MTL - Is the Wife Married?-Chapter 77

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Yang Yi came in from outside.

A gust of cool wind also poured into the ward. The two looked up at the same time.

She wore a dark purple mink fur coat with a furry round ring around her neck like a raffle collar, surrounded by a well-maintained face, heavy makeup, like a native lady of a nouveau riche in the village.

Wen Ning was stunned, she didn't react for a while, and turned to look at Gu Chixi.

The smile in Gu Chixi's eyes disappeared.

"Ouch -" Yang Yi looked at her daughter and exclaimed, and walked quickly to the bed, "My xixi, how, how did it become like this, I didn't tell my mother... What's the matter with your head?"

She grabbed her daughter's arm, looked at the gauze on her head distressedly, and frowned.

Gu Chixi said with a sullen face: "What are you doing here?"

"Come to see you."

"Who told you that?"

"Xiao Tan," Yang Yi said as a matter of course, "I can't get through to you on the phone, and I can't find you anywhere, so I can only find her."

After he finished speaking, he pouted again.

"That little Tan is also true. You didn't tell me the first time you had a car accident. After so many days, I had to come to the door. How did you become an assistant? Forget it!"

"Xixi, my mother told you a long time ago to pay attention to driving, safety first, look at how hurt your mother is, how much my mother hurts... Have you found the person who hit you? Pay him to death!"

She babbled like a barrage of cannons. One second she complained unhappily to Assistant Tan, and the next second she frowned, feeling so distressed that she was about to burst into tears. Suddenly, she changed the topic and turned her face hard.

For a moment, seeing the expression of concern on her face that did not seem to pretend to be, Gu Chixi felt a little moved.

In my memory, the warmth given by my mother is blurred. It only exists in the distant childhood. When she said "I want my mother to hold her", her mother would immediately pick her up, kiss and rub her, and call her baby.

Gradually, I don't know since when, even a common concern, a simple little thing, she has to look up to "other people's mothers".

The thing that chilled her the most was not her mother's bad attitude, nor her indifference to her, or even her anger.

Instead, act exaggeratedly in front of her when asking for money again and again.

If you want money, it's a dear and obedient daughter. No matter what, once you get the money, you'll be a passing stranger who doesn't even bother to play it to the end.

This made her fully understand that she was just a tool.

The same is true today.

Guess you can tell it's coming to ask for money.

One hundred thousand yuan, in less than three months, can be spent in three days.

Gu Chixi was irritated, and her moving face disappeared like steam. She said coldly, "I see, you can go."

"Hey, why did you let me go?" Yang Yi hurriedly hugged her daughter's arm, "You are in the hospital, your mother has to take care of you, otherwise what will you do alone?"

"I don't need you to take care of me."


Seeing her daughter grabbing the hands of the people around her, Yang Yi noticed Wen Ning, swept her gaze, and looked at her directly.

After not seeing him for many years, the children of the neighbors used to be more beautiful, but when he thought of her daughter giving up marrying into a wealthy family in order to marry her, Yang Yi was unwilling, and her teeth itch with hatred, and her face gradually became ugly.

- Just such a small thing?

In addition to being good-looking, asking for money without money, asking for power without power, being raised by Xixi, and defrauding 30 million from Xixi. It's just for the family's money.

Yang Yi's heart was full of contempt, but she didn't say anything on her face, she raised the corner of her mouth stiffly, and squeezed a smile.

Too lazy to look at her again, his eyes turned to his daughter, his mouth twitched, and he said aggrieved: "Xixi, I'm your biological mother, there is no reason not to let your biological mother take care of the child, you make mother uncomfortable..." He said He lowered his head and wiped away tears.

She really squeezed out a few tears.

"Auntie—" Wen Ning couldn't help but say, "don't worry, I can take care of Xixi."

Yang Yi ignored her, wiped two tears and couldn't wipe them out. She grabbed her daughter's hand and said, "Xixi, don't do this to your mother, okay? Let the past things pass, and give mother a chance to make up for you, mother. You're the only baby girl..." He hummed, almost as humble as the dust.

