MTL - King of Classical Music-Chapter 240

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After a Sarasetti’s Song of the Wanderers, Prokofiev’s second violin sonata in d major, Brahms’s Sonata of Raindrops, and Paganini’s Sonata No. 12.

When the last piece of music on the invitation was really a full stop, the thunderous screams in the audience, everyone was excited and excited, and dedicated their most sincere praise to the stage. A great musician.

Whether it is sharp and calm, "d major", or sad and sad "salmon sonata", or even the last extremely difficult "12th", both 戚暮 and 闵琛 are extremely tacit With the harmonious and harmonious performance, these songs are perfectly perfected and impeccable!

Especially the last one of Paganini's "No. 12", the sound of the violin clear and clear in the quiet and wide music hall has been echoing for a long time, accompanied by the soft response of the piano, so beautiful and moving music is like a spring breeze Gentle and gentle, while giving the audience a sense of hearing, they also have a faint sadness and embarrassment for their hearts.

You can't imagine that you can see the two world's top masters playing the same song on the same stage; before that, you might never have thought that when the two people's sounds were mixed together, The feelings that are hidden behind the sound are so strong that almost all the audience can feel the same!

Whether it is intense notes or soft melodies, these two musicians can always touch the heartstrings in the most exciting places, so that the violin's femininity and the piano's tough combination, no abruptness and disagreement, like the current flow meets Together, become a brand new voice!

How can such a concert be exciting?

Therefore, when the audience's applause sounded for three minutes, Yan and Yan took the hand and walked back to the stage from the backstage curtain. They took a deep bow together and thanked the audience for their retention.

After the applause subsided a little, the staff quickly rushed up from the side of the stage and handed them to a microphone, and quickly left.

Holding a black microphone in the left hand, I looked up at the audience in the audience of nearly a thousand people. I didn’t know what to say.

This performance hall is the smaller one of the one and two performance halls of the Prye Concert Hall, but its small size is only corresponding to the seats of nearly 2,000 people in the grand performance hall. At this moment, its auditorium It also accommodates nearly a thousand people.

Beside the hustle and bustle, the cold and elegant man saw the look of the young man. He whispered his lips and said: "Thank you for the applause from the audience, thank you for coming to this concert, thank you. After listening to the show."

Fluent German flowed out of the man's mouth. After hearing the mouth open, he smiled and nodded. "This time we only prepared an Encore song, hoping to satisfy all the audience. This one The song is a very good song, we are very, very fond of it."

Hearing his words, he smiled and licked his lips, sneaked up the middle finger, and gently drew it in the applause of the youth. Their tiny movements were hidden in the hands that had been held, and no one noticed them, but they couldn’t help but redden their ears and pulled their hands out of their hands.

闵琛: "..."

Under the public, the squad directly gave the mic to the staff who ran over, and even the man ignored the man and went straight to his position. The audience under the stage was a bit confusing, but at this moment, their attention was drawn to the song "We are very much liked" in the mouthpiece.

In the invitation, the name of Encore was not printed. This has always been a program similar to "Eggs" in every concert, keeping its mystery. So, what is the song, can you get the evaluation of "very, very like"? !

On the stage, when the youth opened their hands, the cockroaches only calmly lifted the scorpion, and did not show a trace of anomalies. He walked straight to the piano bench and sat down on his Steinway nine-foot grand piano. He tried the tone again and then turned to look at the young man next to him.

When I was nearing the performance, I had already lost my "small temper", and he solemnly turned his head and looked at it. Then, in the doubts of the audience (including Professor Akade and others), suddenly, just listening to a cheerful and enthusiastic piano sound suddenly sounded!

The sound of the piano was like a rush from above nine days. Two consecutive slides were dazzling and dazzling, and suddenly they took everyone's attention, and people couldn't help but fall into the atmosphere of jubilation and excitement.

When the piano played about two bars, its sound did not weaken at all, but at the same time, the violin's sound was slammed into it!

In general, most of the music will be divided into major and secondary. Even the quintet and ensemble will be dominated by a single instrument, supplemented by the rest of the instrument. When the main instrument is played, other instruments are tacitly reducing the volume, highlighting the existence of the main instrument and the main melody.

But what is amazing is that in this huge piano sound and violin sound, the two actually go forward and play forward! No one deliberately lowered the volume, and no one deliberately soothed a little melody. It was so violently sung and sang a scene of joy and joy.

However, no one dares to say that there is something wrong with this ensemble!

