MTL - Jubo-Chapter 22

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"I came back last night."

"I'm not busy next time, the shop's business is done, and the fruit has found a buyer. That is the packaging factory you introduced to me. The owner Xie is interested in my fruit. It's all there, so I don't have to pay. Going to find a buyer again. "

"He knows the goods."

"Isn't it, my chestnut and hawthorn are authentic mountain products." Wang Cheng proudly said, "Yes, I'll send some goods to the packaging factory tomorrow, and I'll look for you afterwards."

"I'll pick you up then."

"Okay, I'll call you when I get there."

"it is good."

Chapter 93 Place of Meeting

The next day, Wang Cheng cut five or six bags of fruit and ready-made jams in his van and went to the packaging factory early in the morning. After handing over with Manager Xu, he called Chu Yifeng. When he was waiting, he took the warehouse The jam was moved to the truck.

Wang Cheng has never heard of them since he did a business with Lin Yue of Renchang Supermarket and several other supermarkets last time, but he was not surprised, and he did not want to receive results in a short time. Most likely, he is not in a hurry. The jam is now selling well in Guanjiacun. Even if he loses these cooperative customers in the end, he will not feel any loss.

"Manager Xu, I may put this truck on you temporarily." After all the jams were loaded into the car, Wang Cheng said to Manager Xu aside.

"Let me put the car here? How is Brother Wang going home?" Manager Xu didn't mind helping him watch a car. There was no parking space outside the factory, and monitoring was also available.

"A friend is coming to pick me up. I ’ll be back to Guanjia Village in two days, so I ’ll leave the car temporarily with you for a day or two.” The jam that their family sells to the village does not need to be as particular about the jam that they sell in the supermarket. It ’s okay not to have that layer of plastic packaging outside. People in the village do n’t pay much attention to it, so this batch of jams can be taken back so quickly.

As soon as Manager Xu heard it, he promised: "Brother Wang, rest assured, there will be no problem with the car being stored here."

About twenty minutes later, Chu Yifeng's car arrived.

After receiving his call, Wang Cheng greeted Manager Xu and went out. The sports car parked outside was quite conspicuous. Several employees carrying goods outside watched frequently. Wang Cheng got into the door that had been opened for him at once. , The car quickly disappeared in front of them.

Employees know Wang Cheng, and they have been wondering why Manager Xu is so special to this young man who is about the same age as them. The things related to him are not only personal but also attentive. After seeing this scene today, they finally managed understood.

This person does not seem to be a young person who generally wants to start a business on his own, most of them are backstage. There was a light rain in the sky. When Chu Yifeng came to pick him up for less than five minutes, the fine rain fell on the window of the car, and the vision blurred. Chu Yifeng opened the wiper and the front window became clear again. Wang Chengqiao Qi Erlang legs.

"Today's weather forecast clearly said it was sunny and I was fooled."

"The weather forecast can't be trusted." Chu Yifeng said, and then fell on him again. "Why only wear a long shirt? This dress was a few years ago?"

Wang Cheng embraced the back of his head with his arms, not thinking: "Forget, I have been busy with the shop these past few days, and forgot to buy a few new ones."

Chu Yifeng headed directly to the mall.

There are no guests at this time in the mall, but because of the sudden light rain, there are several people hiding from the rain. Seeing the light rain does not seem to stop. Later, they simply walked around the mall. This light rain seemed to indicate the arrival of winter and the weather seemed to be down The child dropped a few degrees, and some people who were still wearing short sleeves raised their goose bumps, rubbing their arms from time to time.

The two came to the men's clothing area on the third floor. Chu Yifeng seemed to come and took him directly to one of them. A man, a woman and two employees immediately came over. Chu Yifeng knew that Wang Cheng would not pick clothes, so he asked the two employees to help him. With.

The yellowish and rotten top was replaced with a gray-black sweater, which was fitted with a white T-shirt and a pair of black casual jeans on the lower body. The whole person looked spiritual and handsome. After a lot, looking at himself in the mirror, Wang Cheng once again sighed that someone was wearing clothes.

"Yes." Chu Yifeng reached out and wiped the wrinkles on his shoulder, and nodded.

"Of course, people are handsome and look good no matter what clothes they wear." Wang Cheng raised his jaw in the mirror in a shameless manner.