Those who didn't know thought that Gu Chixi had done something excessive to her.

A look of pain appeared in Gu Chixi's eyes, struggling to pull out his hand, but Yang Yi didn't let go, Wen Ning frowned, and pulled Yang Yi's hand away, "Auntie, you hurt her."

She put Gu Chixi's hands in her palms and looked at Yang Yi vigilantly.

Yang Yi was stunned for a moment. She was not happy with this little thing, but now she was even more angry: "You count—"

Before she could blurt out the word "what", she swallowed it back. She caught a glimpse of her daughter's gloomy face, and did not dare to speak any more, and looked at her weakly with pitiful eyes.

Wen Ning: "…"

"Okay," Gu Chixi was dizzy from the noise, "Ning Ning and I are going to take a nap, you can go, or I'll ask the nurse to call the security guard."



Gu Chixi raised his finger and pointed at the door.

Yang Yi's face was blue and white for a while, and she was too choked to speak. Seeing her daughter's firm attitude, she had to stand up. She no longer concealed her disgust, glared at Wen Ning angrily, and turned to leave.

The cold air in the ward was also taken away.

Gu Chixi closed his eyes tiredly, his chest and mouth heaving deeply.

"elder sister…"

Wen Ning leaned over and kissed the corner of her mouth, and said, "Go to sleep, I'll accompany you."


She opened her eyes and smiled, kissed Wen Ning's ear, lay down, and patted the seat beside her, "Come on."

Sick and weak, she is like a ball of cotton, fluffy, and like a puddle of clear water, flowing gently, and at a glance, it will teach people's hearts to melt. Wen Ning's inviting eyes made her a little distracted and blushed, but she soon felt guilty again.

How can you be thinking about it at such a time?

I am too "a beast"!

Wen Ning avoided her sight, lowered her head and took off her shoes, and couldn't wait to get into the bed.

A thin, soft arm wrapped around her waist.

The nose is full of the smell of my sister.

These days in the hospital, Gu Chixi couldn't land on her left foot. Wen Ning helped her to go to the toilet. It was inconvenient to take a bath. Wen Ning used a towel dipped in hot water to help her wipe her body. Clean, occasionally impulsive thoughts.

"Sister..." Wen Ning called to her in a low voice, "You are so soft."


Like a puppy, Wen Ning sniffed hard at her neck, neck and mouth.

"Ningbao, don't—" Gu Chixi tilted her head, preventing her from sniffing her hair.

She hasn't washed her hair for a week, and the oil is so oily that she can fry two dishes. It smells of sweat. She is about to dislike herself to death. Ningbao, a fool, has to come and smell it, which makes her so ashamed that she has nowhere to go.

Wen Ning naturally understood her thoughts, so she didn't continue, and coaxed, "Okay, don't touch your hair."



Lying down, the breathing rate of the two gradually synchronized, and Gu Chixi fell asleep quickly. Wen Ning kissed her ears, all the way to her face, nose, eyes, forehead...

The thin lips touched the real temperature, which belonged to Gu Chixi, and every inch made her feel at ease. Under the warmth, there is the flowing blood, the fresh life, the sister she almost lost.

What to leave without saying goodbye, what seven years of hardship. At least she is by her side at this moment, and they will accompany each other in the days to come, and those pasts will not matter.

Thinking, Wen Ning gradually fell asleep...

Outside the ward, Yang Yi sat on a bench.

After waiting for about half an hour, she stood up and carefully looked in at the window on the door.

A mountain was arched over the bed.

There was no movement.

Should be asleep, right?

She took a deep breath, quietly pushed the door open, crept in, looked around, and settled on the bedside table - her daughter's bag.

The two hugged and slept soundly.

Yang Yi walked to the bed, stretched her neck and glanced at it, and called tentatively, "Xixi..."

No answer.

There was excitement in her eyes, she reached for the bag, opened it, and couldn't wait to turn it over. Inside there are cell phones, napkins, lipstick, keys…

A small stack of cash and five bank cards.

