MTL - Jubo-Chapter 48

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The warning is so simple, you have to think clearly. Last time your grandpa told you and your aunt not to return to Zheng's house often. "

Wei Wei was immediately shocked and angry when he heard this, "What are you talking about, when did I urge them to do something to you, do you think there is a backing when you return to Zheng's house? Sparrows turn into phoenixes, and I'm shy."

The companion was shocked by his uncle's conversation long ago. This person is the Zheng family, but he has never heard of the Zheng family.

The young man standing on the right side of Wei Wei looked at Wang Cheng and asked suspiciously: "Wei Wei, shouldn't the grandfather he refers to be Father Zheng? When did the Zheng family have this character?"

Wei Wei then thought of the youth, and his mind flashed, "Brother Chen Lin, I almost forgot. Does he have any relationship with you?"

"What are you kidding about? I don't know what relatives there are in my family. I just want to be my relatives?" Zhao Chenlin sneered.

Wang Cheng raised an eyebrow.

"I do n’t know which horned owl he came from. Anyway, erhuang said that he was his biological son who had been missing for 25 years. He had already acknowledged the Zheng family a few days ago. He is the son of his aunt. , Cousin with you. "

Zhao Chenlin froze.

Wang Cheng was also a bit surprised. In the morning, Mother Zheng also called and told him to go to the Zhou family to see her grandfather. Now she met her mother.

"Wang Cheng, why are you standing here?" Huang Tong'an saw Wang Cheng go out for a while and didn't come back. He was worried if something had happened to him. When he walked out, he saw him standing in the hallway with a few blocks in front. Personally, I thought that someone wanted to find trouble with Wang Cheng, and immediately lowered his face, but he frowned when he saw the faces of those people who turned around, how could these people be?

Huang Tongan's friends also followed, and when they saw Wei Wei, they suddenly surprised: "Shao Wei?"

Wei Wei is also a small celebrity in the imperial capital. Although he is just a half-large shrimp to the grandfathers in the first-class circle, but in the eyes of Huang Tongan's friends, he is an anxious person, and he is directed at him This is the grandson of the Zheng family.

After shouting, everyone found that the atmosphere was a bit wrong, and they were silent for a few seconds. It seemed that they could see the doorway, and all of them frowned. A little bit of blame in the heart of the friend Huang Tongan brought to Wei Shao, they didn't want to be Enraged, I wanted to come over and back away.

"This is your friend?" Wei Wei felt a lot better when he saw this scene.

"Wei Shao laughed. We met him for the first time, just strangers, not friends." Huang Tongan's friend immediately began to draw a line.

Huang Tongan was a little dissatisfied. Although he had known that they were of this virtue, he went to Wang Cheng and whispered: "Need help?"

Wang Cheng looked at him with a smile, and he did not see the wrong person. He glanced at Wei Wei and looked at him. He laughed: "Relax, they do n’t dare to do anything to me, even if they really want to, just rely on these two. Do you think I can't handle the fragile goods? "

Wei Wei and Zhao Chenlin were immediately angry, "Wang Cheng, do you really think someone supports us and we dare not treat you?"

"I really want to know what you can do to me?" Wang Cheng smiled softly.

Huang Tong'an always felt that Wang Cheng had intentionally angered them, and he felt strangely in his heart. It seemed that he had known them before listening to their tone.

Wei Wei and Zhao Chenlin did not dare to take action against Wang Cheng. The followers behind them jumped out to help them out in the past, but after knowing that Wang Cheng is a descendant of the Zheng family, they are even closer than Wei Wei, a grandson. Regretful.

"I don't seem to dare. I thought it was very seedy, but the result was two without seeds. Tong'an, let's go." Wang Cheng's disappointed hands, pulling Huang Tong'an ready to leave.

"Fuck, who did you say didn't plant?" Wei Wei was finally provoked by him, and he fisted up with his fists.

Wang Cheng looked like he had long eyes behind him. He easily avoided his fist, and at the same time kicked him. Wei Wei hit his head against the wall, and a forehead rolled up.

"Beating people, beating people!" Zhao Chenlin paused for two seconds and suddenly shouted.

Zheng Jingen rushed to Red Sun immediately after receiving the call. He is also a frequent visitor of Red Sun. He will meet with friends here every few days every month. The person in charge of Red Sun cannot not know him. Even if he does not come often, Emperor Capital Who doesn't know the real princeling.