The two employees who helped him pick clothes also heard this. The female employee is fine. As long as he is handsome, he can forgive whatever he does. What a thick-skinned man is left with envy and jealousy. With so many handsome guys in the world, why aren't you one of them?

Chu Yifeng did not refute his words, he asked the two employees to help him pick a few more sets, jeans, sweaters, coats, underwear, ties, etc. These are not in Chengdu, and I do n’t know how many years old they are. Know him. Chu Yifeng didn't ask him what he was missing. He bought them around, and after a while, they had six extra bags in his hands, all of which were his clothes.

The money was paid by Chu Yifeng. When he went to the dressing room to try on the clothes, he paid directly. Seeing the smile of the staff in the store smiling, Wang Chengcheng knew that it was definitely not cheap. He did not understand the brand, but the clothes Isn't there a label on it? He just looked at one and stunned, which was twice as expensive as the one he bought last time at Didu.

Passing by a shoe store, Chu Yifeng took him inside to take a look.

Wang Cheng fancy a pair of casual leather rubber-soled shoes. He has never worn leather shoes. Dad Wang has a few pairs of leather shoes. He tried to wear them but he could n’t adapt. He could n’t wear leather shoes while living on the mountain. It will definitely be uncomfortable, so the shoes he bought are either sports shoes or casual shoes, which are very cheap and cost one hundred and two hundred.

"How?" Chu Yifeng asked.

Wang Cheng took off his shoes.

Chu Yifeng immediately asked the clerk to change a pair of big and one size, and the clerk quickly brought it. After Wang Cheng tried, he finally fit his feet. He stood up and walked a few laps, much more comfortable than those shoes he bought before.

"These shoes are good."

"Then buy it. Would you like another pair?"

"I still don't need it. I can wear a pair. Would you like to buy it?" Wang Cheng shook his head and bought too much today.

"I don't need to buy another pair of sneakers. You can see that there are many styles of sneakers over there, and they should be comfortable to wear." Chu Yifeng motioned to look at the space behind the shoe rack, where all the sneakers are placed.

“Mr. ’s vision is really good. The sneakers in our store are all new styles just released in autumn and winter. Not only are they of good quality, they are comfortable to wear, but they are also very light. You will feel like wearing them on your feet. People often wear them outside. "The shop assistant immediately introduced what Chu Yifeng said.

It ’s fair to say that Wang Cheng has a little movement. He has n’t worn this kind of sneakers that he did n’t wear. He finally took a look and bought another pair of shoes. When he paid the bill, he felt distressed and his heart twitched. Two pairs It cost him 30,000 yuan for shoes. Is it really good to grab money like this?

It was one o'clock in the afternoon when the two came out of the mall, and the bags in their hands were all packed in the trunk. They went to a nearby restaurant for lunch before returning to the apartment.

Large and small bags were stacked in the living room. Wang Cheng covered his chest, and the money was spent.

"Honestly, how much did you spend?" Wang Cheng asked Chu Yifeng, who was sitting on the sofa with a relaxed attitude, as he was sorting out the clothes in the bag.

Chu Yifeng held his arms and chuckled, "Not much, it's one hundred thousand. Do you want to pay back?"

Wang Cheng was silent for a while, "... owed first." But in his heart he was scolding Chu Yifeng for his prodigal son.

His expression was not concealed at all. Chu Yifeng became more and more interesting as he looked at it. At this time, Wang Cheng ’s mobile phone on the coffee table rang. He was finishing his clothes and asked Chu Yifeng to pick him up. He grabbed the phone from his hand and the call was connected. He looked at the name on the phone and was finally relieved. The phone was called by Wei Dandan.

Wei Dandan told him that the time and place had been set, and also said that some students who had originally planned to refuse would go to the class reunion when they heard Wang Cheng, and they changed their promises, and they were all female students. Their impression of Wang Cheng has always been good. , I haven't met for seven years, everyone wants to know how he is doing.

Wang Cheng told her that she would go to participate tomorrow. After speaking a few words, she hung up the phone and looked up and saw Chu Yifeng looking at him with a smile.

"What is your expression?"

"Are you afraid your friend will know my relationship with you?"

