MTL - King of Classical Music-Chapter 241

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Although the ensemble of Yan and Yi did not invite too many media in the industry, the media that can be present is the top of the classical music industry. In the major newspapers and magazines released the next day, I saw that the praise and praise of the Qing Dynasty almost formed a whirlwind, it seems to be scraping through the entire classical music circle!

The famous French music critic Ante Master published a more than 5,000-word commentary on the Gramophone. He praised it in this way: "It is difficult to find a second concert in this world." Whether it is the piano of Auston Beltley or the violin of the cymbal, if it is a miracle given by God, they make this concert the most worthwhile performance this year, and it is also within three years. The most wonderful concert I have ever heard."

In the interview with "Voice of Vienna", Master Lance, one of the three major violinists in the world, said: "I can hardly imagine that there will be such gentle and mellow music. Such a beautiful and moving piece really I am very touched, it is deeply deep in the feelings, I am afraid that only the two musicians can join hands to show it. Yes, it is the twilight of the bright moonlight, it is the moonlight in the gorgeous twilight, This name is really wonderful!"

And the singer who had the chance to get an interview after the concert ended up excitedly flushed his cheeks and expressed his excitement: "The Twilight in the Moonlight" is really great! Orston Bertley’s music is still As always, the music that he wrote was... No, right, and Xiaoqi, this song is also written by Xiaoqi! Anyway, this song is really great!"


When classical fans from all over the world bought magazines and magazines from the newsstands in the city, or watched the electronic versions of these classical music media on the Internet, they couldn’t help but want to listen to the music. Will cd.


When they madly searched on the Internet and in the audio-visual store, they found that there was no news of this cd at all! !

There is no live broadcast, so you can't even have a cd for the concert! ! !

This makes them unable to imagine what kind of "gentle lingering", "deep and rich", "God's miracle-like" concert in your mouth, okay! ! ! ! Where some people don't broadcast live, don't record, just simply start a concert! ! !

But in fact, it is really such a person, such as 戚暮 and 闵琛.

For this occasion, the attitude of the two of them reached a striking agreement. This concert is just to invite some special people. It will not do live broadcasts, nor will it carry out too many tickets, even the scene. The recordings are directly blank.

Because their concerts are only played for specific people.

This is a thank-you concert for their relatives and friends, for those who are respectable, and for the care given by these people in the past years. Thanks to these people for their companionship in the long road of life.

As for you saying that you want tickets? Well, anyway, there are a total of 200 free tickets, 100 random prizes for the lucky draw, and 100 for the charity event, and the next time you have the opportunity to get tickets, then come and listen to it.

Yes, yes, after the concert, I did not intend to end the ensemble performance of the two.

In the interview after the concert ended, Junxiu’s youth met with the reporter’s question of whether he would cooperate with Mr. Pat Lem in the future. He smiled and answered: “I think, this one’ In the future, the deadline should not be too long. We will also open an occasional concert next year. The following year, there will be in the next year... I think, maybe we will not be able to pull the violin and bullets anyday. When you don't move the piano, such an ensemble will end completely."

In this case, there was a big uproar on the spot. All the reporters frantically asked whether "such a promise is also a guarantee for the relationship between the two of you." "Would you decide to marry in the short term?" Are you married?"

The reporter’s sharp and sinister problems made him stunned slightly. He didn’t wait for him to come back. He saw the microphone in front of him being gently dialed. Looking down the direction, I saw a sly scorpion with a slight sigh, and then whispered: "It seems to be a bit of a problem, let's go back to the topic of the concert. Ok, next Who is going to ask questions?"

The man's tone was indifferent and cold, and the unwavering gaze of the old well seemed to randomly sweep the reporters of the audience, but let them shake and subconsciously shrink back.

Reporters: "..............."

How do you feel like you are saying, "Who dares to speak again?" ! ! ! !

At this time, Paris is nearing the middle of the night. After the concert played at the Prye Concert Hall, the craze has not dissipated for a long time. Many of the audience are still in the lobby of the concert hall, and they exchanged the performances. Praise and opinion.

For example, in the circle of people surrounded by two wall groups, Master Akade, Master Feller and Master Lance continued to discuss. These three old friends have a song, and there is a difference!