Together with Mr. Faller, who is a master of composition, he was surprised to listen to such a melody, and then his expression became more and more excited and his eyes became more and more hot: he had never heard such a violin and piano competing! The soft and unyielding violin and the galloping of the piano have got some sort of mysterious balance at this moment!

This is undoubtedly a very good piece of music. This is definitely a piece of music that can stun the world. The name of this piece is...

Master Feller suddenly stunned, and he suddenly realized that this turned out to be a new song that has never been seen before!

Thinking of this, Mr. Faller quickly looked up and looked at the display on the side of the stage. At this moment, countless music masters and music critics have turned their attention to the display panel.

I saw it on the top, and there was a clear line of words at the moment - "The violin sonata in a major" / "thetwilightinthemoonlight".

When everyone is wondering what is called "Twilight in the Moonlight", but see the subtitles in the second line, just rolled up - the player: Hey, hey.

Well, on this list of performances, it is probably to show the love of a man. The name of "戚暮" has always been placed before "闵琛", and all the audience are used to it. But at this time, suddenly! The third line of words also rolled up -

Composer: Hey, hey.

............etc... Wait a minute! ! !

What is "闵琛, 戚暮"? !

Does this song still have a composing composition? !

Was it a great composer? ! !

This answer is obviously beyond everyone's expectations, but they don't have time to think about it for a while. The sound of the music in the concert hall makes them completely forget the guess they just made, and continue to listen carefully to this wonderful and beautiful music. Come.

The light and melodious violin sounds like a joyful play. The melody is sometimes high and sometimes low. The only constant is the joyful and lively composition of the piano, which makes people feel happy.

Similar to the chords of the piano rhythm, in the man's slender fingers, the harder octaves are played extremely lightly, as if the fingers are as simple and casual.

When the first chapter of the relaxed and cheerful music is over, it is the second movement that is eager and enthusiastic. When the piano was played fiercely and loudly, the meaning of love contained in the music had already made the audience suddenly wake up, and instantly realized what was called "the twilight under the moonlight."

If the piano sound is moonlight, then the violin sound is twilight.

These two beautiful things that should not exist at the same time have been perfectly coexisted at this moment! In the first movement, they play and play with each other. In the second chapter, they seem to have a hot and hot love, singing beautiful love with music.

By the time of the third chapter, although the rhythm is still clear and brisk, the melody is still soft and gentle, but the sadness hidden under the music has gradually emerged.

This pair of lovers must face a separation of life and death, and how to know each other and love each other, can not withstand the coming of the coming, the death of the general storm!

But what all musicians and music critics expected was that their estimated "fourths of sadness and desolateness" did not appear! In the ensemble of the fourth movement, the violin's melody suddenly returned to the height of the first movement, and the piano still responded with enthusiasm!

They don't seem to know the grief they are about to face at all, just responding to the call of their lover with a more heated voice!

This kind of sound like "the joy before dying"... is more sad than sorrow!

Until the violin sounded low and the last whimper, the piano still played the cheerful music without knowing it. By the time it gradually discovered the disappearance of the violin, the voice slowly turned into a kind of tension, then a rush, and finally... only the sadness was left.

The whole song is drowned in the whisper of the piano.

When the sound of the piano came to an abrupt end, there was no silence under the stage.

Don't say these audiences, even Master Feller, Mr. Lance, Kedori, and even Professor Daniel and Akkad have never heard of this "Twilight under the Moonlight"!

They never knew when these two people actually wrote such a beautiful and sad music. Her grief is never a pain in the surface, but a dark cloud hidden behind the joy. This kind of feeling is even more unbearable to move, and even some people have already had a slight wet eye and a throat choked!

The dull and depressed emotions settled in the audience for a long while, until Mr. Faller, the world’s top composer and conductor, suddenly stood up and shouted “bravo” with warm and enthusiastic applause. The whole concert hall seemed to be like Suddenly, the start button was pressed, and the thunderous applause sounded for a long time!

By this time, he had already gotten up from the piano stool. He did not care to support his own youth, and he deepened the hug in the long and warm applause. The embarrassment is to laugh and laugh, let the other party suddenly play the temper, and even with the right hand with the bow, gently hugged the other side.

Seeing this situation, the direction of the Geneva Conservatory of Music suddenly came with a more heated applause! Among the dozen girls with two eyes, Sethi also excitedly gave his blessings and praises to these two outstanding musicians!

On February 14th, 2018, it was a Valentine's Day that made Sethi unforgettable.

She heard such a wonderful concert and saw such a warm and romantic scene.

And she has a hunch, perhaps from tomorrow, the world of classical music will sound a wonderful piece of music.

she was