MTL - Infinite Clone: ​​I Am Invincible In Devouring Starry Sky-Chapter 308 The God King of Jin hit the Purple Moon Holy Land

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The only discordant note in the cosmic sea is probably the Purple Moon Holy Land.

They would rather not leave the Purple Moon Holy Land than compromise with the Green Bee Organization.

Even if the Green Bee Organization dominates the Universe Sea.

The ancestor of Ziyue was also right.

There is also a reason why Ziyue's ancestor is so strong.

He has joined a superpower in the continent of origin.

The strength increases rapidly.

After his will is transformed into a saint, he can try to seize the original will of the original universe through the incarnation of divine power left in the Purple Moon Holy Land.

As long as the seizure is successful.

What is the green bee organization?

One sentence can mobilize the power of the world and suppress them all.

The powerhouses in Ziyue Holy Land are not threatened by the coming of the dead.

Now stay behind closed doors.

After Ziyue Patriarch succeeds in seizing the house, the old and new grudges will be settled together with the Green Bee organization.

After a little calculation, Lu Ge understood Ziyue's ancestor's plan.

The ambition is not small.

Willing to become a saint is not so easy.

Even in the finale of the original book, the ancestor of Ziyue was unable to seize the original will of the original universe.

So Lu Ge is not in a hurry.

Perhaps before that time, he had already killed Ziyue Holy Land.

The powerhouses from Ziyue Holy Land will not come out.

People from the Green Bee Alliance don't go in.

The Lord of the Great Hammer, whom Lu Ge had previously enslaved, had also been looking for opportunities.

It's a pity that the divine power incarnation of the ancestor of Ziyue is here.

Have absolute control over the small universe.

No matter how many avatars go in, he can suppress it with all his strength.

The Lord of the Hammer can only act as Lu Ge's internal response to inquire about news.

The primordial universe is the same as the cosmic sea.

It operates normally under the unified coordination of the Green Bee Organization.

The new extraterritorial battlefield is fiercely slaughtered.

The huge battlefield where hundreds of millions of ethnic groups collide, the degree of popularity can be imagined.

Lu Ge sent a large number of world master and immortal clones to practice.

If he wants to step into the realm of 'true god', he still needs a lot of experience in fighting and other insights.

It's a pity that these avatars brought him very limited improvement.

Whether it is the inheritance of 'Tianweihou' or 'Duandonghe'.

There are records about breaking through the realm of true gods.

To break through to the true god, there are two routes.

One is the 'law route'

One is the "divine power route"

All the 'cosmic powerhouses' in Cosmos Sea follow the path of law.

The law route is a bit easier.

However, if you want to reach a higher level in the future, it is best to choose the divine power route.

The divine power route is much more difficult than the law route.

In the original universe, the perfect genetic multiple is 10081 times.

If you can break through this limit, even if it reaches 10082 times.

As long as you want, you can turn your kingdom of God into a small universe and become a true **** at any time.

But this kind of divine power route is no different from the chance of the law route.

Not to mention 10082 times, it is a genetic multiple within 30,000 times, which is not much different from the strength of the law route.

Want to be stronger.

It is best to break through the gene multiple of 30,000 times.

There are three steps to the divine power route.

Among them, the gene multiple of 30,000 to 60,000 times is the first step.

The 60,000-90,000-fold gene multiple is the second step.

From 90,000 times to infinitely close to 100,000 times is the third step.

There is a huge gap in the strength of each step to break through the true god.

With Lu Ge's ambition, he should do his best.

Just break through with the divine power route of 100,000 times the gene multiple.

According to the records of 'Tianweihou' and 'Duandonghe'.

As long as you can break through to the true **** with 90,000 times the gene.

Then breaking through to the True God of the Void is not difficult at all.

Even becoming an 'eternal true god' will not be a problem.

Lu Ge set a goal for himself.

That is, in the world of Jin, complete 90,000 times the gene and break through to the true god.

He has actually made the old bull bee and hive mind to study the map of life gene.

This requires decomposing a large amount of hair, blood and even bones of the true god.

However, the number of 'cosmic powerhouses' in Cosmic Sea is too small.

The ones he killed were simply not enough.

He also needs a lot of samples.

It is best to be a sample of the true **** level, the more the number, the better.

From the looks of it now, the only one that can meet his needs is Jinzhi World.

The world of Jin has countless strong men.

As far as he knows.

Life in the world of Jin is generally immortal after reaching adulthood.

A small number of geniuses can reach the universe when they reach adulthood.

The world of Jin is a world of constant slaughter.

And a world that suits him best.

There are still one hundred thousand years before the arrival of the world of Jin.

Lu Ge has already detected it in advance.

That humanoid corpse with a height of 160 million light-years is approaching at a speed of 120 million times the speed of light.

