MTL - Jubo-Chapter 23

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?? Various changes. "

After Yang Yangyang lost weight, his personality became a lot more cheerful. Among a group of men, he was like Wang Cheng at that time, and his mouth was like a spring. No one expected that big fat man would have changed like this now. Wang Cheng later Know that he works for a good big company and is a sales manager.

If it wasn't for Yang Yangyang's introduction, Wang Cheng could only guess a few of their faces at most, and the rest of the people's names and that face would have been wrong for a long time.

"Wang Cheng, do you remember him?" Tong Yangyang asked a man who was a little thinner than Wang Cheng, but who was somewhat trendy and stylish.

Wang Cheng looked at him carefully and shook his head, completely strange. There was absolutely no such figure in the senior high school class in the impression.

"Haha, he was the four-eyed boy of that year, and I said you ca n’t recognize him. People are now a star, so if you want to sign, you should take advantage of it now." Yan Yang laughed, as if proud. Four Eye Tsai is a male student wearing glasses. One of them was called by Wang Cheng in the third year of high school. The male student was sitting in front of Wang Cheng at that time, often wearing a pair of black-rimmed glasses, wearing a Watermelon head, with a weak character, is a bully person at first glance. Like Yang Yangyang, the male is 18 years old, but Yangyang Yang can still see a few points before, but Gao Zhikai in front of him can't see it at all.

"Wang Cheng, it's been a long time, don't listen to Yan Yangyang, I'm just a little celebrity." Gao Zhikai said hello to Wang Cheng generously. He took off his glasses, and his facial features were clear, not handsome. But it's a bit cute, and it's really popular with women if it looks like a star.

"The changes have been so great, it seems that I have not changed." Wang Cheng said with a smile.

"Some people have not changed, or their behavior has become more exaggerated. You will know after seeing you." Yang Yang's voice is mysterious and mysterious, but everyone did not pick him up because this is a one-time participation. The secrets everyone knows.

In the camp of the girls opposite, Wei Dandan was attracted attention because he yelled at Wang Cheng ’s name. I heard that she had a connection with Wang Cheng before. Everyone still does n’t believe it. Everyone knows that Wang Cheng has n’t heard of it for seven years. At that time, Wei Dandan and Wang Cheng did not have much contact with each other, but Wei Dandan did not leave the kind of people who would talk nonsense, so everyone is still looking forward to seeing the big handsome guy of that year. Classmates who have never met before, some people are curious about how he has changed now and before.

Although Wang Cheng didn't come to make Wei Dandan a little disappointed, he greeted her, and Wei Dandan was a little happy again.

"Dan Dan, let's talk about how you met Wang Cheng again. It feels that he has become a lot better and more handsome." Lin Qi, who was at the same table, remembered the scene where Wang Cheng just came in. It was really more mature than before. A lot of handsome, more and more exciting.

Before, they also asked, but Wei Dandan has been reluctant to say that across the Internet, everyone can't take her, and now she can't stand her face to face.

"There's nothing to say, it's just a chance encounter. I called him once when I knew him very well. I didn't expect it to be Wang Cheng. I also remembered that everyone would mention him when he was in a class reunion. "Wei Dandan avoided the importance and said lightly the process of their encounter.

"It's good, I want to meet Mr. Wang as well." Lin Qi held her face. Wei Dandan just wanted to remind her that you are already a child's mother. Pay attention to the image, and there is a strange sound of yin and yang next to it.

"The handsome can't be eaten for food, the surface is bright, maybe he was washing dishes behind him."

The two looked at each other, and the speaker was a beautifully dressed woman, but it meant that after makeup, the face without makeup was not good-looking. Because I saw her at the last class reunion, they both knew who she was. It is worth mentioning that this woman was one of the school's follower Song Yuanyuan in high school. From high school all the way to high school, when Song Yuanyuan was crowded out of Wang Cheng, she played a lot. Wei Dandan and Lin Qi did not like her. .

"Ah, some people really have a sense of self-awareness. The makeup is so thick, and the foundation may be ugly, it is naturally good." Lin Qi touched her face, full of irony.

"You!" The woman was so angry that she stood up and was held by those around her.

