MTL - Inheriting a Desolate Star-Chapter 30 030 (update)

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There are not enough buildings in the base, these newcomers can only live in the government affairs hall and be supervised and taken care of by Beidou and Ning Mo. Naturally, Fengyi didn't want Lingshu to lie down in the cold hall, but now it was too late to build a house, so she had to bargain with Hua Zhuoyu, and exchanged a huge price for the "right to live" in the Huahai seaside cottage.

Ning Yi has been busy all day. Pulled the eight new residents back from the front of Yan Luo Temple, but she herself was mentally overdrawn and needed sufficient sleep to replenish energy. This sleep lasted until noon the next day. When she opened the door between the bedroom and the living room sleepily, she saw Hua Zhuoyu in cool clothes at a glance. go.

The suspender nightdress did not reach the knees, and the snow-white legs were crossed on the sofa, making the corners of the skirt slip even more, barely covering the heels of the legs. The undulating chest was like a pile of snow, and the deep ravine could be glimpsed faintly. Ning Buyi shuddered, and realized that his gaze stayed for too long, so he hurriedly moved up, passed the delicate collarbone, crossed the rosy lips, and settled on Hua Zhuoyu's flawless face like beautiful jade. The long hair over the shoulders was scattered, and the broken hair in front of the forehead covered the dark eyes, and the expression could not be seen clearly, but looking at the lazy posture, it seemed that he had just woken up.

Seeing Hua Zhuoyu's lips moving, as if she was about to speak, knowing her virtue of "a dog's mouth can't spit out ivory", Ning Buyi said, "Why are you sleeping here!"

Hua Zhuoyu didn't answer, she raised her hand to brush her messy hair, didn't answer, but complained softly: "Sore back."

What does your back pain have to do with me? Ning Yi slandered. She took her gaze away from Hua Zhuoyu with difficulty, poured a glass of water to moisten her dry lips: "Are you going to stay in the living room?" She knew about the deal between Hua Zhuoyu and Fengyi, but That being the case, shouldn't she lie on the hard board instead of the spirit pivot?

Hua Zhuoyu looked at Ning Buyi without turning his gaze.

"Are you inviting me to live with you? Perhaps in a hurry?"

"If you want to dream, please wait until the afternoon nap, okay?" Ning Buyi glared at Hua Zhuoyu, and said bluntly. Her eyes wandered randomly in the living room, without a fixed point, until Hua Zhuoyu pulled a shirt to cover the looming spring, and then looked at her intently, "Are they going to stay?"

Hua Zhuoyu nodded.

Ning Buyi: "Coercion? The other party is the crown prince of the Fengjiu clan. Is it appropriate to do so?"

Hua Zhuoyu snorted: "For whom am I suppressing her arrogance?"

Ning Buyi hastily said: "Don't put the pot of **** on my head and pretend I don't know you're taking revenge? You're stingy!"

Hua Zhuoyu laughed angrily at Ning Buyi's remarks, she raised her hand and put her loose long hair behind her head, and said in a calm manner: "The Fengjiu clan is now a strong outsider, and we can cooperate with them to seek a common cause." develop."

Ning Buyi felt a little strange after hearing Hua Zhuoyu's words, her understanding of the Fengjiu clan was still limited to exaggerated descriptions.

"How is it that the outside is strong and the middle is doing?"

Hua Zhuoyu replied: "In Beast Star, most of the orc clans don't have any business acumen, and make money by selling their own labor. Those stinky fellows of the Fengjiu clan are proud. Inexplicably fired the squid' remarks, 80% of them are posted by Fengjiu."

Ning Buyi: "There are so many handsome men and beautiful women, why don't you become a star?"

Hua Zhuoyu smiled: "On the one hand, I can't hold back my face, on the other hand... how can I get ahead with such a low EQ? Besides, Beast Star doesn't like these kinds of entertainment. Let's talk about coming to Daxia, and there is a cultural barrier. "

Ning Buyi doesn't know whether Hua Zhuoyu's words are true or not, the only thing that is certain is that Hua Zhuoyu doesn't think highly of the Fengjiu clan.

"What about the Dragon Clan?" she asked again. If she remembers correctly, the novel focuses on the dragon clan's obsession with jade, gold and silver. These guys are small in number and rich in the world.

"One dragon is equal to five battle robots." Hua Zhuoyu drew her legs together, leaning on the sofa with a weird smile on her face, "Objectively speaking, the orc race is more reliable than the human race, and has a more contractual spirit. Desolation Star It is impossible to form a guard team that can resist star robber attacks in a short time, but you can hire some reliable...friends through the Fengjiu and Dragon clans." Hua Zhuoyu pondered for a while, and used "friends" this phrase.

