MTL - Inheriting a Desolate Star-Chapter 29 029

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When approaching the base, Fengyi sensed some kind of intimacy from her blood. Her emotions were boiling, but she knew that it was not suitable to ask at this moment. Xiao Fengjiu looked eagerly towards the east on the shoulder of the robot, and immediately understood where the emotion came from.

It's sister Fengxuan! Missing in the starry sky, the sister she thought would never be found again unexpectedly appeared in front of her completely naked! Was it Hua Zhuoyu who saved her? Why is there no news from Daxia? What is their plan to deliberately conceal this matter? Feng Yi's heart was in a mess, joy and doubt were intertwined, but as soon as Feng Xuan opened her mouth, she gave her a new critical blow! All her emotions have disappeared now, only her stomach full of disbelief is left.

How could her well-behaved and lovely sister say such things?

Xiao Fengjiu hasn't found Fengyi at this moment, her mind is stuck in Ning Buyi's arms, she keeps chirping and chirping. Until the "kind" Hua Zhuoyu reached out and grabbed Xiaofengjiu by the tail, lifted her upside down and threw her to Fengyi.

Feng Yi was so angry that she also "chirped", she folded her wings, leaned her body and turned the person on her back upside down, and after turning into a human form, she caught the "fat dumpling" that was thrown at her. "I would like to ask Presiding Judge Hua to explain this matter." Feng Yi stared at Hua Zhuoyu coldly, her eyes filled with intense anger.

Seeing that the fire had reached Hua Zhuoyu's body, Ning Buyi breathed a sigh of relief. She glanced at Hua Zhuoyu, followed Feng Yi's words, and said: "Yes!" Without looking at Hua Zhuoyu's expression, she directly ordered the little robot to transport the eight people lying on the ground back. There are two medical cabins in the government affairs hall of the base, which were newly bought by Ning Buyi for the sake of future "people". They are definitely not as good as Wang Xing's medical equipment, but a small inspection is still enough.

The inner contour of the container in the medical cabin is human-shaped, and a ring-mounted object is hung on the top, which is about the same size as a human head. Ning Buyi directed the robot to put the coffin in first. She installed a start button, and the tank made a light sound, and gradually squeezed towards the spirit shaft until it perfectly fit her body curve.

"Dark pollution value is fifty-five percent." Ning Buyi looked at the red curve on the screen and raised his eyebrows slightly. It is almost the same as the value given in the Mountain and Sea Illustrated Book. It is a bit bad, but it is not to the point where there is no cure. After checking the physical values ​​of the spirit pivot, Ning Buyi repeated this behavior until the remaining eight people were tested. There are no genetic diseases, and the biggest problem is dark pollution.

"Register first." Ning Buyi winked at Beidou. These eight people are not in good condition, so she can only "buy and sell by force". First, set the other party as a resident of Desolate Star to better monitor their situation. As for Lingshu - Ning Buyi glanced at Hua Zhuoyu, these two troubles can be said to be brought back by Hua Zhuoyu to a certain extent, and she has to solve them.

"The condition of Lingshu is stable. I want to bring her back to the Beast Star." Fengyi held Xiaofengjiu in her arms, and calmly looked at Hua Zhuoyu who was sitting opposite, "Please presiding judge Hua contact us."

Hua Zhuoyu raised his brows, and gave Feng Yi a meaningful glance.

"Chirp, don't go! I won't go! Bad guy!" Nested in Fengyi's arms, Xiao Fengjiu slapped Fengyi's arm fiercely, and she flapped her wings and flew to Hua Zhuoyu's shoulder, condescending Looking at Fengyi intently, a fluffy face suddenly showed a bit of nobility and glamor.

Feng Yi's body froze suddenly when she heard the words, she looked at Xiao Fengjiu in shock and anger, and called out her name with a sullen face: "Feng Xuan!"

Xiao Fengjiu was not afraid of Fengyi at all, she turned around, pointed her wagging tail at Fengyi, and swayed from side to side.

Feng Yi was so angry that her heart ached, she stretched out her hand to press the center of her eyebrows.

After arriving at the barren star base, nothing happened as she expected.

