MTL - In the Age of Mythology, I Evolved Into a Stellar Behemoth-Chapter 140 Behemoth Chen Chu, Electromagnetic Gun (request monthly ticket)

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  Chapter 140 Behemoth Chen Chu, Railgun (ask for a monthly ticket)

  Chen Chu.

  Looking at Chen Chu who stood up, many people paused, especially the students from Nantian Wugao.

   Following the return from the previous trials, many people have heard of the deeds of Chen Chu and others.

  For example, he, Li Hao, Xia Youhui, and the others had just broken through the third heaven, and hunted down the king-level bloodline mutant beast at the peak of the third heaven with their initial cultivation base.

   And when the trial was about to end, he even went to Kailya, and used the cultivation base of the third level to counterattack and kill the blood envoy of the Blood God Sect in the middle of the fourth level.

  Combined with the terrifying combat power that almost swept away those mutant beasts during this period of time, maybe he really has hope to kill that dragon armored beast.

  At this time, Zhang Zilong, who was in the mid-term of the Third Heaven, said emotionally: "Chen Chu, your strength is indeed very strong, but this fourth-level mission requires a team to go, why not..."

  Chen Chu shook his head: "I have a team."

   Speaking of wearing battle armor, the heroic Luo Fei came out with the huge sniper rifle on her back, with a faint smile on her delicate face.

   "But the mission requires five triple-heaven elites to form a team..." Zhang Zilong still didn't want to give up, it was a super big mission with a minimum contribution of hundreds of points.

  Under normal circumstances, an ordinary fourth-level mutant creature is worth fifty or sixty contributions, but the value of this dragon bloodline will be doubled.

  Chen Chu wrote lightly: "This is not a problem, my authority can ignore this request."

   After returning from the trial, it seems useless to upgrade the authority to II+, but there are many invisible benefits.

   Not only can you browse a lot of secret information, but the exchange requirements are lower. At the same time, when you encounter such special tasks, you can ignore the requirements with higher permissions.


  In the afternoon, the sun shines through the branches.

  In the mountains and forests, Chen Chu and Luo Fei, carrying sabers on their backs, passed quickly, and they were only tens of meters away in the blink of an eye. The girl was running closely behind Chen Chu.

  With more than 100 kilometers of deep mountains and occasional positioning maps, even if the two set off in the morning, they ran for almost half a day.

  Of course, this is because Luo Fei is there, otherwise it would take at most an hour and a half at Chen Chu's speed, and this is also because of the rugged mountain road.

   Otherwise, in the case of 100 meters per second, the straight-line distance of more than 100 kilometers will not take half an hour.

  Suddenly, Chen and Chu stopped and stood on the edge of a cliff.

  Below is a huge canyon that stretches for several kilometers. There are many rocks in the middle, lush trees on both sides, and the air is humid and quiet.

   Quiet is a little abnormal.

  Chen Chu raised his wrist, and a three-dimensional projection map flickered on it.

   After comparing the map, Chen Chu nodded and said, "This is it."

   "According to satellite photography and light wave image detection, the mutated creature's hunting range covers tens of kilometers around, but most of the time it lives in this canyon."

   "Luo Fei, find a sniper spot above, and when the time comes, give me fire support when the time comes, and I'll go down and lure it out."

  The girl nodded and reminded: "Be careful, the talent of this kind of mutant beast that has awakened the blood of the dragon is unknown, and it may be very powerful."

   "Well, I won't be careless."

  Although the combat power was already comparable to the late stage of the Fourth Heaven or even the peak, Chen Chu was still not careless, and at the same time did not underestimate Luo Fei's'killing' power.

   This is also the reason why he called Luo Fei, one more insurance.


  Chen Chu jumped directly from the cliff, the materialized black real power flowed on the right hand covered with armor, and his five fingers pierced the rock like grabbing tofu.

  Amidst the sound of rocks breaking, Chen Chu slid directly down the 100-meter-high cliff, and let go of his hands when he was still more than ten meters away from the ground.

  Boom! His legs in combat boots sank half a meter into the ground, and then Chen Chu pulled his legs out of the soil as if nothing had happened.

  Standing under the cliff, Chen Chu looked around, and suddenly there was a long roar like a dragon and an elephant in the sky.

  The entire mountain forest trembled in an instant, and countless birds were startled.


  The ground exploded, and Chen Chu directly crashed into the air, and shot out with a long white air wave behind him, setting off an ear-piercing scream and rushing from the middle of the canyon.

  These powerful mutant beasts all have the concept of territory, and there is no need to look for them at all.

  As long as Chen Chu explodes and provokes them, they will come to their door.

Roar! Just as Chen Chu crossed a distance of more than one kilometer and rushed to the middle of the canyon, there was a sudden roar and explosion in front of him, followed by a howling wind.

   Bang bang bang!

  The trees in the forest exploded, and while the branches were shaking, a mutant beast with a body length of 17 meters, thick yellow scales all over its body, and a shoulder height of 5 meters rushed out.

   This monster, which is suspected to be a mutated giant lizard, has an astonishing aura, and an invisible and terrifying power is entwined around its body, just like the legendary dragon power.

