MTL - Jubo-Chapter 49

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? As long as mom can do it. Mother Zheng promised that even if her son wanted the moon in the sky, she would find a way to pick it off. After confessing the younger son, Mother Zheng actually felt that the younger son had been accommodating them. With this knowledge, she Every time I think of it, I want to cry. Obviously, they caused him to leave from childhood, but he never complained.

Wang Cheng couldn't feel his mother's thoughts. He inserted a piece of orange with a toothpick and sent it to Chu Yifeng's mouth. The latter frowned slightly. It seemed that he didn't catch cold on this sour fruit, but he ate it with his mouth. He grinned: "I don't want to be only Zhou Cheng. My adoptive parents have treated me well since childhood. Although my family was poor when they were young, they never treated me badly. I have a copy of my brother and sister, so I want to keep it. Wang Cheng's name. "

"Just like it, Mom doesn't object," Zheng mother said softly.

"Thank you mom."

Mother Zheng smiled and couldn't help but quipped, "If you want to thank your mother, hurry up and give your grandfather a big fat grandson. Your grandfather can count on you."

Wang Cheng showed an expression that was struck by Lei. He didn't answer for a while. Mother Zheng asked him what happened on the phone. He hurriedly said something was still happening, and then hung up the phone.

"What's wrong?" Chu Yifeng noticed his expression.

Wang Cheng rested his hands on the coffee table and held his forehead. "When it's over, how can I forget, my mother and grandfather asked me to change my surname Zhou. Didn't he just want me to open up a family for the Zhou family? There are also sons-in-law. If they are known in the future, the resistance will not only be the Chu family and Zheng family, but also one Zhou family. "

"Obvious." Chu Yifeng was not surprised at all.

"Since you guessed it, you still agree with my surname Zhou?"

Chu Yifeng put down the documents in his hand and analyzed: "For your grandfather, it doesn't matter if you have a surname other than Zhou. As long as you have the blood of the Zhou family, even if you still call Wang Cheng, you can still have children born in the future. Mr.Zhou."

If Zhou Shichang is really willing to train Wang Cheng as his successor, this possibility is very high. Wang Cheng is very smart. Although he is only a high school graduate, as long as he is willing to study, many things will not be difficult. People will know.

Wang Cheng suddenly thought that Yuan Xia told him last time that he wanted to adopt a child. He immediately picked up his mobile phone and ran upstairs.

"What's wrong with the boss?" David came to see Wang Cheng running upstairs, curious.

Chu Yifeng glanced at him. David shut up immediately.

Yuan Xia was a bit surprised that Wang Cheng called him at this time. When he picked it up, he heard him open the door and asked him the result of the last child adoption. He thought that Wang Cheng was not interested in this topic and did not want to take the initiative. Ask.

"I already talked to Jiang Xuan about that ..."

He was a little bit restless at the back, and Wang Cheng asked a question when he heard it.

Yuan Xia also seemed to want to talk to someone about it. He told him without hesitation. When he met Wang Cheng last time, he wanted to say it, but then he didn't say it. After Jiang Shuang was in jail, although it was not directly caused by Jiang Xuan, the biggest skill of the Jiang family was to be angry. Jiang Xuan was worried that Mother Jiang would be troubled by them when he stayed in the emperor. Live with them now.

Jiang Xuan ’s mother had long known about his relationship with Yuan Xia. On the surface, she accepted it. In fact, she did not agree with him. Yuan Xia and Jiang Xuan said that they wanted to adopt a child. Disagree. In Mother Jiang's heart, although her son was dating Yuan Xia, he might break up in the future. She never believed that the two could go far in her life. Therefore, she never gave up on Jiang Xuan to marry his wife and have children. Yuan Xia didn't know Jiang Xuanzhi didn't know his mother's mind, but Yuan Xia felt that Mother Jiang didn't really like him. There seemed to be no resistance between them. In fact, the biggest problem still remained.

Chapter 180: Want Your Own Child

Wang Cheng didn't know if he should sympathize with Yuan Xia, or sympathize with him with the same illness. The two people's troubles are actually similar. Strictly speaking, Yuan Xia is actually quite good. His resistance is only one mother Jiang, but he has only been in one month He added two behemoths to the Zheng family and the Zhou family. He now began to regret why he wanted to return to the Zheng family to recognize his ancestors.

