MTL - Is the Wife Married?-Chapter 78

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Gu Jinxian walked to the bed and sat down, her lips moved, and her voice was softer than ever before: "How is your recovery these days?"

She looked down, caught a glimpse of her sister's exposed hand, hesitated for a moment, and held it gently.

The hand shrank instinctively.

Gu Chixi looked at her, her eyes were a little dull, as if she was thinking about something, but she seemed to be just letting go, and there was no alert in her clear and transparent eyes.

After a long while, he said, "You can be discharged from the hospital in another week."

"Will you go to my place?" Gu Jinxian followed Wen Ning's example, and folded her palms to wrap her hands, "I have a garden in the 'Hailan Bay', the environment is good, and there is a special person to take care of life, it is very suitable for recuperation, absolutely not will be disturbed."

The last sentence was a little louder.

In fact, it's better to be at home, but she was bumped into by her own sister twice in a row, and the trouble was unpleasant. She was worried that once again, the relationship between the two who had finally eased up would return to the original point.

Gu Chixi looked at her in a trance again.

She is so gentle.

Unlike lovers, it is a kind of tenderness in affection. When she was a child, she was bullied, hated Gu Jinrao on the one hand, and envied her having a sister who gave her unconditional love and tolerance, but she had nothing of her own.

Before meeting Wen Ning, she often thought that it would be better if she and Gu Jinrao exchanged.

The eldest sister is very strong, shrewd and confident in her bones, but she can't feel these things on the surface. When outsiders come into contact with her, they feel that she is thoughtful, generous, and very comfortable.

This kind of person can be deadly when gentle.

"No." Gu Chixi refused.

This is not her own sister, and she still has an old feud. It is enough to live in peace and communicate occasionally. She doesn't want any extras that don't belong to her.

Gu Jinxian expected that she would refuse, so she just smiled and continued: "Ning Ning has been working hard these days, and she hasn't rested much. The dark circles under her eyes are as big as a national treasure."

Gu Chixi turned to look.

"No..." Wen Ning hurriedly denied it, not wanting Gu Chixi to feel guilty because of it, "I have a little dark circles under my eyes, because of work, irregular work and rest, it has nothing to do with taking care of my sister these days."

The two clasped their hands tightly together, and the strength suddenly increased.

Gu Chixi stared at her and whispered, "Ningbao."


Wen Ning's eyes fell on her lips, wanting to kiss her, but someone next to her had to hold it back and silently comforted her with her eyes: It's okay.

Gu Chixi pursed his lips and smiled.

"Why do you call her 'sister'?" Gu Jinxian asked curiously.

Wen Ning didn't look away, sticking to Gu Chixi's face, as if muttering to herself, "Because it's been like this since I was a child..."

It's been ten years.

They conveyed their thoughts with their eyes as if they were no one else.

Gu Jinxian felt more and more like a light bulb.

Old age, career, family, everything she should have, but she often feels empty in her heart, faintly itchy, and occasionally the wind blows, sour and sour, and envies others.

For example, when I was sick, my sister was not around, only the servants, and I dared not let the children know.

After walking for a while, she remembered the business, coughed lightly, and said, "The identity of the driver who caused the accident has been found out."

The two turned their faces at the same time.

"That car came from a rental car company called 'Shengxing'. The boss behind the scenes is Wang Liya. The driver who hit you has been favored by her, and the lives of the whole family are in her hands, so..."

"Catch another scapegoat." Gu Chixi interrupted softly, his dark eyes bursting with coldness.

as she expected.

Gu Jinxian was stunned for a moment, then shook her head and said, "It can't be said that it is a complete scapegoat. To be more precise, it should be called a 'tool'."

"It doesn't matter what it's called."


Wen Ning clenched Gu Chixi's hand, "Is there really nothing I can do about her?"

Gu Chixi frowned.

"You don't have to worry about this, leave it to me." Gu Jinxian patted her hand, "She should be too busy now, but just in case, you still have to take bodyguards with you when you go out, and I'll transfer a few for you and arrange a car. "

Afraid that she would refuse, she added: "I can't find the letter myself, and I have to train, not as good as the ready-made ones at home."

Gu Chixi's breathing was stagnant, and an emotion choked in his throat.

Suddenly, Wen Ning seemed to sense something, leaned forward slightly, and prepared to hug with the other hand.

The next second, Gu Chixi fell into her arms.

She hugs her.

Gu's main house.

It's always eerily calm before a storm.

Standing in front of the octagonal window, the middle-aged woman is slender, her long hair has been carefully permed and dyed, and she wears a Su embroidered cloak, and she has a noble temperament.

She picked up the tea at hand, took a sip, and frowned.

It's already cold.


A servant's voice came from behind: "The eldest lady is back and said she wants to see you."

Wang Liya was startled, her slender fingers shook the cup gently, and turned around, "Let her come over and make another pot of tea."


