MTL - King of Classical Music-Chapter 250

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The next day, as I said yesterday, I went to visit Julie.

In the evening of the same day, under the hustle and bustle of the hustle and bustle, a man finally calmly calmed down and parked his car in the downstairs of Julie's house, and then slowly and solemnly stepped onto the steps. In the end, it seemed to be a fateful one. He gently rang the solid wood door in front of him.

As soon as the door opened, the short-haired and delicate woman looked at the sly outside the door with surprise, and happily gave him a big hug: "Oh, my dear Auston! I have missed you for so long, I miss you so much!" You are all thin, come and come and eat some sugar!"

闵琛: "..."

He just wanted to say something, but he looked up and saw the young man standing behind Julie. I saw Junxiu’s gentle young man holding a scorpion at this moment, looking at him like a smile, his lips curling up, as if to say: eat sugar, Auston.

闵琛: "..............."

After accepting nearly an hour of 蹂·躏, he finally left the Julie family with his own youth. Before leaving, Julie also stuffed a handful of sugar into her hands. The latter's eyelids jumped and said in a low voice: "Juli, I haven't eaten sugar for a long time."

The energetic lady smiled and said: "You can bring my dear Liz to eat. I heard that when she knew that Xiaoqi came to Berlin, she really wanted to see him. Oh, it seems to be tomorrow. Liz is going to come tomorrow! You have to be prepared!"

戚暮和闵琛: "...?!!!"

The character of the child is always so hot and screaming, but fortunately, with the reminder of Julie, the next day, the cockroach and the cockroach immediately cleaned the entire apartment. When Liz rushed to the door, he had already gone to Bai Ai for rehearsal, and he smiled and waited for her in the house.

Carrying a few beautiful little gift boxes, wearing a light green lady's long skirt, not seen for half a year, this beautiful tall blonde girl seems to grow taller, slim, and Tingting.

After Liz handed the gift to her, she looked around and carefully looked around. After she decided that her cousin was really not nearby, she was relieved and slammed forward and gave her a big hug. Said: "Long time no see, Xiaoqi! I really miss you too!!!"

He was holding three or four gift boxes in his hands. Now he was so forced to hold it. He comfortably calmed the girl in his arms and said, "Liz, I miss you too. Is it better to let me go first and let me put things in the house?"

After Liz entered the house, it was not unexpected. The first thing was to visit. From the piano room to the bedroom, and then from the bedroom to the study, she looked at every detail, even the gap behind the bookcase.

When she confirmed that she was not at home, she only bent her scorpion and smiled and said: "Small seven, this is my first time... Oh, it’s the second time I’ve come to my apartment in Oston’s brother. The field consciousness of Osson's brother is really strong. I was surprised to see that I was able to live in Vienna last time. I didn't expect this time to acquiesce in my house in Berlin."

Hearing the words, laughing at the dagger, he poured a cup of lemonade at the bar, then handed it to the excited Liz, and replied: "You can come here often, here is the linden tree. The Lower Street and the Paris Square are very close."

After listening to this, the little girl snorted and whispered: "Oston brother can not welcome me like Xiaoqi, he has a bad temper, never cares, every Christmas Eve family When people get together, he cuts his own beef coldly. I am already good enough. Xiaoqi, do you know that my brother, Yates, really does not dare to talk to Oston brother? It!"

This is not the first time I have heard from a different population that "the temper is not good", but today, he does not know how to answer such questions. He really never saw a bad temper, and even Liz’s mouth was so cold and ignorant that he had never met.

In the sly impression, this man is obviously stingy, awkward, narcissistic, and vengeful... The most terrible thing is that he is still afraid of bugs!

Just thinking, Liz’s curious voice interrupted the embarrassing thoughts: “Hey, Xiaoqi, this room is really clean. I heard that Oston’s brother resigned from the hour, I thought his apartment. It will be very messy, I didn’t expect it to be so clean!"

Hearing his words, he was in a stiff state, then he nodded with a smile and said, "Well, indeed... very clean."

Can't it be clean?

He and He from yesterday night to this morning, as long as there is free time, quickly tidy up the room!

