MTL - King Who Will Cross-Chapter 936 Come help, New Tuvalu!

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The evolution of Muto's IQ is faster than Li Daniu expected.

The so-called 'mistakes' in the instruments monitoring the nuclear radiation level in the South Island area are entirely because Muto intentionally avoided the radiation in the area where the instrument was located when absorbing the radiation in the area.

But radiation, like air, radiates freely. When Muto absorbs radiation at the beginning, humans can avoid their movements by avoiding the area where the instruments are located. But in the later stage, the radiation concentration in the entire South Island area dropped. Even if Muto avoided the area where the instrument was located, it was difficult to guarantee that he would not be detected by the instrument.

Because Muto's absorption of radiation is like swallowing water.

That's when the instrument actually went awry. When Muto absorbed the radiation, he released the absorbed radiation to those instruments. Although it has not yet reached the level of Godzilla's atomic breath, there is no problem in making the radiation level sensed by the instrument reach a normal level.

But now, all the instruments have detected ultra-low radiation that should not exist, naturally because Muto has reached the predetermined growth stage, and there is no need to use this method to hide.

When the joint search team from the five countries entered the South Island area wearing chemical protective suits and carrying various equipment to start the search, the more than 50 mutos in the underground cave also opened their eyes at the same time.

"hold head high…"

With a long howl, the female Muto, who was deliberately let go by Li Daniu, gave instructions to her 'sons and daughters'. Through the chip in its brain, it vaguely knew that those weapons that had destroyed its entire group before would not target them again.

The quiet underground cave was instantly awakened by this long howl. The howling of more than fifty mutos made the professionals who had just landed on the South Island startled at the same time. Their instruments detected and monitored, and discovered large-scale and multiple electromagnetic pulse attack waves.

Although most of the instruments used the technology to shield electromagnetic pulse attacks, there were still many instruments that were destroyed in an instant. All of a sudden, the search team panicked.

"Base base, found Muto's electromagnetic pulse attack wave, analyzed and determined it to be multiple bands, confirmed that there is more than one Muto in the South Island area, the location has not been determined yet, request to evacuate."

Before the reply from the base came, the people in the search team saw a sudden bump on the ground far away from them. In just a few breaths, a huge cave exploded.

A 40-meter-tall male Muto flew out of the cave.

Before the members of the search team could cry out in alarm, the second Muto also flew out of the cave, followed by another one.

There were exclamations, and the panicked search team rushed directly to the transport helicopter they were on.

"Three male Mutos were found, all over 40 meters tall, no, four male Mutos, no, six male Mutos..."

When this group of people rushed into the transport helicopter, the number of male Mutos that appeared in the sky had already exceeded 20, and most of them were about 45 meters tall.

At this time, the base finally called up images of the area through reconnaissance planes and surveillance satellites.

"26 male mutos, 27 male mutos...why are they still there?"

Everyone in the command room of the base looked at the screen nervously. As Muto appeared one after another, all of them panicked.

"Quickly, quickly, please contact your country, and let them use the Houyi satellite to target and attack. Also, quickly inform the Kremlin, let them contact New Tuvalu, and send the two space-based satellites of New Tuvalu and The new Tuvalu space carrier is transferred over."

The person in charge of the base panicked but did not forget to issue an order. The five-nation joint search team was present, and there were naturally people from Huaxia. In fact, without the person in charge of the base speaking, the people in Huaxia had already sent the news back to China.

According to the previous plan jointly formulated by the five countries, the Houyi satellite has been operating near the orbit above the Russian South Island after it was launched. If Muto really existed in the South Island, he could launch an attack directly without even requiring the Kremlin's consent.

"Our Houyi satellite is already in place, but our Houyi satellite can only provide three rounds of air strikes. It will take three days to replace the ammunition afterwards."

Although China has developed the Houyi satellite, it also has a certain degree of aerospace technology. However, it takes at least three days to replace the ammunition of a satellite flying in orbit around the earth, and the ammunition to be replaced is a very high-quality high-strength alloy column.