After making tea for a long time, Wang Liya closed her soft cloak and sat on the sofa. Before tea came, she waited for footsteps.

Three, two, one...

A figure appeared in her line of sight, and she raised a perfect smile: "Xian is back."

Kind, warm and just right.

Gu Jinxian nodded coldly, sat down, took out a stack of photos from her bag and threw them on the table, "What did you do?"

The photo is of a black Volkswagen.

Wang Liya picked it up and looked at it, and said without changing her face: "I'm just removing obstacles for the Gu family, which is good for you and A Rao."

"Really? Next, what method are you going to use to eradicate me and Arao?"

"Look at what you said..."

"In your eyes, aren't the three of us obstacles?" Gu Jinxian narrowed her eyes, her sharp eyes pierced through her.

Wang Liya pursed her lips and smiled: "No need."

"It's not that it's unnecessary, but it can't be done, right? Persimmons can only be softly squeezed."


"But if you really think it's a soft persimmon, you won't do it, so you still feel that she is a threat to you and your son." Gu Jinxian watched as the smile on her face disappeared little by little.

"What are you afraid of, eh?"

At this time, the servant came over with a tray and put down a cup of tea in front of them.

The tea was steaming hot with white smoke.

Wang Liya lowered her eyes, picked up the cup, blew the tea lightly, took a sip, and raised her eyes to sort out her emotions.

"The scourge should be strangled in the cradle."

When he was done, he took another sip.

The tea is slightly scalded, and the tea fragrance moistens the tip of the tongue.

Gu Jinxian raised her eyebrows and sneered: "I really didn't expect it to be strangled in such a stupid way."

"Xian, do you want to turn your elbows out?"

"Don't you know whether to turn out or not?"


Wang Liya guiltily looked away.

"You calculated her company, failed, found a useless Luo Qian to cooperate, and then calculated her life, failed, and used the most stupid method. I thought that you have been with my dad for so many years, how much can you learn At one point." Gu Jinxian picked up the teacup and stared at the blue-yellow tea inside, but she didn't drink it, and put it down again.

"Indeed, that's all."

Wang Liya couldn't hold back her face, just as she was about to speak, there was the sound of trotting footsteps outside, and a young boy rushed in.


"Eh? Big sister, you are here too." He said in surprise.

Gu Jinxian smiled.

"Miss, are you going to the club with me tonight? There are a few new boys here today..."

"Go back to the room!" Wang Liya interrupted in a low voice, squinting him.

He pouted, rolled his eyes, and went upstairs.

The old-fashioned wall clock swayed back and forth, suddenly "clicking", and then "dangdangdang" rang eight times in a row, thick and long, exactly eight o'clock.

Wang Liya was silent, and her upbringing maintained her final demeanor, so as not to look ugly, but she was already annoyed and angry.

"You can do it yourself." Gu Jinxian got up and wanted to leave.



"Are you going to stand on the side of Yang Yi's mother and daughter?"

Gu Jinxian sneered: "I never stand in line."

She only does what she thinks is worth it.

After saying that, he turned and left, leaving a stern figure behind.

After staying in the hospital for half a month, Gu Chixi's injuries had almost recovered. On the day of her discharge, Wen Ning refused to let her use a cane, and just carried her from the ward to the car.

Although she is thin, she weighs 90 pounds and is very heavy. Rao is Wen Ning's physical strength, and she can't breathe even after carrying it down.


Gu Chixi wiped her sweat with a tissue, her eyes full of distress, "I can go by myself."

"It's comfortable to carry." Wen Ning grabbed her hand and kissed it.

Gu Chixi laughed angrily: "You're breathing like this, and you say it's comfortable."

"No, I mean cough..." Wen Ning coughed twice, winked, eyes fell in front of her, and then patted herself on the back, "It's comfortable to rub against."

Soft, hot, can it be uncomfortable?

Gu Chixi suddenly realized, his cheeks flushed, and he hit her lightly.

Wen Ning laughed happily.

The driver drove in front, followed by two cars, one left and one right. Those were the four bodyguards sent by the eldest sister. After going out, they would follow this formation, adapt to the situation, and follow where they go.

To be honest, Wen Ning is not used to it.

Gu Chixi is okay. When he lived in Gu's family, he occasionally went out with his father, and the battle was even bigger. Now this is quite low-key and conservative.

At Tianhe Bay, the bodyguard car automatically turned into the opposite community, where the eldest sister rented a four-bedroom apartment for them to live in.

"Don't move." Wen Ning held down Gu Chixi's hand, got out of the car quickly, opened the door on her side, turned her back, and squatted down.

"I want to be comfortable, sister, satisfy me."

Gu Chixi didn't know whether to laugh or cry, she leaned forward on her back, and pressed her tightly, "Satisfying you."

