MTL - King Who Will Cross-Chapter 9 Who can't act?

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Time will not slow down because of anyone. Li Dagang, who is getting thinner and thinner, has been in the world of "Dark War" for two and a half months, and he will travel back in half a month.

In the past two months, besides taking the bus to seek chance encounters, Li Daniu has not given up other methods, such as building a good relationship with the bus driver and asking the driver to help find similar people under some pretext .

Then it seems that Li Daniu's good luck has been exhausted because of the time travel and the acquisition of the system. Up to now, Li Daniu has not met that lucky passer-by girl.

Not only that, but the 10,000 US dollars brought by Li Daniu will soon be exhausted. He really did not expect that the price level in Hong Kong would be so high. So, under the strange eyes of a certain girl at the front desk, Li Daniu checked out of that hotel, and then found a hotel with a relatively cheap price.

To this day, Li Daniu still believes that the strange look in that girl's eyes was due to her reluctance to give up on him, and definitely not because she suspected that there might be something wrong with her body.

Walking alone in a daze on the streets of Hong Kong full of strangers, Li Daniu began to doubt his ability.

No matter whether others have crossed over or obtained the system, earth-shaking changes have taken place in a short period of time. As for myself, with the two time travels and the system, I am almost on the verge of falling into the street.

Li Daniu also thought about writing songs and novels to earn some money. In Hong Kong in 1999, it was still very interesting to be a copywriter. But firstly, Li Daniu doesn't have a good rhythm, and he can't remember the classics he read in his previous life. Second, this is Hong Kong, where Cantonese is dominant, so who cares if you write Mandarin songs?

As for stocks or something, Li Daniu worried that he would become penniless sooner. If he goes to the mainland, Li Daniu is still confident that within three months, the ten thousand dollars will be multiplied dozens of times. But it is limited to dozens of times. Obviously there is a necklace worth at least 20 million waiting for him there, and he still has to earn hundreds of thousands. That is really a loss of watermelon and sesame seeds, and he is definitely sick.

But time flies, and when it was time to travel back, Li Daniu discovered that the watermelon he thought did not belong to him at all.

Seeing that the time on the schedule was up, Li Daniu got on a bus. In fact, Li Daniu had already taken this bus three times, but it was not at this time.

Starting from the departure station, Li Daniu sat by the window and looked at the Hong Kong scenery outside the window. Although he really didn’t want to see the people on the road, he bought two novels to read, but for that necklace, Li Daniu I have to take a few glances at everyone who appears in front of me, or at every woman.

Why did this standard pervert behavior happen to me?

Maybe it's because the sky pays off, or maybe it's because Li Daniu, who is already in the final struggle, finally sees the face that makes him think about it day and night and can't sleep.

Long hair shawl, a black dress, wearing headphones, standing alone on the side of the road waiting for the bus.

Finally waiting for you, my goddess.

Li Daniu would never admit it, it was because of the necklace she wore around her neck that she recognized it.

Seeing the longing goddess getting into the small bar he was sitting in, Li Daniu hurriedly sat down from the window seat to the corridor seat, and then put the few worthless props in his hand, Still sitting on the few empty seats nearby, he took out a bottle of eye drops from his pocket, poured it into his eyes, and dripped it hard.

After finishing all this, Li Daniu closed his eyes and began to wait.

"Hi sir, may I sit inside?"

Yes, of course, I just took up several empty seats for you to sit next to me. If you don't sit, isn't my effort in vain? Moreover, the goddess actually speaks English, which is amazing, and there is no need to worry about language barriers.

"Yes." Li Daniu opened his big watery eyes, and then saw the face that he had neglected but had been appearing in his dreams for the past two months.

Liang Wanting was confused by Li Daniu's tears pouring out of her eyes, but thinking that there was no room left, she politely said thank you and sat in.

Li Daniu saw that Yu'er had entered the net, and began to recall all the tragic experiences in his life. The most tragic thing was of course the unaccompanied two-month journey to find the goddess, and then the grief came from his heart. Tears also stay out.

However, the goddess didn't respond at all. Instead, she put on her earphones and looked out the window.

The acting skills are still not good enough, Li Daniu found that it is really not easy to get the goddess hooked by this trick.

"Hello, could you lend me a tissue?" Seeing that the goddess was not active enough, Li Daniu continued his routine.

"Eh..." Liang Wanting looked at Li Daniu who was streaming down her face, and hurriedly took out a pack of tissues from her handbag, and handed it to Li Daniu.

Li Daniu, who took the tissue, wiped his tears, and found that the goddess still didn't ask questions, so he cupped his face with both hands, and let out a slight sob.

Why are you covering your face and crying? Because Li Daniu really couldn't continue acting, he was afraid that his proud expression because he finally found the goddess would make the scene go wrong.

I am not an actor, how can I be good at acting in crying scenes?

