MTL - Infinite Clone: ​​I Am Invincible In Devouring Starry Sky-Chapter 293 Zou Yumei, the happiest day ever

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, the fastest update of Infinite Clone: ​​I'm Invincible in Devouring Starry Sky, the latest chapter!

After teaching the fat manager a lesson, Lu Ge's anger subsided partly.

Although this guy is hateful, he is not guilty of death.

Still feel a little unhappy.

His original plan was to spend these three days quietly.

Another surprise for my wife and daughter.

Now he has changed his mind.

Since he is now strong enough to ignore all the rules on this planet.

Why bother to follow the rules.

It's better to do whatever you want.

So, Lu Ge went out in his wheelchair.

The next moment, he appeared in his wife's company.

"I'm looking for your supervisor Zou Yumei."

Zou Yumei rushed over after hearing the news, and was surprised when she saw Lu Ge.

She trotted over, knelt down and asked, "husband, why are you here?"

Lu Ge smiled brightly: "I miss you, come and have a look."

Zou Yumei blushed, "Don't make trouble, I'm still at work."

The surrounding employees saw this scene and whispered in the distance.

He had long heard that Director Zou had a disabled husband, but he did not expect it to be true.

He even came to the company today.

At this time, Zou Yumei stood up and introduced to everyone generously: "Hi everyone, let me introduce. This is my husband, Jiang Ge."

Lu Ge also said to everyone: "Thank you for your support for my wife, thank you everyone."

Everyone nodded their heads.

Director Zou's husband has a bright smile, but unfortunately he is disabled.

Bai Xia Zou is in charge of this person.

Zou Yumei said to Lu Ge: "Husband, are you bored at home by yourself? May I take half a day off to accompany you?"

Lu Ge said, "Half a day off is not enough, why don't you just resign? Stay with me all day at home."

"Good boy, no!"

Zou Yumei's expression was serious, and she went to ask for leave.

Lu Ge smiled and didn't argue with her, anyway, she soon understood.

Facing those strange eyes around him, he was calm.

Whoever looked at him, he looked back very politely.

Wide-eyed and small-eyed.

He didn't stop until he turned his head away in embarrassment.

"Director Zou's husband is really mentally strong."

"It's not called psychological strength, it's just thick-skinned. Otherwise, how could Director Zou take care of him for ten years?"

"Speaking of which, to make Director Zou willingly take care of him for ten years, this guy is quite capable."

"What, that's purely because our supervisor is kind."


At this moment, the fat manager who just smashed his head and went to the infirmary to bandage came back.

He saw Lu Ge sitting in the hall at a glance.

"This is?"

The fat manager's eyes lit up. He had a crush on Zou Yumei, so he was naturally very concerned about her family's situation.

Including her disabled husband.

Unexpectedly, Zou Yumei's disabled husband actually came to the company.

The fat manager rolled his eyes.

Since Zou Yumei couldn't be dealt with, it shouldn't be a problem to deal with her disabled husband, right?

He coughed and came to Lu Ge's side with his belly full.

The surrounding employees looked at each other immediately.

Now there is a good show to watch.

The fat manager knew that Zou Yumei was Sima Zhaozhi's heart.

I don't know if the two will fight after a while.

"You are Lu Ge, right? I'm Zou Yumei's boss, just call me Manager Su."

Lu Ge glanced at the gauze on his head: "Manager Su, what do you want me to do?"

The fat manager looked down at him and moved his big belly: "Zou Yumei is my employee, and it is right to care about his family. Do you have any difficulties in life when you come to the company? You can tell me about it."

"I'm not in trouble. If you miss my daughter-in-law, come and take a look."

The fat manager's face darkened immediately.

Is this guy showing affection?

Lu Ge didn't intend to play tricks on him: "I heard that you, Manager Su, often harass female employees in the company. Does the manager have so much authority?"


The fat manager was furious, just about to speak out.

Suddenly he understood something, did Zou Yumei go home and tell him?

That way it would be easier to deal with.

He said with a smile on his face: "It seems that you have heard something, so I won't hide it. Let's have a conversation between men."

"Okay, tell me."

The fat manager pondered for a while, and said, "What about you, have you been paralyzed for ten years? Director Zou's relentless care of you for so long is considered merciful. Her wonderful youth was wasted on you. If you really If you love him, you should let him go."

Lu Ge had a half-smile: "I let go, and then you take over?"