As soon as Wang Cheng heard it, he remembered that he had just rushed to grab the cell phone and explained: "I thought it was my parents who called me. If they knew you could answer my cell phone, I still don't know how to associate it. I Fortunately, my dad said that my mother is different. She is very savvy. She can think of a lot of things with a little clue. Don't underestimate the imagination of women. "

"Really?" Chu Yifeng's tone was dubious.

"I'm fine with you."

"It was a woman calling you, what did she ask you for?" Chu Yifeng asked again, remembering the scene where Wang Cheng used to talk to a woman in a cafe and smiled, and intuitively told him that this woman named Wei Dandan, if not Because of her, he will not confess to Wang Cheng so soon, but he will not tell Wang Cheng about this.

"She's a classmate in my high school. She invited me to a class reunion. It's tomorrow, so I can't have dinner with you tomorrow night." Wang Cheng said.

"Where to party?"

"Golden Top Hotel."

Chapter 94. Resignation

The next morning, Wang Cheng woke up and found that he was resting on Chu Yifeng's shoulders, and he was halfway around, but he was restrained by the other side.

Wang Cheng was about to open his mouth, his mouth was kissed, and there was another drool and breath of mature man in his mouth. Under the quilt, the man's legs also squeezed between his two legs, and his body became hot. It was so hot early in the morning.

The man originally had Chen Bo's instinct, but now he is so provoked by Chu Yifeng, Wang Cheng only feels that place has risen sharply.

"Don't make trouble." Wang Cheng finally managed to grab Chu Yifeng's hand that he touched on him, and later, his hand would touch the bottom, he didn't want to spend all his morning time with him. Chu Yifeng rolled the sheets, let alone did it last night.

Chu Yifeng didn't insist, but he turned around and pressed him under the moment he was scratching, hugged his head, another deep kiss, his tongue seemed to go deep into his throat, and his breath was fluttering, Wang Cheng quickly Pushing him away, his mouth was wet, and one foot was in front of Chu Yifeng's chest.

"You are enough. You can estrus during the day and you are not a sow."

"Really?" Chu Yifeng looked at his crotch, where the bulge clearly stated a fact that could not be concealed, and there was more than one estrus.

Wang Cheng didn't feel embarrassed either. "Lao Tzu is instinctual."

As soon as I finished speaking, I changed to Chu Yifeng and ignored, and went to the bathroom to wash. Since staying in Chu Yifeng's apartment, the two have naturally slept into the same bed. More intimate actions have been done, more than once. In this case, there is nothing to be arrogant.

After breakfast, the two went directly to the company.

Wang Cheng was not ready to go to work. The original agreement between him and Chu Yifeng had already expired, and he was asked for leave directly for more than a month later, but neither of them had bothered about the agreement.

This time when I went to the company, Wang Cheng planned to go through the formalities of leaving the company. The company is getting bigger and bigger, and there are more than 50 employees. The original empty company has already gained a lot of popularity. Chu Yifeng knew that he wanted to concentrate on his small business, so he didn't make any comments.

Because Wang Cheng asked for leave before the new employees joined the company, many employees didn't know him and saw him walk in with the boss. After they entered the office, they whispered. Li Yu walked in and saw They froze while whispering in a whisper.

"What are you doing and are you still not working?"

A group of people dispersed immediately.

Li Yu came to her office, and she looked out the opened blinds, where Wang Cheng was supposed to be sitting, but now it has become a new employee. Everyone originally wanted to keep the place for Wang Cheng, but the boss said no, why? No need to? Everyone didn't say it, but in their hearts they speculated that some people thought that the boss wanted to fire Wang Cheng, while others thought that the boss wanted to promote Wang Cheng, and the old employees thought it was the latter, but Wang Cheng didn't come back to make their confidence shake.

"Sister Li, the boss told you to meet him in the office." A young girl knocked on the door and came in. She is also a newly recruited employee. She is now Li Yu's assistant.

Li Yu put away her thoughts. With more and more colleagues, the company became more and more cluttered. Instead, she missed Wang Cheng's time. The pure personality did not need to touch him too much.

"Yeah." Li Yu knocked on the door, pushed the door and walked in after getting the instructions from the people inside, "Boss, are you looking for me ... Wang Cheng?

