MTL - King of Classical Music-Chapter 249

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From London to Berlin, from Heathrow Airport to Tegel Airport, the two-hour voyage made the members of the company feel a little tired. After all, I finally returned to my own base camp and sniffed the fresh and free air of Berlin. Even if the journey was exhausted, they were very relaxed.

In the crowds and crowds of the airport, I saw the young and handsome young man at a glance. The latter was holding a silver-white suitcase and holding the wave.

Today, I wore a light gray long coat, and the inside was a white base. Many people wearing such light-colored clothes would look dull, but in the sun, the youthful white skin is like a crystal. The white jade made him stand out in an instant.

He straightforwardly handed the baggage from his hand to the agent at the side. While Daniel kept shouting "Hey, Oston, what do you mean?", he strode out of the door and went straight up. I gave the young man a hot and hug!

When the members of Bai Ai appeared in the doorway, many onlookers discovered their existence. For the Berliners, Bai Ai is the symbol of their city and the classical music of this country. At the same time, some fans have discovered the traces of cockroaches, so they also produced a little bit of speculation.

Guessing is speculation, but these fans just want to "small seven is probably to pick up Mr. Bertelme," but did not guess... there will be such a sudden hug!

There was a cry of surprise in the crowd. Bai loved everyone to come back and look at the direction of their own icebergs. This one, someone shouted happily: "Hey! That's not Xiaoqi!"

These people have been so surprised and surprised, so naturally it goes without saying that it is embarrassing. He abides by his previous agreement and arrived here before he returned to Berlin to welcome him back. But what he never imagined was that this man would have been so brave enough to hold him in public!

There must be some reporters around to take photos sneakly, but I felt the violent heartbeat of just a few layers of clothing, but slowly relaxed. He raised his hand and gently embraced the man in front of him. I buried my cheek in his shoulder.

Even if this person is jealous, and he is jealous, these are just things outside.

Today, they are just a pair of lovers who love each other.

The hug of just a dozen seconds seems to be half a century old. Under the leadership of Kedori and Daniel, the members of Bai Ai regrettably ended the activity of "seeing the little seven and directing love". They went home and took a break before waiting until the next day. Love to do daily rehearsals.

When the onlookers in the airport gradually dissipated almost the same, he and he did not avoid the suspicion, and walked in the direction of the parking lot. In the bright and spacious airport lobby, countless tourists are coming and going in a hurry. In this contrast, the two leisurely walkers are so conspicuous.

Along the way, I also met a few fans, and even I met my fans here. After signing the name and getting a blessing from the other party, the two men walked hand in hand to the parking lot, and soon the car started and left Tegel Airport.

After fastening the seat belt firmly, the sensation could not help but feel: "I still remember the scene when I came to Berlin for the first time. At that time, I was still awkward." I paused, in a strange look. In the middle, he continued: "After all, in my heart, you are still a very great and outstanding music master. Even if your temper is very kind, it is also the object that I have respected for many years."

Hearing this, the thin lips twitched slightly, and he said calmly: "I am still your idol now."

This kind of shameless words must be denied. It must be severely denied: "No, you have never been my idol." After thinking about it, he said solemnly: "You give me The impression is that the 'great master of music' is completely unchanged. It is really not at all good."

The darkness of the darkness flashed a glimmer of light, and the tone was low: "I am not good enough?"

"You should remember the vote of the Danube Forum a few years ago, that is, Daniel said that he gave you a vote." As if recalling things for many years, he slammed his throat and said: "Daniel said He has canvassed for you, in fact...the people of the Vienna Symphony Orchestra have also voted for Mr. Evra! I have asked my former classmates and friends to vote for Mr. Evra and even launched their families. Cough, don't look at me, don't tell Mr. Evra about this. In short, even if each of us has done that, Mr. Evra's votes are nearly 2,000 votes lower than you. Ah! What a terrible number!"

The splendid and gentle June sunshine is not particularly toxic, but it is a kind of soft and warm. It shines on the cold and precious face of the man through the front window of the car, which seems to make it softer.

The tone was calm and he said with disapproval: "Daniel, they are really too hustle." The implication is: I am much better than Evra, Daniel, their agitating ability is too strong.

But when I stumbled, I laughed and said: "If I believe in you again, they will cry when they are in Kedori. You said that the teacher said to me that 'Auston is a demon. You must never go to him." When I was, why didn’t I go to my heart? I still thought that you guys really wanted to help people without any other purpose."

I suddenly caught the key words in the swear words: "What other purposes do I have?"