It was the corpse of the previous life of Zuo Shanke, the God King of Jin.

The body of the King of Jin is getting closer.

Sitting mountain guest's mood became more unstable.

The revenge of killing one's life is irreconcilable!

Lu Ge stood with Sitting Mountain Guest, looking at the endless void.

"Brother, why did you take the most common law route when you broke through to the true god, why didn't you take the divine power route?"

Zuo Shanke sneered.

"Because I'm an outsider, even if I take the most common law route, the original will of the primordial universe is extremely afraid. If I take the divine power route, I'm afraid he will directly suppress me."

"I'm different from you. After I was reincarnated, I carried the memory of the **** king, and I could easily regain the peak. It was the original will of the original universe that did not allow me."

"I have encountered strong enemies in these years, and most of them used other methods. When did you see me take action?"

Lu Ge also frowned deeply.

He hadn't thought of that.

"But brother, if you don't have a good foundation, what will happen to your future achievements?"

There was a gleam in Zuo Shanke's eyes: "That's why I created the Yanshen Clan and raised Luo Feng, but now I have met you."

"Second Brother, if you can gain a firm foothold in the Origin Continent in the future, I will also go to the Origin Continent. I will reincarnate and be reborn in the Origin Continent. Only then will I be truly reborn."

Only then did Lu Ge understand Zuoshanke's plan.

Zuoshanke continued: "Second brother, you have laid a good foundation now. When the world of Jin comes, you can enter the experience. Everything I left in the world of Jin, you can use as much as you want."

Lu Ge was also quite emotional.

The world of Jin is the cradle where the God King of Jin cultivates elite soldiers.

It's a pity that the God King of Jin has fallen.

Countless warriors in the world of Jin could no longer wait for their god-king's call.

"Brother, I need to analyze the corpses of a large number of true gods when I enter the world of Jin this time, and I may have to attack your four major legions."

Zuoshanke waved his hand proudly: "Second brother, the role of the four major legions is to select talents. The death rate in the army is more than 90%, and it is useless to me if it is lower than the Eternal God."

He sighed: "In the countless eras that I have fallen, there must be many strong people who have broken through the Eternal True God. Unfortunately, they will fall immediately as soon as they leave the world of Jin."

According to the original book, except for the generals of the four major armies in the world of Jin who are the eternal true gods, there were also many strong men who broke through to the eternal true gods and left the world of Jin, but they never came back.

Of course Lu Ge knew this.

The God King of Jin has already fallen. Once these powerhouses who have broken through the Eternal True God appear in the universe sea, they will fall instantly.

It's really sad.

Zuoshanke said solemnly: "Second brother, don't be **** just because the world of Jin was left by me. Just let go and do whatever you want. As long as your genetic multiplier can reach 100,000 times as soon as possible, even if the world of Jin is destroyed, it will be worth it!" .”

"I see!"

Lu Ge has made a decision in his heart, the world of Jin must not be destroyed.

He is the only thought left by the God King of Jin.

The world of Jin has countless true gods and a large number of true void gods.

Enough for him to toss.

As for the foothold of the world of Jin, it needs to be carefully planned.

The body of Jinzhi Shenwang is 160 million light-years long, and it hits at a speed of 120 million times the speed of light.

It was not easy to get him to stop.

In the original book, the God King of Jin was stopped by the cosmic boat.

But now the spaceship has become Lu Ge's property.

You can't do that anymore.

After thinking about it, Lu Ge looked at the Purple Moon Holy Land.

The diameter of the universe in the Purple Moon Holy Land is 2.1 billion light years.

As for whether the universe of the Purple Moon Holy Land will be destroyed, it depends on their good fortune.

Lu Ge dispatched 100,000 clones of the Lord of the Universe to **** the God King of Jin.

One hundred thousand clones worked hard at the same time, constantly correcting the course.

Make every effort to make the God King of Jin hit the universe of Ziyue Holy Land accurately.

After the original Zhongjin World appeared.

The powerhouses in the entire universe have entered the trial, looking for opportunities.

But Lu Ge is not so generous.

The world of Jin belongs to his elder brother.

Why should it be open to the entire cosmic sea?

Lu Ge actually knew all about it.

After Jinzhi Shenwang died, his body was in the depths of the universe sea.

Why are you out now?

The **** king of Jin is dead, and Zuoshanke is now only in the realm of true gods.

Who can manipulate the corpse of the King of Jin.

The answer is of course the original will of the primordial universe.

The reason why the world of Jin was brought out.

It is the original will of the primordial universe that is aware of the threat.

Threat from beasts.

Realm Beasts were born corresponding to the original universe.

Primordial universe means conception and life.

Beast means death and destruction.

The original will of the original universe is to make all forces in the universe sea stronger.

Then go to deal with the beasts.