"What does Jiang Xuan say?"

"He said that we are still young and don't rush to adopt a child." Yuan Xia said helplessly, he didn't want to adopt a child for himself.

"So he doesn't actually oppose the adoption of children, so you shouldn't have to worry too much." Wang Cheng only had the impression that Jiang Xuan was in the bar that night. Although he didn't say a few words, he could see that Jiang Xuan was That kind of courageous person, since he can get Mother Jiang to agree with him and Yuan Xia, he must not be the kind who will be easily controlled by Mother Jiang.

"You don't understand." Yuan Xia shook her head. "Jiang Xuan's relationship with his mother is deeper than ordinary mother-child relationship. Jiang Xuan's father passed away early. He grew up with her mother."

"So, are you worried that Jiang Xuan will destroy promises because of his mother?"

"I don't know, but Jiang Xuan did a lot of work for us to be together. I don't want to make him trouble, but I can't help thinking." There was a moment when the elders who hoped to break up dangled in front of them. And this elder is not the same as the person who usually only engages in conspiracy and framed her. She is only silent, and Yuan Xia ’s heart is getting heavier. He always feels that he must find an opportunity to change this phenomenon, but he is I can't figure out what to do.

Yuan Xia is a person with a relatively mild personality. The only thing he can think of is to treat Mother Jiang as his own mother, to respect her and treat her well, but this is obviously not enough.

Wang Cheng feels that since the post incident occurred, Yuan Xia's mentality has also changed. It seems to be more insecure than before. In this way, it is difficult to ensure that he will not really put those wild ideas into action in the future.

"Don't worry, believe Jiang Xuan, you have all come to this step. If you give up because of these things, it's not worth it. Haven't you told me before, it's not easy to find a love lover. Wind Ups and downs have come, I believe I can see the rainbow. "

Yuan Xia's laughter came over, "I know I've been thinking a little bit lately, and it worries you. In fact, I just want to talk to someone. I didn't plan to give up, I didn't expect what I told you before, and now I'm being told by you again. Returned back. "

"Everyone can't think about it. If you feel too much psychological pressure, you might as well go on a trip and relax."

"Well, I will consider it."

It wasn't until the call was hung up that Yuan Xia remembered that their topic seemed to be crooked. What did Wang Cheng call him for?

Wang Cheng went downstairs and asked Chu Yifeng to ask Jiang Xuan's phone.

"Why suddenly asked for his phone?" Chu Yifeng looked up from the data pile.

Wang Cheng truthfully said: "I just talked with Yuan Xia. I think his situation is a bit wrong, so I want to remind Jiang Xuan." Chu Yifeng called Jiang Xuan from his mobile phone.

Wang Chengzhao pressed a string of numbers and immediately dialed the number. Jiang Xuan didn't pick it up after a long time because his number was strange, and he connected after almost three beeps.

"Which one?"

"You are Jiang Xuan. I am Wang Cheng. I want to tell you something about Yuan Xia." Wang Cheng opened his eyes and went straight to the subject.

Jiang Xuan took a moment, made a gesture to subordinates who were reporting the market survey results to him, and asked, "What happened to Yuan Xia?"

"Do you know that Yuan Xia ’s psychological situation is a bit bad recently? As a lover, I think you should pay more attention to him. The incident at Shanhai University still has a great impact on him. I think you should talk to him well Talk and let him feel at ease. "

"I see, thank you." Putting down the phone, Jiang Xuan frowned. He was not unaware of the changes in Yuan Xia's body, but Yuan Xia habitually concealed him in front of him. There still felt that Jiang Shuang's affairs were related to him, and he had been digging his corner secretly. He wanted to wait for a while to resolve it. However, he did not expect Yuan Xia to tell Wang Cheng that it seemed that he was working very hard.

After work, Jiang Xuan didn't stay as usual to work overtime, but picked up his jacket and left the company. The employees who passed by him thought that the sun had risen from the west. The kindergarten that Yuan Xia is in is a well-known private kindergarten in Shanhai City. Because the tuition is expensive, all the children of rich people are collected. It is now time for school. Many private cars are gathered at the door to pick up their children. . Yuan Xia sent the last child away. As soon as he turned around, he saw Jiang Xuan standing on the opposite road. His eyes narrowed, and he immediately trot over, "Jiang Xuan, why are you here, don't you have to work overtime tonight?"