"What do you care about with a yellow-faced lady? People just envy you and envy you." It was Song Yuanyuan who talked to another classmate. The two of them usually offended Song Yuanyuan to please the other classmates, and there was almost no popularity in the class.

Lin Qi laughed angrily, "The flowers are rotten, and I'm jealous of you."

The two did not hear this clearly, because someone came again. He was Huang Tongan in the mouth of Wang Cheng. He was a friend of the same bedroom in Wang Cheng. He was not in the same class with them, but this time I heard that Wang Cheng would also come to the classmate party. So he came again cheekily. Huang Tongan is a handsome guy, but it is a little worse than Wang Cheng, but it is also very popular in high school. The two often go to the basketball court to play. When they are there, the basketball court is usually lively. Among them, girls are the most popular. Follow them, not even the green leaves against it.

"Wang Cheng, finally let me catch you."

Huang Tong'an saw Wang Cheng in the boys group at a glance, but where is Wang Cheng always the most outstanding, because it was because of his bald head, now he has long hair and is still handsome.

"I don't know who caught him." Wang Cheng stood up and struck his chest, and Huang Tong'an immediately hugged his arm.

"Brother, you don't know how much I miss you. I don't want tea or rice, and the moon hanging in the night sky is my heart for you."

"I'm sick of it." Wang Cheng drew his arm in a hurry, and the goosebumps came out. Others laughed, especially yelled. He was fortunate to be friends with the two in high school. He always wanted to cherish these two friends, but one will be hidden. This scene has been seen many times. A cheeky, seeing again, the past is vividly remembered, time will really pass by inadvertently, in a blink of an eye, they are all grown up.

Chapter 97

I said that I would go to the restaurant for dinner at 6 o'clock. Some students deliberately came hungry for this dinner, but some people didn't arrive after 6 o'clock. Although Wang Cheng and Huang Tong'an didn't arrive on time, they knew they had to rush Before six o'clock.

Even if they knew that the other party could not afford to offend themselves, some people complained softly, but did not dare to be heard by others. At about 6.25, the person who proposed to hold a class reunion finally arrived.

Wang Cheng was not surprised to see Song Yuanyuan surrounded by a group of people. The richest person in the third year of high school was Song Yuanyuan. Why did she succeed in crowding out Wang Cheng at the beginning? It was nothing more than family money. He was surprised that although Song Yuanyuan's family had money, it was impossible to invite dozens of classmates to the Jinding Hotel. Today, when I saw the man who walked in with Song Yuanyuan, he probably understood that the person who really contributed was probably this. the man.

"The man is Song Yuanyuan's boyfriend, named Zhang Wu. I heard that he is the general manager of Jinding Hotel Zhang." Tong Yangyang knew that he and Huang Tongan didn't know the man, so he introduced them.

"I'll just say, how could Song Yuanyuan's ability be able to pack the box of the Golden Top Hotel. It turned out to be a triumphant and walked through the back door. No wonder he was so proud." Song Yuanyuan was not taken into account.

Everyone knows that he doesn't like Song Yuanyuan. When she was a high school senior, she forced Wang Cheng to kill their class, and embarrassed Song Yuanyuan in front of many people. At that time, the two of them got together and each time they met They didn't look good, but usually Song Yuanyuan was annoyed by Huang Tongan.

"Wang Cheng, I haven't seen it in seven years, it's changed a lot, and my bald head has grown up." Song Yuanyuan took Zhang Wu's arm and walked in front of them. Seven years later, she was more beautiful than in high school, her features were more mature, but her personality was more Nasty, hardly any progress.

Wang Cheng leaned on the back of the sofa and tilted Erlang's legs like Huang Tongan, but his posture was more chic and casual. He was handsome in nature, which made him more ruthless and seductive. A few girls from the opposite school kept coming here. The shadow reflected in his eyes was either him or Huang Tongan.

"It's okay. I can't compare to you. My temper grows with age and I hate it more and more."

"Haha." Huang Tongan slammed Wang Cheng's neck, "Wang Cheng, why do you still like to tell the truth, but I like it."

"You!" Song Yuanyuan was furious.

