MTL - Limitless Sword God-Chapter 1516 Surprising

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The words of the eternal ancestors of the night are almost dead commands. If you do not obey, you will only die! When he heard the words of the ancestors of the night, Su Yun looked up and stared at him.

kneel? This is impossible! Even if the other party is the ancestor, Su Yun will not be embarrassed.

Because he is not worthy!

"You didn't hear what I said?"

The eternal ancestors of the night chilled, the momentum became more and more huge, and the ground beneath Su Yun’s feet cracked directly.

"What do you want me to be? Impossible!"

Su Yun said with a deep voice, it is a big deal, although the other party is the ancestor, but he also has the power of the pseudo-ancestor, there is still a chance to escape.


Yan Zu smiled and looked at it all. However, because of Su Yun’s words, the pot had already been blasted here, and countless people stood up and looked at Su Yun with a stunned look.

"Is this person crazy?"

"I actually dare to rebel against the ancestor, what he is thinking in his mind."

"Oh, offended the ancestors of the night, no one can save him."

People whispered and gloated. Su Yun’s move is simply a death in their eyes. It’s too late for others to respect the eternal ancestors of the night. This guy is not only disrespectful, but also eloquent. Isn’t this what it is to find death?

Unexpectedly, Su Yun reopened, and the voice was abnormal. There was no mean meaning: "The ancestors of Yong Ye? A good ancestor, as the first ancestor, but with the pressure of the people, in the next, you see that I have seen the ancestor of the righteousness, afraid I will be promoted to the ancestor in the future, and I will fight against you, and then deliberately suppress me??"

"Reverse! Reverse! Even if the eternal ancestor will forgive you! I will not spare you!!" The ancient heart of the ancient world directly shot, killing Su Yun, this time is the best time to please the eternal ancestors He is not like Yi Tianxing, he can send the gods to brew, they can only use such means. When other immortals saw it, they all sneaked a sigh, and they also wanted to rush to clean up Su Yun, and they were taken a step by step.


At this moment, the eternal ancestors suddenly sighed.

The ancient heart movement was a stiff, inexplicably looking at the ancestors of the night, but did not dare to resist, and returned.

People look at the line and look forward to the ancestors of the night.

But watching the dark eyes of the ancestors of the night, flashing through the road, the momentum of the oppressed Su Yun immediately retreated, disappearing without a trace. He said: "You said that I am pressing you, I am afraid that you will be promoted to the ancestor, and I am in peace with you. Hey, it’s ridiculous! In this case, I will not punish you for your rudeness! But you said that you have After understanding the ancestor's realm, that is to say, your power at this moment should be above these people, can you seize the right to participate in the stone monument?"

Su Yun frowned.

"In this case, I will allow you to participate in the third big match. You are not worthy of being angry with you for the generation of ants in such a district. If you can win the right to participate in the stone monument, you can successfully win this big ratio. One of the two places, then I will forgive you for the rudeness of the past. If you can't, then it is arrogant and arrogant, and there is no one in the eye, disturbing the order. I believe everyone here, for people like you. It’s all hateful. If that’s the case, you should understand it in your end?” The eternal ancestors of Yongye said faintly, not only did they promote themselves to a noble level, but also the value of Su Yun’s article. At the same time, let him become the target of the public, everyone in the room believes that as long as you kill Su Yun, you will be able to please the ancestors! !

In this way, it is more interesting to directly erase Su Yun than he does! !

The people present, the ancient heart, the Taoist, the selfless, the drunk, the seven-hearted goddess and the lion king, all look at Su Yun’s eyes have changed, not hatred is indifference, but also look at the eyes of the dead Holding him.

"This guy can really get into trouble." Long Xianli in the distance smiled bitterly.

"Not that he is in trouble, but he is looking for trouble." Su Peier said.

However, it is far-fetched to say that it is trouble to find him. This time, it is true that Su Yun’s words and deeds are too rash. Who is not respectful in front of the ancestors? Su Yun only dared to speak, but there was no way. He did not expect that Yong Ye would be as small as the ancestor.


At this time, a wonderful ancient gas was ejected from the center of the ancient ruins. It was filled with the entire ancient ruins in an instant. The people in the ruins were all wrapped in this thick and pure ancient atmosphere. They felt the veins in their bodies. The flesh and blood are being washed, the impurities and desires in the body are all removed, and when people are completely emptied, they are immersed in a spacious avenue. As long as they walk and run, they can make their own refinement!

What a magic.

Everyone saw it and exclaimed.

"The stone tablet is about to come out soon, the time is tight, and the speed starts at the same speed, let's make the third ** ratio!"

The eternal ancestors of the night sighed and slammed, and jumped to the top of the center of the ruins. With a wave of hands, there were five giant golden lotuses in the sky.

