MTL - King of Classical Music-Chapter 277

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When he saw his figure in the video, he slammed and suddenly did not react.

The light and melodious sound of the piano played out from the sound hole of the mobile phone, which also attracted awkward attention. Holding a red light, he stepped on the brakes and turned to look at the young people around him. After glanced at his mobile phone, he raised his eyebrows: "Infinitely moving?"

I saw the video played on the mobile phone at the moment, isn’t it "infinite"? !

On the screen of a small mobile phone, it is a handsome young man. He was frowning and playing a light and happy "Infinity" with serious concentration. This piece of music, known as the "King of Etudes", dances like an elf under the fingers of the youth. Numerous fluorescent notes are smashing in the air, almost coming out of the screen.

Every time the string is plucked, and every time the string is broken, the bow is just right, and there is no murmur. And when the bow twitched on the strings, it seemed that the eyes of the whole world were concentrated on the young violin, listening to her singing the melody of turning and listening.

When the whole song ended, the fans in front of the computer and mobile phone did not react. But when they excitedly clicked on the video again, someone was surprised to find out: [Wait? ! ! ! 3 minutes and 29 seconds? ! ! ! ! God, I am not blind, right? ! 3 minutes and 29 seconds of "infinite motion"? 】

The first to marvel at is the violin student of the Royal Conservatory of Music. As an elite of the top colleges, he naturally knows Paganini’s Infinity. Everyone knows that since Paganini, the world's best violinist can only play this song for 3 minutes and 30 seconds, and no one has ever broken the 30-second mark!

It is natural to say that Master Paganini does not have to say that the devil violinist can play "Infinity" for about three minutes. But the 29-second gap doesn't mean that you can't play well!

You know, no one has ever seen the performance of Paganini, but all violinists know how difficult this piece is. "Infinity Movement" has tested the violinist's right and left hand coordination ability, skill difficulty control ability and finger flexibility, which has been tested to a very harsh degree!

Therefore, even the world's top violin masters such as Reed Akade and Fale Louis, they can only play this song to a level of nearly 3 minutes and 30 seconds, without mentioning a breakthrough!

Now, I actually played 3 minutes and 29 seconds! ! !

This short one second is one second that no one can forget in the history of the violin!

Someone once commented: "The legend of Paganini is probably a legend. The 3-minute "Infinity" has become a devil's night. I think that 3 minutes and 30 seconds of "Infinity" may already be the limit of humanity. Almost every day, so many amazing violin masters, no one can break through this mark, perhaps the human body can only withstand the 30-second mark."

However, just as someone once predicted that a hundred meters of racing humans could not advance into the ten-second mark, not to mention ten seconds, Bolt even ran out of 9 seconds 58. Nowadays, he has used his most real achievements to slap and slap on the faces of these people.

[Alice: I read it wrong, I read it wrong... Is it really 29 seconds? ! ! ! 】

[Sri Lankan kitten: qaq! The teacher asked me to play "Infinity" to 3 minutes and 50 seconds yesterday. I already feel that I am going to die. How can Xiaoqi play for 29 seconds? ! ! This also makes people not live! 】

[Gwitt:.................. I want to see the hand of Xiaoqi now, is it really okay...]

[Morik: Hahahaha, I also want to see the hand of Xiaoqi. In fact, Xiaoqi has six fingers? ! 】


Comments such as these are endless, almost burying the official Twitter of Bai Ai. After these sighs and astounding comments, there is a wave of commentary surges -

[Small seven are so powerful, if I am a member of Bai Ai, I am sure to vote! 】

[Yes! The strength of Xiaoqi was originally very strong, and he could have been the chief of Bai Ai. Who was there to guide the wind in the past? Why do you think that Xiaoqi will leave the back door? ! If even Xiaoqi can't be the chief of Bai Ai, then stand up and say! who can! 】


When such comments gradually occupied the main direction of public opinion, the netizens who were still questioning were slowly afraid to speak. And when everyone clicks on the second file, they look at the contents of the file and look at the words from the official Twitter.

Until now...they all finally understood what it meant in this passage!

The document shows a list of votes. To this day, Bai Ai has no need to hide and squat and is unwilling to announce the voting results of this recruitment meeting. Everyone has already guessed that since he can rush to attend the Pok Oi Chief Recruitment, it has already hinted that he is about to leave the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra and become the head of the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra.

The tweets of the former members of Wei Ai and Bai Ai have also proved these points from the side.

So in this document, only one vote record and the number of votes are shown.

The total number of votes was 142 votes, including 137 votes in favor, 0 votes against, and abstained votes... 5 votes!

In the following paragraph, it records: "The Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra has 132 active players, each with 1 vote; the orchestra agent Daniel, 2 votes; the second conductor, Charles Littis, 3 Ticket; chief conductor Auston von Bertley, 5 votes."

5 votes...

How sensitive is this number!

This is clearly implied to everyone, where is the 5 votes for the trip? No, no, this is not a hint at all, this is simply an explicit! Because Bai Ai wrote in the content of Twitter: "The Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra has a history of 138 years since its establishment. So far, there has never been any injustice, undemocratic or abuse of private rights. All the netizens who made the incident were asked to apologize immediately, and the Prudential Law Department is drafting the litigation list."

If so... just stop! At the end of a serious and serious discourse, he added: "Finally, there was indeed an unfair treatment for the applicants at this recruitment meeting. Here, the official Ai Ai apologies to the applicants."


What happened to the unfair treatment is Xiaoqi? !

What do you mean? ! This shows that Xiaoqi has been deliberately treated by Bai Ai! !

