MTL - Instructing the Archaeological Team, Was Actually Regarded As a Tomb Robber-Chapter 996 last fight

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Latest website: Ye Cheng thought of Hydra Cypress and Tianxinyan.

Although Hydra cypress is evil, Tianxinyan can restrain Hydra cypress.

And is it the same principle for the ancient building in front of it now? Are those black stones also the nemesis of these blood vines?

Ye Cheng also noticed that there were many black stones scattered on the ground next to the ancient building, and there were indeed no vines around.

"It seems that it should be the function of those black stones. If you can get those stones, then you can try it!"

Ye Cheng's brain was running fast, and it was not an easy task to get those stones, after all, they couldn't get through by themselves now.

But it is not impossible.

Although people can't get through, they can find ways to get things over and get those stones.

"Is there any way you can get those black stones on the opposite side? I think those stones are the natural enemies of these vines. If you can get those stones, we will probably be saved!" Ye Cheng shouted loudly, throwing his The guess was quickly passed on to Zhang Qiling and Bai Ze.

He has no way to get those stones, but there is no guarantee that Bai Ze and Zhang Qiling can find a way, as long as one of them thinks of a way, then there is still a glimmer of life today!

Zhang Qiling and Bai Ze were all taken aback when they heard it, and they all looked at the location of the ancient building.

He had been fighting just now, but he didn't pay attention to it. Hearing what Ye Cheng said now, it was really true.

It was only a few meters away, but the ancient building and its surroundings were not damaged at all.

Those octopus-like blood vines, although incomparably ferocious, made the ground full of holes, but they dare not approach the ancient building, it seems to be their forbidden zone!

However, although there is vitality, there is no way to get those stones.

"Damn, we can't make it through, how to get those stones, even if those stones are really useful, there is no way!" Bai Ze complained, anyway, he has no way.

Zhang Qiling didn't speak, but it was clear from his expression that he had no good solution.

Ye Cheng's method, if he said it, he didn't say it!

Seeing that they couldn't do anything, Ye Cheng was a little depressed. The solution was in front of him, but he couldn't implement it, which was a bit troublesome.

He took out a rope and quickly tied a noose, trying to see if he could throw the rope over, but there were too many vines around.

There is no way to throw the rope without touching those vines!

Those vines wouldn't give him a chance either.

It is said that the Skynet is sparse but not leaky, but this big net made up of blood vines is really sparse and not leaky.

The rain was getting heavier and heavier, almost blurring his vision. Many blisters appeared on Ye Cheng's body, and the situation became more and more dangerous. If it goes on like this, he will definitely die.

After thinking about it, he summoned Xiaoju out.

As soon as Xiaoju came out, her size immediately became bigger, but those blood vines immediately entangled her.

Even if Xiaoju's figure grew to the extreme, the blood vines could still wrap him tightly, and he couldn't break free at all!

Xiaoju roared angrily again and again, but it was of no use at all.

Ye Cheng threw the sodium metal to Xiaoju, who immediately began to breathe fire, but the flames were still useless against these blood vines.

The rain of corpses in the sky has a strong restraint effect on this flame.

Moreover, this rain of corpses is also eroding Xiaoju.

Even if Xiaoju is a copper essence, his skin will start to fester after being splashed by the rain of corpses, even faster than Ye Cheng and the others!

At this speed, Xiaoju's kung fu will be gone in a while.

Ye Cheng didn't dare to let Xiaoju stay any longer.

Hastily made Xiaoju shrink in size, and put it away again.

"Xiaoju can't do it, what else can I do?"

He only has one Sky-Swallowing Toad left, but the Sky-Swallowing Toad is only useful for spirit bodies, and it can't play a role here at all.

Suddenly, he saw that Zhang Qiling's feet were all entangled by blood vines, and he was immediately hung up. Zhang Qiling hurriedly hacked with the ancient black gold knife, but it was useless at all.


Ye Cheng panicked and wanted to go over to help, but was immediately forced back by a few blood vines.

"Don't worry about me!" Zhang Qiling shouted, and at the same time, he directly cut the palm of his hand with the ancient black gold knife, blood flowed out immediately, the knife was stained with blood, Zhang Qiling chopped it down again.

This time, the vine was cut off directly, and Zhang Qiling also fell down.

His Qilin bloodline also has a certain restraint effect on these vines, but it's a pity that once the knife is cut, the blood will be diluted, and the effect will be greatly reduced.

Zhang Qiling swung his hand forward vigorously, and the blood droplets mixed with Qilin's blood flew forward, temporarily opening up a path, and those Xueteng retreated immediately, but they would rush up again soon.

Seeing this scene, Ye Cheng narrowed his eyes slightly, and decided to try the same method.

As long as he rushed forward for a certain distance, he was sure that he could get a stone with a rope.

Just do it!

Ye Cheng shouted: "Bai Ze, little brother, you cover me, I'll find a way to get a stone over!"

"it is good!"

The little brother didn't hesitate at all, and quickly arrived at Ye Cheng's side, and Bai Ze also rushed over, one man and one beast blocked Ye Cheng's left and right sides, sharing the danger for Ye Cheng.

Although they don't know what method Yecheng has, but now as long as there is a glimmer of hope, they must try it.

If you don't succeed, you will succeed.

Ye Cheng gritted his teeth, and directly cut a **** **** on the palm of his hand with the ancient black gold knife, and the bright red blood flowed out immediately!

"Blood of Candle Dragon, let's break out!" Ye Cheng shouted loudly, his heart started beating crazily, and the blood in his body seemed to be on fire!

When the blood flowed out from the hand, the rain of corpses fell on it, and there was a sizzling sound, as if every drop of blood was a drop of hot molten iron.

At this Ye Cheng's eyes were extremely sharp, and he threw his palm forward, and the bright red blood splashed out immediately.

Different from the rain of corpses in the sky, Zhulong's blood was extremely bright red, like blood diamonds, under the washing of the rain of corpses, it did not disperse directly, but still condensed together.

And at the moment when the blood was spilled, Ye Cheng used his speed to the extreme, and flew out along with those blood drops.

Candle Dragon's bloodline instantly made those blood vines start to retreat, and at the same time, Ye Cheng swung his knife and chopped all the corpses blocking the way in two, stepped on their bodies, perched on them again, and threw out another handful of blood.

At the same time, borrowing strength again, he rushed forward for a certain distance again, breaking through the defensive circle of those blood-blood vines.

But in front of them are those huge vines like octopus, they are like a copper wall and iron wall, firmly blocking there, blocking all intruders!

(end of this chapter)

Read The Duke's Passion