"I'll pick you up and go home together." Jiang Xuan stared at his smiley face, but there were a few bloodshot eyes in his eyes, and there was a little pain.

"Wait for me, I'll get something." Yuan Xia was very happy. Since he came to kindergarten to work, Jiang Xuan has come to pick him up for the first time, although he hasn't been here for half a month.

The two didn't go home directly. They went to the supermarket on the way and bought a bunch of ingredients for dinner before returning. Yuan Xia's cooking was not as good as Wang Cheng's, but the taste of the cooked food was ok.

Mother Jiang frowned when she saw the two returning together. She asked a question similar to Yuan Xia. Jiang Xuan returned that she didn't have to work overtime today, so she picked up Yuan Xia by the way and watched them enter the kitchen. , Mother Jiang could not help but sigh. Her husband died prematurely and was always rejected by relatives at Jiang's house. No one wants family harmony more than her. She even imagined what kind of woman her son would marry in the future. She would not be like a vicious mother-in-law on TV for her son. She didn't care about making her feel wronged, but she never expected that her son would eventually take a man home, and said with acceptance that her heart was still a little too difficult for her. Xuan Er was already busy enough for the company's affairs. She He didn't want to bother him any more.

Mother Jiang has the habit of going to bed at ten o'clock. In order not to make her noisy, Jiang Xuan and Yuan Xia went back to the room to sleep early. Yuan Xia changed his cotton pajamas, and Jiang Xuan hugged his waist as soon as he got into the quilt. The two were next to each other. Jiang Xuan buried his head in his neck. He kissed him intimately and asked him when he wanted to speak. When something happened, Jiang Xuan kissed him suddenly.

The saliva of each other blended with each other. At the beginning, they also had a feeling of pity. At the back, they gradually became a little out of control. A slightly strong and overbearing feeling made Yuan Xia unable to hold back. His breathing immediately rushed, and he was forced to withstand Jiang Xuan's aggression with his mouth open. The clothes underneath the quilt were becoming scarce. The fiery desire seemed to make the temperature in the room rise, and a layer of sweat dipped from the forehead.

Yuan Xia didn't have Wang Cheng open on the bed. Although Wang Cheng occasionally opposes Chu Yifeng, he was very open, how comfortable he was, and Yuan Xia felt embarrassed every time, so he always asked Jiang Xuan to take the initiative.

Throwing away the quilt covering the body, forced Yuan Xia to open their eyes and watch the whole process of making love. Jiang Xuan liked to look at him ashamed and blushing. Yuan Xia blocked his face with his hands and was pulled apart by him until both of them He vented, and he didn't take it easy.

"What happened to you today?"

Yuan Xia eased his breath and felt that Jiang Xuan today seemed a little different from usual.

Jiang Xuan touched his hair and smiled gently: "It's nothing, I just feel like we haven't been alone for a while."

"Why are you busy? There will be opportunities when you are not busy in the future." Yuan Xia thoughtfully said, thinking what he was going to say, Jiang Xuan's busyness was also in his eyes, so he did not want to worry him.

"About the last time you mentioned adopting a child, I was thinking these days that you like children. In fact, we don't have to adopt. Now that technology is so developed, there is always a chance to have our own children." Jiang Xuan carefully said Want to know where Yuan Xia heart knot.

Yuan Xia froze, half of her body looked up at him, "What did you say?"

Jiang Xuan held up his face, with a touch of doting on his severe face, "Don't you want our own child?"

"Think about it, but is it possible?" Yuan Xia's voice was a little hoarse, always feeling like she was dreaming.

"It's possible whenever you want."

Yuan Xia stared at him and suddenly hugged him, "Thank you."

Jiang Xuan countered him tightly, "I didn't say that, you and I need not say thank you."

As Jiang Xuan said, science and technology are so developed now that it is really not a big problem to have a child with their blood relationship, and Yuan Xia did n’t know that Jiang Xuan always knew that he liked children. He started to pay attention to it a long time ago. There is a vulgar sentence, but it is indeed the truth.

As long as you have money, you can do things that are impossible in the eyes of ordinary people.

Chapter 181, Birthday Party

Wang Cheng soon received a call from Yuan Xia. His voice was full of vigor and vitality. Obviously, he had wanted to open a lot. He didn't know what Jiang Xuan said to him. Yuan Xia said that he was not going to adopt a child. The doubt was quickly answered "Test, IVF?"

