't help but look at the soldiers in the hands of the ancient hearts. This kind of baby, I am afraid that the ancestors are quite concerned.

The sword released the great defeat, and the ancient heart won.

Ten people are bigger than one, one person is killed, five people win one game, four people lose one game, and the lion king is too wounded, obviously can not participate, although the sword can be a battle, but he is right now There is no hope than the players. Instead, they may lose their lives in the next big game. Su Yun also advised him to take a break and don’t have to fight. The ancient heart did not kill him, but to save the strength to deal with the next game, but this It does not mean that other people will not take his life and kill people.

As a result, three people will be eliminated directly, and they will not be able to participate in the war, and the remaining seven will be compared again. The third ** loses the chance of promotion if it is not defeated, and as long as there is still fighting power, it can continue to challenge until the ranking is fixed.

Jinlian canceled two, and the ancestors of the night again threw out a few **** for the lottery. In this big match, one person will wait outside the field, and the winners will be promoted.

Soon, the name of the second round of fight is rated.

Su Yun confronted the ancient heart, without my sword against the holy Taoist, the seven love goddess confrontation coldhearted, and the ancestors waited outside the court.

Seeing that Su Yun jumped, the face of the ancient heart looked extremely ugly. He knew the identity of the great emperor. So the person in front of him might most likely be the legendary Su Yun. He never expected Su Yun actually. Will also participate in the comparison of the ancient stone monument. However, according to him, Su Yun certainly has no ancestral realm. Otherwise, what is he doing here? And why is it necessary to be restrained by the eternal ancestors of the night? So everything is just an illusion.

"Su Yun?" The ancient heart tentatively asked.


"It seems that it is not wrong, I think, drunk is definitely scared to death by you, right?" The old heart was cold and cold.

"What? Do you want to give up?" Su Yun smiled slightly.

"Give up? How is it possible? I am not a waste like drunkenness! What's more, do you think you will win? I will let you know how ridiculous your arrogance and arrogance are!"

The ancient heart was cold, and once again sacrificed the power of the heart, the general moment was controlled by him, and the whole Jinlian seemed to fall into his domain.

"I don't quite understand what you said, but one thing I want to tell you in advance is that when the ancestors of the night eternal squad pressed against me, the most joyful appearance seemed to be you. If so, I will not be merciful to you. You better give up all your strength, otherwise I am afraid that you have no chance!"

Su Yun has already killed his heart for the ancient heart.

"Frenzy!! Surrender to my ancient strength!!"

The old heart screamed, holding the thousand martial arts, and then killing will come.

This time, the ever-changing **** was turned into a sword, and the hair was long and slender. Carrying the boundless power, as if to be on the kendo, crushing Su Yun.

Su Yun stared at the change of the gods, the hands of the sword in the hands of the sky, the force of rolling and killing swept away, the soulless swords of the souls of the endless swords, bursting open, blasting the ancient trend.


The ancient heart is shocked.

A sword once again smashed, and the fierce swordsmanship was like an axe of the sky, and it was unstoppable, as if anything had to be split in half by it.

The ancient heart did not dare to resist the front, and the wolf fled.

He did not expect that the real strength of Su Yun is so terrible. Is the rumor true? ?

And just as the ancient heart fled, the flaws were released, and Su Yun’s eyes were condensed and murderous.

"You and me, not people at the same stage!"

Su Yun Shen Sheng, Yi Tianjian fell, Jian Feng shredded the ancient body.


The ancient heart was collapsed, and the ever-changing gods fell, directly killed and eliminated.


There was a lot of people outside the scene, and countless people stood up from the position, staring at this scene with stunned eyes. The people of the ancient world were even more jaw-dropping. They looked at this scene incredulously. The Lord died, and now even the head is dead. From now on, the ancient world is afraid to be removed from the immortal world.

In fact, it’s not just the ancient world. The former Ganyun Palace and the Star Court are not like this. Even if the stone is more than a rule to avoid excessive killing, as long as there is someone, there will be killing. There will be death, and no one can avoid this.

Su Yun once again defeated the ancient heart with great means, and killed the other side. This time, everyone would not dare to look down on him again. Those who thought that Su Yun used sci-fi sneak attack at this time. Closed his mouth, why dare to speak again? At this moment, the fool can also pull out. It is not the ancient heart, the drunkenness is too big, but the Su Yun is too strong, they have no room to fight back.

This is the power of the pseudo-ancestor, the strong gods in front of him, but also the first generation of the seller.

Read The Duke's Passion