MTL - King of Classical Music-Chapter 276

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If you are applying for the position of any other orchestra in the world, there is absolutely no one who dares to raise doubts. As the chief of the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra, the world's top orchestra has spent two years of glory and prosperity, and its strength has long been seen, no doubt.

You must know that these two years can really be said to be the most glorious two years after Wei's entry into the 21st century.

In the past two years, the exposure of Wei Ai in the classical media has been faster than that of Shang Bai, and the development momentum is rapid, and there is even a trend of catching up. At the same time, large and small music critics have also voiced, saying that the progress of Wei's two years is very obvious, people are very much looking forward to its next development.

The Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra is like a tiger that has been sleeping for many years. It gradually wakes up in a fresh and youthful atmosphere, ready to set off a wave of wind in the classical music scene with no change in warm water. And all of this, everyone understands that it is definitely brought by the young and outstanding leader of Wei Ai.

He was able to win the first place in the evaluation of the National Conservatory of Music in Paris for three consecutive times. He has a master-level teacher like Reed Akade. At the age of 23, he became the chief of the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra. His performance can be said to be in recent years. The most brilliant of the newcomers, even far from the peers.

His music is clear and high, and the details are extremely delicate, especially the familiarity of complex techniques and the control of rich feelings. It is beyond the violin masters of many older generations, with a unique perspective and perspective of young people. .

Such a very good Wei Ai chief, you said that the leader of the orchestra in the world is not qualified for him? Even if it is the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra, there is absolutely no problem. It can even be said that as long as he is willing, he can always become the chief of Bai Ai, who has no leader in the group!

However, even if this is the case, there are always some narrow-minded people who can't help but think about something.

The chief recruitment meeting of Bai Ai is naturally present. As the chief conductor and music director of the orchestra, the company has a total of five votes. In addition, he can use his prestige in the orchestra to suppress the willingness of other members to vote. Regardless of whether the strength of the team can be qualified for the chief position of Pak Oi, such a vote will probably be tricky?

If you don't go to the Pok Oi chief, you can forget it, but if you run for the election, everyone knows that he has become a leader of Pak Oi.

However, in the voting results, how much water is there?

When the topic of "assuming that Mr. and Mr. Oston Bertley have no relationship, how many votes can he get", and gradually spread on the Internet, he and he are tightly I fell asleep and was not disturbed by the outside voice.

Until the next day, when the young man was surprised to find that a shameless guy had planned to toss him again, he couldn’t help but kick the other person out of bed, and by the way, touched the tail bone, from a difficult tooth. The place felt a sting.


Upon seeing it, the culprit immediately climbed into the bed and asked with concern: "Is it painful?"

Hey: " said it hurts!!!!"

This man actually pressed him four times last night!

Four times! ! ! !

Even shot every time! If it wasn't for the last time, this guy would know to clean it up. I have no doubt that he would let this man understand from now on: how hard the floor in the study is!

In this way, everyone in the outside world is raging, and the truth of the matter is described as "the tyrannical abuse of private rights by Mr. Bertram for his own lover and the use of privilege to threaten the cherished members." "Mr. Commander, is carefully taking care of the lean waist of his lover, so that the other side is comfortable."

“Is this comfortable?”

He was pressed to the most aching place, and the sensation could not help but snorted and said: "Well, it is here, then go down."

The fingers that should be used to play the piano, are slowly moving down, and massage and squeeze with the strength of the most gentle. When the sly hand is getting down and down, until it hits a hidden part that should not be touched, it is a stiff, subconsciously wants to take a man’s hand, who is expected to For a moment, he was gently explored by the other party with the middle finger.


Sweet and sly 呻 吟 吟 吟 吟 吟 吟 吟 吟 吟 吟 吟 吟 吟 吟 吟 吟 吟 吟 吟 吟 吟 吟 吟 吟 吟 吟 吟 吟 吟 吟 吟 吟Then another bed was tumbling, and the youth’s resistance from the beginning was forced to the final wave, just half an hour away.

Here is a room for spring, which makes people feel ashamed. On the other hand, when Daniel gets up early and sees such a bunch of upside down black and white posts and Twitter, he is simply not angry with one place, just can’t wait to cross the network cable. The people who are arranging the hustle and bustle are all killed alive!