But at this time, no one will ask why it only takes half an hour for New Tuvalu to replace the elixir of the space-based satellite, while Huaxia takes three days.

The people from Huaxia continued: "It will take two minutes for us to aim, and we request to share all the monitoring data information in this base."

"Can be shared."

The person in charge of the base agreed without hesitation. This was originally one of the plans. Without ground information sharing, it would take more than two minutes to complete accurate positioning in Russia only by relying on the Beidou system.

At this time, the telephone connection with the Kremlin was finally established, and the person in charge of the base briefly reported the situation.

"We found 37 mutos, not 39 now, and the number of mutos is still increasing. Request a direct attack, request to contact New Tuvalu, borrow their space-based satellites, and the space carrier New Tuvalu ship."

A Houyi satellite's three rounds of air strikes, of course, is impossible to eliminate so many Mutos, even with the addition of two other space-based satellites.

Those male Mutos flying over the South Island are not so easy to hit.

Since the new Tuvalu space carrier used black hole missiles, the most effective weapon against monsters has changed from space-based satellites to black hole missiles.

But apart from New Tuvalu, no country has black hole missiles.

The Kremlin has arranged for a special person to contact New Tuvalu. On the way to the command center, the emperor asked through the intercom system in the car: "What if we launch nuclear weapons against the South Island again?"

The previous two mutos were directly gasified by nuclear weapons, which gave countries a new understanding of the power of nuclear weapons. It is not that nuclear weapons cannot destroy mutos, but that a large equivalent is required.

The person in charge of the base said: "The use of nuclear weapons is not very effective, because those mutos have the ability to fly, and they have been circling in the air after they appeared. If we use nuclear weapons, we can let the nuclear explosion center cover them, and except for the nuclear explosion center area In addition, they are difficult to be destroyed by nuclear weapons of the conventional equivalent level. Unless, we still have a 'tsar' in our hands."

Tsar is the code name of Ivan the Great. The nuclear weapon originally planned for 100 million equivalents was split into two hydrogen bombs with an equivalent of 50 million. Even so, he can still be named the Tsar.

The words of the person in charge of the base made the representatives of the other four countries present feel dissatisfied. What do you mean unless you still have a big Ivan?

The whole world knows that Russia still has a big Ivan in its hands. If you still say such things at this time, do you think we are fools?

The emperor paused for a few seconds before replying: "Prepare nuclear weapons and wait for the launch order. Prioritize the use of the Houyi satellite and seek military support from New Tuvalu."

After some communication, the number of mutos on the South Island has exceeded 40. What puzzled everyone in the base was that all of the 40 mutos were males and none of them were females.

"Where did the female Muto go?"

Just when this question Huaxia's space-based satellite finally completed its aiming, and after an order to confirm the total was issued in a certain military base in Huaxia, a dozen meteors suddenly fell from the sky, It hit South Island fiercely.

"The first round of air strikes eliminated three male mutos, and the flying speed of the other mutos increased, and their flight trajectories became larger."

"Continue with second strike, request Russian ground attack, limit Muto's flight trajectory."

The Russian missiles have been launched, and before the second round of Houyi satellite strikes, they successfully contained those mutos, allowing the second round of Houyi satellite's strikes to be successful.

"The second round of strikes eliminated 2 mutos."

"Continue to the third round of strikes."

Seeing that after two rounds of blows, Huaxia's Houyi Satellite successfully wiped out the five Mutos. The results that should have been joyous and encouraging made everyone feel cold.

In the past, except for New Tuvalu, no country has ever been able to eliminate the five mutos in such a short period of time with its own developed weapons. But when Huaxia achieved this, there were still more than 30 male Mutos flying over the South Island.

It's not that Huaxia's "Houyi" satellite is not strong enough, it's because there are too many Mutos.

"We suspect that these male Mutos are bait to help transfer the female Mutos lurking in the South Island area. We must do something, otherwise, when this group of female Mutos leaves, the number of Mutos we will face next time , but there are more than forty."

Some experts put forward their opinions with great concern, but no one paid attention at this time, because everyone was thinking about a problem.

"Why hasn't New Tuvalu come yet?"

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