"Sir?" Liang Wanting never thought that she would encounter such a situation, a foreigner crying on the bus? Some at a loss asked: "Are you... all right?"

"I'm fine, just because my best friend disappeared and I couldn't get in touch, so I came to Hong Kong to look for him, but I learned from the doctor that he had cancer and had four weeks to live at most, and I had already looked for him. He hasn't found him for two months..."

Li Daniu didn't dare to raise his head at all, because he really couldn't put on a suitable expression.

"I know that he must have chosen to die silently alone. I just want to see him for the last time. Why can't I satisfy such a simple request?"

After Liang Wanting heard this sudden sad story, she didn't know how she should answer the conversation. This shouldn't be strike-up, right?

"Sir, perhaps, your friend has gone abroad for medical treatment, maybe he will appear in front of you very healthy in the future."

"Impossible. I have seen his doctor. No one in this world can cure his illness." Li Daniu was finally able to control his expression simply, so he lowered his head and wiped his face with a tissue With eye drops and tears on his face, he raised his head expressionlessly and looked out the window.

"The doctor said that he was coughing up blood. With his kind of disease, as long as he coughed up blood, he was about to die."

"Coughing up blood?" Liang Wanting suddenly thought of that fleeting figure in her life. The two of them went to eat that day. Wasn't it because he was coughing up blood that they didn't really get to know each other?

"Yes." Li Daniu resisted himself not to look at the necklace on the goddess's neck, and said, "Unfortunately, the last time I communicated with him, he told me that he met a girl he had a crush on, but he didn't go there. Chasing that girl. I laughed at him for being too timid, but I didn't expect that it was because he knew he was going to die, so..."

"He, did he tell you, how did he and that girl... meet?" Liang Wanting felt her heart beat faster for no reason. Is it him?

"I didn't go into details. I only know that they met on the bus. The girl helped him a favor, and then they met again." Li Daniu's heart also came to his throat. After a long time of ink staining, he finally put This sentence came out.

"Ah Hua, is his name A Hua?" Liang Wanting felt that she was about to lose control of her emotions, and she was extremely looking forward to the foreigner in front of her telling her that his friend was A Hua, but she was very afraid of getting an affirmative answer.

"Yes. How do you... know?"

In fact, strictly speaking, the character played by Andy Lau does not have a name in this movie, but according to Hua Tsai's consistent personality, the characters he plays generally have Chinese characters.

Liang Wanting finally understood why a tall man like Li Daniu would cry on the bus, because at this moment, she couldn't hold back her tears, or didn't need to hold back at all.

It turned out that it wasn't that he didn't like me. It turned out that he thought about pursuing me. It turned out that he had just appeared in my world because of an illness, and then disappeared forever.

"Are you alright?" Seeing the goddess bursting into tears, Li Daniu hurriedly comforted him. Although this was the effect he wanted, he still felt a little bit sorry for making up a story to make the goddess cry.

"I should be the girl your friend mentioned..." Liang Wanting choked up and said, "Can you tell me more about him?"

"It can't be such a coincidence." Li Daniu asked cautiously in order to avoid getting lost in a while: "My friend's grandmother once left him a gift. Although it is not worth much, it is very commemorative. I once said that if there is a chance, I will give that gift to that girl, although I have never seen that gift, but I know what that gift is, you... know?"

Liang Wanting held up the necklace hanging around her neck, and said, "You should be talking about this necklace."

"It's indeed a necklace. I didn't expect it to be such a beautiful necklace. It's a pity, if this necklace is a real gemstone necklace, such a big one, maybe it can make him live longer. UU Reading" Li Daniu finally You can take a look at this priceless necklace in a fair and honest manner. Of course, it is still necessary to get a vaccination in advance.

"I was really lucky to meet the girl he fell in love with at the last moment of his life. Can you tell me your story?"

"Our story..." Liang Wanting held the necklace and said in a depressed mood, "We've only met each other three times, so there's nothing to talk about."

nothing to say? If you don't find a place to talk about it, how can I have the opportunity to exchange the real necklace from you?

"But can you tell me his story? I'd love to know!"

"Of course, but... here?" Li Daniu became excited, is the opportunity finally coming?

"Eh..." Liang Wanting only remembered now that the two of them were on the bus, and because the two of them were crying in turn just now, many people on the bus were staring at them, so she hurriedly said, "Let's get off the bus and find someone Sit down somewhere, I invite you."

"I invite you, thank you for giving my friend a little warmth at the last moment of his life." Although Li Daniu's acting skills are not good, but since he is acting, of course he has to perform a full set.

The two got out of the car under the strange eyes of the half-car people. When they got off the car, Li Daniu heard someone behind him say in Mandarin: "It's an eye-opener to come to Hong Kong. You can meet a beautiful woman after crying? This foreigner It’s really powerful, I have to use this trick when I go back.”

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