MTL - King Who Will Cross-Chapter 937 differentiated call for help

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After the three attacks of the Houyi Satellite, 7 Mutos were eliminated, and there were still 35 male Mutos on the South Island.

Missiles launched from various Russian military bases rushed towards the South Island like money. However, in the face of Muto, who is not slow and has a strong physical defense, these medium and short-range missiles flying in the atmosphere have no way to cause harm to Muto.

"Request the use of ICBMs with nuclear warheads!"

In a secret base about 200 kilometers away from the Kremlin, the Great Emperor received a request from his subordinates, but the Great Emperor did not know whether he should agree to this request.

A nuclear warhead with a conventional equivalent has no way to harm Muto at all, even if the intercontinental missile enters the atmosphere from outside the atmosphere at a high speed, the nuclear weapon will explode near Muto. But as long as Muto is not from the core high-temperature zone of the nuclear explosion, then it will be difficult to eliminate Muto.

Is it necessary to launch a meaningless intercontinental missile?

"Mr. President, the United States, Huaxia...hope to use their intercontinental missiles to help us eliminate Muto."

The staff officer reported with a blank expression.

Faced with this request, the emperor decisively refused.

"Tell them that this is impossible. Intercontinental missiles from other countries are never allowed to appear on our territory. Even if they fly through our airspace, it is absolutely unforgivable."

Although Muto's threat is very great, those Muto's are flying over the South Island after all, and they have no intention of leaving the South Island at all.

And within a few hundred kilometers of the South Island, there is no human habitation. After the last nuclear explosion, the residents of several towns about 600 kilometers away from the South Island were all relocated.

The group of people closest to the South Island is the five-nation joint search team located in the military base in the Ural Mountains.

Without threats to national safety and property, the emperor could calmly reject the requests of other countries.

However, it is not the emperor's style to sit and watch more than thirty mutos flying recklessly over the territory of their own country.

"How long will it take for New Tuvalu?"

Hearing the emperor's question, the faces of the other people present were very strange. Just now, he firmly rejected the help of other countries, but now he is looking forward to the help of New Tuvalu. The most important thing is that Russia and other five countries jointly issued a statement more than ten days ago that the three-headed Muto does not need the help of New Tuvalu at all, and the five countries can solve it by themselves.

The emperor was also a little embarrassed at this time, but the help of New Tuvalu was completely different from that of other countries.

If the intercontinental missiles of other countries do not carry nuclear warheads, they will have no effect at all. If it carries a nuclear warhead, as long as the set target is deviated, it will bring very serious consequences to Russia.

The speed of intercontinental missiles is very fast. If missiles from other countries want to enter Russia's airspace, Russia must temporarily disarm its air defense system. And this kind of lifting is impossible for Russia to accept.

But the help of New Tuvalu is completely different. The small damage range of space-based satellites is obvious to all the world, and the black hole bomb of the new Tuvalu space carrier also has a very small damage range.

Moreover, if the space carrier enters Russian airspace, it must be connected to the Russian military's communication system. As long as it is connected, Russia can determine the location of the space carrier. If the space carrier wants to cause other damage to Russia, Russia can definitely counterattack.

"Russia's new Tuvalu space carrier is heading to the South Island, but they need two hours."

The officer in charge of liaison with New Tuvalu replied: "They hope that we can try our best to hold these mutos and prevent them from escaping."

The emperor cursed his mother instantly in his heart. The distance between New Tuvalu and the South Island of Russia is more than ten thousand miles. It is simply unbelievable that the New Tuvalu can cross this distance of ten thousand miles in two hours. It is also clear that New Tuvalu has concealed the performance parameters of the new Tuvalu space carrier.

Moreover, it is absolutely impossible for the space carrier Pacific to reach this level of speed.

But now what makes the Emperor want to scold people the most is not New Tuvalu's concealment of the speed of their space carrier, but New Tuvalu's words.

"What do you mean trying to hold them back?"

This is a naked distrust of Russia's military strength, and even distrust of the joint military strength of the five countries.

But even if New Tuvalu showed distrust openly, neither Russia nor the United States and other countries have any possibility of rebuttal.

Because, they really need to do their best to hold those mutos.

At this time, a military officer reported: "New Tuvalu's space-based satellites have aimed at Muto. They have just made a notification and will attack in 10 seconds."

During the conversation, ten seconds had passed, and everyone's eyes were on the big screen.

For some unknown reason, more than thirty meteors appeared in the sky above Muto, who had been flying recklessly in the air.

There was no sound from the scene in the command room, but a deafening whistling sound appeared in everyone's ears.

Dozens of meteors exploded, and more than 30 Mutos who were flying evasively were killed 9 of them in an instant.

This scene made the Russian military dumbfounded, as well as the Chinese military who were still excited about the power of the Houyi satellite.

With one attack, the nine-headed Muto was eliminated?

Moreover, these Mutos have been prepared and have been doing evasive flights.

Is this a real space-based satellite?

What kind of system did New Tuvalu use to calculate and predict Muto's flight trajectory?

The scientific team that developed the Houyi satellite in China fell into a sluggish state at the same time. This time the space-based satellite fired with all its strength, and finally let them understand the gap between the Houyi satellite and the space-based satellite.

It is not a gap in name, but a gap in real technology.

The flames from the first round of strikes have not yet dissipated, and a second round of meteors appeared in the sky.

At the Russian military base in the Ural Mountains, the members of the five-nation joint search team looked at the mutos who were fleeing in panic on the screen, and they felt sympathy in their hearts.

However, even if those Mutos saw the meteor launched by the space-based satellite in advance, there was no way for them to completely evade it.

Not only because of their huge size and the speed of meteors, but also because they are monsters copied by Li Under the cultivation of artificial intelligence like Ultron, all their habits have been controlled by Ao Chuang. Chuang mastered it clearly.

In less than a minute, there were only 7 mutos remaining from more than 30 mutos.

At this point, the seven Mutos no longer ignored their 'mother' orders, and started running for their lives.

When they started to escape from the South Island and rushed to the sea, there were cheers among the military bases in the five countries.

The emperor's mood improved a lot in an instant, and he was always worried that these mutos would rush to the inland cities of Russia to destroy them. And now...

"Mr. President, do we want to keep attacking and hold them back?"

The emperor waved his hand and said, "We must keep them. If you can't keep them for a while, you will disappoint me too much."

With the emperor's order, the Russian army was completely mobilized, with missiles attacking, fighter jets intercepting, and even air-dropping new Tuvalu-made robot products on Muto's body for destruction and location tracking.

All of a sudden, the seven Mutos were "fully harassed" by humans!

Although human weapons cannot do substantial damage to them, their actions are inevitably hindered. Even if they are not hindered, their positions are clearly known by the Russian military.

Although the South Island is called the South Island, it is not in the southernmost part of Russia, but in the northernmost part. Strictly speaking, it is in the Kara Sea of ​​the Arctic Ocean.

The seven-headed monster was enraged by these disturbances as it rushed towards the Arctic Ocean, or the North Pole. As long as there is no such weapon that falls from the sky, they are not afraid.

The three male Mutos suddenly turned around and flew south, and the south was inland Russia!

Please remember the first domain name of this book: . The mobile version of the Three Heads reads at:

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