Yes, it is so ferocious!

There are still people who dare to question the strength of the little angel? !

Is it true that Bai Ai is vegetarian? ! ! !

If anyone can enter the relationship with Bai Ai by virtue of the relationship, why did the Karajan master did not even arrange a clarinet leader? ! That was Ms. Sabin Meyer, who was known as the "Queen of the Clarinet". At that time, the Karajan master who had a great influence on the orchestra did not make it the chief of the Pokémon Clarinet, let alone the recruiter of Pok Oi. !

Although the instrument does not have the distinction between high and low, the importance of the orchestra's chief has long been self-evident and recognized by the public. The guy in Auston can hegemony to control the arrangement of the orchestra's chief? ! Don't say Daniel believes it or not, his sweetheart doesn't believe it! ! !

Under the anger, Daniel opened his tweet with anger. He was just about to send a tweet to blame the netizens who confused the right and wrong, and suddenly saw a tweet -

[Musa Ravi: Someone even questioned the strength of our small seven? ! I really don't understand the confidence that these people came from, and dare to doubt the strength of Wei Ai's chief embarrassment? Now Xiaoqi has not left Weiai yet. If anyone dares to question Xiaoqi, my first one is not satisfied! 】

Surprising for a while, Daniel’s brain suddenly flashed a flash of light, and he searched for a few musicians, no problem! I saw it on the latest tweets of all of them -

[黛西·艾薇丽特: Xiaoqi is leaving Weixin, this is enough to make people sad. But today I actually saw someone in the forum, Twitter, facebook suspected that Xiaoqi is going back the door? ! It’s so funny! Please take the respect of the music master! Whether it is Xiaoqi or Mr. Pat Leme, they will never do such awkward things! 】

[Richard Lisett: The strength of Xiaoqi is something we can see. Mr. Bertelm is definitely not a person who will be arrogant! If you doubt, please take out your evidence! Questioning the character of the two music masters, this is your greatest insult to them! 】


In this way, it can be seen everywhere on the Twitter of the members. When Daniel nodded indignantly and then opened the tweet of the members of his own orchestra, the whole person was in the same place, and he was ashamed to find a hole to get into it.

[Dolby Codo: I am laughing at me. The command is usually a little scary, but when did he become the guy who abused his power in your mouth? Please, we are all voting by our own conscience! The little angel is awesome! 】

[Roger Cukeye: The little angel has such great strength and such a lovely character, why don't we choose the little angel? 】

[Merfei Zerazny: This is really the biggest joke of the year. Even the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra, which has not surrendered to the Karajan masters, will now succumb to Mr. Bertley? Please, Mr. Bertelm is fierce, but as long as he faces the little angel, he can be gentle! And the little angel is so great, we all like him very much! 】


How do he always feel that people's love is so sympathetic and angry, what you guys say is like itching, no strength at all! ! ! !

It’s too much to lose your face! ! !

In a hurry, the violent Daniel simply swallowed two pieces of bread, and then quickly rushed home to the Bai'ai headquarters, fully ahead of normal working hours for an hour!

Without further ado, when Daniel arrived at the Pok Oi Building, he rushed to the work area of ​​the Pok Oi Public Relations Department, and then began to deal with this crisis public relations with the staff who had just changed their classes.

As a gold medal agent of Bai Ai, although sometimes Daniel looks very unreliable and often suffers in the hands of awkward, his strength is recognized in the industry. In recent years, Bo's love has become more and more rigorous. The reporters are unable to grasp the loopholes at all, and all the itineraries are also properly connected.

These are the credits of this gold broker.

Now, when Daniel directs the public relations staff to start a series of measures to respond, he and he have left the apartment and drove to the direction of the Pak Oi Building.

The bright sunshine shines through the clean front window and casts a faint golden glow on the youthful black hair.戚暮 Just opened the phone, Qianlong received tens of thousands of Aite information, he opened Twitter with amazement, and his eyes suddenly caught.

戚暮 Carefully and carefully flip the phone to see the information in this article.

When he saw a group of people asking questions in unison, his sharp eyebrows picked up slightly; but when he saw the support of Wei Ai, Bai Ai, and some of his old friends, he gently Smile open.

Wait until the end, when you go to the latest Twitter of the official love, look