MTL - King of Classical Music-Chapter 228

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On the third day from the last countdown to the last tour of this year, I felt what I called for the first time. During the whole day of rehearsal, after Mr. Dorensa asked the unusually embarrassing question and sneered at it, everything began to develop in a strange direction.

Good rehearsal has gradually become less tense. Even in the afternoon tea time, a large number of VIP members and staff members will be surrounded by groups and teach him various love experiences (although many people do not have men/ "Girlfriend", stressed: "Small seven, Mr. Bertelme looks like a strong look, you must not be bullied by him! If he dares to bully you... I... we are all Support you behind!"

戚暮: "..............."

So, are you still afraid to stand up and do the right thing?

After such a tough day of rehearsal, I was helplessly laughing in the daily phone call at night: "They are worried that you bully me, um... So, hey, what do you think of leaving you like that?" ”

The phone on the other side is very innocent: "I am a gentle and kind person."

I heard a word, smiled and said: "This is what you said to me a year ago. I will probably still believe it. But now... although I have not seen you in the end, how is a 'devil command', but I It can also be guessed that you can let the members of Weiai know your 'famous name', and you are quite powerful."

He is still arguing: "In fact, I have always been very patient with the members. As you have seen, even in the case of Hua Ai’s rehearsal, there was a blow, or even a blow, I also Guide them very peacefully, without any fire."

When I said this, my voice was calm and calm, and it was not like lying. But privately, I have learned from the mouth of everyone, how terrible their command is.

Yes, you rarely get angry, but he can beat your self-confidence and let you begin to doubt life.

Some people, he does not get angry but is even more terrible than most people get angry!

I didn’t go on this topic anymore. I said it once again, and when I said that I was still settled, I chuckled and said: “I was Richard and said this day. For a long time, I didn't expect you to be so relaxed... Hey, I knew that public will be so troublesome, doing underground | The party is actually good."

闵琛 Immediately anxious: "You don't give me a name!"


Even if you don't see it with your own eyes, you can think of a man who is stunned and stern in the dark night of Berlin. So he was righteous and said in a tone: "To be a name..." He paused, and he smiled softly: "Don't you marry me?"

闵琛: "..."

Just when I was going to open the joke, I heard the voice low and serious and solemnly said: "I don't marry." I sneaked into the ground, still didn't react, and listened to each other with a smile. Channel: "I want to... my lover."

戚暮: "!!!!"

In my mind, I remembered in the morning, after he said that he had admitted that he was on the top, Mr. Dorenza’s unbelievable "small seven, are you really on the top?", he sent a cold sigh from his nose. Road: "You can score, you can marry!" The threat of tone, gnashing teeth.

闵琛: "..............."

After a long while, the man’s low voice and helpless voice sounded: “Well, marry.”

After the man was so weak, the young man was slightly flattered. This morning, Mr. Dorensa’s expression, “You must be lying to me, Xiaoqi,” is “I’m really on?” and “I don’t believe it”, and it finally disappeared into his mind.

After the two said a few more words, they hang up the phone, but when he went to the Friends of Music Association building the next day, he was surprised to find that the reporters who were still at the door yesterday, actually All of a sudden disappeared!

After asking Mr. Dorensa, I realized that in order to maintain the external image of Wei Ai, the public relations department has temporarily treated these reporters. After all, the relationship between Yan and Yu is really open to the public, and there is nothing to interview. Unless the parties agree, the behavior of these reporters has affected the daily activities of Wei Ai.

And not only the public relations department of Wei Ai, but even the shackles have forcibly linked the relationship, slightly suppressing the power of public opinion. Therefore, this morning, I will not even see a sneak shot.

The heart gradually became a little warm, and the face of the young Bai Lili also showed a splendid and awkward smile.戚暮 whispered: "Thank you, Mr. Dorensa, my business has recently disturbed the orchestra's daily rehearsal, I am really sorry."

Hearing, Mr. Dorensa looked up and looked at the youth standing at his desk.

From the first meeting to the present, Mr. Dorensa has known each other for a year and a half. If you put it a year ago, Mr. Dorensa would never have thought that one day he would talk to this sensible young man in this position as the current position, but now everything happens naturally. This young man became the outstanding leader of Wei Ai, and he performed many outstanding performances with him.