"Okay, it's a kind of fate that everyone can get together here. Don't care about the grievances before, just let it pass. It's not about going to dinner. It's almost seven o'clock." One of them suddenly The boy stood up. He was Ma Song, the former class leader of the third year of high school. He was the person in charge this time. He was also responsible in the past. Among the complaints of Wang Cheng and Song Yuanyuan, he was a loyal supporter of Song Yuanyuan, but As he got older, he no longer was as rigid and ignorant as before, but instead became a little smoother.

"Miss Ben doesn't care about you as a rough man." Song Yuanyuan knew that Wang Cheng was not there, so she walked down the steps that Ma Song handed over and turned to face her boyfriend Zhang Wu. The expression on her face changed immediately, Xiao Niaoyi The attitude of the person was particularly embarrassing. When she walked away, she began to talk about Wang Cheng's bad words with her boyfriend.

"Dear, see, this Wang Cheng is really annoying. I was really blind to see him. I regret it now."

Zhang Wu just smiled, but said nothing.

Song Yuanyuan knew she couldn't say too much about other men in front of her boyfriend, so she stopped in a timely manner and immediately talked about another topic.

Due to Song Yuanyuan's late arrival, they postponed more than half an hour before going downstairs for dinner. The restaurant at Jinding Hotel is very high-end, and they ca n’t afford to have no assets at home. However, since Song Yuanyuan dare to ask, naturally she will not hit her face. Song Yuanyuan wanted to invite everyone to eat in the restaurant, but Zhang Wu said that the restaurant did n’t have that much space, so he ordered a separate dining room on the second floor. Praise she found a good man.

Wang Cheng could hear them when he walked behind, but he thought Zhang Wu was probably worried that they would be ugly in public when they ate in this kind of place for the first time.

The specifications of the box are about one hundred people, and there are fifteen large tables. One large round table can seat eight people. Wang Chenggang sat down, Huang Tongan and Yan Yangyang sat on his left and right hands, as if they had made an appointment. See Wang Chengzai Seeing them, Huang Tongan explained to him.

"We finally met each other, and I want to talk to you more."

"That is, at least you have to know how you are doing." Wu Yangyang echoed.

Wang Cheng said, "Do you look at me like that?"

They looked at him up and down, don't look so moist, "It's not like it."

"What have you been doing in these seven years? There is no news at all, and you still consider us brothers." Huang Tongan kept thinking about this.

"Oh, I went home as a monk."

"Fool who, who else will run to be a monk these years!" Huang Tongan was unbelieving. Wang Cheng managed to be honest for a while, but they did not believe, "Don't say that, monks are actually a good profession. Like those big temples, not all college students are rushing to be employed, and their wages are higher than those of office workers. Be tall. "

"Tong'an, Wang Cheng seems to be right, I have seen similar news on TV before," said Wu Yangyang.

Huang Tongan gave him a white look, still doubtful, "Why don't you continue to be your monk?"

"The old monk is at his end of life, and it's not interesting to me alone, so I am vulgar, how about it, is it handsome to me?" Wang Cheng touched his chin with a bad smile.

"Narcissism, what did you do after you were vulgar, wouldn't you really wash dishes?"

"It's nothing, just contracting two mountains, preparing to be a little boss and making a small business, can't compare with other people's big things."

"It's also good to be the boss yourself. It's better than working for others. You don't need to be angry with your boss." Tong Yangyang sympathizes with this. All he has now is his own step-by-step work out, even if he is clever. Such as spring, is also the boss's anger.

"You will be free. I am still **** by my family." Huang Tongan admired. He has money at home and is the only son. The burden on his body is not small. Now he is only 25 years old. Force him to get married as soon as possible.

When the three were chatting, the meals were already on the table, all the dishes were exquisitely delicate, and the fragrant heat and fragrance were exuded. The maggots on the stomach were hooked up. Everyone was already hungry and greeted. I started eating without a fight. The food at the five-star hotel was really delicious. Wang Cheng tasted a few bites. The quality of the senior chef was really high.

"Wang Cheng, come and have a drink with me. Brothers just drink it. It's the first wine we'll see each other for a long time." Huang Tongan poured two glasses and handed them to Wang Cheng.

Now that Wang Cheng sees the wine, he thinks about the last time he drunk and madly kissed Chu Yifeng. He has been grateful for his drink more than once, just a glass of wine, and he hasn't pushed it. "Drink, drink."