Before the auxiliary words were spoken, she saw Wang Cheng turning around and looking at her with a smile. The handsome face was very recognizable, and the person who had disappeared for more than a month just appeared in front of her. She was still feeling the moment before.

"Sister Li, I haven't seen you for a long time." Wang Cheng beckoned and beckoned to her with a smile. Li Yu was not there last time, so he didn't have a chance to meet her.

"You are here just right, Fan Qi is not here. You have to do something instead of him." Chu Yifeng handed her a document.

Li Yu opened the file and saw that it was Wang Cheng's information. He couldn't help wondering, "Boss, what do you want me to do?"

"Take Wang Cheng for resignation."

"Resignation?" Li Yu didn't understand why. People who hadn't appeared for more than a month suddenly came to apply for resignation. She looked at Wang Cheng. "Wang Cheng, are you really planning to resign?"

She later heard Zhang Yiheng said that Wang Cheng had an agreement with the company, but did not expect it to come so suddenly.

"Well, I'm going to resign and not go back to my hometown to take care of myself." Wang Cheng laughed.

Li Yu closed the information and pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose expressionlessly: "Should I order a coffin for myself first?"

"I'm kidding." Wang Cheng touched his nose, but he hadn't seen him for a while. Li Yu still had no mercy under his mouth and his subordinates.

"I'm kidding too."

Wang Cheng laughed and stopped raising her. "Trouble Li, please help me with the formalities."

Seeing that his mind had been decided, Li Yu quickly completed the resignation procedures for him. In fact, if you think about it, Wang Cheng has no salary at all in the company. They also learned about it from Assistant Gao later. It was because of the agreement. Before entering the company, the chance of staying should not be high.

"I will be free in the future," Wang Cheng said happily.

"When aren't you free?" Chu Yifeng asked in return. During the agreement, he could invite more than a month of vacation to come and go more freely than his boss.

Wang Chenggang was about to answer, and his cell phone rang. When he pulled out to see the caller's display, he could not help raising his eyebrows.

"Who called?" Chu Yifeng noticed his expression.

"Renchang supermarket, this is much faster than I thought. I thought it would take me at least a month to call me."

The answer button was pressed by Wang Chengyi, and the voice of the female manager of the supermarket came from the mobile phone. Although it had only been about a week, the four sets of jams he had sold to them had been sold out. Now he called to order another batch with him. This time, she is going to order fifteen sets of jams directly. Among them, the demand for persimmon sauce is even higher than that of plum sauce. After asking, I know that many returning customers think that persimmon sauce is delicious, but because of the quantity they originally ordered, Too little, it sold out all at once.

The female manager asked Wang Cheng if he could deliver the goods today. Wang Cheng thought that there would be nothing else except to go to the class reunion today, and he agreed.

"The boss of Renchang Supermarket really knows the goods." Wang Cheng happily said to Chu Yifeng after hanging up the phone. The jam can be sold so quickly. He guessed that there must be some credit for Lin Yue. She should have ordered the supermarket staff to help The guest introduces his jam.

"Heart moved?" Chu Yifeng teased.

Wang Chengchong rolled his eyes. "Please, they are in their forties. Even if they are well maintained, that is also the old cow. Do you think I might send my tender grass to the old cow, I do n’t need it The little white face that is being raised, someday you can think about it when you are short of money. "

"Would you like to say this sentence in front of your lover?" Chu Yifeng did not approve the documents either. He put down the pen in his hand and lifted the bar with him.

Wang Cheng bypassed the desk and sat under the armrest of the chair under him, one hand resting on his shoulder, hehe laughed: "Boss Chu, you honestly explained, when I first saw this tender grass, it was Haven't you thought about raising me? "

"I haven't known your character for a few days with you. If I dare to support you, I'm afraid you will give me a punch, right, but are you really sorry to say that you are a tender grass?" Chu Yifeng Unsmiling, a hand came around behind him and wrapped around his waist, leaving him to rest half of his body on himself.

Seeing that his hands and feet were quite regular, Wang Cheng did not immediately break away from him, refuting: "Don't look at me already 25 years old, I actually have an eight-year-old heart, do you know?"

"I can't see it."

