MTL - Instructing the Archaeological Team, Was Actually Regarded As a Tomb Robber-Chapter 997 Desperately

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The latest website: With the help of Zhulong's blood essence, Ye Cheng shortened the distance by several meters in an instant, but the consumption was huge.

The heart was beating with overload, providing him with a large amount of blood. After only two blows, Ye Cheng's face had become extremely pale, without a trace of blood, and even his body was trembling slightly.

Excessive energy consumption has a huge impact on the body.

However, the results are also very good.

Although it is only a few meters away, it seems to have crossed the first natural moat.

Those giant octopus-like vines aren't vegetarian, though.

In an instant, several thick and thick vines fell together and smashed towards Ye Cheng!

Ye Cheng narrowed his eyes slightly, feeling the danger.

At this moment, his body was flying in the air, unable to exert his strength at all, nor could he resist the overlapping vines coming from the opposite side.

Obviously, these vines seem to have spirituality, don't give Ye Cheng a chance!

"Will it fail?" Ye Cheng felt very unwilling, as long as he walked a little further, without those tiny blood vines blocking him, he would definitely bring the black stone over with a rope!

However, facing the oncoming huge vines, he was helpless.


Suddenly, Ye Cheng heard Zhang Qiling's shout, he turned his head and saw that Zhang Qiling had chopped off a head from a corpse, grabbed it in his hand, and threw it towards himself!

Seeing this flying head, Ye Cheng was not afraid, but was overjoyed!

When that head flew to his feet, Ye Cheng just stepped on it, and at the same time used his strength to dodge to the side, at the same time, another head flew over.

Ye Cheng stepped on that head again, and flew to the side again.

Immediately afterwards, a few more heads flew over, and Ye Cheng kept using his strength to dodge quickly, cooperating very tacitly.


Two huge vines slapped past Ye Cheng, and Ye Cheng could almost feel the whistling past his ears, and he was just a little bit short of being hit by those vines, it was too dangerous.

Even Ye Cheng couldn't help feeling a little scared, but fortunately, the result was okay.

With Zhang Qiling's cooperation, Ye Cheng narrowly escaped the blow.


A huge X-shaped crack was smashed into the ground.

If Ye Cheng hadn't dodged just now, he would have turned into meat sauce by now!

However, although he flashed once, several vines soon fell down, obviously it was impossible to give Ye Cheng a chance.

This time, both Zhang Qiling and Bai Ze were helping, frantically harvesting those corpses and cutting off their heads as stepping stones.

But Ye Cheng chose to completely trust Zhang Qiling and Bai Ze, he didn't even look at the vines falling from above, but determined the direction according to the flying head, and at the same time, kept his eyes on the opposite stone.

Some black stones are too big to be pulled by the rope, and some stones grow in the soil, and the depth below is unknown.

Ye Cheng had to choose a stone that was free from any obstacles and could be pulled up easily.

There is only one chance, if you choose wrong, there is no chance!

"You are the one!"

Ye Cheng stared at a black stone about the size of a skull. The stones were irregular in shape and scattered beside the ancient building. It seemed that there was no problem.

If the stone is too regular, the stone may not be able to trap it all at once. Only such irregular stones can be trapped with a rope.

Only in this way can we ensure nothing goes wrong.

Ye Cheng didn't waste any time either, he just threw the rope in his hand, without hesitation, without any hesitation at this moment.

Whether you can survive or not depends on this.

The rope was like a long snake, and it flew towards the stone accurately. At this moment, everyone was staring at the rope, feeling extremely nervous.

Whether you can survive today depends on this.

At this moment, time seemed to be frozen, everyone was extremely nervous, even Ye Cheng himself almost stopped breathing, and the vines in the sky also fell down.

There was no room for redemption, and their hearts were in their throats.

Even though these people are usually calm and fearless in the face of danger, at this moment, they all feel unparalleled tension.

The rope was correctly placed on the stone, Ye Cheng's eyes were filled with surprise, and at the same time he pulled hard, and instantly the rope was tightly wrapped around the stone.

Once again, the rope was tightened immediately, and the stone flew towards Yecheng along with the rope!

"It's done!"

At this moment, Ye Cheng was extremely excited, even Zhang Qiling's face showed a gleam of joy, and that guy Bai Ze jumped up excitedly!

"Be careful!"

Suddenly, Zhang Qiling yelled, and at this moment, two huge vines fell from above, and at the same time, vines below also fell up, completely sandwiching Ye Cheng in between.

These vines seem to have spiritual intelligence, they don't want to see Ye Cheng and the others succeed, and will spend all costs to stop them.

And Zhang Qiling and Bai Ze got into trouble because they kept helping Ye Cheng.

A vine was wrapped around Zhang Qiling's body, firmly controlling one of his arms, and it was even worse for Bai Ze. Nuo Da's body was now covered with vines, and he could only struggle non-stop.

At the same time, those corpses were also complete and became more ferocious, constantly rushing towards them.

Although there was already a layer of corpses piled up on the ground, they couldn't stop the madness of the other corpses at all. They were like beasts that had been hungry for a long time and suddenly saw their prey, completely crazy!

After being reminded by Zhang Qiling, Ye Cheng came back to his senses. He was so excited just now that he even forgot to check his surroundings.

Looking at the two vines attacking up and down, Ye Cheng frowned, feeling the crisis.

But at this moment, there is no way to hide, no way to avoid, so he can only put all his eggs in one basket and sink the boat.

He didn't dodge, and tried again, and the black stone flew towards him quickly. When he held the black stone in his hand, he felt a sense of heaviness and warmth.

This stone is actually warm, in this icy rain of corpses, it is so warm, it seems that there is hope in people's heart instantly.

And the moment Ye Cheng held the stone, the vines also smashed over.

The lower vines came first, Ye Cheng fell on the vines and was dragged upwards, the upper ones also fell down, the two vines were like a millstone, trying to smash Ye Cheng into a meat sauce!

In desperation, Ye Cheng's eyes shone brightly. At this moment, he had no choice but to lift the black stone high above his head.

Now, all he can do is to pray, pray that this stone can really restrain these vines, it can perfectly restrain these vines, it can really avoid the attacks of those vines just like the black ancient building!

If he guessed wrong, at the next moment, he will die without a place to bury him, and there will be no bones left!

(end of this chapter)

Read The Duke's Passion