MTL - King of Classical Music-Chapter 227

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When he arrived at the Friends of the Music Association building the next day, he saw the reporters in front of the gate at a glance. These crowds of reporters who are encircling the gates are more and more horrible than when he came to the deputy chief of recruitment last year.

Fortunately, he was already familiar with the building, so he calmly pressed his hat calmly, and looked at it from afar without any tension. Then he circled the door and entered the building from the partial door.

At this time, in the cold wind of Vienna, the reporters still blocked the door, and waited for one of the parties.

I have to know that there are not many people who dare to block there. After all, I have been famous for many years and have never liked to deal with the media. Moreover, the public relations means of Bai Ai are also very strong. It is difficult for the media to discuss in their hands.

As for what? Not even a broker! This is not opening the door, let them interview!

However, there is no broker in the small seven, but it is impossible to let you be flat. The handsome and straightforward youth entered the building with ease and did not let the reporters see one of their hair. He walked into the elevator with his own box, but this one...

Brush it, the targets of everyone in the elevator are shot straight!

戚暮: "..."

Ok, I forgot that there are a lot of staff in the building...

After pressing for about ten seconds, finally a short-haired female staff couldn’t help but ask: "You... are you really with Mr. Pat Leme, seven?"

As soon as the words fell, everyone else in the elevator immediately held their breath, waiting for the answer.

In this regard, he smiled and raised his right hand, shook the silver bracelet on the top, and smiled: "Perhaps, it is exactly what you see."

Then, in the horrified expression of the elevator man, the singer went long and went deep into the name.

When I first came to Europe, I registered my Twitter and Facebook. Although he has hardly used these social tools since then, the release status of the Month is still occasionally done.

Last night, when he published the short and extreme tweet, the tens of thousands of fans suddenly rose, and the smashed one went beyond 50w! Waiting until this morning, I was surprised to find that his Twitter has hundreds of thousands of forwards, and even fans have risen to over one million.

Westerners' acceptance of homosexuality is still very high. Most of the tweets that forward him and his sister are blessings. Some people wish their feelings and beauty for a long time, and some people praise that they are very suitable. Of course, the words of abusive words are not without, but without the screams of the parties, a bunch of satirical spits can bury those who discriminate.

But there is another voice that is growing more and more hot under the tweets published by 戚暮

[Speaking, this pose is very much like a marriage proposal! One person opens his palm and one puts his hand. So... can I speculate here? The hand that opens the palm of your hand should be Xiaoqi. I will look at it several times a day and then he will not be able to admit it! So the other hand is Mr. Bertelm? Does this mean that... Xiaoqi is attacking? ! ! ! 】

Second only to the tweet that was forwarded by 闵琛, this tweet’s forwarding point was as high as tens of thousands, which made him feel surprised.

... So, the focus of your attention is not a bit awkward, hello? !

Taking advantage of his own box, he calmly and calmly moved to the rehearsal room of Wei Ai. Around him, many staff of the Friends of Music Association and the staff of Wei Ai carefully looked at him, but he did not care a little. When he met the people he knew, he continued to say hello.

When he pushed the door of the rehearsal room, he just closed the door, and the fierce and lively discussion sounded immediately.

"Small seven seems to be very calm, is he really with Mr. Pat Leme?!"

"Leia, have you not seen the tweet of the small seven hairs last night?! They are really together! But why is Xiaoqi so calm, I am still nervous than Xiaoqi!"

"Just a little seven still greeted me, I almost blurted out ‘I wish you happiness’, okay!”

"Wait a minute, I suddenly realized... if Xiaoqi and Mr. Paterlem are together, can we often see Mr. Paterlem in Vienna in the future?! Ah, I am super Like Mr. Patrick's!!!!"


The soundproofing effect of the rehearsal room is excellent, but this does not mean that these hot discussions will not pass into the ears. He reluctantly listened to the discussion of these staff members, just shook his head with a low smile, but when he looked up, the whole person stayed completely in place.

戚暮: ".............................."

Dozens of people gathered around the gates of the rehearsal room, up to the oldest cello chief, Mr. Cologne, to the youngest – Oh no, Xiaoqi is the youngest – it should be the oldest Two small flute players, Mai Wei, these dozens of eyes are gathered together on the youth, even if they are calm and calm, at this moment, there is no sweat behind them.

