MTL - Into the World of Medicine-Chapter 515 Fan Tian 37 contradiction upgrade

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When Murong was finally able to leave the room, it was already the evening. If it wasn’t because she said she didn’t want to have dinner in the room, then maybe they are still in the room at the moment!

The emperor sighed with admiration and satisfied with his face.

However, at this moment, Murong is swaying. When I see the smile on the face of Huangfu, the biggest feeling is that I want to punch it straight. She feels unfair, and the person who is clearly contributing is Huangfu, but the last person who is tired is her. Now Huangfu is a refreshing face, but she feels that her waist is about to break.

Two people took the elevator and quickly came downstairs.

As soon as they got out of the elevator, the two attracted the attention of others in the hall. Excellent appearance and unparalleled temperament make the two people become the focus of others' eyes.

For such things, whether it is Murong, or Huangfu, they have become accustomed to it. Therefore, in the face of the eyes of everyone, they are still comfortable.

Fang Ruxue naturally noticed the existence of the two people for the first time. When she saw that Murong’s younger face was in the arms of the emperor, her heart was full of embarrassment. She didn't understand, how can such a good man see a small doctor like Murong? It’s hard to say that this outstanding man has any handle in the hand of Murong, so it will be like this.

The more I think, Fang Ruxue feels that this possibility is greater. However, she also knows the purpose of coming here today, so even if she had such an idea in her heart, she did not say it.

After waiting for a whole day, I saw Murong’s face, although Fang Ruxue was a dissatisfaction. However, because of the words that Fang Dong had said, she still resisted the anger in her stomach, raised a smile, got up, and walked toward the direction of Murong.

At this time, Murong and Yan Huang did not notice the existence of Fang Ruxue. Perhaps it should be said that these two people have not paid a little attention to those around them! In the face of the eyes of the people, they have long been accustomed to it.

When Fang Ruxue walked in front of the two, Murong’s face was really awkward. However, she immediately recognized Fang Ruxue. She did not think that this party, such as Xue, would be so patient and waited for her for so long. Forget it, this party is almost here for a day now!

"Mu Rong doctor." Although the heart is full of dissatisfaction, but Fang Ru Xue's face is still with a big smile. "I don't know if you have time now, can we talk about it?"

The main purpose of her coming this time is to apologize to Murong. However, under such a large audience, she really has no way to speak. Moreover, she is required to leave her face in front of so many people and apologize to Murong, she can never do it.

So, the only way she can think of now is to find a hidden place. In this case, no one will know even if she makes a shameful thing.

"There is no time." Murong turned his face and said directly to the local area. "Miss Fang, this time is dinner time. Although you are not hungry, it does not mean that everyone else is the same as you."

The meaning of Murong’s words is very straightforward, that is to say, Fang Ruxue hinders her from eating.

Fang Ruxue originally thought that at least on the face of Fangshi International, Murong should also agree to her request. She didn't think of it. Murong's face was so direct that she refused her request, but it was still so ugly.

She has never been left behind like this. For a time, her face was a bit ugly.

Taking a deep breath, Fang Ruxue immediately changed the tactics. "That's really a coincidence. It turns out that Dr. Murong is going to eat! That's right, I treat you. When we were in the clothing store, we happened. Some small conflicts. Just, I invite you to eat, which is to resolve the misunderstanding between us."

Although she was fascinated by Murong, she couldn't help but want to get rid of it. However, as long as I think of the words that Fang Dong said, she can only suppress the depression in her heart.

Murong looked like a smile to Fang Ruxue. "Miss Fang, do you really think that the things between us are a small misunderstanding?"

Now it seems that this party should give this party a lot of pressure! Otherwise, Fang Ruxue will not be so patient and tell her these things here.

After hearing the words of Murong, Fang Ruxue’s face was stiff, but he quickly smiled and said, “Of course it’s all misunderstood. If I knew Dr. Murong’s identity at that time, then I would definitely not do it. I’ve got that kind of thing. Today, I invite you to eat, even if you gave Murong a doctor to pay for it.”