Manager Sun greeted him immediately when he saw him, "Zheng Shao ..."

Zheng Jingen raised his hand to stop his nonsense, "What about my brother?"

"Zheng Shao rest assured, your brother just got a little skin trauma. It's not a big deal. I've let him apply medicine." Manager Sun thought he was talking about Wei Wei, and he was surprised when Zheng Shao even told him The aunt's son has such a good relationship.

Zheng Jingen's face sank slightly. "How did you get hurt?"

"It seems that there was a little conflict with another person in the box. After being bumped by the other side, he accidentally hit the wall." Manager Sun explained as he wiped his sweat.

"lead the way."

Manager Sun did not dare to delay and immediately took him to the box where the group of people was resting. The atmosphere in the box was somewhat depressing. People of unknown circumstances dared to draw a line with Huang Tongan. The weather was cloudy, and I was a little upset that Zhao Chenlin had troubled things without authorization.

After a while, the door of the box opened.

Wei Wei saw Zheng Jingen walked in, his face changed, his body could not help but shrink back. Zheng Jingen's weight in Zheng's family was greater than his parents.

"Zheng Shao ..." Manager Sun stepped forward and wanted to tell Zheng Jingen that his brother 'Wei Wei' was in the corner. As a result, he just saw Zheng Jingen walking in the other direction.

"Chengcheng, let me see where I was hurt." Zheng Jingen came to him and asked with concern.

Wang Cheng touched his head. "Brother, I'm fine, you don't have to worry."

Zheng Jingen frowned. "Manager Sun said you were hurt. How could it be all right?"

Wang Cheng ’s chin, Nu Xiang Weiwei, said humorously, "It wasn't me who was injured, it was him."

Everyone in the room was stupid, especially Huang Tong'an. They were shocked and said it was the same as being struck by thunder.

"What the **** is going on?" Zheng Jingen did not relax his face because his brother was not injured. The last time Wang Cheng returned to the Zheng family, Wei Wei's attitude had shown that there was a grudge between them, but he knew Wang Cheng was a descendant of the Zheng family. As a grandson of the Zheng family, how dare he dare to do something to his cousin?

"This is a misunderstanding!"

Wei Wei could no longer be silent, and hurriedly jumped out, anxiously saying, "Cousin, this is really a misunderstanding. I'm joking with Wang Cheng."

Zheng Jingen's sharp eyes fell on him, "How can a misunderstanding start?"

"No, no hands." Wei Wei laughed, "I accidentally bumped into it myself, and it has nothing to do with Wang Cheng."

Zheng Jingen looked at Wang Cheng.

Wang Cheng nodded with a smile. "He was right. He suddenly couldn't think of it, and felt ashamed of the Zheng family. So he wanted to hit the wall. I thought this guy was my cousin. I couldn't just watch him commit suicide, so He stopped him in the past, but his friend didn't know the situation. He thought that it was me and he shouted loudly, leading Manager Sun. "

He witnessed the scene with his own eyes and was shocked by the effort of his open-mouthed nonsense, how thick-skinned this man was.

The worst thing that happened was Wei Wei, a normal person who said that he couldn't think of it and could not refute it.

Zheng Jingen heard Wang Cheng's words and understood what he meant. Wang Cheng didn't take any responsibility for it. The people in the box were relieved, including the wrong Sun manager. He has n’t responded yet. Zheng Shao When did you have a newer brother?

Chapter 177 The Commitment of the Year

Wang Weilai did not intend to return to the Zheng family, but this happened, Zheng Jingen came to pick him up again, and finally had to go back to the Zheng family with him. Before leaving, he talked with Huang Tongan by phone.

The back view of Huang Tong'an watching them leave was very complicated. It was only a few months before the last class meeting. His brother turned from a countryman and turned into a descendant of the Zheng family. He was still the brother of Zheng Jingen. The news shocked him for a long time. Can't believe it.

After they left, Huang Tong'an's group of friends gathered around immediately, changing his attitude that he had been so anxious to draw a line, and holding his shoulders in a good manner. He also said that he was not righteous, and people who knew Zheng ’s family did not. Tell them that Huang Tongan is disgusting. Knowing their reality, but did not expect it to be like this, maybe he really should consider dividing the line with them, otherwise they would not be known in the future.

Wang Cheng's happiest return to the Zheng family was his mother Zheng. It was a little disappointing to hear him say that he could not return to the Zheng family in the morning, but the two brothers did not mention what happened at the Red Sun Bar.

