MTL - Infinite Clone: ​​I Am Invincible In Devouring Starry Sky-Chapter 294 Lord of the Universe

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Zou Yumei lay faceless on the bed in a big character shape, staring at the ceiling, not moving or speaking.

Lu Ge just leaned his head over.

She pushed it away: "Don't talk, let me think about it..."

Lu Ge heard her muttering in a low voice.

"I fell in love and got married freely, entered the auditorium, received a certificate, and gave birth to a child. The husband who has lived with me for fifteen years is actually a god. Is there smoke from my ancestral grave?"

Lu Ge couldn't help correcting: "It was the last life, my current divine power has not recovered..."

Zou Yumei crawled up all of a sudden.

Staring at him with piercing eyes, he said stubbornly: "No, you took me around the world's scenic spots today. It's too late. This is the means of God, and you are God!"

"Well, you are me." Lu Ge admitted following her words.

Zou Yumei's eyes became brighter: "Then my husband is a god, can he satisfy the little girl's wishes?"

Lu Ge suppressed a smile: "Tell me, I'll think about it..."

"Can our children never worry about food and clothing, never worry about work, and always be healthy and happy?"

"This must be there."

"Then can I not have to go to work in the future, have endless money, live in a big villa, have nanny and servants, eat sea cucumber and abalone every day, buy bags if I want, go on vacation if I want to go on vacation..."

"Okay, little fun."

"Wow, then I still want to be young forever, eighteen years old forever, is that possible?"

"If you mean health level, appearance and skin condition, yes!"

"Long live my husband!"

Zou Yumei jumped excitedly: "What else do I want, let me think about it..."

I thought about it for a long time.

Zou Yumei said dejectedly, "Honey, I don't seem to have anything else I want."

Lu Ge rubbed her hair, pamperingly said: "Think slowly if you can't think of it, no matter what you want, I will satisfy you."

Zou Yumei was moved to tears, and hugged his waist tightly: "My husband, you are so kind to me."

Lu Ge smiled: "You deserve it."

"Don't you want a villa? I've prepared one, and I'll show you there, okay?"

Zou Yumei was a little surprised: "So fast? But isn't the villa a building? It's not a castle, so why use a seat?"

"What I have prepared is a castle!"

A burst of space fluctuations.

Lu Ge and Zou Yumei appeared in front of a luxurious garden-like castle.

Tall walls, majestic castles.

This is actually a palace-like treasure.

Lu Ge controlled its range to about ten kilometers in length and width, and if it was bigger, his wife might not be used to it.

The courtyard of the castle is full of rare and exotic grasses of extraordinary beauty.

Walking in the manor is like walking in a fairyland.

Looking at this fairy tale castle, Zou Yumei couldn't believe her eyes.

"Husband, is this castle ours?"

"Of course, the real estate certificate is in our names." Lu Ge took out a real estate certificate as if by magic.

Zou Yumei quickly took it over.

The red real estate certificate, the big gilded characters, and the clear steel seal.

All prove that this real estate certificate is real.

Seeing his wife's surprise, Lu Ge smiled.

The whole planet is his, and it is not easy to get a real estate certificate for the palace treasure.

Really couldn't be more true.

"What a beautiful castle."

Zou Yumei entered the gate of the castle and ran happily in the garden.

This is a Chinese-style garden, with small bridges and flowing water, pavilions, birds and fish, everything you expect to find.

There are even deer walking in the garden.

The beauty here is unforgettable.

Lu Ge waved.

Two hundred elves with transparent wings flew over.

Respectfully said: "Meet the master, mistress."

Zou Yumei was a little surprised: "Honey, who are they?"

"Our castle's stewards, servants, gardeners, cooks, coachmen, and nanny..."

"Then I didn't prepare anything, and I didn't have a red envelope..." Zou Yumei was a little embarrassed, and quietly pulled the corner of Lu Ge's clothes.

A package appeared in Lu Ge's hand.

He handed it to the leading elf: "The mistress rewards you with a red envelope, take it."

The leading elf took it with both hands.

All the elves bent down and respectfully said to Zou Yumei, "Thank you, mistress."

"You're welcome, go get busy."

Zou Yumei breathed a sigh of relief when the servants dispersed.

She glanced at Lu Ge gratefully: "Husband, thank you for helping me out."

Lu Ge said with a smile: "You don't have to be cautious, you are the master. These servants of the elves are very loyal, so you can use them with confidence."

There was one thing that Lu Ge didn't tell Zou Yumei.