"It doesn't matter if you don't see it. I'll tell you now that you have to give me some rules later. You were all molesting the children before, understand? The next time you dare to ignore my wishes, I will sue you." Wang Cheng To be honest, but it actually fired, as if it really meant something.

Chu Yifeng finally couldn't stand him. He pulled his head down and bit his mouth. The saliva was flooding, and the sound of water stains lingering on his lips was heard in his ears.

Although Wang Cheng was able to fight with him, but when it came to kissing, he couldn't catch up with the horse. Every time he was kissed without a fight, it was him. The body that originally leaned on him was directly He pushed into his arms and pressed it on the desk. Seeing that a limited-level picture was about to be played, a slight exhaust sound suddenly made outside the door. Wang Chengxi, who had good ears, returned to the house rationally, and he did not know where the strength was. Chu Yifeng then immediately looked in the direction of the door and saw a familiar figure running away.

It may be that Li Yu didn't close the door when she left, and the concealed door was blown open by the wind, and it was sure to be seen as long as anyone walked through.

Wang Cheng glared at Chu Yifeng, holding his forehead weakly, and two big and flashing words appeared in his heart.

Lying down!

Chapter 95—The Careful Man

Out of the building, Wang Cheng ’s back door was thick-skinned, but the man and the man were still a little shocked, and he did n’t know what kind of eyes the other person would look at, so he was afraid to face it for the time being, so he was very boneless. Escaped.

Wang Cheng glanced back at the mansion and patted his stiff face forcefully. A stranger passing by paid attention to it with a look of neuropathy. The only thing he was thankful for was that he had resigned.

Wang Cheng came to the underground parking lot. He was holding Chu Yifeng's car key in his hand. It was a bit of a hassle to take a taxi. He also had to come back to find Chu Yifeng. This was not the first time he had driven a sports car. I didn't really experience the charm of the sports car, and I was rejected by Chu Yifeng. He never drove a sports car again.

The pulling black sports car attracted the attention of passers-by all the way to the packaging factory. The employees thought that a big-name guest had arrived. As a result, Wang Cheng was surprised. The Mr. Wang really gave them every so often. a surprise.

Wang Cheng didn't notify Manager Xu, and he happened to be out of the factory. A worker who helped him move the goods several times came to say hello to him, and when he heard that he wanted to get the goods, he offered to help.

"Mr. Wang, which car will the goods be moved to?" The workers suddenly remembered that Wang Cheng had two cars here. It seemed a bit exaggerated to use a sports car for delivery, but the truck seemed to be full of goods and there was almost no room for more than a dozen. Group of jam.

Wang Cheng also thought of this question, "Thank you for helping me move to the sports car, the trunk is at the front." If he drives the sports car, he can go straight back to the Renchang supermarket. Most importantly, the car It's all here.

Worker Zhang Ke helped him to put the jam in the trunk, but the space inside can only put thirteen sets of jam, and the other two could not fit. Wang Cheng moved the jam to the side seat of the car, and then went to deliver. Already.

"The rich people are really exaggerated. They need to drive a sports car when they deliver a cargo." The worker was mostly envious as the car disappeared in front of him.

Wang Cheng actually knew that driving a sports car for delivery was a bit of an exaggeration, but his elder brother's car was placed at home, but Chu Yifeng had a car in his garage, which was more expensive, so he had to ignore other people's strange eyes and quickly finish the delivery. goods.

Lin Yue wasn't in the supermarket this time. The woman manager he approached was smiling. He smiled when he saw him. He praised his jam all the time, and the customers were satisfied. This was expected, but the woman manager was surprised. With unexpected enthusiasm, Wang Cheng almost couldn't resist, because she even asked him if he had a girlfriend, and finally fled.

"Such a young, handsome, and golden man, if I were 20 years younger, I would chase him cheekily," said the female manager.

The staff on the side quietly threw down a sentence as she passed by, "Go and reshape ..."

When he got downstairs from the Changhe Building, Wang Cheng called Chu Yifeng and asked him to come down. Now he doesn't have the courage to go up to face Fang Tian. The person who accidentally saw him and Chu Yifeng kissing in the office was Fang Tian, ​​although he only He glanced inadvertently, but his figure would not admit it.

Five minutes later, Chu Yifeng came out of the building and sat on the vice seat. "Is delivery smooth?"