Wang Cheng is no stranger to these four words. Nowadays, the development of science and technology has surpassed more than ten years ago. Scientists who researched IVF have also made greater achievements in this regard. He remembers seeing it on TV two or three years ago. Over such topics.

Yuan Xingxing was very high. "Jiang Xuan said that instead of adopting a child, it would be better to have a test tube baby and have a child who is related to us."

"But, can two men be IVFs too?" Wang Cheng felt that although he didn't read much of the book, it was impossible to know that the babies could only be cultivated by the combination of sperm and eggs. The sperm of the two men ...... Is this technology available now? !!

"I'm not very clear about this, but Jiang Xuan said that he has a chance, and he won't be able to tell me the specific situation until he understands."

Although it sounds outrageous, Wang Chengyuan Yuan Xia has already untied and happy for him. I hope he can achieve his wish.

When David went out to work, Chu Yifeng had to open the door himself to pick up the courier delivered by the security guard. When he returned, he saw the expression that Wang Cheng was flying to the outside with his chin on his arm.

Hearing the sound of unpacking, Wang Chengcai saw Chu Yifeng, and he sat cross-legged, "I ask you something."

"Say it."

"Is the IVF technology mature now?"

When Chu Yifeng heard the words, he stopped and looked at him up and down, "Want?"

Wang Cheng gave him a blank look. "It's Yuan Xia. He always wanted a child. He just told me about IVF. I only heard of men and women. I haven't heard of men and men. I can do this. I do n’t know very well, so I ask you. "

"Test tube babies should already be mature for now. Many rich children who do n’t have a life now will choose test tube babies. I ’ve heard of those who have no money and want to give birth. As for men and men, they have n’t heard of them, even if they can. It's still more appalling, and it's probably not on the bright side. "

That is still possible!

Chu Yifeng calmly added: "If you want to do it someday, you can tell me."

Wang Cheng was almost stunned by his own saliva. Although he is also worried about the future generations, he still doesn't think about it that much. The picture of the second cousin's son crying is still vivid, but ... Unwilling eyes turned around Chu Yifeng, "Chu Laoban, someday you want to do it, you can also tell me."

If it's all men, then there's no need to care about who does it, right?

Chu Yifeng smiled and said nothing about it, but the smile seemed to be in the grip of a few wins, which made Wang Cheng feel uncomfortable and ignored him.

Today, Mother Zheng went to the Zhou family mansion to personally tell Zhou Shichang about Wang Cheng's consent to be named Zhou. The father and daughter had a discussion and decided to host a birthday party on the day of Wang Cheng ’s birthday. participate.

Wang Cheng ’s previous birthday was in the first month. Because he did n’t know his original birth date, father Wang and mother Wang picked him as his birthday, and Wang Cheng ’s real birthday was the eighth day of the first month Section.

When Mother Zheng told Wang Cheng about this, Wang Cheng was still a little bit surprised, and progress was too fast. He thought that he would just recognize a relative first, and he would announce it soon?

"It's not too late. It's been a few days since you returned to Zheng's family. It's better to announce it earlier." Chu Yifeng saw his mind.

"But see what my mother and grandfather mean, they seem to want me to work in the Zhou Group." Wang Cheng came back to admit his relatives and didn't want their property. Although he also felt that money was almighty, but as long as enough money was spent, the money It doesn't matter if you have more money.

Chu Yifeng said comfortably: "From the moment you decided to be Zhou Cheng, you were destined to be involved with the Zhou Group. The Zhou Group's status in the business world is higher than you think. The people who remember it only More and more, your grandfather can never watch it fall into the hands of outsiders. Don't look at him on the surface, in fact, he is more anxious than anyone else. "

"Listening to you, you seem to know that my grandfather will not hand over the Zhou Group to my aunts? Why is this?" Wang Cheng didn't know much about these complicated situations. If he hasn't shown up yet, he wants to keep it. The Zhou Group can only choose from the aunt's family without being controlled by outsiders. The aunt and Zhao Chenlin are no longer good, and the blood of the Zhou family is also flowing in their bodies.

"Although your grandfather grew up in your own hands, the development of the forces in the family has long been intricate, and you want more than just your aunt who wants the family."

"Do you mean, Auntie may join forces with other shareholders?"

