MTL - King Who Will Cross-Chapter 10 succeed

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In a western restaurant, Li Daniu and Liang Wanting sat opposite each other.

"I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Tom. My Chinese name is... Li Daniu. I am a reporter for National Geographic."

"Li Daniu?" If it wasn't because she just learned a sad thing, Liang Wanting would definitely be amused by this name.

"My name is Liang Wanting, you... How long have you known each other?"

"We..." Li Daniu recalled that the first time he saw Hua Tsai's movie was "The Gambler" produced in 1991, but the time Li Daniu watched was in 2001, and the time traveled was at the end of 2016. So, after doing some calculations, Li Daniu replied: "It's been 16 years."

"Sixteen years, then your relationship must be very good, no wonder you cried so sad just now."

We really have nothing to do with each other. I was acting just now. Do you understand acting?

"So what about you, I'm really curious, why did he say he fell in love with you after only meeting you a few times?" Li Daniu knew that after telling a lie, he had to make up for it with more lies, so He hurriedly changed the subject and asked.

Yeah, we've only met a few times, so why am I so obsessed with him? Liang Wanting didn't know why he fell in love with her, and she didn't know why she fell in love with him.

Was it love at first sight?

Or did you meet the right person at the wrong time?

"The first time we met was on the bus, I...did him a favor, and the second time too, the second time we met...he said he wanted to thank me, so he invited me to dinner, and then at the dinner table, he... Coughing up blood. The third time...he just gave me this necklace and never saw him again."

Liang Wanting recounted her memories about him, and then she started to be in a daze. Is he... still alive?

"Perhaps this is the magic of fate." Li Daniu sighed, if he hadn't watched the movie, he would never believe Liang Wanting's story. How could it be possible to fall in love with each other after meeting like this three times? Not to mention a priceless necklace.

"Maybe." Liang Wanting herself didn't know, was it because of the mystery that he was surrounded by the police with a gun, or because of the handsome confidence and calmness when he hugged her? Or, the gut-wrenching sadness of coughing up blood in a restaurant?

"Can you tell me something about him?" Liang Wanting knew in her heart that maybe, no, it would be impossible to meet him again, just like a passer-by who passed by, and if she missed one step, she might never meet him again in this life. will not meet. But I don't know why, I just want to know, I just have expectations, I just want to have more memories about him.

"He..." Li Daniu began to recall all the movies starring Andy Lau he had seen, and began to make up random things.

"He is very handsome. He has always been handsome. I remember that when we went to Hollywood, there were more than one scout who wanted to make him a star. He was very gentle and careful, and he was so confident and calm no matter what. He... If married, his wife will be very happy."

"He is versatile, he sings well, and his card skills are also very good. We play cards together, and he has never lost..."

Li Daniu spoke out all the character traits of Andy Lau's characters, but is it a bit exaggerated? Who cares, Hua Tsai is dead in this world, why not let this girl who is willing to remember him have more good memories?

It turned out that he was so good. Listening to Li Daniu's story about Hua Tsai, Liang Wanting felt a little bit happier besides being more sad. It turned out that I was once liked by such an excellent person.

Seeing Liang Wanting who was immersed in his own world, Li Daniu couldn't bear it, because he was about to do something that both humans and gods would hate, what a beautiful love, several encounters, a few words, a priceless necklace made this scene Encounter sublimation. Many people in the previous life did not think that there was love in the movie "Dark War", including Li Daniu.

However, when Li Daniu looked at Liang Wanting sitting in front of him, because of the Hua Tsai story he made up, he was sometimes happy and sometimes sad. He believed that this was a beautiful love. You must know that Liang Wanting had no idea of ​​the true value of that necklace, and just regarded it as a very commemorative street stall.

A police movie that is more romantic than a romance movie?

"Can you... show me this necklace, I think, this is the last thing he left in this world, with his memory."

Li Daniu still decided to make a move. He came to this world and worked hard for more than two months, isn't it just for this moment?

"Ah?" Liang Wanting froze for a moment, then took off the necklace from her neck without hesitation, and handed it to Li Daniu.

"If I didn't only have this gift from him, if I give it to you... there is no problem."

Give it to me? Girl, if you knew the true value of this necklace, would you still say such a thing?

Li Daniu took the necklace and looked at it carefully.

It's so beautiful, it's as beautiful as a fake, how can there be such a big gemstone? And the diamonds next to it can only play a supporting role in front of this gem.

As a non-professional, Li Daniu can't identify the authenticity of this necklace at all, but it doesn't matter. The professional Liu Qingyun identified this necklace in the movie. Although he told Liang Wanting that it was a fake, Li Daniu, as a bystander, of course It is clear that this necklace is genuine.

