MTL - Invincible Leveling King-Chapter 4644 It's not good to be a counterfeit

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Lin Fei is quite interested in this place now.

The most important thing is that his system has been updated and completed.

It was completely completed a few days ago.

Just stay in one place for ten days.

Then you can get signed.

And in the desert, he has already signed in once.

The rewards for signing in are quite generous.

That is the true energy of the sun.

Lin Fei himself had already cultivated Thunder True Qi.

Thunder's true energy is also quite domineering.

can destroy all existence.

The sun zhenqi who signed here looks even more domineering than the thunder zhenqi.

The true energy of the sun can melt everything.

It can be said that under severe high temperature.

No one can resist.

Now it's time for Lin Fei to sign in again.

He didn't know how long it would take to return to the replacement family.

But he could imagine it.

Going back from here should still be able to sign something out.

He's ready to give it a try.

see how it goes.

If only some good stuff could be signed in.

That's naturally pretty good.

He's going to sign right here.

This time cannot be wasted.

in the evening.

He understood a little bit.

How long will it take to go back here.

Does the other party have any doubts?

"Master, it will probably take a month for us to go back this way. We have to go around a place in the middle. There are two big forces fighting over there. Otherwise, we can get there in half a month."

Lin Fei was quite satisfied in his heart.

You can still stay on the road for a while.

Although it says it will take a month.

For him that was no problem at all.

Looks like we can get a sign in here.

It is not yet possible, but we have to prepare first.

You have to wait ten days before you can fully sign in.

He really wasn't in a hurry.

Originally, Lin Fei wanted to ask what happened in the family, so he called him back, but after thinking about it, he decided to forget it.

This kind of thing is still not in a hurry.

Anyway, you can see it sooner or later.

In the blink of an eye, I have walked for ten days on the pass here.

It's finally time to sign in.

Still quite looking forward to it.

"Ding, sign in and get five thousand black flame dragonriders."

This time it wasn't any kind of skill reward.

On the contrary, he actually signed five thousand Black Flame Dragon Riders.

This surprised him a little.

This looks very powerful.

After reading this information.

Lin Fei also laughed.

Sure enough, it was the same as I guessed.

Sure enough, he signed five thousand Black Flame Dragon Riders.

The strength of these five thousand people is quite good.

According to the division of strength here, it is also extremely strong.

And these five thousand people can arrange a formation method.

In other words, if they join forces, 50,000 people can at least overwhelm a powerful existence of 100,000 people.

Lin Fei was really smiling.

Did not release all these things in a hurry.

These five thousand Black Flame Dragon Riders can be regarded as one of his small trump cards.

He now has Thunder Qi.

The sun is infuriating again.

The strength is naturally not weak.

For the division of strength here.

Here's the problem with gravity.

Everyone's strength is basically much stronger than the realm.

It is relatively rare for people like Lin Fei to practice two kinds of powerful true qi.

Ordinary people basically cultivate a kind of true qi.

Of course, the cultivation of true qi is also very difficult.

Among them, the higher the grade of infuriating.

Then the power that erupts will become more and more fierce.

Like Lin Fei who owns Thunder.

I have this sun infuriating again.

It can be said to be very rare.

Not everyone can match.

If you give him enough time.

These two kinds of zhenqi can reach a very high level.

No matter what, the true qi of these two schools is enough to make Lin Fei's strength here reach the level of a so-called first-rank master.

This is divided into people who are really angry.

Generally, they are masters of the ninth rank.

Someone like him who has two powerful qi naturally reached the so-called first rank in one step.

Coupled with his strong physique.

It is very logical for a first-class true qi master.

And those who are above the first-grade true qi masters are the so-called domain experts.

Only those who can withstand the crushing of gravity here can expand their own domain.

Then it is a higher-level field powerhouse.

Lin Fei had tried it himself.

He launched his own thunder, but encountered this favorite crush, and the time to persist was not very long.

He knew that his true qi was not very strong at the moment, and he could only fight against it when it was truly strong.

Fortunately, Lin Fei is not in a hurry because of this gravity. He is now combining the two forces, although he can't expand this field.

It can be done for a short time.

It can still be done against the strong in the field.

that's it.

Lin Fei walked slowly along the way.

Just wait and see this place.

in the evening.

Find a place to camp.

The subordinates are all familiar with the way.

Prepare something to eat.

And rest.

Lin Fei was also extraordinarily indifferent.

Just after eating a few mouthfuls, suddenly a cold light came directly towards this side.

Lin Fei turned around and avoided the attack.

"Be careful someone is coming this way."

These subordinates all responded one by one.

It's a pity that it was still a lot slower, and was pierced by a lot of crossbow arrows.

It was killed in a face-to-face time.

And at some point, some people surrounded him, holding powerful crossbow arrows in their hands.

They kept flying towards them.

These crossbow bolts are extremely powerful.

It can actually pierce their true energy in one fell swoop.

Then it passed through their bodies.

It is already prepared.

"Master, let's go, these guys are here prepared, if you don't leave, you will come or leave."

His expression became extremely anxious.

Actually used this kind of crossbow.

This is only available to special forces.

Ordinary people don't have it at all.

Even if there are, it's just one or two. It's very rare to have a single fighter like now.

This is to let them all die here.

Lin Fei himself was dumbfounded.

How long has it been since I pretended to be the young master?

Suddenly he was attacked.

It looked like he was going to kill himself here.

Judging from the way these people acted, he could tell that their strength was quite strong.

Basically, they are all masters around the third and fourth ranks, and they are really powerful with the weapons in their hands.

At least he suppressed the manpower on his side, and beat him on the spot.

Only Lin Fei was safe and sound.



Read The Duke's Passion