A Wei Wei is not worth upgrading to family conflicts. Whether it is Zheng Jingen or Wang Cheng, they actually do not take Wei Wei in their eyes. For the first time, the thinking of the brothers has entered the same channel.

Before going to bed, Wang Cheng called Huang Tongan on his own initiative.

After receiving his call, Huang Tongan, who had a lot of words, didn't rush to speak this time. He was silent for a few seconds, and Wang Chengcai laughed out, "Ask if you want to ask anything."

"Zheng Shaozhen is your real brother?" Huang Tongan was also rude. He did have a doubt. When he was separated from the red sun, his hair was tangled and several hairs were lost. Sister, how did the Zheng family become his family.

Wang Cheng drew up a few words, and briefly explained the events of that year, many details have been omitted by him, otherwise he would really say that one night.

After listening to Huang Tongan for a while, this kind of giant dog blood actually happened to his brother. This is a realistic version of Cinderella becoming a phoenix, but the owner is a man this time. "You came to the emperor last time for this matter. ? "

"Yes, I came here because my grandfather wanted to see me." As a native of the imperial capital, Huang Tong'an has a certain understanding of the imperial capitals. A big family like the Zheng family cannot know nothing at all, Wang Cheng Since he is the biological son of the second family of the Zheng family, he remembers that his mother seems to be the daughter of the Zhou Group, and when it comes to the Zhou Group, many people cannot fail to know.

"If this is the case, you should pay more attention to Zhao Chenlin. He is your mother's sister's son. He is notorious for his character. He has done a lot of extraordinary things with his family. , Like to be a negative person behind, this time you have a conflict with him, he will probably discredit you before you pass. "

"Anyway, it's a big deal."

"Ah, anyway, you still have to be careful. I heard that the situation of the Zhou family is special. You will know why when you go."

The next day, Wang Cheng slept until he woke up naturally. Other people had already gone to work when they went down to dinner. Father Zheng and Jing Jingen were not there. Zheng Jingxue went to school. Only Zheng mother was alone. Today, I will take him to the Zhou family to see my grandfather.

Mother Zheng was very happy to see her son. When Wang Cheng ate, she deliberately went upstairs to re-select a set of clothes for him to change, saying that his own clothes were not good-looking.

Wang Cheng is really not sensitive to fashion. Before that, Chu Yifeng helped him match it. Chu Yifeng was very casual without picking it by himself. Now he changes into Zheng Mu's clothes and looks handsome.

On the way back to the Zhou family, Mother Zheng told him a lot of things about the Zhou family. He was given a shot in advance. After more than half an hour, the car drove into a mansion with a more luxurious appearance than the Zheng family. More than doubled.

The car passed through a courtyard of at least 1,000 square meters. It is now winter, but the scenery in the courtyard is like spring. Mother Zheng was afraid that he was uncomfortable, and encouraged him before entering, saying that his grandfather was a good person, so he didn't have to worry.

Wang Cheng didn't worry. He saw that Mother Zheng was even more nervous than him. After a moment, he held his hand. "Mom, don't worry."

As soon as Mother Zheng was stiff, her face showed excitement, and she clenched his hands, her eyes lit up: "Okay, mom, don't worry, let's go in."

Wang Cheng laughed.

People from the Zhou family were already waiting for them. They learned that Mother Zheng was going to bring her younger son. Zhou Lin, who was supposed to go to work, also stayed at home. Her husband Zhao Jiansheng went to work early in the morning. If both stayed, , Dad will not be happy.

"Dad, I brought your grandson back, he's Cheng Cheng."

Mother Zheng pulled Wang Cheng to her, "Cheng Cheng, he is your grandfather, please call him grandpa."

"Grandpa." Wang Cheng's eyes fell on the old man who had been staring at him since he entered the door, shouting generously, and there was no awkwardness at the first meeting.

Zhou Shichang did not conceal the admiration in his eyes, and even said three good words. When his daughter said that he could find his grandson, he understood it. He learned that this grandson was adopted by a family in the countryside from a young age. His hope was not that he looked down on the rural people, but that his education was limited after all. Seeing today, the temperament of this grandson subverted his previous understanding of the rural people.

"Sit down, don't stand and talk."

After Mother Zheng sat down, she pointed at Zhou Lin and Zhao Chenlin on the opposite sofa and said, "Chengcheng, this is your aunt and your cousin."

"Auntie, cousin." Wang Cheng nodded toward them.

