MTL - Into the World of Medicine-Chapter 514 Fan San 36 encounter

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After Murong left the box, she went straight back to the suite. However, just entering the suite, she received a phone call from the counter, saying that there was a woman who came and said she wanted to see her.

Huangfu looked at the face of the phone, and asked him to raise his eyebrows. He smiled and said, "It seems that you are still very busy!"

"I think so too." Murong leaned down and nodded. "Probably because I am really a failure to be a man! So there are too many people who have offended me. Now I have to come to me, I want to be busy." It’s hard!”

So, in fact, she is also very troublesome! I just called the counter and said that I didn’t want to see her. It’s just like Fang Xue who used to grab clothes in the clothing store. She can also guess what the purpose of Fang Ruxue is here. It’s a pity that she doesn’t have any good mood and Fang Ru Xue’s temper.

"So, Yan Er should not want to see that woman!" Huangfu saw the intention of Murong to look at her. "Would we still have to go out today?"

"I still can't go out." Murong tilted his head and shook his head. "Oh, or else, let's stay in the room and have a rest today!"

She thinks it is good to have two people staying in the suite, watching TV shows together, or doing other things. Today she doesn't want to go out.

After hearing Murong’s words, Huangfu’s mouth evoked a sinister smile. He nodded and looked at Murong’s face. He thought thoughtfully, “Yes, I think, stay in the room today. Inside, it is also very good."

Of course, the thoughts in his heart are absolutely different from the moments of admiration. He felt that the two people stayed in the room and doing some things between the couples was quite good. Before, did they not plan to have children? Then they naturally have to do more activities to have children.

Seeing the smug smile on the face of Huangfu, Murong couldn't help but fight a cold war. Her heart raised a feeling of being calculated. "Hey, are you planning something now?"

How does she always feel that the appearance of Huangfu is like a good intention?

"What do you think I am planning?" Huangfu naturally would not say what he thought in his heart. He spread his hands and said innocently. "What can I think? Or are you?" What is planned in my heart?"

"It's nothing."

Seeing Huangfu’s appearance, Murong’s face felt that she might have really thought more.

The eyes of Huangfu flashed a glimmer of light, and the corner of the mouth was filled with a smile of evil. It seems that he really can't be too proud, Yan is really too smart, or else it is easy to reveal flaws!

At this time, the side of the counter downstairs is like snow, and it will almost be blown up. Because she has already vaguely heard from the service staff's microphone what Murong said. When I heard the service staff said that Murong had no intention of seeing her at all, she really wanted to leave this way.

For a long time, as the lady of Fangshi International, those outside are polite to her. Now this Murong is just a doctor, but dare to take Joe with her here.

However, even if the heart is hateful, Fang Ruxue still has no courage to leave. She did not forget the words that Dad had said to her before. She doesn't think that Dad is saying anything. She is very sure that if she has no way to let this Murong pamper again to promise treatment, then she will be excluded from the will.

Therefore, even if there is more grievance in the mind, Fang Ruxue bit his teeth and then sat down on the sofa in the hall. She has no other way at the moment, the only thing she can do is to wait for the rabbit. She did not believe that Murong had never come out.

When Rong Jie came out of the elevator, at first glance, he saw the side sitting there like snow.

When he saw Fang Ruxue, his heart could not help but have an unpredictable hunch. Because he remembered the thing that happened in the clothing store before.

He left it as he was at the beginning, and I was afraid that the only good feelings that Fang Xue had on him would vanish. His long hours of hard work have been in vain.

At the thought of this, Rong Jie’s heart is even more hateful for Murong’s face. Because he feels that all this is caused by Murong. If it wasn’t for Murong’s face to scare him, then he wouldn’t have to sneak like this.

Now I saw Fang Ruxue. For a time, Rong Jie didn’t know if he should go up and say hello. Because he is worried, the current Fang Ru Xue is still afraid to still hate him, seeing him, I am afraid that it is even worse.

Rong Rong and Lian Rongrong naturally noticed the difference of Rong Jie. Two people looked at Rong Jie's line of sight and saw the side sitting there like snow.