These 200 servants of the elves are all soul slaves controlled by him with his soul.

The cultivation base of each elf is the immortal level of the king.

It is enough to keep their mother and daughter safe on this planet.

Besides, his avatar is also there.

With one thought, the main consciousness will come.

Lu Ge took Zou Yumei to visit many rooms and facilities in the castle.

And many high-end furniture, gorgeous furnishings.

Any small item here is worth more than this planet.

Zou Yumei stopped and walked, eyes full of surprise.

After a full turn in the castle.

Zou Yumei whispered to Lu Ge, "Honey, let's go home."

Lu Ge was a little strange: "Go home? From now on, this will be our home. After Huahua and Zhouzhou get out of school, just take them over."

Zou Yumei was very stubborn: "No, I'm talking about going back to our original home."

"Don't you like it here?"

Zou Yumei raised her head, looked at Lu Ge seriously and said: "This place is very good, I like it very much, I never dreamed that there is such a luxurious and high-end castle, now you have fulfilled my dream, but I still want to go back to our life together Home for 15 years."

Lu Ge understood.

He smiled and said, "Okay, then let's go home together."

He took Zou Yumei and teleported back to his little home again.

After returning to Xiao's house, Zou Yumei's expression became more relaxed.

Although compared with the luxurious castle just now, this place is simply a pigeon cage.

But here are all of Zou Yumei's memories.

Here are the bits and pieces of the past 15 years.

The flower stand on the balcony was made by Lu Ge himself.

The protective covers on the sofa and air conditioner were stitched by Zou Yumei stitch by stitch.

The broken and repaired tiles on the ground, the colorful flower pots on the windowsill, all of these were found one by one.

This is all she has.

Lu Ge understood his wife's thoughts in an instant, and the husband and wife looked at each other and smiled.

it is more than words.

Lu Ge asked: "Then we will continue to live here in the future? You don't want to live in the big castle?"

Zou Yumei took Lu Ge's hand and sat down.

"Honey, I've seriously thought about it just now. I'm even happier that your legs are back to health than that you are a god."

"Huahua and Zhouzhou are still young, and their outlook on life and the world are immature. If we suddenly change their lifestyle, it will affect their outlook on life, which may not be a good thing. I hope to continue to maintain the original trajectory of life, etc. Let them know when the time comes."

"Of course, my husband is a god. In the future, no matter material or spiritual, you have to satisfy the three of us."

"At least you have the freedom to eat whatever you want, right?"

"Husband, what do you think?"

Lu Ge finally smiled from the bottom of his heart.

His wife has never let him down.

It is difficult for ordinary people to keep calm when encountering such a situation, and they basically cannot suppress their desires.

Will consume crazily and enjoy life crazily.

It's rare that his wife has always maintained a normal mind and is still thinking about her two daughters.

"No problem, our wife has the final say!"

"That's about the same."

Zou Yumei smiled with satisfaction.

Lu Ge asked: "But, our big castle has been empty, isn't it a bit of a waste?"

Zou Yumei frowned, and she hesitated for a while: "Husband, how about we secretly go there every week to enjoy the day and come back when the children are in school, and just live in the world of two?"

Lu Ge's eyes brightened: "Go secretly enjoying the child with your back on your back, thank you you can figure it out, but I like it!"

The husband and wife burst out laughing.

Just hide it from your daughters, and tell them after they grow up and hit a wall in society, knowing that survival is not easy and society is dangerous, that they are actually a rich second generation.

No, it's the second generation of gods.

Zou Yumei was thinking about things while doing housework.

Planning for the future and life.

Lu Ge is like a gentleman, lying on the sofa drinking tea and reading the newspaper.

After a while, my wife got a slap on her leg because she didn't lift her foot while mopping the floor.

Lu Ge liked this way of getting along very much.

The wife didn't have any estrangement or unaccustomed to him because he was a god.

For Zou Yumei, this is her husband, the husband she has slept with for 15 years, wiped her body, took a bath, and served her for 10 years.

Zou Yumei is unwilling to change the original trajectory of her life.

Then go ahead.

She will continue to work, but this time it is not for money, but for love.

The company where he worked was also acquired by Lu Ge's avatar long ago.

Since the wife and children continue to live on this planet.

Then change the living environment of this planet.

A dark and stormy night.

Lu Ge silently transferred the planet to the territory of the human race.

The star field environment is also the best.

Ensure that there is sufficient cosmic energy to permeate the entire planet.