Thinking of this, Mr. Dorensa smiled and said: "In fact, Xiaoqi, you don't have to feel sorry. To be honest, don't say that our rehearsal is well prepared, even if you and Auston really have rehearsals. Influence, I also want to bless you more, and will not care more about rehearsing."

Hearing this, he stunned his eyes wide open.

Just listening to Mr. Dorensa’s pause, he continued: “I have known Auston for twenty years. He just got the first place in the Tchaikovsky International Piano Competition and I know him. At that time, he was still a boy who was full of brilliance and dazzled all over the body. It was so young and young!"

I thought about it for a while, but found that at that time he probably followed a violin teacher from a music house and rarely paid attention to international affairs. But when I was five years old, I was famous. This is true.

"Auston is a person who is not good at expressing. In fact, Xiaoqi, you are also. Auston always gives people a very reliable and strong feeling, and you are small, you feel very gentle, Very close, but in fact you are not good at expressing. To be honest, I never thought that the two of you would be together, but now think about it... this is also a good thing."

Mr. Dorensa simply put down the music in his hand and looked at it seriously. He smiled and said: "I always thought that Auston might find it difficult to find his beloved in this life. After all, his character is doomed to him. It is difficult to take the initiative to approach others and have an interest in others. But Xiaoqi, I suddenly realize that Auston is not going to love someone, but he has not met you."

How can an elder who is so eager to talk to you so heartily? His voice whispered whispered: "Mr. Dorensa..."

"Small seven," Mr. Duolensa, who is gentle and kind, smiled and said: "I have known Auston for so many years. I can say that he grew up watching us. We are forgotten. I am very happy that he will meet you. I am also very happy that you will meet him. I can see two children I really admire to find the other half of my life. This is really the most wonderful thing I have ever met."

In the end, Mr. Dorensa concluded in one sentence: "You must be together."

The warm golden sun is projected from the rococo-style windows, and the youthful black hair shines a warm, light color.戚暮 Gently decapitate, seriously and solemnly said: "Thank you for your blessing, Mr. Dorensa, I think... we will always be together."


After a long talk with Mr. Dorensa that day, during the daytime rehearsal, the two did not mention the dialogues just now, but instead focused their attention on the rehearsal of the orchestra.

Last week, the New York Philharmonic Orchestra, the London BBC Philharmonic Orchestra, the Dresden Symphony Orchestra... and even the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra each completed their last tour of the year. In 2017, I am afraid that it is really the glory of the symphony, whether it is further love, or the love of the anniversary, the glory of the infinite glory.

Even after the last tour of Bai Ai last week, the "Phonograph" gave such a super high rating: "This is an unprecedented concert! When the sound of Auston Bertley's piano is from Bai Ai At the moment of the rise of the voice, the whole world was left with wonderful music. For two and a half hours, no one was tired, only the passionate music, baptized the entire Berlin Philharmonic Hall!"

The stronger the "opponent", the more stressful, more urgency, and the constant motivation.

During the last two days of rehearsal, all the members of the love team were full of energy, and the music that was outstanding and outstanding was more harmonious and beautiful.

At the end of the day, even Mr. Dorensa said with such feelings: "I can’t believe it, Xiaoqi, I have never seen these children work so hard. I think, you bring this spirit of hard work to you. They are, let them constantly urge themselves to move forward and advance."

Hearing words, he said humbly: "You are really awesome, Mr. Dorensa, I have not done anything special, I am just doing my duty."

Xiaoqi is so modest, then... What do the members of Weiai think?

"How can we be worse than Bai love?! No, even for the sake of Xiaoqi, you must hold them to death!"

"That is, Xiaoqi was already crushed by Mr. Bertram. If we were inferior to Baike in the concert, then there is still a day in the small seven!"

"After a while, Xiaoqi is not saying that he was with him when he was with Mr. Pat Leme?"

".........Alice, you are too simple! Xiaoqi said so, you believe?"

"If Xiaoqi can really hold down Mr. Bertley thoroughly, I think the names of our love can be written upside down!"

"Ha ha ha ha, agree!"

The crowd immediately laughed.


Read The Duke's Passion