Others also raised their wine glasses when they saw this. There was no such crooked thought. The atmosphere was still very warm. After a while, Song Yuanyuan's boyfriend Zhang Wu suddenly stood up and came to Wang Cheng with a wine glass in his face. The smile on the face is not false.

"Presumably you've heard of me. My name is Zhang Wu. I'm Yuanyuan's boyfriend. I often hear your name from her mouth, and I've always been curious. See you today, you really are a very interesting person, don't mind Make friends. "

His actions attracted everyone's attention. Everyone was surprised that he would take the initiative to pay homage to Wang Chengjiu. Even Song Yuanyuan didn't expect that it was too late to call him. If she could, she would like to make Wang Cheng unable to step down. !!

At a glance, Wang Cheng saw that Zhang Wu was not a child of wealthy people, otherwise he said that Song Yuanyuan, as a boyfriend, should have stood up to speak for his girlfriend, not to mention his actions. Song Yuanyuan's face was somewhat lost, everyone knew that Song Yuanyuan hated him, so he did not refuse this glass of wine.

Qi Yangyang immediately filled him with wine glasses.

Wang Cheng stood up and paid tribute to him: "It is my honor to make friends with Zhang Shao, and I should respect you for a drink."

"Okay, it's bold enough. I'll make a deal with your friend. Don't call me Zhang Shao. Just call me Zhang Wu." Zhang Wu laughed, and toasted the wine in the glass.

The atmosphere was heated because of the two, but Song Yuanyuan's face was very ugly. She was thinking about letting Zhang Wu give her an explanation, and she was also absent-minded about the flattery of others. She didn't follow them until Zhang Wu went to the bathroom. However, Zhang Wu did not explain to her, but advised her to stop targeting Wang Cheng.

"Your high school classmate is not a simple character. Even if he is really just a country boy, it must be the same thing as before. Being a man is still a lot of weight. It ’s no harm to make more friends than many enemies. If you understand Just listen to me. "Without a word, their relationship came to an end.

Zhang Wu ’s father is also grassroots and can become the general manager of Jinding Hotel. Jin relied on his own efforts and the help of some friends in the past, so he taught Zhang Wu from an early age not to underestimate anyone around him, because they may be helpful Ascend any ladder by yourself.

Chapter 98, The Man Driving a Sports Car

After eating a meal for two or three hours, everyone was toasting each other later. As one of the focus figures, Wang Cheng was toasted a lot because of Zhang Wu, but Huang Tong'an was even worse. Rumors about his family conditions It is better than Song Yuanyuan, so it was originally the object of some classmates to please, so I was filled with more wine, but fortunately, I was helped by drinking and I was not drunk.

"Your kid's drinking volume has not changed." Huang Tongan looked at Wang Cheng, who was a bit red and sane, and thought that they once went to fight for alcohol in high school and drank five or six bottles of beer, but his face did not change. At that time, he was still thinking that Wang Cheng must be ousted in the future. As a result, he lost contact with Wang Cheng after graduation. Later, he regretted why he did not send Wang Cheng a mobile phone.

"Your alcohol is not bad, I have practiced these years." Wang Cheng grabbed the clothes on his chest. Today he is wearing a shirt and sweater bought by Chu Yifeng. The two are not very thick, but his physique It has always been better, but now I feel a bit hot when I drink too much.

"I'm helping my dad in the company now. I have to entertain and entertain every day. Don't worry about it. It's no wonder that the amount of alcohol is not high." Huang Tong'an didn't want to mention the troubles at home. He wanted to be as free as Wang Cheng. Start a business and do what he wants, but he is the only child and is destined to inherit his family's career.

"Some people are very envious of you."

Life is mediocre, a lot of people who worry about money for their money, they do n’t know how much they admire those who are rich, and they ca n’t wait to change their background, but how can their background be chosen, and if it ’s fate, it ’s really doomed Nothing in life, most of the rich people actually rely on their own efforts to achieve today, only know what it means to envy others.

"I admit that money is indeed a good relationship, but if you can be more free, it is not better, but I always yearn for a more free and beautiful life." Huang Tongan drank a bit high, and the voices began to float. Already.