Taking a deep breath, Feng Yi raised her eyes to stare at Hua Zhuoyu.

Hua Zhuoyu calmly said, "The crown prince doesn't need to be angry."

Feng Yi: "..." Who doesn't get angry when they run into each other? She looked at Hua Zhuoyu impolitely: "Does the presiding judge have anything to explain?"

Hua Zhuoyu's eyes flashed, and he pondered for a moment: "It's a long story."

"Let's make a long story short!" Feng Yi gritted her teeth, if she hadn't been concerned about "decoration", she would have knocked over the table with a slap.

Hua Zhuoyu grabbed Xiaofengjiu from her shoulders, reached out and patted her soft, furry belly: "It was picked up outside the base, Miss Ning couldn't bear to see the cub die of illness, so she kept it. Vigorous, it’s no worse than growing up in Beast Star.” Not only is it not bad, the little guy wakes up and hugs the green leaves, sleeps in the lavender field, which cub in the interstellar world has her such a blessing?

Fengyi didn't doubt Hua Zhuoyu's words, it was the star thief who took Xiaofengjiu away, and now she can grow safely in the base, it should be saved by Hua Zhuoyu. "Then what about her words and deeds?" Feng Yi is very concerned about such things. Xiao Fengjiu, who grew up in the clan area, is all polite, so she won't be like this little bastard.

Hua Zhuoyu was silent for a while, and said uncertainly: "Maybe it's the origin of family education?"

"Hua Zhuoyu!" Feng Yi suddenly stood up, fixedly staring at the leisurely person in front of her, she didn't even call "Judge", she was obviously very angry. At this moment, Fengyi couldn't even maintain "politeness", instead her tone was filled with a cold questioning, "Since you saved Fengxuan, why didn't you send her back to the Fengjiu clan?"

Hua Zhuoyu said calmly: "During that time, I saw that His Highness the Crown Prince was busy dating Xia Tu, so I didn't want to disturb the Crown Prince with such trivial matters. If something bad happened, then I would be a sinner through the ages."

A burst of anger surged up, Feng Yi's eyes were red, and tears were shining in her eyes, she pointed at Hua Zhuoyu, her lips were trembling, but she couldn't utter a word. What a presiding judge, it turned out to be such a virtue! Seeing is worse than hearing a hundred times!

"You forget your friends when you see sex!" A weak but clear and firm voice broke the temporary silence in the hall, and the sleepy Spirit Pivot woke up somehow, his complexion pale as paper. She turned her dark eyes and fixedly looked at Feng Yi, with accusations written all over her face.

Feng Yi walked towards the coffin with no expression on her face, clenched her right hand and slashed **** the back of her neck. Seeing that she had fainted again, Feng Yi explained to the astonished Ning Buyi: "The dark pollution in her body has accumulated, sleep is good for the recovery of the injury."

Ning Buyi said "Oh", and slowly opened his eyes.

She doesn't understand the "friendship" of the orcs at all.

Feng Yi repeated again: "I want to take them back."

"You take it." Hua Zhuoyu stood up, she glanced at Fengyi, and said lazily. After exposing her true temperament, she was even more lazy to hide it. She folded her arms around her chest, staring at Fengyi with great interest, but the words in her mouth were so cold that it made one's heart chill, "I just don't know, how will the crown prince go back? Through a supernatural power?"

Fengyi's expression changed drastically, she stared at Hua Zhuoyu firmly: "What do you mean?"

Hua Zhuoyu said coolly: "It's not surprising that the princess of the Fengjiu clan was buried in the barren star."

Mentioning the threat on the surface is not considered a threat, and Hua Zhuoyu, as the presiding judge, cannot do such a thing. Feng Yi finally found a glimmer of clarity in her bewildered mind. The anger on her face subsided instantly, she looked at Hua Zhuoyu quietly, her eyes were deep and condensed.

Ning Buyi has been observing Hua Zhuoyu's movements, so he can't let the other party go too far. She smiled and stood up to smooth things over: "She was joking. It's just—"

Fengyi: "Just what?"

Ning Buyi stretched out his right hand, his fingers curled up to form a circle, and his thumb gently rubbed against his **** and index finger.