Chu Yifeng took a piece of information from under the coffee table and handed it to him, "It is not possible, but it must be. Your grandfather was a fierce man when he was young. He is used to holding everything in his own hands, and he will not easily delegate power when he is old. , This is information about the Zhou Group, you can take a look. "

The main industry of the Zhou Group is the hotel industry. The hotels under its name spread all over the country, and there are many five-star hotels. The market value has already exceeded tens of billions.

This step of the Zhou Group can't be separated from Zhou Shichang's methods. He doesn't delegate power, and the people below him can always be suppressed by him, not to mention toppling him down, because he holds the group in percent. The shares of 51 may not exceed him even if other shareholders are united. Some shareholders hold the shares but never participate in the shareholders' meeting. No one knows who they are, so the number of truly gathered shares will never exceed 100. Twenty-seventh Chu Yifeng provided more complete information. Wang Cheng turned over a few pages. In addition to listing some of the industries involved in the Zhou Group, important shareholders were also listed one by one, and even their interpersonal relationships were slightly mentioned. In addition, he held important positions in the Zhou Group. Staff also have instructions.

Wang Cheng lamented, "When did you start collating this information?"

"From when you returned to Zheng's house."

In other words, before he returned to Zhou's house to meet his grandfather, Chu Yifeng had expected that he might return to Zhou's house, so he helped him collect this information in advance?

Wang Cheng couldn't tell if he was moved or for other reasons, but he wanted to be moved most of the time, just when he wanted to say a few sensational words. David's grieving face suddenly passed from his eyes, and his eyes drifted from time to time to the information in his hand, as if he were complaining about something. Wang Cheng drew a corner of his mouth and wondered why he thought he might understand David's meaning.

When Chu Yifeng saw him with a weird expression, he turned back and saw David standing in the courtyard with a clear glass across them, looking out here, and narrowed his eyes immediately.

David was startled and flashed quickly.

Nothing moved Wang Cheng. He sat cross-legged and prepared to eat the information in his stomach.

The birthday banquet is solely responsible for Mother Zheng. She wants to organize the banquet, invitations, and so on. Mother Zheng has not been so happy and busy for a long time. After several people know that Father Zheng left her to toss, slowly In your circle, it started to spread that the Zhou family wanted to hold a birthday party.

Although the Zheng family and the Zhou family have acknowledged him, they did not announce it to the public, so only a small number of insiders were informed. As the news spread, most people were guessing who was hosting the birthday party at the Zhou family. His birthday is long over. As for other people, the affairs of the Zhou Group are not a big secret. Even if they held birthday banquets for juniors, they were not so grand in previous years.

Mother Zheng then handed over the prepared guest list to Zhou Lao. The list invited all the emperors who have heads and faces. Due to the Zheng family, there were also a lot of guests in the political circle. As long as the emperor was ranked on the top, they would not be. fall.

Zhou Lao was very satisfied after seeing it, and let Mother Zheng take care of it. He always thought that his daughter had immersed herself in a desperate world because Wang Cheng disappeared as a child, and did not contact the outside world. After reading this list today, he was relieved After all, it is his most beloved daughter.

After being affirmed, Zheng mother showed the list to Zheng Father and Zheng Jingen, and they added several people's names to it, and they were very satisfied.

"No problem, I'll get it now."

Zheng Jingen called her quickly, "Mom, Cheng Cheng remember to tell him over there."

"This kind of thing still needs you to say." Mother Zheng smiled at him with a noble smile, and the smug vibe was more obvious.

Father Zheng smiled and patted the eldest son on the shoulder. "Your mother's focus is now on your brother. As long as it is related to your brother, she cannot forget."

Zheng Jingen shrugged his shoulders, but with a smile in his eyes, "Since Cheng Cheng found it, Mom hasn't seen us anymore."

"I think you're already laughing in your heart." If Father Zheng didn't know the mind of the eldest son, he would have been in vain for so many years.

Before Wang Cheng came back, Mother Zheng's world turned around Zheng Jingen. It was okay when she was a kid, but after all, she needed space after all. Zheng Jingen was helpless in many cases, but she said it was impossible. Now Wang Cheng is back. He It was easy, even Zheng Jingxue had joked about him, saying that the reason why he was so active in finding the second brother was to avoid the urgent staring of his mother.