She felt that she was putting her posture low. If this Murong is to be seen, it should be climbed down the ladder.

Apparently, Murong’s apology for Fang Ruxue’s apology did not have much feeling. Her mouth smirked with a sardonic smile and continued to speak. “Miss Fang is still going to eat it myself! We are not used to being with strangers. eat."

This is already a shameful rejection.

Fang Ruxue’s face suddenly sinks, and the smile that has been strong is disappearing. When she looks at Murong’s face, her face has become a little bit bad. “Mr. Murong’s meaning is not to give me this face. It is."

Murong smiled and looked at Fang Ruxue. Although he didn't say anything, the glaring smile on his face already explained everything. She just did not say it directly, who are you! What face do I need to give you?

Suddenly, Fang’s face turned green and red. Obviously, her patience has reached the limit at the moment. “Murong pours out, don’t give face a shame. Even if your medical skills are brilliant, don’t forget, here is B. If you offend someone who shouldn't offend, you don't know how to die."

"Oh, these things don't work for Miss Fang, you have to worry about it." Murong said that he didn't care. "If there is nothing, please don't block our way. After all, good dogs don't block the way!"

When I heard that Murong had turned to compare myself to a dog, Fang Ruxue’s repressed anger suddenly broke out. She yelled at Murong’s face and said, “You don’t think you have anything great. Murong’s face. Since you are toasting and not eating fine wine, then I have to look at it, how do you stand in this B city."

After that, Fang Ruxue turned angrily and left. She was able to feel the people around her looking at her, with ridicule in her eyes. From small to large, she has never been so insulted.

Now she has only full of anger, and she has already forgotten what Fang Dong had warned her.

Rong Jie, who is hiding in the dark, naturally has a panoramic view of this scene. When he saw Fang Ru Xue leave, he was relieved. Then he immediately followed up. Since Fang Ru Xue is so hateful and embarrassed, they have a common enemy.

Murong pours all the thoughts and looks at the direction in which the snow leaves, and the corner of the mouth evokes a meaningful smile.

"Yan, what's wrong?" Huangfu directly grabbed Murong's shoulder and asked.

"No, I just found a more fun thing." Murong leaned and smiled and said, "I have seen Fang Ruxue today. I think I might really have to cure the party." ""

"Oh!" Huangfu raised an eyebrow. "Yan is not because this party is like snow. Isn't it going to continue to cure this party? How suddenly changed his mind?"

"I really look at this side as snow is not pleasing to the eye, but this does not seem to have anything to do with Fang Dong!" Murong said with a smile. "Today, this party is here, it must be because of Dong Dong. What is the way to force her. Now Fang Ruxue not only failed to get my forgiveness, but even more offended me. You said, will Fang Dong let her go?"

"So what are you going to do?" Huangfu raised his eyebrows.

"When I have nothing to do with this party, I will appear to treat him again. You said, will he be particularly grateful to me when he arrives?" Murong’s smile smiled with a trace of treacherousness. At that time, even if my conditions are outrageous, he should not object. Moreover, my conditions are absolutely within her acceptable range."

"You want him to help you with those who care for Rongjia?" Huangfu suddenly saw the thoughts in Murong's heart.

"It seems that I still know me the most." Murong smiled and nodded. "I will let him help me against Jung's Pharmaceuticals."

No matter from which aspect, Junshi Pharmaceutical and Fangshi International are absolutely not on the same level. One is a start-up company, and the other is a multinational company with deep roots. Otherwise, Rong Jie will not always be stalked by the other side, and he is only interested in the background of Fangshi International.

Since Rong Jie wanted to climb the top of the world, she used Fangshi International to fight Rong Jie. The situation at the time will definitely be wonderful.

Looking at the smirk on Murong's face, the emperor's eyes flashed a glimpse of favor, then smiled and said, "Your plan is very good. However, my wife, just when, not shouting Are you hungry? Are we going to eat now?"

"Of course it is necessary." Murong nodded and nodded. "If this is not the case, we have already eaten hot meals."

After that, Murong leaned and took the imperial concubine and went out.