  The Dragon Armored Beast crossed a distance of hundreds of meters with an astonishing speed in just a breath.

  The huge claws are like swatting a fly, and they come crashing down with a large shadow.


  The moment Chen Chu disappeared, ten meters high behind him, dozens of tons of boulders exploded under the claws of the Dragon Armored Beast.


  Accompanied by a ferocious roar, a thick dragon's tail swept across the smoke and dust, the wind blowing up the smoke and dust, and appeared in front of Chen Chu in an instant with an afterimage.

   But this time, Chen Chu didn't dodge any more. With the emergence of black real power, a domineering and violent aura erupted from his body, and his whole body swelled up in an instant.

Roar! As the dragon chant and elephant sounded, the saber in Chen Chu's hand was as bright as a horse, like a black lightning tearing through the sky.

  The terrifying knife slashed on the dragon's tail in an instant, and a circle of black and yellow shocks erupted.

   Immediately, the ground below Chen Chu's body shattered, and the whole person was blasted back more than ten meters under the terrifying force, and two deep marks were plowed on the ground.

   "That power is not right." Chen Chu's expression froze slightly.

  His current power is six times stronger than the true strength of the dragon-elephant hegemony, and when the sword is slashed at subsonic speed, half of the building can be smashed down with this knife.

  But just now when the saber was tearing the protective energy on the tail of the mutant dragon armor, and when the sharp blade fell on the scales, it was blocked by traces of red blood on it.

  Those red energies that look like a blood net spread all over the Dragon Armored Beast's body, which has a terrifying weakening characteristic to sharp attacks.

   It's like an ability that evolved completely to deal with the bite of swords or fangs.

  Obviously, those **** powers are its dragon talent, and with the thick and hard dragon scales, it has an abnormal defense.

  In this case, even if it is strengthened +10, the sword with certain magic-breaking properties can only cut through the scale armor, leaving a wound half a meter long and ten centimeters deep.

  It's just that this little wound is no better than a fruit knife scratching the skin for this huge mutant beast.


  The injured mutated dragon armored beast let out a tyrannical roar at the moment of the fight. Its huge body turned and counterattacked, setting off a gust of wind and tearing up the afterimage of Chen Chu with a bang.

  Chen Chu, who disappeared in place in an instant, jumped up, and the moment the dragon armored beast landed, the blade was like a blade, exuding a sharp breath, and slashed at its thick neck.

   It's just that the mutated dragon armored beast reacted surprisingly, and when it sensed the attacking sharp edge, its body suddenly jumped forward.


  Sparks flew everywhere, and the unparalleled sharp knife left a two-meter-long and ten-centimeter-deep crack on the back of the Dragon Armored Beast, barely cutting through the thick scales on its back.

   But most of the sharp tearing power was still resisted by that layer of blood power, making Chen Chu frown slightly.

   And the moment he slashed and stopped in the air, the thick dragon tail of the Dragon Armored Beast blasted the air again and swept across, Chen Chu blocked it with his left arm.


  A circle of transparent shock waves exploded under the terrifying force, and Chen Chu shot out with a bang, and disappeared into the depths of the woods with a string of white shock waves.

   Just as this nimble and ferocious dragon armored beast sent Chen Chu flying with its tail, suddenly a light flashed in the distance, followed by a fiery explosion that engulfed it.

   Boom boom boom boom!

  The violent and fiery explosion shock wave rushed tens of meters, the vegetation burned and the rocks shattered where it passed.

Roar! In the howling wind, the huge dragon armored beast rushed out of the sea of ​​flames, with a fierce aura, it was ready to charge towards Luo Fei on the distant cliff.

  As a fourth-level advanced mutant beast, it already possesses not weak intelligence. Enemies who know this kind of long-range attack should be killed first.

  But at this moment, a violent figure burst out from the woods.

  At a terrifying speed that almost produced a sonic boom, the violent and domineering Chen Chu appeared beside the dragon armored beast in an instant, with his feet flying across the air like a battle axe.

  Under the terrifying force, the Dragon Armored Beast weighing tens of tons was kicked out with a bang, smashing a boulder tens of meters away.

  At this time, Chen Chu was carrying a sword on his back, and his figure was even more burly and imposing. His whole body was burning with energy and blood, as if he was surrounded by strands of black and red light, exuding a terrifying and heavy sense of oppression.

  Chen Chu's deep voice sounded through the headset.

   "Luo Fei, the talent of this mutated beast is absolute defense. In addition to the layer of yellow energy outside its body, there is also a layer of scale armor that can greatly eliminate sharp kinetic energy."

   "With the power of dragon blood, this talent makes its defense reach a terrifying state. It is difficult to cause fatal damage unless the attack strength exceeds its defense limit."

   "Wait, I will attract its attention and consume its blood power. Prepare Ugin electromagnetic armor-piercing bullets and find a chance to give it a shot."

  Faced with this kind of extreme defense, Chen Chu's full strength could not be brought into play with his thin sword.

  Seeing this, he simply gave up his sword and directly activated the Elephant Fury rune to enter the explosive state.

   It's just strength, it's not like he doesn't have it.