Yang Yi took out the stack of red banknotes and rubbed them in her hands, as if they had been soaked in water and air-dried.

She glanced at the person on the bed and quickly put the banknotes in her pocket.

For the rest, two platinum cards, two diamond cards, and a savings card, the gold that seemed to glow in her hands, sparkling eyes.

But she doesn't know the password...

Yang Yi stared at the savings card, a struggle flashed in her eyes, she thought for a moment, but she put it back.

I tried my luck at the ATM. If I made a mistake, locked the card, and my daughter found out that she did it, I'm afraid I won't give her any money in the future.

never mind.

As for cash—

It's like a daughter honoring her.

Yang Yi persuaded herself, patted her pocket with peace of mind, put the bag back, and prepared to leave.

A burst of high-heeled shoes came from far to near, and stopped at the door of the room.

The hidden door was pushed open.

Four eyes facing each other.

Yang Yi opened her mouth and pointed at her: "Gu—"

The coming person is tall, with slightly curly long hair, a high-grade gray coat reaching to his ankles, his skin shimmering, and his eyes and brows show a icy sharpness.

Those eyes were bottomless.

She was surprised at first, and then slightly raised the corners of her lips: "Ms. Yang, long time no see."

The smile contained a blade-like coldness.

Yang Yi shuddered, instinctively took two steps back, and then seemed to remember something, straightened her back and raised her chin, "Why are you here? This is my daughter's ward."

"Of course it's a visit—" Gu Jinxian stretched the tail and took a step forward with a smile, "My sister."

"Bah! Just you?"

Yang Yi swallowed, took another step back, and looked at her defensively, "I tell you, don't think about doing anything to my daughter! Get out!"

"Oh?" Gu Jinxian raised her eyebrows and continued to approach, "Ms. Yang is afraid of me?"

"Who is afraid of you!"

"Then what are you hiding?"


Yang Yi touched the clothes drying pole in the corner behind and held it tightly in his hand.

Gu Jinxian squinted her eyes and smiled, looking at her up and down, "It seems that Ms. Yang is living a good life. My mother had a similar dress to yours before she died. Do you still remember her?"


"Forgot? It's okay, I'll remind you, her name is Lin Yuzhen, she likes purple..."

Before he could finish speaking, Yang Yi picked up the clothes pole and slapped her on top, shouting, "Get out! Get out of here! You just want to hurt me and my daughter! Dreaming! Get out!"

Gu Jinxian didn't dodge or dodge, let her fight, and glanced at the hospital bed from the corner of her eyes.

The movement woke the person on the bed, Wen Ning opened her eyes, got up, and saw Yang Yi whipping Gu Jinxian with a clothes pole, scolding hysterically while beating, she hurriedly got out of bed to stop, "Hey, hey, what are you doing? !"

It is always easy for people to sympathize with the "weak" first.

Wen Ning subconsciously stood in front of Gu Jinxian.

"Get out of the way!" Yang Yi was angry.

"Auntie, didn't you leave?" At this moment, Wen Ning was willing to call her auntie, willing to give her a bit of courtesy, "Why beat people so well?"

"Let it go?"

Yang Yi didn't have the patience to talk nonsense with the little things she didn't like. Seeing that Wen Ning didn't move at all, protecting Gu Jinxian, she became even more angry, picked up the clothes pole and hit her with it, "Don't let me? You roll with her. Get out! I think you are the worm she sent! Suck my daughter's blood! Want to hurt my daughter! Nothing good!"

Gu Chixi was woken up, rubbed his eyes and sat up, only to see Yang Yi whipping Wen Ning with the clothes pole, anger surged above his head, and in a hurry, he lifted the quilt and got out of bed.

"Ningbao, ah..."

There was a sharp tingling pain in her left ankle, her leg went weak, she fell to the ground, and her head hit the wall with a thud.

The three stopped for a moment.

"elder sister!"

Wen Ning immediately rushed over to support Gu Chixi, panicked for a while, holding her face.