Chapter 182, Invitation Posts

Wang Cheng received a call from his mother Zheng, who said he would come to him and ask him to give him an address. Where did Wang Cheng dare tell her that she lives in Binhai Garden, she told her a nearby address and met there.

Chu Yifeng is not in the villa. He went out to work with David early this morning. It is said that there is a cooperation plan with a large company. This time David will come together for this cooperation plan. Today is the first negotiation.

Wang Cheng does n’t have a car in the emperor. He is driving a car from Zheng Zheng, a dark blue McLaren worth three to four million. Originally, Zheng Cheng sent a red Ferrari with a bag, but Wang Cheng paired a red sports car. The interest was really not high, and Mother Zheng switched to this McLaren for good reason, no matter whether he agreed or not, he left the car and left.

The car drove to the place where they agreed to meet. Before Wang Cheng went in, he saw Mother Zheng beckoning with excitement across the glass window, a drop of cold sweat was flowing on her forehead, and in many cases he couldn't resist the mother's passion.

"Chengcheng, how do you know this tea restaurant, the atmosphere is very good, mom likes it." Mother Zheng picked up a hot cup of tea, the more you get older, the more you pay attention to health, this quiet and leisurely place has many adults and elderly people like it all.

"I saw that when I passed by, I think Mom should like it." Wang Cheng said as he sat down, in fact, it was also David's blessing. Yesterday he went out to finish the business and brought the food from this tea restaurant back.

Mother Zheng was very happy. No matter what reason Wang Cheng guessed, she had the feeling of being held by her son.

The waiter came over and asked them what they wanted. Although the tea restaurant sounded like tea, in this diverse world, businessmen who are good at business know how to attract customers.

Mother Zheng was not picky, and Wang Chengcheng ordered two drinks and a few snacks according to his own ideas, all of which were light, and things were delivered soon.

Wang Cheng picked up the chopsticks and put a small piece of red bean paste on Zheng's mother's plate. The red bean paste was very small, only half the size of a baby's fist, basically one bite. The taste was sweet but not too greasy. There is only a faint sweetness. Wang Cheng heard Zheng ’s father say that Mother Zheng used to like sweetness, but now she is older, the taste is gradually faint, and she cannot eat too sweet.

"You eat it, too." Mother Zheng gave him a fried cake, and the bread contained cream, which tasted delicious. The cream would flow out with a bite of the cream. It was sweet.

When Wang Cheng saw that she was happy, she cooperated with her. After a while, Mother Zheng took out a stack of delicately printed posts with gold on the side of the bag and gave it to him.

"Chengcheng, this is an invitation for your birthday party. Mom has already made it. You can see which of your good friends can invite them to come. If not enough, you can get it from mom."

Wang Cheng took a look at the post, it was so thick, there were twenty. Of course, there are good friends, but he definitely ca n’t use so many. He pulled out five and returned the rest to Mother Zheng. "Mom, do n’t need so many, That's enough. "

"There are only five of them." Mother Zheng was surprised, she thought that young people like Wang Cheng should have a group of good friends.

Wang Cheng didn't want her to misunderstand and explained: "Mom, not everyone can be friends, only a few are enough."

Although Mother Zheng accepted his remarks, she still gave him five cards, saying that if she suddenly remembered who she wanted to invite, she could use them, and keep them if she did n’t use them, anyway.

Wang Cheng couldn't help crying and had to accept it.

Mother Zheng finally saw her son, and was unwilling to leave like this. After she finished eating, she pulled Wang Cheng into a lot of things. In the end, I saw she took a check from her bag and put it in front of Wang Cheng.

"Mom, what are you doing?" Wang Cheng was drank from the water he had just drank, and quickly pulled out a paper towel to wipe. Why did he suddenly give him a chestnut?

Mother Zheng blinked, "This is your pocket money."

Wang Cheng glanced at a string of zeroes on the check. It was the first time he saw such a huge pocket of money, but he said, "Mom, I don't need pocket money. I have money to spend."

"Mom knows that you are not short of money for the time being. This is pocket money that your mother wants to give you. Your brother and sister have it. Mom will give them every month."

"Isn't Brother working?" Wang Cheng was suspicious.

Mother Zheng coughed, "Before I worked."

Wang Cheng couldn't help laughing, "I don't need to work now."