The phone's ringtone suddenly sounded. Huang Tong'an thought it was his. He pulled it out and saw that the screen was still black. "What's it, it's not mine, Wang Cheng, your phone is ringing." He said with a kick. Rubbing his eyes, Wang Cheng who did not respond.

"Boss Chu, have you finished the conversation?" Wang Cheng picked it up without seeing it. He thought it was Chu Yifeng who called him, but Wang Ning'an's voice suddenly appeared on the phone.


Wang Cheng's back was straight, and the whole person was a lot of spirit. "Big brother, big brother? How late do you think of calling me?"

"Can't I call you at night? Do you think it's your boss? I want to know, how late would it be that your boss called you?" Wang Ning'an is not a confused father, he is even better than Wang Mom needs to be smart.

"Uh, the boss is superior to the client and needs an assistant, but I can't find anyone else at night. I happened to live opposite him, so let me come out with him. I'm waiting for him in the hotel now, so I thought it was the boss talking. It's over. "Wang Cheng started to talk nonsense with his eyes open.


"Of course, why don't I lie to you, brother, what are you doing to me? You won't really just want to say these things to me."

"Is your agreement with Huaying Real Estate expiring soon, are you going to stay with Huaying Real Estate and do business?"

Thanks to the elder brother for not being clear about this matter. Otherwise, his lie will be broken down, and Wang Cheng remedied: "It will expire in a few days. It was originally made for about three months, but it was opened later because of some things. It has been increased for another half a month, but I am going to leave my job and go home to do it by myself. You do n’t have to worry about it, brother. I have a fair mind. "

"That's good. Mom just called me and said that no one answered your call. I'm afraid you're in trouble. If you're free, call her back so that she won't worry. I'll talk to her first. Soon. "

"Got it."

Wang Cheng checked it. Mother Wang actually called him two times. It was more than half an hour ago. Maybe it was very noisy at that time. Many people came to toast and he didn't notice.

"Is that your big brother?" Huang Tongan faintly heard him talk about his big brother, but he couldn't hear the specific content. He only asked when he hung up the phone. He heard Wang Cheng's story about his big brother before. He is a very powerful man who reads books. He always wanted to see him. Unfortunately, when he transferred to Shanhai High School, Wang Cheng's elder brother was already a college student and he was about to graduate.

"It's him. If you have a fate, you might see him in the capital, but you don't recognize it when you see it." Wang Cheng put the phone on the edge of the table.

"Cut." Huang Tongan heard his gloating tone.

At 9 o'clock, Song Yuanyuan's spokesperson, Ma Song, the leader, felt that the conversation was almost finished, and he greeted everyone to go to KTV. Expectant mother, it's very reluctant to come out this time. After all, there are still children to take care of at home.

"Dandan, are you going?" Lin Qi asked.

Wei Dandan looked in a certain direction with some hesitation.

Lin Qi followed her line of sight and saw Wang Cheng and Huang Tongan holding the drunk Yang Yang, sighed and shook his head.

"Dan Dan, you may not like to listen to some words, but I still want to tell you, in fact, I know you like Wang Cheng in high school. At that time, because Song Yuanyuan couldn't confess, you may feel very sorry, but I think you Not with him. "

"But ... I finally met someone I once liked. I still want to give it a try, even if the result is unsatisfactory, at least there will be no regrets." Wei Dandan is not surprised that friends will guess it, and she behaved really clearly today.

"Well, now that you have decided, then go for it." Lin Qi saw that her mind had decided to support her, although she had already guessed the result.

Encouraged by a friend, Wei Dandan finally summoned his courage and walked towards Wang Cheng when they reached the door of the hotel lobby.

Wang Cheng is complaining that although Yang Yangyang is thin, he still weighs a lot. I do n’t know if the bones are too hard, and they all drank alcohol. So the three of them walked crookedly, or should Huang Tongan find that Wei Dandan is stunned? Just a moment, he hasn't noticed.

"Wang Cheng, Ma Song said Song Yuanyuan invited us to KTV. Are you going?"

Wang Cheng shook his head if he didn't want to, "I don't have enough sounds. I'm afraid to scare everyone away, so I don't plan to go." He didn't want to go when he heard Song Yuanyuan's name.