As for why suddenly I have to pack things so diligently? Just because Liz is coming soon?

Of course not!

When I think of this, I hate it, even if it is basically a man who contributes to the crime during the cleaning process, I feel that it is not enough.

Who let the guy actually move his hands and feet in the living room! Also from the living room all the way to the bar, and finally back to the bedroom! If this is accidentally seen by Liz, something bad...

Teach bad kids! ! !

After eating a simple Chinese food at home at noon and eating paper, in the face of this simplest two-in-one soup, the little blond girl excitedly forgot the various ladies' rules that she was taught in the past. Expressing his own joy: "I really like this meat! Xiaoqi, is this the legendary Chinese cuisine?!!! This is so delicious!"

Coveted a look at Liz's position, smirked and licked the lips, replied: "Liz, this is just the most common Chinese home cooking, and it is not a special Chinese cuisine. This dish It’s called... Well, in German, it’s green pepper and shredded pork. I have a little red pepper in it. It seems that you like spicy food. We have the chance to eat hot pot together.”

After listening to this, Liz immediately and pleasantly asked: "What is the hot pot?! Is it what I have seen on TV, the one that contains all kinds of uncooked lettuce in a large pot?!"

When she explained to the curious little girl what was called the hot pot, Liz had jumped out of the chair. She kept pulling her hand and begged her to let her taste the legendary hot pot.

Even after waiting for the bowls of the full table to be packed into the kitchen, Liz helped to wipe the bowl while still sipping his mouth, then enviously whispered: "Oston brother is really happy, he I can even find someone like you in Xiaoqi!"

戚暮: "..............."

What is it? ! Do you dare say it again, what is it? ! !

Congratulations, Liz, you triggered the ultimate mission - "the disappearance of the hot pot."


After the end of the lunch, he took Liz from the Bodhi Tree Down Avenue to the Brandenburg Gate. Liz did not come to these places, but she was bound by a variety of etiquette, but she really liked the feeling of being around.

When he asked if he would like to go to Bai’s love together, Liz squinted his eyes and nodded excitedly: “I want to go to Bai Ai! Xiaoqi... Can I really go? Auston brother I have never taken me to Pok Oi, but I especially like Pok Oi music. Kedori’s violin is very good, and Evi’s cello is also very good!”

The girl's blue eyes are reflected in the same blue sky, Liz is short, and even a little bit on his shoulder. Although apparently a 17-year-old girl, the girl was clearly protected by her family. The pupils were all gentle and bright, and there was no darkness on them.

Lyrics couldn't help but reach out and touch Liz's head, and then smiled in a polite voice: "Yes, I just worry that you will go out and go wrong. When we go to Baiai, he won't be relieved." ”

After listening to this, Liz first squatted for a while, then nodded hard.

On the way to Bai Ai, Yan and Liz sat in the back seat of the taxi, listening to the little girl talking nonstop. The driver who drove the car was also a very enthusiastic uncle. He recognized the cockroach when he got on the bus and asked for a signature with enthusiasm.

When the taxi stopped at the door of the Pak Oi headquarters building, the driver gave them a phone call, indicating that he could pick it up whenever he needed it.

Although I know that I should be jealous when I go back, he did not reject the good intentions of the other party. After seriously thanking the driver, he and Liz turned and walked into the door of Bai Ai.

Naturally, no one knows who is working in Bai’s love. Even if he is not a lover, he is still a beggar. He is the chief of Wei Ai. He is a young violinist who has been outstanding in the past two years. His fans like him have already been able to travel from Berlin to Vienna!

After declining the lead of the staff, he took Liz to the most used rehearsal hall. The rehearsal hall has been visited twice, on the fourth floor of the Pok Oi headquarters.

When the elevator "叮咛-" slammed shut, he and Liz laughed and walked out of the metal door of the elevator.

Just as they had just passed a corner, he just opened his mouth and did not speak, and suddenly he heard a familiar voice. The sound is as soft and soft as ever, just like the softest accordion slamming on the prairie, mixed with the warmth of spring.

Apparently, Liz also heard the voice. She was surprised to turn her head and look at it. The two went two steps forward, and it didn't matter! I saw

Read The Duke's Passion