"That's different. I didn't give you pocket money when you were so big. I just want to make up for the shortcomings when you were not around. I want you to live a better life. Can such a small wish not work?" Zheng The mother's expression faded.

Knowing that she was pretending to be pathetic, Wang Cheng couldn't bear it. Forget it, just accept it. After that, come out and honor her later.

Mother Zheng smiled immediately.

The two left the tea restaurant together. Wang Cheng's current driver from the Zhou family took her away before walking to the place where he parked. A red Ferrari was parked next to his McLaren. The one who had sent him did not see it when he came. Wang Cheng didn't care and was about to drive away. There was a sound of footsteps behind him, and Ferrari screamed at the same time.

Wang Cheng glanced aside and found that it was two young women dressed in stiletto heels and stylishly dressed as Ferrari's car owners. They didn't think so, and one of them suddenly whispered 'Little White Face' although the other side didn't name it. Surname, but Wang Cheng felt that the woman was scolding him.

He had never seen this woman before, thinking he couldn't offend her. Where did Xiaobailian come from? Wang Cheng hadn't figured out why. Ferrari had already driven out, but before leaving, the car suddenly fell over to him. The woman in the driver's seat turned to look at him, and suddenly smiled badly, giving a thumbs up. Head down, and the car drove away.

Wang Cheng glanced back at the tea restaurant. The two should also come out from the inside. Shouldn't they see Zheng mother give him a check and mistakenly think that he is the little white face who eats soft rice for rich women?

It is not impossible to think this way. Although Mother Zheng is in her fifties, she is as well-maintained as she is in her 30s and 40s. Her skin is not wrinkled like her peers, and she is not only a rich woman in the eyes of others if she does not hear it. Their conversation is indeed very similar to the drama of Xiao Bailian Phu Fu.

Wang Cheng drove away and quickly left the matter behind. He had ten invitations in his hand. He also had to think about who he wanted to invite.

Chu Yifeng and David came back half an hour later than him. Negotiating with a group of treacherous businessmen took a lot of time. As soon as David entered the door, he went straight to the kitchen and smelled the scent of the food. The saliva suddenly overflowed. Fortunately, there was a rich and delicious meal. Can have lunch.

Before Wang Cheng commanded him, David ran over and helped to carry the plate. Usually, the task was Chu Yifeng, and David was robbed when he came.

"How's the matter going?" Wang Cheng gave Chu Yifeng a braised pork ribs, which is one of his favorite dishes.

"More talk," Chu Yifeng replied.

Once the issue of interest is involved, the attitudes of both sides are very tough, and it is generally impossible to not negotiate a few times.

David also likes braised pork ribs very much. He had eaten it before when he came to China, but it did n’t taste as good as the ribs cooked by the old lady. Chu Yifeng only ate two pieces. His chopsticks have begun to stretch out the fifth piece. However, a pair of chopsticks appeared to pinch his target. David looked up and saw Laoban's stern expression, his eyes were cold, his hands shook, and he quietly retracted to drink soup.

"You went out today?" Chu Yifeng's eyes moved back again. He had noticed that Wang Cheng's clothes were different from what he saw this morning.

Wang Cheng clipped chopsticks and nodded. "Meet my mom at the tea restaurant and talk about something about the birthday party."

The dinner bowl was still washed by David, who was diligent. The boy lived in the villa for two days, and more and more regarded the villa as his own home. Maybe it was more comfortable than living in his own home.

Wang Cheng and Chu Yifeng went to the living room to take a rest, took out ten invitations from his mother Zheng, and after he came back, he thought about it, but he did n’t have many friends. He only thought of Huang Si'an and Yan Yangyang, and Yang Yangyang was not yet able to Come, so he has to call and ask first.

Chu Yifeng watched him biting a pen and meditating, and said, "And your brother."

Wang Cheng took a moment to react to the elder brother he was talking about, and immediately struck his head. "You're right, you have to give my elder brother an invitation."

The elder brother naturally refers to Wang Ning'an. Although the Zhou family may also send invitations to Shenghui Group, Wang Ning'an is only a vice president of the company. I am afraid that it is not his turn to attend such a banquet. In his current capacity, Wang Ning'an will attend his birthday At the banquet, you can meet more people in your circle. Bailey is harmless.

So with a big wave, Wang Ningan wrote three invitations on the invitation post. Wang Cheng didn't know he had done this to Wang?