"Ai, this is Chengcheng. It really looks like her sister and brother-in-law." Zhou Lin immediately smiled falsely.

Zhao Chenlin next to him did not speak. He thought that Wang Cheng would break the news that they met in the Red Sun yesterday and had a conflict. He had already said this to his mother in advance and waited for him to deal with it. As a result, he didn't mention it. With the attitude of meeting him for the first time, he didn't react until his mother gave him a slap, and quickly responded with a smile.

Zhou Shichang's first impression of Wang Cheng was good. He chatted with him for a while, and the more satisfied he became, it was far beyond his expectation.

This kind of satisfaction is not ordinary satisfaction. For example, he thinks that Wang Cheng only has junior high school level, but Wang Cheng's level is college level, and the huge gap in the middle will create an indelible impression in his heart. The opposite Zhou Lin immediately saw a huge sense of crisis. Her original idea was the same as that of her father. Even if her father had said that before, but a boy who only received rural education from a young age could have a lot of money, so I was a little disappointed at the arrival of Wang Cheng, but the other side gave her a big "surprise".

"Mom, what's the matter with you?" Zhao Chenlin murmured when she saw her mother's face was gloomy.

Zhou Lin glanced at her son, and suddenly she was a little dissatisfied with her son. This is her only son and her future dependency. She graduated last year. Following this couple into the Zhou's group this year, people are a bit smart, but It was little clever, no great wisdom, and difficult to bear great responsibility. This was how she accidentally learned that Dad's comments on Chen Shuang turned out to be so. At that time, although he was unhappy, he didn't pay special attention to it. Dad has no children at his knees, only her and Zhou Hui's two daughters. The heirs of the Zhou Group are destined to choose only between them. As a result, Zhou Hui's youngest son was found back. Zhao Jiansheng was caught off guard. After seeing himself, this sense of crisis became deeper and deeper.

What Zhou Lin thought, Mother Zheng didn't know. She was very happy to see her father and her young son chatting so well.

After the younger son disappeared, her biggest wish in her life was to find him. After finding her, she hoped that the younger son could get along well with her favorite relatives. This wish was also fulfilled. Wang Cheng's performance has far surpassed her. Expected.

"Dad, I want to ask you something. Is the promise of that year still counted?" Zheng mother interjected.

Zhou Lin, who was absent-minded, was startled, and she was surprised that Mother Zheng would suddenly raise this issue. She thought that Mother Zheng would bring it up again in private, and quickly said, "Sister, why did you suddenly mention this? Chengcheng just returned, Don't be so anxious. "

Mother Zheng said faintly: "Why not worry, twenty-five years have passed, not to mention that this is what I promised my father, but this promise is twenty-five years later, and I am sorry for my father. Come back, that should be resolved. "

The smile on Zhou Lin's face was a little stiff. She looked at Zhou Shichang. "Dad, what do you think?"

Zhou Shichang's calm expression could not see the idea, and sharp eyes cleared everyone. Except for Zhou Lin's mother and child, Zheng's mother was calm and Wang Cheng was completely confused. He suddenly laughed: "As long as Cheng Cheng is willing, naturally It's been a long time since Dad waited. "

Mother Zheng smiled. "Dad rest assured, I will tell him."

"Mom, grandfather, what are you dumb?" Wang Cheng wondered. The subject of the topic was obviously him, but he didn't understand what they were talking about.

"Mom will tell you when that happens." Mother Zheng gently pressed the back of his hand.

Zhou Lin almost bit her teeth.

Chapter 178 The Crown Surname

Mother Zheng and Wang Cheng had lunch at the Zhou's mansion, and said goodbye to them in the afternoon. The two returned to the Zheng family by car. Wang Cheng mentioned the topic they had said in the morning, and Mother Zheng did not hide him.

"When the mother married your father, there was an agreement with your grandfather. That agreement was that the second son born by the mother should be named Zhou's family name, which means that your original name should be Zhou Cheng, but because you suddenly Missing, this agreement has not been fulfilled. "The Zhou Group always needs an heir, but Zhou Shichang has only two daughters. So many years ago, Zhou Shichang was going to choose an heir from the son of his daughter, and this heir must be surnamed Zhou. Unfortunately, Wang Cheng's disappearance had to be put on hold.

"Mom, I have a question. Doesn't the aunt also have a son?" Wang Cheng thought of Zhao Chenlin, who was smart. Although he was not smart enough, the Zhou family was scarce. As the only grandson of the Zhou family, Zhao Chenlin had a great chance.