The driver Xiao Fan helped with the luggage and crutches. Wen Ning carried Gu Chixi into the house, went upstairs, put the person on the sofa on the second floor, went to get pajamas, and then went into the bathroom to drain water.

Seeing her busy and busy, Gu Chixi's heart softened for a while, unable to tell whether it was sour or sweet.

She can't wash her hair yet, but she can sit in the bathtub and take a bath. She can't stand the smell on her body. What's even more embarrassing is that Ningbao always has to smell her and kiss her like a puppy when she sleeps with her. Not solid.

This incident hurt her body, but Wen Ning's heart hurt.

She still remembered the moment she fell into the water, she thought she was doomed, under the despair of dying, Wen Ning's face finally came to her mind, thinking of Ning Bao's heartbroken appearance when she learned the bad news, she wished she could grow wings fly out. But she eventually fell into the water and lost consciousness...

This time it was a life saver.

It is said that there must be future blessings without death. She does not ask for any blessings. As long as she can live with Ningbao and live a normal life with two people, she will be satisfied.

"Wife, the water is ready." Wen Ning came out of the bathroom.

Gu Chixi came back to his senses, smiled and stretched out his arms towards her. The next second, he was hugged and lifted up, and most of his body weight was placed on her.

The bathroom was steaming hot.

Wen Ning carefully wrapped Gu Chixi's hair with a shower cap.

Although he has seen everything that should be seen for so many days, Gu Chixi is still a little shy, and he takes off his clothes very slowly. Wen Ning can't help helping her. shy or something."

"Huh? It's only been half a year since we got the certificate." Gu Chixi corrected with a blushing face.

Wen Ning stretched out her hand and flicked her nose lightly, "But I've known each other since I was seven, Little Gu."

"That doesn't count."

"Why not, I said at that time that I was going to marry you."


Gu Chixi pinched her ear and rubbed it, "Okay, little friend Wen, oh, no, it should be... my wife."

Wen Ning said "huh" cooperatively.

"Gu's wife."

"My wife Wen."

The two laughed.

Wen Ning lowered her head and pecked her lips, and the tip of her tongue quickly swiped between her lips.

Unexpectedly, was caught.

A warm, warm breath came over.


Just a little bit of water, Gu Chixi turned his head back at the right time and let go of her.

Wen Ning's lips were red, like a ripe fruit.

"Help my sister take a bath."

"it is good."

Wen Ning helped Gu Chixi to sit in the bathtub, her left foot rested on the rim of the tub, the dense water vapor surrounded her, and her eyes were full of white skin like jade. Dry.

The heat flushed her face.

Heart itching.



"Your face is so red." Gu Chixi, who was still shy just now, stared straight at Wen Ning.

Wen Ning was shocked, and quickly lowered her head, "It's hot."


Gu Chixi pursed his lips and smiled, his palms slowly pushed away the ripples on the water surface.

The waves beat against the walls of the tub.

Wen Ning wiped her with a towel, first her neck, shoulders, and then slowly to the rest. The deeper the water was, the redder her face became, and the scalding temperature almost burned.

Picking up the shower gel with one hand, she was stunned by the light touch.


Run out?

"I'm going to get the shower gel..." Wen Ning ran away with the empty jar.

Behind him was Gu Chixi's low laughter.

The last time she bought daily necessities, Wen Ning stocked up a lot of toiletries, all of which were placed in the locker in the small living room on the second floor. She opened the cabinet, bent over to rummage, and took out a heavy bottle of brand new shower gel.

On the small sofa next to me, my phone vibrated non-stop.

A string of penguin messages on the screen.

She picked it up, looked at it, clicked in, it was an anonymous gossip group within the company.

The message scrolls up.

A: [Really or not? ]

B: [I heard that she often runs to Mr. Gu's office]

C: [I remember who said last time that I saw her walking hand in hand with President Gu at the mall? ]

D: [I also saw her coming out of the VIP elevator]

E: [There is nothing wrong with the elevator, mainly because I went to the parking lot and accidentally sat on the negative second floor. When I went out, I saw her walking in front of me towards Area A. I didn't respond at that time, so I went back to the elevator. I wonder, who doesn't know that President Gu's car is parked there]

F: [Wouldn't it be a quilt | raised? ]

The more Wen Ning looked, the more solemn her face became.

Fingers slid across the screen, and finally saw myself in a message.


Ningbao: Wife, they said I was wrapped up by you (grievance.jpg)

Mr. Gu: throw out the marriage certificate.gif


Thanks to the little angel who voted or irrigated nutrient solution for me during the period of 2020-09-1003:23:02~2020-09-1102:30:06~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the grenade: whose big C1;

Thanks to the little angel who threw the mine: 1 Mingyue Breeze;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 25 bottles of nicknames have been registered; 20 bottles of Ponyo and Ponyo; 9 bottles of Jujube; ;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

Read The Duke's Passion