Then think of the 5 votes abstaining above. Are you saying that it is just 5 votes? It is not obvious that Mr. Bertelm has completely abstained from it! Why is this! The discerning eye can see that the strength of Xiaoqi is so strong, and it is a matter of course to get a vote in favor.

After a hundred years, it’s hard to see the record-breaking “Infinity”, which also appeared at your Pok’s chief recruitment meeting. What a great honor! but! You still have 5 abstentions? ! Are these 5 votes and even more than 99% likely to be cast by Mr. Bertram? !

Nothing wrong!

Are you still a lover of Xiaoqi? !

Are you so harsh on your lover? ! ! !

Jane Straight, slag, male! ! ! !

So, when he read all the videos and files, he looked at the snoring of the comments, and he didn't know what to cry. Finally thought about it for a long while, he simply coughed a little, then read in a quiet car:

"Small seven, Mr. Bertram is really a personal scum, you will hurry up."

"Little Seven! Mr. Bertley... No! Auston Bertelham, he is not worthy of you! He is just too jerk!"

"I agree with all netizens! Is this still a lover? Friends are not as good?!"

"Small seven small seven, you suffer! I didn't expect Auston Bertley to be such an inconsiderate person! The first full-time passer who may have appeared in the history of Bai love! It was destroyed by him. He is a demon!!!"

Devil 闵琛: "..."

After reading a few more, I finally couldn’t help but laugh out loud. In fact, he knows that the last sentence of Bai Ai’s push of Terry is not only the last five abstentions, but also that he did not pass the lottery and was directly designated as the last performer.

He has no feeling about it. I have always believed that as long as I have the strength, no matter what kind of dilemma can be solved. But he is so open-minded and tolerant, and countless seven cp powders have all exploded.

At noon that day, a sub-section of the Danube Forum appeared a series of literary, all the **** attack "Austin Bertelsi" hurt the lover "Xiaojiu", finally the prodigal son turned back and wanted to To recover...


Going far away, you can't come back, you will be alone and be old!

Of course, there are some cp powders that are carefully said: "Mr. Bertley should be here to avoid suspicion... So all the votes were cast out of abstention. Xiaoqi finally had such a high number of votes through the recruitment meeting! ”

As soon as the words fell, they had already angered the fans of "Auston Bertley" and "Slag Man" and replied: "This is the first all-vote chief that may have appeared in the history of Bai Ai. Ah! The scum man knows what he called 'avoiding suspicion'. What kind of result has it caused?! This is a medal in Xiaoli’s brilliant life!!! It’s so awful!!”

Fans are excited, and by the end of the afternoon, Daniel has led the public relations department and the legal department to investigate the truth of the matter.

Being able to manipulate public opinion to that extent, there must be a large number of water forces among the questionable netizens.

The Daniel investigation found that all of this was the hands and feet of a violinist who bought this registration. When he discovered that he had actually attended the Pok Oi’s chief recruitment meeting, he knew that he could not become the chief of Pak Oi. The envied bonfire rushed his reason, and the narrow mind made him think of the way to buy the water army and splash the dirty water.

After the investigation, Daniel’s lawyer’s letter was directly posted on the official website of Bai’s official website. The name of the violinist was clearly written in bright red and sly. Don't say that it is a lawsuit that is about to begin, that is, the mouth of the fans can drown the violinist.

The most disgusting thing in classical music is that these people who don't try to improve themselves, but always think about some tricks!

It is because of your existence that some geniuses with high talents and hard work will be frustrated, and may even be buried by time!

Just when the angry voice of the netizens reached a peak, in the headquarters building of the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra, the right hand clasped the signature pen and seriously signed his name on a contract.

In this thick contract, the first page reads “The Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra's Chief Appointment Book”, while the next few pages are a detailed account of the duties that the Chief needs to perform and the right of the orchestra to give the Chief. . Chen Ling-Feng has carefully reviewed all the documents drafted by Daniel and confirmed that there are no problems, including ... 5 years of signing time.

That's right, it's 5 years. It will be officially implemented from June 1, 2020, and will end on June 1, 2025.

When he first signed a contract with Wei Ai, he was just a newcomer who had just left the college for more than half a year. Today, he has the strength and prestige of excellence in the world music scene, giving him five years of signing time, which is unanimously approved by the orchestra members. Oh, yes... a man who gave up 5 votes abstained.

However, when Bai Ai sent the contents of this contract to Bai Ai's official website, many fans were surprised at the "5 years" signing time, and then some fans' attention was gone. Hey, I’m dissatisfied at the beginning:

【Wait a minute! Why is Auston Beltley on the left, and we are on the right? ! It’s the same as the marriage contract, not happy! Xiaoqi is not going to be with him! 】

[Yes, agree ls! Why should the signatures of other members be placed on the contract, so that Mr. Xiao Qi and Mr. Patrick are signed on both sides? ! Really like a marriage book! so bad! 】

[It must be Mr. Bertelm’s own strong request! Xiaoqi, you don't want to be deceived by him. Next time he will give you a marriage contract, you must not sign it as a contract! ! ! ! 】


Everyone! Isn't this kind of signing a law, should it be?

It’s all Daniel’s fault!

All in all, in a short period of time, the title of "Slag Man" is not to be separated from the family.


After the boss’s chief recruitment book was thoroughly disclosed, the media that had been silent and motionless began to act. They condemned the violinist who did the little tricks, and also supported the praise to become the chief of Bai Ai. At the same time, a question that has long been buried in the hearts of all journalists has finally got the answer today.

It turned out that the renewal time of the original 维 and Wei Ai was 1 year! ! ! !

This is all

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