Mother Zheng's well-maintained face suddenly sneered.

Wang Cheng didn't read it wrong, it was indeed sneer, a little different from the mother Zheng who always smiled so sweetly in the impression.

"Although Zhao Chenlin is also good, your grandfather once said that he is difficult to bear great responsibility and is not suitable to be the heir of the Zhou Group."

"Mom, do you have any contradictions with your aunt?" Wang Cheng asked tentatively.

"Contradictions are great." Mother Zheng did not intend to hide him, and sooner or later she would know. "I and your aunt are actually half-sisters."

One of the most common phenomena of the giants is romantic debt. Although Zhou Shichang is a good father, he is not a good husband. Zhou Lin was born to a woman when his mother Zheng was three years old. Although Zhou Shichang couldn't control his lower body, but The brain was very sane. The woman could not enter the door of Zhou's house until she died, but Zhou Lin was only received after the woman's death.

Mother Zheng was ten years old at the time. She did not like Zhou Lin since she was a child. She used to pretend when she was a child. She often used it to win Zhou Shichang's sympathy. Mother Zheng had a different temperament than she does now. It is also quite explosive. She sees Zhou Lin especially unpleasant, so she often cups her.

Zhou Lin was also sensible at that time. She knew that her sister did not like her. In order to discredit Mother Zheng, she often acted in front of Zhou Shichang, posing as a little white flower that was bullied.

However, who is Zhou Shichang, and he can support such a big group by himself, can't he see that Zhou Lin is acting, not to mention that he doesn't particularly like Zhou Lin, and he is as pretentious as her mother, and framed Mother Zheng several times in a row. After the punishment was always herself, Zhou Lin knew that her trick had been seen through, so she stopped pretending to be a little white flower, and instead armed herself to confront Mother Zheng.

With Zhou Shichang's sincere love, Mother Zheng had never been wronged until she married Zheng Father. Zhou Shichang promised to have her second son be the heir of the Zhou family. Unfortunately, such a tragedy happened, otherwise Wang Chengzao He was trained as the successor of the Zhou Group.

"Your aunt and unidentified uncle have long been ulterior motivated to the Zhou Group. After you disappeared, they even mentioned that they would not mind Zhao Chenlin's family name, but your grandfather did not agree that the Zhou Group could not hand you over. Little, aunt and uncle. "

Wang Cheng thought of his aunt's hypocritical expression this morning, and he understood Mother Zheng a little.

At this time, Zhou Lin was losing her temper in the room. After Wang Cheng disappeared 25 years ago, she did not know how lucky she was. She knew that her father did not like her because of her mother, but she had such a good opportunity. In front of you, you should strive for what you say.

When Zhao Chenlin was born, Zhou Lin vaguely mentioned to her father that Chen Shuang could be named Zhou, but Zhou Shichang did not agree. She was not discouraged at this time. As long as Wang Cheng didn't find it back, her son had a chance. Wait for more than twenty years. Now that Wang Cheng is back, as soon as Mother Zheng opens her mouth, her father agrees to let Wang Chengguan be the last name of the family without saying a word. She is very reconciled.

"Mom, what's wrong?" Zhao Chenlin didn't know the agreement between Mother Zheng and her grandfather.

When Zhou Lin saw him with a blank expression on his face, the fire in his heart grew even bigger. "I used to ask you to learn how to do business. You don't listen. Now that you are well, Wang Cheng is back. You don't want to get the Zhou Group anymore."

"Mom, what do you mean, what is the relationship between Wang Cheng and the Zhou Group when he comes back?" Zhao Chenlin was anxious when he heard this. He did not know that Wang Cheng was going to be named Zhou, but his parents told him from an early age that Zhou Sooner or later the group will be his. Others will not be able to grab it. He also knows that the Zhou family is only a boy, so he has always regarded the Zhou group as his own thing. Sooner or later, it will be his, so why work hard.

Zhou Lin sneered and stared at the wall as if her enemies were there. "Your grandfather once promised your aunt to train her second son to be the heir of the Zhou family. Now that others have returned, you just listened When it comes to your grandfather, once your grandfather decides to make him his successor, do you think the Zhou Group will still be yours? If you do n’t know how to be progressive, you may not get a penny in the future. "

"How can this be? It's just a wild boy from the countryside. Why can he get the Zhou Group?" Zhao Chenlin felt a sense of crisis in his heart.

