MTL - Infinite Clone: ​​I Am Invincible In Devouring Starry Sky-Chapter 307 The whole universe is working for Lu Ge

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Ever since I got the Marquis Tianwei inheritance and spaceship.

Lu Ge's life became more and more fulfilling.

There are too many unique skills in the place of inheritance, and those who are eligible to be included are definitely the top leaders in the ancient Ming Dynasty.

You have to inherit it well and make full use of it.

Lu Ge didn't even have to doubt it.

The lineage of Marquis Tianwei was passed down to his generation.

Definitely the most powerful.

none of them.

Perhaps the previous Tianweihou were all god-king-level existences.

But Lu Ge also has the confidence to achieve it.

And there will be more than one god-king class at that time.

The prestige of Tianweihou will once again resound through the place of origin.

Millions of avatars studying in the place of inheritance are laying the foundation for the future.

Whether it is collecting resources, or learning the inheritance of secret techniques.

They are all consolidating the foundation of Lu Ge.

He is still searching for treasures in the spaceship.

Just the treasures left by the masters of the past in the secret rooms of the black-striped stone pillar space is a terrible number.

Originally, those secret rooms did need corresponding tokens to enter.

But now the spaceship is owned by Lu Ge.

He has the highest authority in the space of the black-grained stone pillar.

Only one command is needed.

All these locked chambers will be opened.

The previous masters of these secret chambers have all fallen.

Lu Ge searched the property they left behind without any psychological burden.

"The space of the black-grained stone pillars is my site. You store things in my site. You haven't paid the rental fee, right? There are tens of hundreds of samsara universe eras, countless epochs, and the rental fee alone is also an astronomical figure. Since you are dead , the inheritance left behind will be used as the rental fee, and the settlement will be settled.”

Lu Ge searched for treasures from secret rooms one by one, earning a lot of money.

In addition to these, there are those who have just fallen to the strongest in the universe.

In the cosmic boat, the land of inheritance, many of the most powerful and true gods in the universe were wiped out by Zhen Zixu in one fell swoop.

After their death, both of their miniature universes decay rapidly.

The strong inside died one after another.

Even the Venerable Universe and Immortal Gods cannot escape death.

One after another, the corpses of gods turned into the sky, and countless resources became ownerless.

This kind of small universe, which has just begun to collapse after the death of the most powerful person in the universe, contains a lot of resources.

Lu Ge's many avatars are very close.

Once a small universe is found to be a little rout, it will immediately drill in from the gap to search.

The small universe that had been looted was turned around by him.

Move towards the spaceship.

Send it to the spaceship for absorption.

The more small universes the spaceship devours and absorbs, the better it will recover.

After all, there are countless universe powerhouses who died in spaceships.

After the search is over, it will be gone.

Lu Ge had to set his sights on the first reincarnation of the cosmic era, the second reincarnation of the cosmic era, and the universe powerhouses of the two holy places.

He will not be innocent in troubled times.

Zhen Zixu can kill millions of strong people to cheer him up.

But he can't do that.

Anyone who wants to be reasonable and can't kill people at will, isn't he a thug?

You can filter it.

Only kill bad guys.

For example, send some cosmic overlord-level avatars with several top-level treasures to dangle under the noses of those cosmic powerhouses.

Inadvertently show off.

If these Xeons can't afford to kill and pretend not to see it, then that's all.

If these most powerful people see wealth, they will kill people and seize treasures.

Then don't blame him for revenge.

When encountering this kind of cosmic powerhouse who kills and seizes treasures, he always kills one at a time.

No mercy.

After killing him, he will search his miniature universe.

After searching the small universe, push it over and let the spaceship swallow it.

Make the most of it, it's not wasted at all.

One after another, the strongest in the universe were killed by Lu Ge.

There are only so many universe powerhouses in the universe sea.

Killing one is a big deal.

What's more, Lu Ge's endless killing.

Over time, it was finally discovered by someone.

For the first time, the term "fishing law enforcement" was circulated in the universe.

Countless strong men cursed loudly.

The Green Bee Organization is really shameless, and it would still do such a thing.

But they can't do anything about Green Hornets.

After all, it was the most powerful people in the universe who wanted to kill people for money first.

Green Hornets' revenge is coming later.

What Ling Luge didn't expect was that the order in the universe sea had improved a lot invisibly.

Even the strongest in the universe will not easily plunder and kill weak practitioners.

I'm afraid it's a mouse pulling the shovel, with the big head behind.

The strong man in the universe sea has become like this.

Lu Ge could only think of other ways.

Find resources from other adventurous places in the cosmic sea.

It is worth mentioning that.

The contradiction between Lu Ge and Ziyue Holy Land is getting bigger and bigger.

The strong in Ziyue Holy Land have natural psychological advantages.

Because the existence of Ziyue Holy Land is enough to protect their safety.

