MTL - Invincible Leveling King-Chapter 4645 It's not easy to pretend

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These hands-on people obviously look like killers.

Still very professional.

When Lin Fei saw this situation, he knew that his identity seemed to be quite difficult.

He didn't ask himself what the background of the person he was impersonating was like.

If you can see these people coming to pick you up, then you can prove one thing.

It's not as simple as imagined, and I didn't expect this to happen yet.

He actually found someone to kill him, and there are still so many killers.

There must be 20 or 30 killers, all of them are quite strong, and they are basically zhenqi masters of the fourth and fifth ranks.

Infuriating is still very thick.

Everyone was full of murderous intent, as if they wanted to kill Lin Fei here.

You said that if it was another time, Lin Fei would not take these guys seriously, but these guys are a little too much, and they will start killing when they come up.

I still have this crossbow arrow in my hand, which is very powerful, and I shot through it all the way.

In the first round, a lot of subordinates were shot through, and there were not many subordinates, but many of them died after the round.

The rest are barely struggling.

Several powerful killers came directly towards Lin Fei.

The strength is indeed quite good. If ordinary people meet them and want to take advantage of them, it is basically impossible. Then the final result is also very obvious.

That is to be beheaded directly!

Lin Fei directly threw out the fireball.

These fireballs are all transformed by the exchange of the sun's true energy, and they are very domineering.

Fireballs exploded in front of them one after another. Although these guys had already prepared, they still underestimated the power of this person in front of them.

After the fireball hit the body, it turned into fire men one by one, screaming again and again.

In an instant, it was burned into a pile of white ashes, and they were a little dumbfounded to see them.

I couldn't react at once, this kid is actually a master.

The rest of the people immediately gave up the idea of ​​dealing with other people, and ran towards Lin Fei with all their strength.

They really don't believe that such a move can be released all the way, so how is it possible?

It's a pity that they still underestimated Lin Fei's power.

The fireball in his hand smashed all the way.

In the blink of an eye.

The ashes of the remaining killers were left all over the place.

These treasures of them are left ashes all over the place.

These minions became excited.

The rest of my life is the same.

I didn't expect the young master to come back from a ten-year absence from school and become so strong.

A master of the fifth rank can kill them in just one meeting.

The young master is really mighty and domineering.

The remaining killers turned around and prepared to flee, with no chance of winning at all.

How could Lin Fei let them leave? After finally catching these guys, if I really let them go.

Wouldn't it be that this face is a bit unbearable, which is naturally not what he wants, so he killed him directly.

"You don't have to leave. Since you dare to kill me, you have to pay a price anyway. I'm not too much, as long as you leave your life, that's enough."

Lin Fei's fireball smashed over again, and his Sun Qi was equally powerful.

Although it can't be compared with this thunder's true energy, the sun's true energy is much more powerful.

not to mention.

He also doesn't intend to reveal his Thunder Qi. This is a trump card. This is a new world.


It's better to keep a trump card, just like the five thousand Black Flame Dragon Knight.

"Who asked you to kill me?"

Caught the last killer.

The killer is still pretty strong.

The strength of the fourth-grade true qi was knocked down by Lin Fei with a few fireballs.

The true energy of the sun pierced through the body like a spear.

firmly nailed to the ground.

"You don't want to know any secrets from me."

He bit the poison in his teeth, and the poison exploded.

Lin Fei really didn't expect that this guy would choose to commit suicide by taking poison.

It seems that this killer organization is really quite powerful.

A few of his subordinates also came over, and they were all injured.

"Master, these people should be organized by the Nether Killer. This killer is more domineering and powerful. It's just that they want to invite them. It is said that it will cost a lot of money. Someone can find them. It seems that we have to go back. Be careful, or I will send a message and ask the family to arrange some experts to come over."

Lin Fei shook his head.

"No need, it's useless to send a message now. I guess people have already arranged it. The internal enemy, it's useless to send anything. Maybe the ghost killer will come. If they don't send it, they will think they have succeeded."

When I think about it, this is really the case.

As long as you don't send messages, it seems that you don't need to worry about anything.

"But those of us may not be able to protect the young master to go home."

Lin Fei laughed.

"What does it matter? Even if they come, can they still take advantage of me? I guess they won't want to do anything. So many killers died here, don't you think so?"

It really is such a thing.

If it weren't for the young master's strength to make a move, they probably would die if they didn't manage well today.

Lin Fei arranged for them to clean up the scene.

Otherwise, it would be quite troublesome to lie on the official road like this.

Maybe it will be known soon.

It still needs to be dealt with.

They quickly dealt with these guys.

There really didn't seem to be any traces.

Lin Fei could finally ask legitimately.

"You came to pick me up in such a hurry, did something happen to the family? Or something happened to my father."

It would have been a bit abrupt if I asked before, but now it doesn't matter, and the guard didn't think much about it.

Simply put the situation.

"It's because the master has something wrong. I heard that he seemed to go out last time. When he came back, he was slightly injured, but it seemed to be a minor injury. We don't know the rest. Anyway, everyone That's how it was passed on."

That's all for now.

I knew what was going on, no wonder I called myself back.

It seems that the family he pretended to have had an accident, probably seriously injured.

Only then did he call himself back.

as said.

I am considered an heir, and no one else has this qualification. In addition, the situation of these killers is now more clear.

Lin Fei didn't know whether to laugh or cry, it really didn't look like he was pretending to be himself.

At the very least, it wasn't a good thing, he was attacked before he even arrived, if he went back.

I'm afraid it's more dangerous.

Of course, this is nothing to him, this identity is quite useful, especially since this is a new world.

Unlike other places.

It would be a pity if you don't seize this opportunity well.