"Great Xia is controlled by the government and supervisors, while the administrative organization of Beast Star is relatively loose. There is a 'Alliance of Beasts'. Fengjiu, Long, Qilin and Xuanwu are the heads of the four major associations. As the big tribes in Beast Star, they Great prestige."

Ning Buyi picked up some taste from Hua Zhuoyu's words, her eyes changed: "You want to promote my cooperation with Beast Star?" They want to join forces with them to deal with the interstellar Zerg, but the beast star did not give a clear answer, and no one cares about the private contacts, but the official contact is pitifully rare. In the plot of the original book, Xia Tu got along with Feng Yi to form an alliance. In the meantime, he dealt with the rebellious dragon clan vigorously and removed a big stumbling block.

But now the plot is a thousand miles away.

Fengyi didn't become a love brain, and Fengjiu and the Longzu didn't turn against each other either.

Hua Zhuoyu raised his eyebrows and smiled: "I just mentioned it, the choice is yours."

Ning Buyi seriously considered Hua Zhuoyu's suggestion. If we cooperate with Fengjiu and Dragon Clan, we can speed up the construction of Desolation Star with sufficient manpower, and they are orc civilizations, so they won't let the base be stained with "power". Ning Yi said: "If I hire them, I hope they can move to the barren star." The household registration of the barren star will not conflict with that of the orc race, and the other party will not lose anything because of this, and she can set all the "residents" to the barren star. Into his nose.

Hua Zhuoyu: "This needs to be discussed with Fengyi."

Ning Buyi said sincerely, "It's up to you."

Having said that, Ning Buyi can't really leave everything to Hua Zhuoyu, after all, this is her base.

In front of the long table, Ning Buyi and Hua Zhuoyu sat side by side, occupying one end, while at the end sat the dignified Feng Yi and the bored Lingshu.

When Lingshu was awake, Fengyi had explained to her what was going on in the base, but just as Fengyi thought, Lingshu didn't care at all.

Such a base planted with plants that can drive the entire galaxy crazy has no guards and no rumors. She is sure that this place has nothing to do with the imperial government. After all, when Xia Tu took out vegetables to entertain her, she didn't seem to know about it. Of course, the most important thing is that there is no trace of the imperial government here. So is it affiliated with Star Court? No, that's not possible either. Xing Ting has a detached status in Daxia, and the properties under his name are clearly listed on the Xing Ting.

If it's not them, then it's the supervisor? It just so happened that this planet belonged to the Jianzheng Si Ning family, and Hua Zhuoyu put aside his identity as the presiding judge, and was also the eldest daughter of the Jianzheng Sihua family, holding great power and voice in the family. I heard that the Daxia government is at odds with the supervisory department, so is the base a product of the supervisory department's resistance to the government?

The more Feng Yi thought about it, the more she felt it was possible. If possible, she didn't want to get involved in Da Xia's internal affairs.

"What do you want?" Feng Yi tensed up, her eyes full of defense.

Hua Zhuoyu teased with a relaxed face: "Since I can't pay it back, I have to stay as a migrant worker to pay off the debt. There is no restriction on the status of a migrant worker, even if you ask the seven aunts and eight aunts to pay it together."

The drowsy Lingshu immediately froze when he heard these words, showed the demeanor of a domineering president, and said forcefully, "I'll pay it back for her."

Hua Zhuoyu: "Don't worry, you still owe it yourself."

Feng Yi pursed her lips, and she looked at Lingshu with a complicated expression. She was very touched by her "paying", but if she remembered correctly, Lingshu was the poorest dragon in the dragon clan, right? There were too many fights and troubles, and she helped settle the "reparations" several times.

"This is a contract." Ning Buyi didn't talk nonsense, and pushed the folder containing the paper contract towards Feng Yi.

Feng Yi glanced at it, and the first thing she looked at was the astronomical figure that made her feel desperate. Her breathing gradually became rapid, fearing that she would "die young", she hurriedly slapped the document on the table.

"May I ask, does the base belong to the supervisor?"

How do you get involved with the supervisor? Ning Yi was at a loss. She shook her head: "The base and the barren star belong to me, Ning Yi."

Feng Yi was slightly relieved, she politely said: "Can this matter not be made public?"

Lingshu added: "She wants face." The response to Lingshu was Feng Yi's ruthless kick under the table.

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