The green bee organization is strong, and they can't kill them in the Ziyue Holy Land.

They have nothing to fear.

Although there is no direct provocation to the Green Bee organization, it will not easily give the Green Bee organization face.

As long as they don't get caught by the Green Bee organization, they shouldn't attack Ziyue Sheng for no reason.

For the two holy places.

Lu Ge has been testing.

The ancestors of the two holy places couldn't leave the holy places, which made Lu Ge feel strange.

Even he doubted it.

Did the ancestors of the two holy places stay in the place of origin after successfully breaking through reincarnation?

This is just his guess, which will be confirmed slowly in the future.

Time passed quickly.

A hundred thousand years have passed

Lu Ge's strength is getting stronger and stronger.

With the inheritance of Tianweihou's system, Lu Ge gradually corrected his previous erroneous route.

The same divine body and the same divine power can display different combat powers.

Now Lu Ge's cultivation base is still the master of the universe.

But he can display the fighting strength of the ninth level.

In a solo fight, the ordinary powerhouses of the universe are not his opponents.

Lu Ge also has a plan for the development of his avatar.

In the future, to break through the realm, we still have to rely on crowd tactics.

His avatar becomes more expensive to exchange later.

He still wants to take the route that these avatars break through by themselves.

That is, to exchange for the avatar of the ninth-level peak of the world master level.

Then break through one by one.

Immortal God, Overlord of the Universe, Lord of the Universe

To speed up the breakthrough speed of these clones, a lot of resources are needed.

Today, the number of avatars of the Lord of the Universe owned by Lu Ge has reached 60 million.

There are tens of billions of avatars of the cosmic overlord and immortal king.

Lu Ge is now focusing on the 60 million avatars of the Lord of the Universe.

The avatar of every master of the universe must be continuously polished and polished.

When the time comes to break through from the master of the universe to the strongest in the universe, they will also break through in a short time at the same time.

In this way, the overall combat effectiveness of oneself will not be pulled down.

During this period, another major event occurred in the human race.

The Lord of Chaos of the human race finally broke through to the true **** who is the strongest in the universe

Since then, there have been two universe powerhouses among the human race.

The position among the human race is more stable in the original universe.

Because of Lu Ge, the creator of the giant axe did not get the fake map of Qingfengjie.

Did not fall.

This is really a comforting thing.

The creator of the giant ax is bold and adventurous, and his contribution to the human race is enormous.

Being able to save his life is the most meaningful thing Lu Ge has done.

To celebrate the Chaos City Lord's breakthrough to the strongest in the universe.

Lu Ge gave the Lord of Chaos City and the Creator of the Great Ax a pair of armor of the most powerful and precious.

With this pair of armor, their lives are more secure.

This gift is too heavy.

The Chaos City Lord and the Creator of the Great Ax refused to ask for it.

They know the importance of Xeon and Xeon better than anyone else.

And how difficult it is to obtain in the universe sea.

How could it be possible to accept such an expensive gift.

Annoyed, Lu Ge waved his hand casually.

Hundreds of Xeons and Supreme Treasures floated in the air, and both the Chaos City Lord and the giant ax creator were dumbfounded.

When did Xeon Xeon become a Chinese cabbage.

Because of this, they all accepted the two armors that Lu Ge sent over with peace of mind.

The benefits obtained by the human race are not limited to these.

The complete inheritance of Tianweihou.

From it, Lu Ge sorted out some complete secrets from the immortal gods to the master of the universe.

This is a set of mature and perfect ancient Ming secret methods.

It can increase the chances of many strong people of the race to break through the Lord of the Universe by a hundred times.

Only one hundred thousand years.

At this time, the number of masters of the universe owned by the human race has exceeded a thousand.

This time Lu Ge didn't add his avatar to it.

Most of them are strong people of the human race.

More than a thousand masters of the universe.

The strength of the human race at this time has surpassed the first reincarnation universe and the second reincarnation universe.

The number of the strongest in the universe may not be comparable.

But the overall strength has indeed surpassed the two holy places.

As a result, the human race ushered in a period of vigorous development.

Lu Ge encountered a problem.

That is, the repair of the spaceship has fallen into a bottleneck.

To repair the spaceship, not only massive resources are needed, but also a super high level of forging is required.

Although Lu Ge's avatar in this area has made rapid progress.

But it's far from being fully repaired.

Even the power of the spaceship has not been restored.

If you want to repair the spaceship, it seems that you can only ask for foreign aid.

In the cosmic sea, there are only two blacksmiths who can target Lu Gena.

One is the craftsman **** of the original universe.

The other is the famous Zuoshanke.

If you have to talk about superiority, the level of Zuoshanke is higher.

After all, the God of Craftsman was instructed by Zuo Shan Ke back then.