Huang Tong'an did not pierce him. The three of them had gone out to sing songs in high school. Although Wang Cheng was not as good at singing as the singers in the entertainment industry, he was much better than him and yangyang. Only he and yangyang knew this in school. Thing.

"So, I won't go," Wei Dandan said with ease.

"It's good if you don't go. It's dangerous for a girl not to go home in the middle of the night. It doesn't matter if a man sleeps on the side of the road."

When he heard that he was concerned about his safety, Wei Dandan laughed. "I'm worried about this too, so I still don't go, yes, you have this weekend ..."

"Wang Cheng."

The sudden sound interrupted Wei Dandan's words. Wang Cheng turned around and saw Chu Yifeng coming out of the hotel. Only he was alone. The customer might have left. His gas field was relatively strong. The people at the door were Wang Cheng again. He came here, everyone noticed immediately.

Wei Dandan suddenly became cramped, and the occupational disease almost broke out.

"Did you finish talking?" Wang Cheng didn't feel wrong, and asked freely. He wanted to call Chu Yifeng after Huang Tongan and Tong Yangyang left.

Chu Yifeng nodded, "Well, are you going back?"

"They are going to go to K song, but I am not interested and are planning to go back."

"Then let's go together."

Wang Cheng suddenly became embarrassed, pointing at two friends, "What do they do?"

"Rest assured, I will be responsible for sending Lu Yangyang this dead fat man home, you go back first, should not worry about us." Huang Tongan was awake when Chu Yifeng came over, he was just a little dizzy, He didn't get drunk. Besides, he always felt that Chu Yifeng was a little familiar.

"Drunk can't drive." Wang Cheng calmly pointed out the fact, even if he wasn't drunk, he didn't want to wake up the next morning and saw Huang Moumou and Li Moumou had a car accident on the TV or newspaper.

"You are stupid of me, I'm still young, how can I joke about my beautiful life, I must take a taxi, and go, you go quickly, it is too late to delay." Huang Tongan pushed He gave it a hand and propped himself up.

Chu Yifeng's car has been driven by the doorman. Because of the maintenance every month, the body is still dark and shiny. Wang Cheng told Huang Tongan a few words, then ignored the other people's eyes and took the car with Chu Yifeng and left. Some people have long straight eyes, can't help but regret why they didn't go up with Wang when they met. They can get to know men who drive sports cars. The relationship is good enough to send Wang Cheng home, how could it be ordinary people.

"Zhang Wu, have you known long ago? Do you know Wang Cheng?" Song Yuanyuan was also stunned by this scene. Wang Chengming said that he was doing a small business in his own house. Why did he suddenly jump out of a man driving a sports car? He looks very familiar. After being told by Zhang Wu before, she didn't actually have much thought, but the situation of the other party seemed to be a little different from her imagination. If Zhang Wu really knew Wang Cheng ... she was suddenly worried, she Wang Cheng had been saying bad things in front of Zhang Wu before.

"I don't know him. I didn't know Wang Cheng today."

Zhang Wu didn't want to explain too much to her. She said she didn't understand the vision and temperament of such ethereal and ethereal things. He had already begun thinking about breaking up with Song Yuanyuan. He did not know Wang Cheng, but he did know Wang Cheng. The man who left.

Chapter 99: Destroy My Family

It was ten o'clock after returning to the apartment. Chu Yifeng took Wang Cheng, who was drunk because of an alcohol outbreak in his body, to his room. After putting the person in bed, he went to the bathroom and made a warm wet towel. He wiped his face and was hooked on his neck, his mouth was blocked, and an unregulated tongue was still trying to reach into his mouth.

Chu Yifeng immediately counterattacked the main body, grabbed his tongue and broke into his mouth. The sweeping and overbearing posture made Wang Cheng unable to parry. The saliva in the mouth flooded into the quilt that had not entered the body from the corner of his mouth and his tongue was sucked Tingling.

Wang Cheng wanted to escape. The site had been captured. His clothes had been ripped open, revealing a strong chest. The sloppy alcohol caused his body to heat up, and he couldn't feel a trace of coolness. The desire in his body was easily lifted up, and he was next to Chu Yifeng. Your body rubbed impatiently.