The fat manager was a little embarrassed, and directly admitted: "As for me, I really appreciate Director Zou very much. If she is willing to follow me, she will be happy."

Lu Ge looked to see that Zou Yumei hadn't come out yet.

Just chat with him a few more words: "She follows you, who will take care of me?"

The fat manager saw that there was a door, and immediately said: "You can hire a nanny, the kind who takes care of you 24 hours a day!"

He gritted his teeth: "I know you have no money, how about I pay you, one million! If you agree to the divorce, then the deal will be made."

"One million is not a lot, enough for the rest of your life."

Lu Ge dismissed it with disdain: "You want to buy me a divorce for a million, what a beautiful idea you have."

"Then how much do you want? Say the number, don't let the lion open your mouth!"

Lu Ge finally smiled.

He tilted his head and said, "Honey, you Manager Su spent a million dollars trying to get us divorced, but I didn't agree, and now he's asking me to set the price myself!"

When the fat manager turned his head, he saw Zou Yumei approaching with a frosty face.

Zou Yumei stood beside Lu Ge and said to the fat manager angrily, "Manager Su, who allowed you to harass my family? Believe it or not, I will sue you at the board of directors!"

The fat manager felt weak: "Zou Yumei, don't get excited, your husband and I are just having a conversation between men."

Zou Yumei glared at him angrily, then turned to Lu Ge and said, "Husband, let's go, I've asked for leave."

"Hold on."

Lu Ge stopped a moment before entering the elevator, turned his head and said to the fat manager: "Actually, you should thank yourself for your ruthless intentions. Suspending you is just a small punishment, and I will use it as a warning in the future."

"Suspend me? Who do you think you are?"

The next second, the phone rang.

"Su Daqiang, you have been suspended for embezzling the company's property, wait for the investigation!"

Su Daqiang looked forward as if he had seen a ghost.

The elevator has gone down.

Zou Yumei also heard Lu Ge's words and the ringing of the phone.

But she doesn't care about that.

I was busy explaining to Lu Ge: "Husband, I didn't deliberately hide this from you, or I was afraid that you would think too much. I think I can handle it myself. I'm sorry."

Lu Ge patted the back of her hand lightly: "I'm an old husband and wife, how can I not trust you? Don't think too much about it."

Zou Yumei asked, "Isn't it because of this that you came to the company today?"

"Of course not. Where are you going? I just want to tell you that if you're not happy here, then don't do it."

Zou Yumei shook her head and said, "It's not that easy. If you change your job, you have to start from scratch. Time and cost alone can't be wasted. Our family has a lot of expenses..."

"Yumei, these years have really made you work hard. From now on, I will be in charge of earning money to support the family, and you will be in charge of being beautiful, petting cats at home every day, and raising flowers, okay?"

Zou Yumei also smiled: "Okay, when my husband stands up, I will pet the cat, grow flowers, and cook for you father and daughter at home."

"Don't wait for the day, I can stand up now!"

Lu Ge gently stood up from the wheelchair, and opened his hands towards Zou Yumei: "Look, can you save money for the wheelchair next month?"

Looking at this scene in disbelief, Zou Yumei burst into tears.

She suspected it was her delusion.

It wasn't until Lu Ge held her in his arms that he finally dared to believe it.

Everything is true.

The husband who had been paralyzed for ten years stood up from the wheelchair.

Zou Yumei wept with joy, tears soon wet Lu Ge's shoulders.

Lu Ge also knew how much pressure this woman had endured for so many years.

He patted her on the back lightly, letting her vent.

It's been a long time.

Zou Yumei finally calmed down her emotions.

Her eyes were red, wiping away her tears.

Seeing Lu Ge's eyes that seemed to be smiling but not smiling, he immediately reprimanded: "Don't laugh at me!"

"Okay, don't laugh at you!"

The couple walked hand in hand, like boys and girls in love, walking through the streets.

He went home on foot.

Zou Yumei was still a little worried: "Husband, your leg has just recovered, will you be too tired after walking so far?"

Lu Ge laughed: "That's where I am now, I can't finish my strength now, if you don't believe me, look."

He hugged his wife by the waist: "I owe you ten years, and now I will make it up to you."

After speaking, he strode towards the bedroom.

Compensated three times in a row.

Zou Yumei couldn't take it anymore, her whole body was as soft as a ball of mud.

She said angrily, "Are you compensating me or yourself?"

Lu Ge laughed: "It's the same for each other."

Zou Yumei didn't say anything and hid in the bathroom to take a shower.