Professor Akade’s white eyebrows sighed and said in dissatisfaction: “The twilight under the moonlight should be considered a violin sonata! It is obvious that in this song, the weight of the violin is much heavier than the piano, it is A violin sonata. And the guy in Auston is also very familiar with it. On the display, it is a violin sonata. Is there any problem?"

On the other hand, Master Feller did not agree with it: "Reed, how can you be so arbitrarily? In this song, the part of the piano is also perfect, even the piano's kind of sorrowful, sorrowful feelings What a wonderful move! I always think that this piece may be more suitable as a piano sonata for promotion."

Professor Akade grinned: "Fal, have you seen a piano sonata with a violin ensemble?!"

Master Feller smiled slightly: "Oh dear Reid, this does not just prove that this is a song that pioneered the creation?"


The discussion between the two is really a battle, and no one wants to let anyone. In the end, in essence, they are discussing in the last Ankee, "The Twilight in the Moonlight", whether it is better or better.

After all, they are old friends for decades. Professor Akkad and Master Feller can’t really quarrel. They are very familiar with each other. Even if there is a disagreement at this moment, Master Fowler can make this. An eccentric old friend can't make a fire.

Upon seeing it, the master of Lance smiled a little and shifted the topic: "Oh, dear Reid, Fowler, you have not noticed who the composer of this song is? Xiaoqi is also inside! This The first song actually has a small seven composition, you are not curious?"

The onlookers have said that this is really important. Masters, you will discuss this discussion soon! Especially the teacher of Aka, Professor Akade, you can talk about it soon, when is it still starting to compose music, is he still ready to cross the border? !

What did the Master Lance never imagined was that after listening to his words, Professor Akade, a little old man, laughed and said to Master Farr: "Look at Fowler, this song has my students. Composing! This is not just a song written by the guy of Auston, so this is a violin sonata, believe it or not!"

Mr. Faller did not enter the trap at all: "But Reid, who said that Xiaoqi can not participate in the writing of a piano sonata?"

Professor Akade screamed: "In any case, Xiaoqi is better! It is a hundred times better and ten thousand times better than the guy in Auston!"

Master Farr laughed: "Reed, are you exposed?"


This kind of discussion is not uncommon in the lobby of the concert hall. However, most people look at this issue with appreciation. Even Kedori and Daniel are sighing from the heart: After a year, the lazy guy of Auston has not regressed at all. Instead, it is really making progress!

Enriched fans like Hook and Sethi are excited to be self-made. They excitedly expressed their praise on the concert on their Twitter and Facebook, and they got a big ticket for "Bastard, I also want to go to the scene to listen", "Sai Si, you are too bad! Pull hate ", "Hook, you are waiting, come back, I am dying of you" comment.

The same as their situation, it is the b city symphony orchestra, the Pareson Theatre Orchestra, the Huaxia Philharmonic Orchestra, and some members of Wei Ai and Bai Ai. As relatives and friends of Yan and Yi, they obviously also received a lot of free tickets.

Tonight, when the concert was over, they were very happy to express their feelings about the show on their Twitter and Weibo. This kind of behavior obviously caught up with hatred. For example, Du Sheng’s new Weibo has received thousands of reposts and comments in just one hour!

【Ah ah ah ah ah! We also want to listen to the performance of Xiaoqi and Daishen! ! ! ! 】

[Hey, why is there no live broadcast, why there is no live broadcast, why there is no live broadcast... If important, repeat it three times! 】

[How did I get left by Tan Lao? Qaq, I also want to listen to the performance of Xiaoqi! 】


Upon seeing it, Du Sheng couldn’t help but feel that the fans of Xiaoqi really got more!

He remembers that it seems to be still at 4 or 5 in the morning, and there are so many forwards and comments in the middle of the night! But he still didn't feel how long it was. Du Sheng's mobile phone suddenly shook. When he looked at the name on the mobile phone, he quickly picked up the phone: "Tan Lao, why haven't you slept yet?"

On the other side of the phone, there was a buzzing voice from the old man: "Hey! You are very good on Weibo, Xiao Du. Give me a quick return to China tomorrow, know?"

Du Sheng: "..............."

Why are you going to see Weibo?

No... It’s not because the things of the orchestra are mixed, there is no way to come to the scene, why are you jealous!

Read The Duke's Passion