"Did you deliberately?" Wang Cheng glanced at him with a defamation in his heart. He didn't need to answer. He also knew that Chu Yifeng would surely guess the scene where he drove a sports car to deliver. No wonder he would give him the car key to let him drive a sports car. No Is it a man who ridiculed him in the office more than two hours ago, who is more revengeful than him, and who is careful.

"How come, I'm sincere."

"Of course you are very sincere and sincerely play with me." Wang Cheng did not believe him, "I will find an employee when I go back." Now that the business is gradually going on, he can't come over every time to deliver goods by himself, and the boss should be treated as such. Too tired, the family is now profitable and is no longer in a state of making ends meet, so this employee must be hired.

The car was parked in front of a restaurant. This is the restaurant where Yuan Xia took him a few times before. It is mainly Chinese food and the decoration is very stylish. It was also the place where Yuan Xia was almost abducted by three strangers last time. Later he gave Yuan Xia called once.

Yuan Xia's man didn't really want to keep him at home, and later he was sent to school for a lesson, maybe it was resolved.

The restaurant is famous for authentic Chinese food, and the price is not very expensive. Middle-class office workers like Yuan Xia like to eat in this restaurant. Wang Cheng has eaten twice, although he also cooks himself, but also Chinese food , But occasionally try outside is also good.

"This Longjing shrimp looks good. I haven't tried it. I ordered a plate to eat and eat it next time." Wang Cheng said as he flipped through the menu.

Chu Yifeng said, "I can do it. You decide."

The waiter brought a pot of chrysanthemum tea and poured them a cup respectively. The hot tea was steaming upwards.

Wang Cheng knew that he was not picky, and he ordered according to his own wishes. He had n’t eaten or cooked the meat-sweeping section, the three fresh dishes, the sweet and sour tenderloin, then a cold dish and a pot of winter melon soup. Wang Cheng actually likes the deep-fried pork tenderloin. It is very fragrant, but he ordered it the last time. When he is free, he will show Chu Yifeng.

After dinner, they went to the supermarket before returning to the apartment.

The apartment has been cleaned by Liu Ye. Because their time in the public housing is uncertain, they will call and let Liu Ye come to clean afterwards. Liu Ye is very clean, hands and feet are clean, and he never asks anything. Even if she finds that the relationship between Wang Cheng and Chu Yifeng may not be ordinary, she only shows something strange on the first day, and then she can't see it.

At more than three o'clock, Wei Dandan called Wang Cheng again, and Xu was worried that he would temporarily regret it. The reunion is at 4 pm, but you can arrive later if there is something. Anyway, I just passed in early and just sat with a group of people to chat, so Wang Cheng didn't plan to arrive at 4 o'clock on time. After studying the recipe in the living room, he made a little excuse that he would be late, and he hung up.

"What do you want to eat at night, I can cook it for you before passing." Wang Cheng stretched out his feet and pushed Chu Yifeng's arm for a while to signal him to come over.

Chu Yifeng wanted to grab his foot, and he quickly took it back. "No, I have an appointment with people at night, and I don't eat at home."


"A client, there is a project to talk about, and he invites dinner."

"Okay, then I leave the menu to the back." Wang Cheng decided to list the menus for the next few days, and will do so in the future. When he buys food, he can buy as he has done before. When the old monk was cooking, he didn't like to eat the same dish for three days, so he often had to change his style. With this experience, Wang Cheng didn't waste much of his mind when he wanted the menu.

The hour hand on the wall quickly crossed five o'clock and half past five. Knowing that it could not be delayed any longer, Wang Cheng slowly packed things up, and when he put on his shoes, Chu Yifeng also stowed the computer. "I'll take you there."

"Don't you have a client to talk to? Don't be afraid to be late." Wang Cheng turned to see him in a suit and leather shoes.

"By the way."

Hearing this sentence, Wang Cheng suddenly flashed, "No, the place you're talking about is also Jinding Hotel?"

Chu Yifeng smiled back to him.

Needless to say, guessed right.

As the only five-star hotel in Shanhai City, Jinding Hotel is also a status symbol, so many celebrities in the political circles will choose this hotel as a place to stay. It is basically difficult to set up a meeting place or a large box here.