Chu Yifeng made a slight gassing sound. He wanted to let him go. Even if he resisted fiercely, he would not stop.

"That's what you asked for."

Chu Yifeng looked down at Wang Cheng, who was flushed and panting. After being drunk, he had no consciousness at all, and naturally he could not hear the "crisis" under this sentence.


The next day, Wang Cheng woke up and felt back pain. He thought it was a sequela of drinking. As a result, he was pulled to the back as soon as he got out of bed. It was not very painful, but he felt a tingling sensation. Just know what happened last night.

"Boss Chu, you are too beastly, I am a drunk and unknown person, and you have to go down." Wang Cheng stepped on his waist and saw Chu Yifeng playing with the breakfast he just bought. He was so leisurely, he But I fell asleep and tired to sleep, and my heart suddenly became unbalanced.

"Did you forget the quirk of being drunk?" Chu Yifeng asked calmly.

"Uh?" Wang Cheng stayed. He seemed to have said that he would have the quirk of kissing someone when he was drunk. Is he ... stupid again last night?

"Just remember, go wash, and come over for breakfast."

Five minutes later, Wang Cheng sat at the dinner table with a sullen expression. Breakfast was a tenderloin that he liked to eat, and freshly squeezed soy milk. The taste was pure, without adding extra water, and the kind bought outside. Weird soy milk is different.

"What's the arrangement today?" Chu Yifeng asked, sitting opposite him.

Wang Cheng picked up a tenderloin patties, opened his mouth and took a big bite. The patties that had just been out of the oven for a long time, with the aroma and tangy heat, made people appetite, and after swallowing, he said: I have to go home. "

"Let's go in the afternoon."

Wang Cheng noticed that his gaze stayed on his waist and lower body. He resisted and did not smash the patties in his face. It was a shameful behavior to waste food. He wanted to hold back, but even if he really seduced him Yes, that should also be a bit self-made.

Chu Yifeng didn't go to work. The company now has Gao Yongfu sitting. Nothing serious can happen, but the news of Wang Cheng's resignation has also been announced. Cheng Cheng called Wang Cheng and asked him why he should leave. Colleague, Fang Tian did not move at all, and Wang Cheng was not surprised. Fang Tian probably hasn't stepped out of the incident yet. He thought so, but at 9:30 he got a call from him.

"Wang Cheng, did you leave because I saw you and your boss ...?" Fang Tian hesitated for a long time before deciding to make the call.

Wang Cheng was surprised that he would think so, "No, you think too much. I have already completed the resignation procedures when you saw it. If you don't believe it, you can ask Li Li, she helped me."

Fang Tian's expression was complicated. "When did you and your boss ... start?"

"It was more than a month before I asked for leave." Wang Cheng told the truth, if Fang Tian could accept it, they would still be friends, he couldn't accept it, and he couldn't help it.

"You should know that homosexuality can't go far, and society can't tolerate this kind of people. Why should you knowingly commit crimes, Wang Cheng, you are a smart person, how can you think of instigating people like your boss! You never thought about it, May the boss just play for you? "Fang Tian regarded Wang Cheng as a friend and really didn't want to see his friend go astray.


"What are you laughing at?" Wang Cheng burst out laughing, Fang Tian was startled, but what made him even more startled was still behind him. He heard Wang Cheng speak to another person.

"Boss Chu, Fang Tian said you were just playing with me. What do you think?"

Hearing this sentence, Fang Tian was so scared that his heart was about to jump out. Wang Cheng was with the boss. Now it's only nine o'clock. Can't they live together? One word made his mind wide open, and he could n’t make up for it. He wanted to know how the boss answered, but the voice over there suddenly dropped, and Wang Cheng's helpless voice sounded afterwards.

"Fang Tian, ​​you also know what kind of person I am, how could I do this kind of self-digging tomb, it's not that the boss has smashed me and threatened me to destroy my whole family without him. He is so powerful that I can't help it, so I have to obey him. "

All these words of Fang Tian were scattered by his words, and there was only a black line on his forehead, and he had no pits in his mind to believe his words.

"You guys, I'm serious about wanting to talk to you? Who wants to listen to you?"

"I'm serious, too. In a word, the boss confessed to me first."

"It's so serious