It's just a pity that all the forces in the Universe Sea are now controlled by Lu Ge.

They are destined not to enter the world of Jin.

As for the most terrifying beast, Lu Ge didn't take it seriously at all.

According to the timeline, there are still hundreds of millions of epochs before the world beasts appear.

The number of world beasts is huge and extremely terrifying.

It's a pity that Lu Ge is not worried at all. He also seems to be huge in number and extremely terrifying.

In a sense.

His infinite clone happens to be the nemesis of the world beast.

After billions of epochs.

At that time, Lu Ge probably had already practiced in the place of origin, and he didn't know how strong he was.

In front of Lu Ge, the beasts of the Cosmos Sea couldn't make any waves.

Time passed, and the body of the God King of Jin arrived as scheduled.

Seeing the huge corpse with his own eyes, Lu Ge was extremely shocked.

The length is 160 million light years, which is longer than the length of the spaceship.

No wonder it can be called the Fourth Jedi.


The body of the God King Jin headed towards the Universe, the Holy Land of Ziyue.

The strong in Ziyue Holy Land can't get out.

But the powerhouses of other forces found out, and they were shocked by the sheer size of the King of Jin.

Some strong men who had a good relationship with Ziyue Holy Land Universe secretly contacted them.

"Run, a humanoid creature with a length of 160 million light years is heading towards your Purple Moon Holy Land at a speed of 120 million times the speed of light."

Just started hearing about this.

Many powerhouses in Ziyue Holy Land didn't take it seriously, thinking it was a joke.

But more and more powerful people sent letters to them.

They finally realized the seriousness of the matter.

Purple Moon Holy Land.

In a majestic palace.

The divine incarnation of the ancestor of Ziyue was extremely angry.

"What? Is it the strong men of the Green Bee Organization who are constantly correcting their direction, and they are coming towards our Purple Moon Holy Land?"

"It's simply shameless!"

The ancestor of Ziyue was about to go mad with anger.

"The humanoid creature must change its course, otherwise the Purple Moon Holy Land will be in danger!"

He responded decisively.

"All the most powerful beings in the universe, the lords of the universe, and the overlords of the universe in the Purple Moon Holy Land rushed out of the Holy Land and tried to intercept them."

"Help me contact the Green Bee Organization immediately, I want to negotiate with them."

The divine incarnation of the ancestor of Ziyue could not leave the holy land.

Can only think of such a way.

It's a pity that Ziyue Holy Land has offended Lu Ge too hard these years.

Lu Ge didn't intend to let them go at all.

Many experts from Ziyue Holy Land were arrested as soon as they left the Holy Land universe.

The Ziyue Holy Land is surrounded by 300,000 master clones of the universe.

The hundreds of powerhouses in Ziyue Holy Land couldn't make any waves.

The ancestor of Ziyue was extremely desperate.

The humanoid was too big for its size, 160 million light-years long.

How big is the Purple Moon Holy Land, UU reading www.uukanshu. com is only 2.1 billion light-years in diameter.

A behemoth almost one-fifteenth the size collided at a speed of 120 million times the speed of light.

The Purple Moon Holy Land couldn't bear it at all.

"The Purple Moon Holy Land is finished..."

The powerhouses from all sides in the cosmic sea sighed incomparably.

Especially the Holy Land of the Eastern Emperor.

All forces in the cosmic sea surrender to the Green Bee Organization.

The Ziyue Holy Land is pure and noble.

He also kept mocking the strong men in the Holy Land of the Eastern Emperor for being spineless.

It's all right now.

The Purple Moon Holy Land has encountered a catastrophe.


Just one foot of this humanoid creature has to be 30 million light-years away.

With a dazzling light, this behemoth slammed heavily into the universe of the Purple Moon Holy Land.

The outer walls, flames, and space of the Purple Moon Holy Land all collapsed

Time and space crushed!

Terrible shock waves spread in all directions.

The Purple Moon Holy Land suffered a devastating impact.

It was as if a fist-sized iron ball fell from a high altitude and hit a ripe watermelon heavily.


The Purple Moon Holy Land was shattered and torn apart.

The huge Ziyue Holy Land universe completely collapsed.

The origin in the Purple Moon Holy Land was destroyed, and countless continents were shattered.

The terrifying shock wave instantly killed all the life in Ziyue Holy Land.

The Purple Moon Holy Land is over!

Half of the huge humanoid creature crashed into the Purple Moon Holy Land.

He stepped on a huge fragment of land.

It finally stopped.

The Purple Moon Holy Land was also completely destroyed.

From then on, there is only one holy place left in the Universe Sea, the East Emperor Holy Land.

From a certain superpower in Origin Continent, the ancestor of Ziyue howled in pain: "Green Bee Organization, I can't finish with you!"

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