Classmate gatherings are just a group of young people who have spent many years in the society gathering together to eat, drink, and retell old and old occasions. There is no need to set the location at the Golden Roof Hotel. Few people can succeed in life. Most people are just Most of the mediocre members of all sentient beings, most people have never even set foot in this upscale five-star hotel.

However, the people who held the classmates chose to go to the Golden Top Hotel. The ostentatious mind was self-evident. Although some people scoffed at this, more students decided to participate than ever before, even if they were just ordinary people. Being able to see five-star hotels is also worth it. The quiet area is not far from Jinding Hotel, but it will be ten minutes away. Wang Cheng also received a text message from Wei Dandan on the road asking him when he would arrive.

Because there was a delay in going out, he arrived at the hotel only fifteen minutes before it was six o'clock, and the meal was set at six. At that time, everyone had to move to the restaurant for dinner. Wei Dandan was afraid that he could not catch up, and Wang Cheng returned a text message. Give her and tell yourself that you have arrived at the hotel entrance. Wei Dandan also asked if she needs to come down to pick him up, of course Wang Cheng refused.

"I'm going up first." Wang Cheng said after getting out of the car and bending to Chu Yifeng in the car.

"Want to leave and call me."

"it is good."

Chapter 96, Old People and Old Friends

The Golden Roof Hotel has a special place or box for hosting banquets. Because their class of seniors in class 31 have less than 60 people to attend, the party chooses to participate in a small box. If the box of a large hotel is not two or three in advance, The month is unreserved.

As soon as Wang Cheng entered the hotel, the waiter walked in front of him. Under the guidance of the waiter, they came to the third-floor box 801. The waiter also thoughtfully helped him open the door of the box. Wang Cheng smiled and thanked her, The waiter blushed slightly and left after saying a few words.

Because it is almost six o'clock, most of the classmates have almost arrived, and a few are the people you want to see, including Wang Cheng. So as soon as someone enters the door, everyone's eyes can't help watching.

"Wang Cheng!"

Wei Dandan has been watching the time, and her friends talked to her absently. Although Wang Cheng promised that she would come to participate, but there was still no figure in sight when the time was up, so she was anxious, she would immediately look at every time the door moved, after all, she had already Assured others that Wang Chenghui would come to a class reunion. Wang Cheng was also a man of great character at Shanhai High School. Wei Dandan just called his name. The box was quiet a little bit at once, and everyone's attention was focused on him. His familiar and unfamiliar face really turned out to be In the past seven years, the childlike faces in the impression have now been replaced with real and fake masks.

Wang Chengchao nodded her head. At this moment, a man one or two centimeters shorter than him came towards him without saying a word, and punched him in the chest.

"Wang Cheng, you are a good boy. When you graduated from high school, you ran away without even contacting your brother. How dare you show up now? I wouldn't have come if I heard you would come."

"I'm not afraid that you blame me, so I hurried over and rushed over. The male 18th change, I wouldn't recognize you if you didn't speak." Wang Cheng opened his hand and smiled at him. Hug for a moment, the man was his classmate in high school, Yang Yangyang. At that time, Yang Yangyang was a big fat man, and he was double fat with a female student in the class who was also fat. In seven years, the old fat man became With thin people, tall and thin look much better than before.

"I look like you. I haven't seen you for seven years. You haven't changed at all, and you are even more handsome. Just looking at him with admiration and envy, Wang Cheng was always very popular with girls during high school. Of course, because of his boldness, in The male classmates are also mixed up.

"I'm born to be beautiful."

"I'm sick."

"Haha ..."

"Your face hasn't changed at all, you can't explain this sentence." Rao was mentally prepared, but still speechless for his words.

"What's so bad about having a thick skin? It makes life happier." Wang Cheng didn't care, "Well, Huang Tongan, hasn't he come?"

"No, you are not ignorant. This guy has never been on time. I am more worried that he may not come to attend. At first he still came, but he did n’t come over very often to attend class reunions. I haven't contacted him in two years. "There was some emotion in the words of Yang Yangyang. After seven years, after all, it was very long.

"If you have a fate, you will see it." Wang Cheng said.

"Come, I will introduce you to other students. You must not recognize them. I remembered them just now when I met again?

Read Versatile Mage (Web Novel)
School LifeComedyMartial ArtsTragedy