Now, I just want to find a way to replace the civet cat with the prince.

"Hua Zai?" Li Daniu looked out the window in surprise.

"What?" Liang Wanting, who realized what Li Daniu said, stood up abruptly and looked out the window.

However, nothing.

"You have an old saying in China, which is called seeing things and thinking about people. Alas... I really hope that he can suddenly appear in front of me, even if I let him beat me up, I will be willing."

A beating would be light, Li Daniu fully believed that if Hua Zai knew what he had done and appeared in front of him, he would definitely kill him.

Disappointed, Liang Wanting turned around and sat down without saying a word. When Li Daniu handed the necklace back to her, he was in no mood to wear it around his neck anymore, and put it directly into his bag.

"I know my appearance makes you feel bad, but I hope you can take good care of this necklace in the future. Although it is a street stall, I think that if you can carry it, Hua Tsai will definitely be in heaven I saw it above." Acting requires a complete set, although Li Daniu does not want Liang Wanting to wear this necklace again, or not to wear it again in a short time, but he still has to tell a white lie.

"Don't worry, this is a gift he gave me. I will definitely keep it well, but... I really don't want to take it with me today." Liang Wanting found that the more she knew, the more she would miss her. When thoughts appear, you can’t just stop if you want to.

"Then let's order food. You have to be full to have the strength to listen to me continue telling Hua Tsai's story."

"All right."

After Li Daniu and Liang Wanting parted, they returned to their residence and closed the doors and windows. Li Daniu took out a necklace from his pocket, which was exactly the same as the one Liang Wanting was wearing around her neck.

Under the light, this necklace radiates charming light.

"It's finally here."

Li Daniu is very excited at the moment. When he was with Liang Wanting, he couldn't show his excitement because of his acting skills, and he couldn't show his excitement on the way back. If something unexpected happened because of being too excited, it would be a tragedy. .

Therefore, the long-suppressed excitement was released in an instant, and Li Daniu... went crazy.

Of course, it’s not really crazy, but it’s a little crazy, rolling, singing, shouting... It’s like a poor and white hanging silk who suddenly won the lottery, and it’s not five million. The bonus is definitely over 100 million yuan Can you not be excited? If it hadn't been for the more bizarre things like time travel, with Li Daniu's little heart before, it is absolutely possible to really go crazy at this moment.

"System, can you help me identify the authenticity of this necklace?" Li Daniu, who was worried about gains and losses, suddenly remembered his unreliable system.


"How much is this necklace worth?"

"Different times and different worlds have different values. Without relevant information, no definite answer can be given."

The system can help identify the authenticity of this necklace, and Li Daniu is very satisfied. As for the value, Li Daniu also understands that this thing really cannot be accurately valued, just like the news I read before, a certain artwork auctioned out for a price The valuation should be many times higher than the price. It depends on the character. Those who like it are willing to pay a high price, and those who don’t like it will definitely not buy it.

Would a self-made man who worked hard to earn a fortune spend all his money on a necklace that couldn't appreciate in value?

And those local tyrants in Saudi Arabia, UU Reading have a lot of money and nowhere to spend it, and they will definitely be willing to pay a high price to buy it back for collection. What they want is not profit, but face.

"How long will it take to return?"

"317 hours."

Li Daniu, who used to feel that time was not enough, now hopes that time can pass faster, holding such a priceless necklace in his hand, in this unfamiliar Hong Kong, Li Daniu really can't feel at ease.

Counting my own money, I have less than 2,000 US dollars left, and spent more than 8,000 US dollars in two and a half months. This is still a case of frugality. These two and a half months, apart from living expenses, that is, the money used to order a fake necklace, can be regarded as a big head.

That necklace is relatively famous in this world, otherwise it would not have caused so many people to scramble for it. Li Daniu found information from the Internet, and then entrusted a jewelry store to make an identical one. Although it was a fake, Li Daniu Thinking that he was going to take away the real goods that belonged to others, so when cutting the materials, it was a waste of money. For Li Daniu, a necklace that cost thousands of dollars was definitely a waste of money.

After looking at the poor hotel where he lived, Li Daniu tidied up and checked out. He had to find a room with a safe.

So, Li Daniu took two boxes of instant noodles and opened a room with a safe in a high-end hotel. Why do you want to bring two boxes of instant noodles?

Li Daniu had no money because half a month's rent was removed.

Eating instant noodles with a necklace worth 20 million U.S. dollars... Li Daniu said that he just remembered his past instant noodle career.

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