"You ten people are divided into five groups to compete, and the contestants are drawn by lottery!"

The eternal ancestors of Yongye always grabbed their hands and did not know when there were ten balls.

The ten people flew in the past, one by one from the eternal ancestors of the eternal ancestor took the ball, opened it and recorded the name of his opponent. If the opponent was selected, the opponent did not have to smoke any more. Soon, the ten people will each After splitting the group, step into Jinlian and make a duel.

The third ** is about to start, countless people are excited, and no one is going to take care of Su Yun. After all, this is a dying person, maybe even the first round.

What makes Su Yun very surprised is that his first opponent is the most fierce and powerful.

The drunkenness has been famous for a long time. He has been in the peak of the gods for many years. Compared with the people present, the strength is naturally a little stronger. Of course, Su Yun does not think this is a coincidence, because the name in the ball is decided. Controlled by the night.

Seeing that Su Yun and Drunken have stepped into the same golden lotus, the immortals who participated in the competition all showed regret. They are still looking forward to playing against Su Yun.

"I didn't expect to get drunk and get away first."

"It is estimated that this is arranged by the adults of the night. After all, he controls the rules of the game."

"Hey, Su Yun is asking for more happiness, and drunk is not good."

"Yong night adults hope that this guy can die soon."

People are whispering.

The players also fell to the Golden Lotus stage, and the ancestors of the night leaped and jumped on the stage, overlooking the golden lotus. The millions of immortals around the square also stared at Jinlian. Whose eyes didn’t move, I was afraid to miss it. Somewhere in this contest is wonderful.

"Now, the stone monument is bigger than the third round, start!"

The eternal ancestors of the night said Shen Sheng.

Su Yun heard the sound, his eyes were tight, and he stared at the drunk. But drunk and happy but did not rush to attack and kill, but step by step, with a burst of smiles in his mouth.

"I didn't expect that I would be relied on by the great nights. It was really lucky! If you were jealous of you, the Everlasting Master would definitely look at me differently. If I could point me to one or two, maybe I would be drunk and I would become the new ancestor of the fairy world. !!"

Drunk and laughing, the smug in the eyes is undoubted.

"Can you really beat me?" Su Yun suddenly asked.

"I admit, you can stand here, there must be some strength, but before the adults of the night, I have had some breakthroughs, and my happy journey has a qualitative transformation, my body small world. The bud has sprouted, and now I, the ancestors, are invincible!!"

"That means, you can't fight the ancestor, right?" Su Yun's mouth sang.

"What do you mean?" The face of drunken laughter suddenly became stiff.

"I said drunk, you forgot me so soon? The last time the fairy cemetery let you escape, this time, I have to see, where can you escape!"

Su Yun laughed and pulled out the Yitian sword directly, and rushed toward the drunk.

"What?? You are Su Yun? You are Su Yun!!!"

Drunk and trembled, his tongue was shaking, and his voice was horrified.

"Now I know it is too late."

Su Yun rushed over.

The drunkenness did not have the slightest rebellion. The self-confidence that had just emerged collapsed and destroyed almost instantly. He turned his head and ran out, intending to rush out of Jinlian, but after the two entered Jinlian, Jinlian would rise to the enchantment and shield All the connections inside and outside, no one is said to be a person, even the sound can not be transmitted, which is why Su Yun dare to let the drunk to know their identity.

Su Yunlian's first ancestor can kill, and the people who smashed the peaks of the gods, such as the pigs and dogs, are invincible under the ancestors. Su Yun has mastered the power of the ancestors. In the cognition of drunkenness, he is the first ancestor.

In the face of such people, there is no thought of rebellion.

Most of the people outside the stadium are paying attention to the battle between Su Yun and the drunkenness. However, the two have not yet played against each other, and there has been such a terrible scene, which has made everyone stunned.

Seeing the drunkenness of a pair of horror who want to escape from the Golden Lotus field, the sound of exclamations came one after another.

"What exactly is going on?"

"How can you be afraid of that person when you are drunk and drunk?"

"How come? I am so scared when I am drunk, what happened?"

Everyone was full of fog, staring at the golden lotus stage, drunk and retreating, and had to turn around and be enemies, but he seemed to be afraid of tightness, fighting nothing, simply could not meet the enemy, and that carrying the sword The nameless swordsman has raised his sword and slammed into the drunkenness.

Drunk and spurt the power of creation, the trend of the sacred pursuit of escaping, but the sword force to destroy the dead, pervasive, blocked the entire Golden Lotus stage, drunk and retreat no retreat, was torn by the sword force, directly tragic death.

Shocked the audience!

A strong man who is the peak of the gods is so badly killed? And it is a smashing fight, even the soul does not seem to survive, how terrible! !

Even the ancestors of Yong Ye night, not only opened their eyes, but looked at Su Yun faintly.

Read The Duke's Passion