For Fang Ruxue, they naturally know each other. Of course, Rong Jie pursued things like Fang Xue, and they also knew it. Not only is it known, but it is still very supportive. After all, if Fang Ruxue is able to marry Rong Jie, it is definitely a big boost for Rong Jia.

Now I met Fang Ruxue here, and they naturally want to go forward and say hello. However, before he stepped out, he was taken by Rong Jie.

Later, after listening to Rong Jie’s narrative, Rong Rong could not help but whisper and screamed, “How are you so stupid! In that situation, leave her alone, she will not blame you now!”

Even if you don't understand the woman's mind anymore, Rong Rong can know how stupid such behavior is.

Although Lian Rongrong did not say anything, it is obvious that she is not very optimistic about the behavior of Rong Jie.

Just as the three people spoke, Fang Ruxue also noticed the existence of the three.

When she saw Rong Jie's figure, her face suddenly darkened. She did not forget how embarrassed she was before because of Rong Jie.

In the end, Rong Rong led Lian Rongrong and Rong Jie to go forward and say hello. Although I know that it is very likely to encounter cold reception, but now Fang Ruxue has seen them. If they don't go to say hello, then I am afraid that the relationship will be worse in the future!

The hard scalp is on the front, but Fang Ruxue does not give them a good look. However, it did not say too much ugly words. After all, Rong Rong and Lian Rongrong are here.

However, at the moment, in the heart of Fang Ruxue, it has definitely been sentenced to death for Rong Jie. In the past, she felt that Rong Jie could not afford her. Now that something like this happens, she naturally does not even see Rong Jie.

Fang Ruxue’s performance made Rong Jie breathe a sigh of relief. He didn’t know the thoughts of Fang Ru Xue’s heart. He just thought that if Fang Xue was still willing to pay attention to him, he would still have a chance. “Right, like Snow, how come you come here?"

The subconscious questioning of Rong Jie is just to ease the atmosphere. Only he did not expect that when he asked this sentence, Fang Ruxue’s face was more indifferent.

"Some things." Fang Ruxue’s voice was a bit colder than it was when he was just.

She doesn't want anyone to know what she is for here. She doesn't want to let others know that her grand lady of Fangshi International has to apologize to a woman who is nothing.

Therefore, now Rong Jie is really a typical pot which does not open the pot.

Rong Jie didn't know what he was saying wrong, but he could clearly feel that Fang Ruxue's mood became even worse. He also wanted to say something to remedy it, but he was taken away by Rong Rong.

After leaving the hotel, Rong Jie couldn't help but ask.

"Can't you see it?" Rong Yu's eyes flashed a glimmer of light. "The party, like Snow, obviously didn't want to let people know her purpose of coming here today. However, this is even more strange."

"Husband, what do you mean by this?" Lian Rongrong is somewhat puzzled.

"Before, Fang Ruxue and that Murong pour out is not in the clothing store?" Rong Rong keenly felt that it was not right, "Mu Rong will live in this hotel, you Said, what is Fang Ruxue coming here for?"

"She came to see Murong's face." Rong Jie immediately guessed, "She doesn't want to say this. It's very likely that she came here today to look for Murong to apology, to apologize."

"If things are really like what you just said, it is very likely." Rong Hao nodded. "Xiao Jie, wait a minute, you stare in the dark, see if Fang Ruxue comes here. See Murong’s face."

If Fang Ruxue really came to apologize to Murong, the situation is really unfavorable for them. Because this shows that the Fang Dong of Fangshi International is really a patient of Murong.

It can be imagined that if Murong had cured the disease of Fang Dong, then I was afraid that they would like to borrow the power of Fang’s international, it would be impossible. Not only is it impossible, if Murong asks for it, then Fang’s International may also help Murong to face them.

Although Rong Jie did not think of such a deep level, but after hearing the words of Rong Rong, he nodded.

At this moment, Murong is not aware of these things. Because she is being pulled by the emperor to do some harmonious movements.

This time, she really regrets. I knew that staying in the room would be so tired. She might as well go shopping with Huangfu! However, in this world, it is really not known about these words early. She feels that she is still too naive. She did not see the true face of Huangfu’s big tail wolf!