"Why? Just because he is your aunt's son."

Zhou Lin often thinks that Dad is too eccentric and she is also his daughter. Why does he always have only Zhou Hui as a daughter in his eyes? This kind of thought is getting more and more unwilling as he grows up. Now she has married and had children. Son daughter, she is even less likely to give up.

Wang Cheng and Mother Zheng returned to Zheng's house. The others had not yet returned. At about five o'clock, Wang Cheng received a call from Chu Yifeng and said on the phone that he was back.

"Mom, I'm going to find a friend. Maybe I won't come back at night." Wang Cheng put on his jacket again.

Mother Zheng was discussing with Yu Yan what to eat for dinner, and she was a bit lost when she said, "Where do you live if you don't come back?"

"Living in a friend's villa, I also lived with him last time I came to the emperor. He just returned from a business trip today." Wang Cheng said truthfully.

His tone was too normal. After he left, Mother Zheng vaguely felt that something was wrong. When Zheng Jingen came back from work, he asked Wang Cheng. Mother Zheng told him why she couldn't figure out what Zheng Jingen heard.

After only a few days, I couldn't wait to run to see him. Under the eyes of the two, I really don't know if they should say that they are bold, or they have nothing to worry about.

When Chu Yifeng called Wang Cheng, he was already on his way back to the villa. Wang Cheng went to the supermarket on the way. When he returned, he had already arrived at the villa and had a blond stranger.

"Hello, my name is David, and I am the assistant to the boss." When David saw Wang Cheng, he shook like a sheep for ten seconds, almost rushing to Wang Cheng in front of him, his face showing. A charming smile.

Wang Cheng heard that foreigners are more enthusiastic, but this seems to be too enthusiastic. He looked at Chu Yifeng, and Chu Yifeng didn't say anything, so he held his hand. "Hello, my name is Wang Cheng, you can just call my name."

David has determined that the young man in front of him is one of the protagonists who the boss told him to handle a post on the Internet. At that time, he did not understand how the boss suddenly became interested in this kind of thing. Now he saw Wang Cheng and he immediately understood.

Not only are people handsome, they also cook.

David was very moved when he watched the colorful dinner in front of him. He had visited China several times before and after. He didn't know whether he was unlucky or he was not used to eating Chinese food. He had never liked Hua. Chinese cuisine. After eating this meal today, he finally knew that it turned out that he was out of luck. The Chinese cuisine was really delicious.

Wang Cheng inexplicably glanced at David, who was eating and moving as if his tears were about to fall, shouldn't he be a fool?

After eating, David rushed to wash the dishes. Wang Cheng saw that he was very resolute and left it to him. David was not the same as Chu Yifeng, who respected and treated himself. He used to live by himself. Men have lazy problems.

Wang Cheng cleaned the hall again, and when he came back, he saw that David was washing the dishes, and he was putting the dishes neatly into the sterilizing cupboard. After finishing, he asked him if he needed any help. Wang Cheng was the first time. Seeing such a conscious person, anyway, he is also a guest. Wang Chengcheng did not arrange things for him.

David came here as an assistant to Chu Yifeng, and the return date is uncertain, so he brought all the changed clothes. Wang Cheng took him to the room with a separate toilet, and taught him how to take a bath before leaving.

Not long after, David ran to Chu Yifeng secretly while Wang Cheng was taking a bath, and said carefully and moved, "Boss. The boss is a good man. I support you."

"Madam?" Chu Yifeng looked at him funny.

David nodded. "You don't have to hide it from the boss. In fact, I can see that you and the boss are in love."

If Wang Cheng hears David call him a boss lady, good people can become bad people at any time.

Chapter 179: Succession

The two separated after a few days. As soon as they went to bed, Chu Yifeng pressed Wang Chengyu to walk around, as if he was going to put a layer of skin on him. Wang Cheng was scratched by him, itching, hiding and hiding His teeth bit Chu Yifeng's shoulder, and he heard a muffled hum in his ear with satisfaction.

Wang Cheng was so proud that he was attacked below for two seconds, and the two rolled into a pile wrapped around the quilt. In the winter, the body was sweating with a few degrees below zero, and there was a sticky feeling on his body and inside. He was out of breath and immediately pushed him away to the bathroom.