Suddenly, she exclaimed: "My husband, look at my skin, it seems to be younger!"

Of course Lu Ge knew why.

He is quietly transforming his wife's body.

He has too many treasures, and he can change his wife's physical fitness silently.

He deliberately smiled and said, "I have given you the essence of ten years, can you not be young?"


When Zou Yumei came out wrapped in a bath towel, her skin became brittle.

Better than 18 years old.

She repeatedly called a miracle.

As a highly educated woman, she did not believe Lu Ge's nonsense.

She stared at Lu Ge with beautiful eyes: "My husband, do you have any secrets? Your legs suddenly healed, and my skin is like this. Although they are all good things, I am not at ease in my heart. I am afraid this is a dream." ..."

Lu Ge sighed and beckoned her into his arms.

"Honey, do you know how powerful the most powerful human being is?"

"It should be His Majesty of our empire, right? That is a **** who can fly in outer space."

Lu Ge nodded: "Astral grades have a lifespan of ten thousand years, which is indeed considered a **** in the eyes of ordinary people, but only when they achieve immortality, have the same longevity as the years, and theoretically the universe will not be destroyed, then the eternal lifespan, this is considered a god. Gods, Immortals and Astrals are still separated by Cosmic, Territorial Master, and Realm Masters, and little Astrals are just qualified to wander in the universe, not gods."

Zou Yumei blinked her eyes: "So that's the case, but why do you know, my husband?"

Lu Ge smiled. He stroked his wife's hair: "Because you awakened my sleeping memory with love. In my previous life, your husband and I were also immortal gods."

"Past life?"

Zou Yumei was a little nervous: "Then are you still my husband?"

"Of course it is!"

Lu Ge comforted her: "It just awakened part of the memory and barely recovered a little bit of divine power, so I stood up and you became younger."

Zou Yumei was still dubious: "Then what skills do you have, husband?"

Lu Ge thought for a while, then said gently: "When I first got married, I thought, I once promised to take you around the world, shall we go now?"

Zou Yumei was immediately moved.

"Do you remember what you said when you got married?"

"I never forgot."

"But we haven't even bought a plane ticket yet..."

Lu Ge laughed: "Hold me tight."

He snapped his fingers lightly, and the two of them disappeared in an instant.

The next second appeared on a warm beach.

The sandy beach is as delicate as a layer of gold, and the sea water is rippling like green agate.

The cool breeze from the sea breeze woke up Zou Yumei instantly.

She looked at the beach in disbelief, and the tourists in the distance.

"Husband, is this the golden beach of the blue agate sea?"

Lu Ge smiled and said, "Haven't you already seen it? It's the Golden Beach."


Excited, Zou Yumei took off her shoes and ran directly to the beach.

into the cold sea.

Everything is so real, not a dream.

She actually came to the golden beach of the blue agate sea more than 8,000 kilometers away from the city in an instant.

"Husband, do you see what I picked up?"

Zou Yumei returned excitedly holding a conch that was the size of a human head and crystal clear.

Happy like a little girl.

Lu Ge applauded and praised: "My wife, you are really good. Isn't this the dream crystal conch? It sells for more than 5,000 yuan."

"Really? I'll go see if there are any more?"

Zou Yumei is just easy to coax.

She happily ran back again, but unfortunately returned without success.

"I can't find it, let's go to the sea to find it."

Lu Ge snapped his fingers again.

Zou Yumei was surprised to find that they appeared in the deep sea.

There is a transparent film around her and Lu Ge's bodies.

Wherever it passes, the sea water will automatically separate.

The underwater world is extremely exciting, and sea creatures that have only been seen on TV swim by.

"Husband, hubby, do you think that is a dragon baleen whale?"

A giant whale with a length of 100 meters swam past him shaking its head and wagging its tail.

"Wow, there are so many dream crystal conch shells here, I'm getting rich!"

Although very reluctant, the two couldn't take it.

Zou Yumei could only pick two beautiful conch shells Two daughters, one for each.

"Let's go, let's change places."

In a flash of light and shadow, they reappeared in the snow-capped polar world.

After experiencing the fun of skiing.

They appear again in the most famous hanging garden, a garden that is really suspended in the air.

less than a day.

Lu Ge took Zou Yumei to visit the most famous scenic spots in the world.

Just bought a big bag of souvenirs.

When the two returned home, Zou Yumei woke up from her excitement.

She hugged Lu Ge and said, "Husband, you are amazing, today is my happiest day."

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