Gu Chixi frowned, covering his left ankle with one hand, and rubbing the place where his head was knocked with the other, a painful look appeared in his eyes, "Ningbao..."

"I'll call the doctor." Wen Ning calmed down, hooked her arms around her legs, picked her up, and put her on the bed.

Before leaving the door, he gave Yang Yi a cold look.

Yang Yi froze and didn't dare to move.

Gu Jinxian didn't say a word, and lowered her head to sort out the clothes that were messed up by Yang Yi, but Yu Guang was paying attention to her sister's every move. She knew that she couldn't immediately step forward to show concern at this time.

The chance that God gave her unexpectedly must be seized.

Not long after, Wen Ning and the doctor came.

After she was busy, she checked and made sure that everything was fine. Only then did Wen Ning let go of her dangling heart. She accompanied Gu Chixi back to the ward, and looked at Yang Yi, who was still standing there holding the clothes pole, and didn't want to be polite anymore. , went up and grabbed the clothesline.

"Get out!" She dragged Yang Yi's collar out.

Yang Yi struggled fiercely, pointed at Gu Jinxian, and shouted: "Why? I'm Xixi's mother! If you want to go out, let this woman get out first! You let me go, it's against you!"

Wen Ning's face was cold and unmoved, one of them dragged the person to the point of staggering.

"Xixi, Xixi! Your wife treats me like this..." Yang Yi was like a cranky female monkey.

Gu Chixi turned his face indifferently and closed his eyes.

She is so tired.

She didn't want to see the mother at all.

Sometimes, the mother is not even as comfortable as the elder sister makes her feel.

For her, even if the eldest sister has ridiculed her, it is understandable. After all, she is burdened with the grievances and grievances of the previous generation, and her feelings are weak. Instead, she does not care how the eldest sister treats her, whether it is too much.

But, Yang Yi—

It's her mother.

She was in her womb for ten months, and the umbilical cord was attached to the blood, but there was no kinship between them. Her mother only used her as a tool and a bargaining chip, and never considered her feelings or cared about her life or death. She couldn't help but care about it, and she couldn't help but feel cold.

Which is worse? Which is more unforgivable?

She already had the answer in her heart.

"Xixi, Xixi..." The voice gradually faded away.

The corridor was silent, and the movement attracted family members from other wards, as well as nurses.

"What's the matter? What's the noise?"

"She seriously affected the patient's rest and refused to leave. Please let the security come over." Wen Ning was too lazy to talk nonsense, clapped her hands and returned to the ward, slamming the door.

Gu Jinxian was still sorting out her clothes.

She had no time to intervene, her eyes were full of Gu Chixi, and she hurriedly sat by the bed, "Sister—"

Gu Chixi closed his eyes and breathed slowly.

Wen Ning took her hand, lowered her hand and kissed her on the forehead, as if no one else was around, "I'll drive her away and treat her like she's never been here, don't think about it, okay?"

"...Well." Gu Chixi took a deep breath and clasped her ten fingers.

There was silence for a moment.

Wen Ning took the hands of the two of them, put them on the lips and kissed them again, the corners of her eyes flushed.

It was not difficult for her to suddenly understand why her sister was always blue and purple when she was a child. How could life be easy for a mother with such a temperamental temperament? She still has her to accompany her in Tianhe Bay. During those seven years abroad, she couldn't imagine how her sister had survived.


A light cough.

Wen Ning turned her head to look, Gu Chixi opened her eyes, and then realized that there was another person in the room.

Gu Jinxian raised her head, hiding the sly light in her eyes.

The mother-daughter relationship is completely separated.

She works well.


Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2020-09-0903:23:28~2020-09-1003:23:02~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the grenade: whose big C1;

Thanks to the little angel who threw the mine: Bihai, a happy life, Qingpinxia, ​​an optimistic and positive waste person;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 26 bottles of Fusheng Day Free; 20 bottles of 1 to pay for 3; 14 bottles of 71405891MR; 10 bottles of Leo; 5 bottles of Xiao Ran; , My Hou Yi thief slipped 1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

Read The Duke's Passion