As for the inexplicable disappearance of the superior monster race on the original planet.

Their assets were taken over.

There is no chaos in the social order, everything is in order.

It seems that those monster races never appeared.

Even the palace of this planet has changed owners without anyone noticing.


Lu Ge also arranged for three top overlord clones to sit on the planet.

Huge spiritual power covers the whole world all the time.

Any disturbance could not be concealed from his perception.

For ordinary people, it's business as usual.

It's just that the social welfare system is changing silently.

It just keeps getting better and better.

The only ones who might feel bad are the astronomers.

Everything changed overnight, and I can no longer find familiar constellations, and I can no longer see familiar galaxies.

It seems that the stars have changed overnight, and the sea has changed.

Jiang Qinghua and Jiang Qingzhou continued to go to school.

The happiest thing for the two sisters is that their father's legs have recovered.

The two sisters hung on Lugo like koalas.

Acting coquettishly.

This made Zou Yumei jealous, and she drove the two sisters away with a feather duster.

The family continued to live in this small building.

A lot has changed silently.

But nothing seems to have changed.

The monster race, the Zerg race, and the Machine race were completely away from this planet because of the huge storm caused by the relocation of countless alien races because they had to hand over half of their territory.

The people on the planet were not affected in the slightest.

Lu Ge enjoyed the life of these few days very much, this is his rare place of warmth and relaxation.

Whether it's loving or bickering with his wife, everything feels so comfortable.

Watching the wife on the bedside falling asleep, there was still a satisfied smile on her face.

His wife does not sleep honestly, and likes to hug him like an octopus to sleep peacefully.

Suddenly, Lu Ge felt something.

He left a ray of soul to accompany his wife, and the main consciousness returned to the starry sky.

He seems to be breaking through!

He has already reached the limit of the overlord of the universe, whether it is the accumulation of divine power or the comprehension of laws.

In terms of secret methods, he has long created a variety of ultimate secret methods at the level of the strongest in the universe.

Under the continuous accumulation and cultivation of his thousands of clones.

The level of the top universe overlord is already extremely solid.

He is only one opportunity away from breaking through the master of the universe.

Now the opportunity has come.

Almost at the same instant, three thousand top cosmic overlords appeared in different star fields in the original universe.

This is the first batch to break through the Lord of the Universe.

There are too many clones, so they can only break through in batches.

Otherwise it would be too loud.

Lu Ge looked at the huge vortex with a diameter exceeding hundreds of millions of kilometers above his head, which was much more dynamic than when he broke through the Universe Venerable.

The huge vortex kept spinning with astonishing coercion.

A thick channel with a diameter of over 100 million kilometers leads directly from the center of the vortex to the ocean of the universal law.

The other end is connected to Lu Ge's Kingdom of God.

"let's start!"

How much divine power he can absorb this time depends on his ability.


Countless divine powers from the original place of the universe whizzed and surged, like a dam bursting, and like a galaxy pouring backwards, frantically pouring into Lu Ge's kingdom of God.

In Lu Ge's godland, his artificial control also rolled up a huge vortex.

It echoes with the vortex at the origin of the universe.

The speed of absorbing divine power suddenly increased by a hundred times.

The original Lu Ge had a perfect level, that is, a genetic multiple of 10081 times, which was equivalent to ten thousand times the divine power of the Universe Venerable.

Now Lu Ge has moved closer to the divine power of the Lord of the Universe.

Lu Ge's Kingdom of God is also expanding rapidly.

The divine power is even more astonishing.

Although it was possible to control time and space in the past, it was not as handy as it is now.

Now he can also easily go back in time and space, and go back to a certain point in the past to compound others.

In addition, the strength has been greatly improved.

If you encounter other masters of the universe in the universe sea, you can easily destroy them without relying on crowd tactics.

Even the strongest in the universe three clones are enough.

Now doubled in strength.

It's time to implement your own plan.

The soul servant of his "Master of the Hammer" has not been idle these days.

Wherever there are adventurers in the Purple Moon Holy Land, he will go there.

He severely controlled more than a dozen Universe Venerables.

These cosmic lords will quietly return to the Purple Moon Holy Land.

It depends on whether the ancestor of Ziyue can find it.

The "Lord of Deer Bugs" was finally invited by the Master of the Hammer.

The two made an appointment to meet tomorrow in the outer domain of "Qingfeng Realm".

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Chapter 294 Breakthrough Lord of the Universe to read for free.https://

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