Feng Yi understood it, pursed her lips, and said seriously: "When I return to the Fengjiu clan, I will settle the bill."

Hua Zhuoyu said abruptly: "It may not be settled. Leaving aside the grace of saving lives, the living expenses alone are astronomical figures."

Feng Yi couldn't believe her ears, was this a blackmail in the name of "living expenses"?

"It doesn't drink nutrients." Hua Zhuoyu hooked his lips, "She eats vegetables and fruits every day, drinks honey, and sleeps in flower fields. The crown prince can figure it out for himself."

Fengyi: "...Impossible!" She knew that the Xingguang platform had put fruits and vegetables produced by the mysterious base on display, but the quantity was extremely rare. Even if Hua Zhuoyu was the presiding judge, she couldn't have all of them.

Ning Buyi smiled and said, "The crown prince didn't pay attention to the surrounding environment after arriving at the base, did he? Ah Zhuo, take her around."

Ning Buyi's tone was soft, like a gentle wind. Hua Zhuo's jade eyes were shining brightly, to show Ning Buyi a face, followed her words and made a "please" gesture to Feng Yi.

An ominous premonition emerged in Feng Yi's heart for no reason, as if following Hua Zhuoyu out, she would fall into a new world that she had never been involved in. The transparent sunlight enters the base, no matter how the outside season changes, it is warm as spring inside the protective cover. But when Fengyi was walking, she suddenly felt a chill, as if she had fallen into a winter where everything was silent.

The two sang together—

What are you plotting? !

"His Royal Highness, are you cold?" Hua Zhuoyu asked politely, expressing concern. She was polite and elegant, as if she had turned back into a noble lady carefully cultivated by the family at this moment, graceful and elegant. But the next moment, this posture was destroyed, "The original form of the Fengjiu clan has fluff and feathers, so it won't be cold."

Fengyi's face twisted for a moment, she quickened her pace and walked in front of Hua Zhuoyu, wishing she could throw her off.

The conversation happened at the door, and it completely fell into the busy Ning Buyi's ears.

Ning Buyi stopped what he was doing, and sighed according to the heartless Xiaofeng: "Hua Zhuoyu is stingy, holds grudges and lacks great virtue, don't offend her in the future, look at your poor sister, you are so angry What's up?"

"Chirp?" Xiaofeng chirped, fluttering her wings, happily jumping onto Lingshu's body, finding a suitable angle on her chest, and retracting her wings to take a nap.

Seeing this, Ning Buyi shook his head and didn't care anymore.

in the base.

Feng Yi, who was led by Hua Zhuoyu to "visit", went from shock to numbness at the beginning, silently calculating in her heart, and found out that the Fengjiu clan really couldn't afford the living expenses. Her face was red with embarrassment, shame and anger.

Hua Zhuoyu said slowly: "I heard that there are tail feathers from the Fengjiu clan appearing in the black market? Are you so desperate that you betray yourself?"

Feng Yi bit her lips when she heard the words, feeling even more ashamed and annoyed. This is indeed the case in the Fengjiu clan, and it has been repeatedly banned. But this is also something that can’t be helped. Don’t look at the Fengjiu clan as one of the four songs of the Ten Thousand Beasts Alliance. In fact, it’s just superficial. , almost catching up with the Xuanwu tribe. However, with the arrogance of the Fengjiu clan, they were unwilling to bow their heads and express their embarrassment to others, which led to Fengjiu Weiling appearing on the black market. In the words of Lingshu, it is called "to cover up the truth".

Feng Yi breathed a sigh of relief, and said slowly: "The clan doesn't know about this matter, I will focus on controlling it in the future."

Hua Zhuoyu said with a half-smile, "Feng Jiu's selling herself has nothing to do with me, as long as the crown prince can pay back the money."

Feng Yi: "..." Can it be assumed that she has never been to Desolate Star?

Hua Zhuoyu: "By the way, the experts have confirmed the effects of fruits and vegetables. If you don't want the dragon to leave sequelae, it's best to stay in the barren star for the time being. For Xiaofengjiu's sake, I'll get a 10% discount. "

Read The Duke's Passion