When Chu Yifeng didn't like to wear a cover, he admired zero-distance contact. Wang Cheng didn't bother to wear a cover. He refused to let him shoot outside, so he had to take a bath again after finishing. He just got out of bed with his foot, and Chu Yifeng followed with his foot. When he closed the door, he pushed away and walked in. He tangled him and did it again in the bathroom. Wang Cheng was hurt by his back and his legs were shaking. I was let off when I was standing still.

Turn off the shower, and wait for Yifeng to hug him out.

Wang Cheng opened his eyes and seemed to want to roll his eyes. He could only give up without strength. In fact, he has good physical strength. Since childhood, martial arts are not comparable to ordinary people, but he cannot stand the physical energy consumption below. Chu Yifeng is fierce. I especially like difficult poses, he always wants to raise a **** kindly to him.

As soon as his head touched the pillow, Wang Cheng turned over and wanted to get into the quilt to sleep well. Chu Yifeng pulled him out, "Don't sleep, the hair is wet." It was originally dry, but when he was doing it in the bathroom, Wang Cheng accidentally scooped up the shower, and the water that was spilled wet both of them.

Wang Cheng lazily said, "You help me blow." Then he lay back on the pillow.

Chu Yifeng took the hair dryer out of the drawer and sat on the bed to help him blow his hair. Wang Cheng's hair was not long and dried quickly, but at this moment, people had closed their eyes and fell asleep. Chu Yifeng touched his Face to face, talking to himself.

"Why do you like it more and more?"

Wang Cheng grunted and turned his head, leaving him only the back of his head.

Chu Yifeng whispered a smile.

The next day, Wang Cheng made breakfast. David was a night owl. At this time, Wang Cheng was knocking on his door because he was afraid that the breakfast would be cold. After knocking seven times, someone came to open the door. David was in a mess. Blond hair, sleepy eyes hazy, eyes closed half closed obviously not awake.

"I made breakfast. Do you want to eat?"

When David was agitated, the whole man was awake and nodded immediately: "Yes, I want!"

The boss ’s cooking is better than outside. He is worried that the boss will drive him away at any time, thinking about how many meals he can save, and when he goes back, he will have the capital to show off that he has eaten the meals that the boss ’s own cooking. People will be very envious.

Wang Cheng made simple green onion egg pie, which is simpler than the meat clip. David has never eaten this kind of coarse food, but the combination of the scent of green onion and pie evokes his taste buds. Feeling more shaken in his spirit.

"It's delicious." David doesn't care if he eats his mouth hot, but his Chinese is not very good. He felt weird yesterday. Today, his mouth is stuffed, and his pronunciation is more fuzzy. Wang Chengdu can't hear him. Say what.

Watching him eat like a big appetite king, Wang Cheng was glad that he made more breakfast this morning. Last night I heard Chu Yifeng said that David was a somewhat otaku, and he didn't expect his appetite to be so big.

After eating, David took the dishwashing work on himself as usual. Wang Cheng and Chu Yifeng went to the living room. One more person in the villa seemed more popular. The two did not feel that David was blocking their affection because David was a very interesting person.

"My mother wanted me to change my family name to Zhou. This is what she settled with the foreign convention before I was born, but I don't really think that if I really change my family name to Zhou, I ... my parents will be sad." Wang Cheng kind of Tangled, there are two parents who do n’t know how to distinguish them.

"You are still called Wang Cheng in Shanhai City, and you can be called Wang Cheng or Zhou Cheng in the emperor. It is always a person." Chu Yifeng reminded him in a word. Wang Cheng was thinking about his father and mother, so he got into the dead end. In fact, the last name doesn't matter. People who knew him before would definitely call him Wang Cheng.

Mother Zheng called in the afternoon to ask him how he thought about it. Although this was a promise between the elders, Mother Zheng also said that if he did not want to, she would not force him. This kind of important things can be said so easily. Mother Zheng also really wants Wang Chenghao. In the past so many years, her biggest wish now is that the family can be happy together. It doesn't matter if you fight for it. However, after learning that Wang Cheng agreed, Mother Zheng was even happier. Although she did not care about the Zhou Group before, she did not want to see the Zhou Group fall into the hands of Zhou Lin. There was a suspicion in her heart, but she never Confirmed.

"Mom, I have a request." Wang Cheng leaned on the edge of the sofa and sat barefoot on a blanket on the floor.

David came over with a plate of cut fruits, and several fruits were put into a beautiful color plate. He made a gesture of enjoyment, and then retreated with interest.

"any request?

Read The Duke's Passion