The God of Craftsman can reach today's height, which is inseparable from Zuo Shan Ke.

Therefore, the God of Craftsman also respects Zuoshanke very much.

"Please invite the best."

But it is not so difficult to invite Zuoshanke to work for him.

Who is Sitting Mountain Guest?

The most detached boss behind the scenes in the original book.

It was too difficult to convince him.

Fortunately, Lu Ge still remembered some content in the original book.

He knew that soon there would be a plot about Zuo Shan Ke.

He also knows the obsession of Zuo Shan Ke.

A series of actions of Sitting Mountain Guest, including the creation of the Earth Lineage, and the creation of the Yanshen Clan.

All for that purpose.

Now Sitting Mountain Guest has accepted Luo Feng as his apprentice.

It can also be related to yourself when you talk about it.

Lu Ge thought for a while, and went directly to Zuoshanke.

Although Zuoshanke lives in seclusion in the depths of the cosmic sea.

But it is not difficult for Lu Ge to find him.

"We have a visitor."

in an independent universe.

Zuoshanke frowned, looking at the uninvited guest in front of him.

Lu Ge's smile is like a spring breeze.

Sitting on the Mountain doesn't like anything.

"looking for me?"

Lu Ge smiled and said: "Senior Zuoshanke, Luo Feng is my most beloved junior and your apprentice, no matter how we are related, I am a junior, it shouldn't be too much to pay a visit ?”

"Now that you have visited, you can leave."

Zuoshanke was unmoved at all, and opened his mouth as an order to chase away guests.

It's not Lu Ge who leaves so easily.

Lu Ge said with a smile: "Senior Zuoshanke, this is not your way of hospitality. If my little brother knows, he must be very sad."

Zuoshanke was not moved at all.

Lu Ge could only come up with something real.

He said softly: "Senior Zuoshanke, the reason why I came to visit you is because I noticed that an unexpected visitor will come to this cosmic sea in the near future, but that unexpected visitor is inextricably linked with you."

"uninvited guest?"

"The World of Jin!"

Zuoshanke suddenly raised his head, and stared at Lu Ge with a blank gaze: "What did you say? Why can't I understand."

Lu Ge chuckled: "Senior Zuoshanke, don't tell lies in front of real people. Since I came to you, I must know something."

Zuo Shanke stared at Lu Ge for a long time.

"come in!"

Lu Ge finally entered the palace where Zuo Shanke was.

After the two parties were seated.

Zuoshanke stared at Lu Ge and said: "Lu Yi, I heard about you, you also came from the earth, but your rising trajectory these years is very strange, I know you have your own chance, as long as you don't interfere with Luo Feng I'm not just asking, but what is your intention when you come here this time?"

Lu Ge's expression was serious: "Senior Zuoshanke, I came here rashly this time because I want to cooperate with you."

"Cooperate with me?"

Zuoshanke smiled: "Why, you know the world of Jin?"

Lu Ge said calmly: "I not only know the world of Jin, I also know the kingdom of food, I can help you avenge!"

"I know that you also have this idea in training Luo Feng, but how many years will it take for my little junior brother to grow up? If you cooperate with me, I guarantee that you can take revenge with your own Hearing the name Shiguo .

The city of Zuoshanke still couldn't help the shock of Tong Kong.

Shiguo has a blood feud with him!

He looked at Lu Ge suddenly, with a murderous look: "Who the **** are you, and why do you know this?"

Zuo ShanKe thinks this is his secret.

Never mentioned it to anyone.

Even his big apprentice didn't know, how did the guy in front of him know such details.

Lu Ge sighed slightly.

It seems that if he doesn't show some strength, Zuoshanke won't cooperate with him.

"I took the inheritance of Marquis Tianwei!"

"The spaceship is now under my control!"

"The Green Hornet Organization is mine!"

Lu Ge dropped three blockbusters.

Zuo Shanke immediately stood up in surprise: "I heard that the successor of Marquis Tianwei is called Zhao Zilong."

Lu Ge clapped his hands.

Zhao Zilong appeared beside him silently.

Zuo Shanke frowned, Zhao Zilong's appearance was very strange.

Not in the world ring, not in the kingdom of God, not teleported.

It appeared out of thin air!

There is no room for interaction, even he didn't sense it.

He narrowed his eyes slightly, Luo Feng's senior brother has something.

He is actually the person behind the Green Hornet organization?

The reason why Lu Ge said this to Zuoshanke was that he was mentally prepared.

Even if Zuoshanke turned his face and publicized it to the outside world, it would have no effect on him.

After all, this Lu Yi is just a vest now.

He no longer has a body.

Any avatar can be the main body, except for the years, he is immortal.

Now it depends on how Zuoshanke chooses.

Zuoshanke pondered for a long time.

Finally he spoke: "Lu Yi, how do you want to cooperate with me?"

Read The Duke's Passion