He consciously replied: "You didn't mean to help me, and then wanted to be with me..." The voice came to an abrupt end, and then I realized what I was talking about. The young man suddenly reddened his cheeks, and he turned his head in anger and anger, and never wanted to pay attention to the man next to him!

It’s been two years together, how can he still be this guy!

When he saw it, he smiled and smiled. He reached out and touched the young man’s left hand. He gently rubbed his finger at the delicate tiger’s mouth and said, “Well, I am wrong... I don’t know. It’s not good to approach you, you shouldn’t have a different purpose... oh... cough...”

After being hammered by the youth, he coughed gently. It happened that the red light had ended, and the cars waiting for the back were pressing the horns, urging them to drive.

So he started to drive, and saw the young man's appearance of "one venting anger, but also wanting to come again for the second time." He quickly said: "Danger, danger, what are we going to say!"

It was said that this made a scorn from the nose and then put down his hand.

The beautiful black car quickly sailed past the Brandenburg Gate, Paris Square, and the Unter den Linden. The Spree River reflected the diamond-like light in the sun, like a long silver belt that passed through the entire green shade. Scallioned Berlin city.

"Tomorrow, I want to visit Julie first, and then I will go to Poké with you the day after tomorrow."

Time has made the youth have forgotten the shame of the past. After all, this man is very good at squinting and telling some sinister love words. He especially likes to see his reddish ear and shy look.

戚暮 Continue to say: "Julie often mentioned this to me during this time. She said that every time she loves to go out for a tour, she misses you very much. If you want to wait until the end of the rehearsal, you will come down to Julie's house. Pick me up."

The car seemed to be gently slipping on the flat street, licking his lips and saying: "I will be very busy and busy tomorrow, I am afraid I can't pick you up at Julie's house."

Seeing the man's solemn and serious appearance, he raised an eyebrow and said: "But Julie's family is still far away from our home. If I go back, it is very inconvenient..."

The phrase "our family" made the man feel good, but he didn't completely relax his vigilance: "Tomorrow... cough, tomorrow is not so busy, I will wait for you in the street from Julie's house."

I deliberately made a face: "You just said that you are very busy."

闵琛: "..."

"Tomorrow I will tell Julie your words."


"Auston, who likes to hold sugar on other people's thighs, doesn't even want to see his beautiful aunt Julie!"

"... Are you threatening me?"

I smiled and licked my lips: "I don't deny it."

"So... I accept your threat." Gently sighed and looked at the loss of a big look: "How do you bully me this evening, how can I bully me, I confess. Oh. Yes, I just changed a 2m bed last month. You don't have to worry, how can you bully me... Well, I won't call for help."

戚暮: ".........!!!!"

You are shameless! ! ! !

There is a way for lovers to get along, called "one second is missing, such as three autumns"; there is also a way for lovers to get along, called "old husband and wife, do not dislike each other." He feels deeply that his relationship with this man is in a mode of constant switching between the two!

On the evening of the same day, he was very angry to throw a man's pillow out of the bedroom door and severely stop the other party from stepping into the door. Who knows that it’s only three minutes, a man is actually holding a pillow and coming in! As soon as I asked it, I replied calmly: "I didn't go any further. I went into the second three four four six seven eight steps."

戚暮: "..."

After a long while, he sighed and said: "Hey, you always destroy your image in my heart, is this really okay? Say good indifference and elegance?"

The answer to the youth is a kiss that the man suddenly printed. The hot and hot temperature gradually burned from the place where the lips touched, and the original reason was gradually burned out.

On the soft and spacious 2m bed, the strong hands of the man pressed the youth's arms tightly. The lips and teeth are entangled with each other, and the tip of the tongue chasing each other. The silver thread hooks down from the lips of the skull, and the tongue **** and squirms shyly reverberate in the quiet bedroom.

When this long and gentle kiss finally came to an end, the young man had already lost his gaze and stared blankly at the man who was pressing on himself.

Even if he hasn't seen it for many days, the man's kiss still has the magic that he can't resist, so he has to follow him.

闵琛 Gently leaned down, the hoarse and **** voice rang in the sly ear: "So now I... do you like it?"

For a long time, I just smiled and reached out and hooked the other's neck. He whispered, "I don't like it." He sneaked a sigh, then he listened to the young man and added: "I love it very much." People...oh..."

Although it is not necessary to always put "love" on the lips, when the youth speaks the word, the flame that ignites in a moment makes it impossible for the dragon to calm down.

The body is intertwined, and the kisses are cherished. All the thoughts and loves are expressed in the most silent way. At the moment of entering, because I have not done such a thing for a long time, I can't help but wrinkle my eyebrows. The trick is to gently kiss the youthful eyebrows and let him relax.