After gently coughing twice, he tentatively asked: "... direct, ask?"

"Small seven, what is 500 days! Have you been with Mr. Pat Leme for more than a year?! I don't believe!!!"

戚暮: "..."

But they are really together...

"Ah, ah, how is it possible! Xiaoqi, your little girlfriend turned out to be Mr. Pat Leme?! How is this possible! Where is this little girl, you deceive us!!!"

戚暮: "..."

What about your little girlfriend, isn’t it really your own speculation?

"Don't bring this, Xiaoqi, I have been crushing you for so long, how can you be with Mr. Bertley... But why, I still think that you are so handsome together, really good. Great... I obviously like Xiaoqi..."

Wei love everyone: "!!!!!!"

Hey: "........."

Everyone’s eyes glared at the blond girl who was crying and crying in the crowd. I saw that the deputy chief of the viola group was squinting and red-eyed, and looked sad and sad.

Seeing everyone seeing her, I was dissatisfied and said: "Why, you are not allowed to secretly love Xiaoqi! Well, well, although I now feel that Xiaoqi and Mr. Bertelm really match... ...but don't you want people to like Xiaoqi?!"

Love everyone: "................................."

After a while, some people couldn’t help but say, "But I’m reeling, I remember you are five years older than Xiaoqi?"

黛丝一怒: "Violence | Dew women's age is death, death, death; you know?"

Love the people & 戚暮: "...................................."

When Mr. Dorensa came out of the command lounge, he saw such a funny scene. The entire Viennese Orchestra is divided into two parts. A group of younger people are surrounded by awkwardness. They care about his emotional problems and ask for emotional planning and analysis. They must not let their family eat seven. Lost.

On the other hand, the younger, older, single, and dog, are complaining, Ai Ai bites his finger, looks here, a pair of "I want to fall in love", "I want to go on a date." ", "I want to be with Xiaoqi".

Master Dorenza glanced at it and looked at it carefully. It was determined that a few young girls were really looking like "I want to fall in love with Xiaoqi" and finally I couldn’t help but shake my head and came. on the stage.

After seeing Mr. Dorensa coming, everyone in the entire orchestra quickly ran back to his position and sat down.

Although Master Dorensa has always had a good temper, this does not mean that they can bully this good-tempered commander. Today, they were lazy and chatting during the rehearsal. This is what Mr. Dorensa could not allow. They all blame today that they were really attracted by the big news of Xiaoqi, and they even forgot to rehearse.

As a result, all the members of the Uighurs and I were nervously waiting for Mr. Dorensa’s rare reprimand.

Holding a thick piece of music in his hand, Mr. Duolensa, who was graceful and gentle, walked up from the side of the stage and walked step by step to the podium at the center of the stage. Members of the former Wei Ai have discussed that Mr. Dorensa is really handsome when he is young, so you are embarrassed, even if he is old, he is still a handsome old gentleman.

Nowadays, when Mr. Dorensa’s footsteps stopped in front of the sly body, everyone in the vicissitudes of the eyes sighed and began to lament in their hearts: Finished, is Mr. Dorensa prepared to be difficult? Is it not good, is Xiaoqi going to train for them? !

After seeing Mr. Dorensa stop, he looked down at the young man sitting on the seat.

After watching each other for a long time, they even laughed in unison. They nodded and said apologetically: "Mr. Duolensa, I took a day off yesterday, I am really sorry. Today I will catch up with everyone as soon as possible. Please be assured of progress."

Master Dorensa also smiled and said: "Oh, Xiaoqi, you don't have to worry about this problem, I am more concerned about your status. Recently such a major event happened, are you okay?"

In the face of the concern of the old man, he repeatedly decapitated: "I am very good, thank you for your concern, Mr. Dorensa."

Upon seeing it, Mr. Dorensa nodded with satisfaction. Just after he took a step in the direction of the podium, he suddenly stopped and turned to look at him. He said curiously: "To Xiaoqi, I saw a lot of people discussing the issue of you and Auston at the Danube Forum yesterday. One thing, I am also very curious, you..."

Hesitating for a while, it seems to be thinking about how to word, and then Mr. Dorensa continued to ask: "When you are with Auston... Are you really above?"

戚暮: "................................."

Love everyone: "╰(*°▽°*)╯!!!"

Mr. Dorensa is really awesome! ! ! !