Roar! The Dragon Armored Beast that got up from the ground in the distance let out a tyrannical roar, its eyes became more and more fierce and furious, and it was actually kicked away by this bug.


  In the rage, the dragon armored beast moved its huge body, whipping up a strong wind and rushing towards Chen Chu at a terrifying speed. The cold light flickered on a pair of huge sharp claws, and the momentum was astonishing.


  The soil under Chen Chu exploded, and his whole body was shot out like a bullet, and he appeared in front of the Dragon Armored Beast at a faster speed instantly, with black and red airflow sweeping around his legs.

  The third layer of supporting moves of the Dragon Elephant Hegemony Body, the Dragon Elephant overturns the sky.


  Under the explosion of ten times the strength and defense, Chen Chu's strength at this moment was no less than that of this giant beast, and he was even more flexible and domineering, kicking it away with a blow like a dragon elephant.

   And the moment the Dragon Armored Beast was kicked tens of meters away and landed on the ground, the soil within a few meters of Chen Chu's feet exploded, and the whole body crashed into the air with a bang and chased after it at subsonic speed.

   Ho Ho Ho! Boom boom boom!

  On the cliff one kilometer away, Luo Fei looked shocked at the valley below where the earth shook, rocks exploded, smoke and dust billowed and roared.

  Especially Chen Chu, who gave up the sword and switched to the body of a dragon-elephant, constantly confronting that dragon-armored beast head-on with absolute strength, his domineering aura was shocking.

  Give Luo Fei the illusion that he is a domineering dragon beast.


  Chen Chu was suddenly blown away by the dragon armored beast's claws, smashing the boulder dozens of meters away with afterimages all over his body.

  But then countless gravel exploded, and Chen Chu, who was even more violent, stood up.

  Body protection with real power, armor defense, plus ten times the defense enhancement, Chen Chu's defense has also reached a terrifying level, no less than this dragon armored beast.


  Some dragon armored beasts with broken scales on their bodies let out violent roars, with fierce eyes, and their huge bodies greeted Chen Chu who was bursting out.

  It doesn't believe that this bug can't be killed.

   Boom boom boom! One man and one beast fought again, the ground shattered, the trees were broken, and the rocks exploded wherever they passed.

  Suddenly, Chen Chu's voice sounded in Luo Fei's ear.


  Amidst the smoke and dust, Chen Chu seized the opportunity to hug the thick tail of the Dragon Armored Beast. In an instant, the muscles in his arms swelled, and his strength exploded, directly turning the mutant beast weighing dozens of tons into a wheel.


   Luo Fei, who had already been prepared on the cliff, sharpened her eyes, and the inscription on the two-meter-long gun, which had been replaced with a magnetic barrel twice as thick, lit up and buzzed.

   "Fall!" Suddenly there was a loud explosion.

  Chen Chu, who was holding the dragon armored beast's tail and turned it around ten times in the blink of an eye, suddenly slammed it hard, and the ground in front of him shattered in an instant, and countless dirt was thrown into the air under the impact of terrifying force.

  At the same time, Luo Fei also pressed the trigger instantly.

  Biu! .

  In an instant, the hairs all over Chen Chu's body stood up, and he keenly felt a terrifying and dangerous aura attacking, so fast that even his consciousness had no time to react.

boom! The dragon armored beast that was hit on the ground hadn't reacted yet, and only a thin layer of **** silk screen was left on its head, which was instantly torn apart by the magnetic energy weapon.

   Immediately afterwards, the scales on the lower jaw and the back of the head exploded, blood and flesh splattered everywhere, and the huge head was directly blasted by Luo Fei's gun with a piercing wound the size of a washbasin.

  After penetrating the dragon armored beast's head, the magnetic energy bullet finally left a fist-sized deep black hole on the ground and disappeared.

  With such a terrifying piercing lethality, even if it was the second time seeing Chen Chu, he couldn't help staring.

   Hoo! Feeling the disappearing breath of life from the Dragon Armored Beast, Chen Chu let out a breath slowly, and the violent and domineering breath on his body gradually calmed down.

   Immediately, the breath on his body weakened, his face turned slightly pale, and he felt as if his body had been hollowed out seven times in a row.

  Feeling a little weak legs, Chen Chu smiled wryly. The elephant anger rune is powerful, but it hurts his body a little.

   Resting for a while and recovering, Chen Chu looked thoughtfully at the three-meter-high mutant beast lying in front of him.

  He found that compared to the mutant creatures in the sea, these mutant beasts with sharp claws, limbs and flexible tails on land seemed to be stronger.

  At this time, Luo Fei slipped down from the mountain wall with a sniper rifle on her back, and her figure flew over quickly.

  The girl rushed over after a few breaths, looked at Chen Chu who had been standing there for a while, and asked concerned: "Chen Chu, are you okay?"

   "Cough! I'm fine, it's just that I was a little weak from the outbreak just now, and I'll be fine after a short rest."

   "As long as it's okay." Hearing this, Luo Fei breathed a sigh of relief.

   Fortunately, the outbreak didn't take long, and after resting for half an hour, Chen Chu felt full of strength again.

   "Let's go, let's go back." After speaking, Chen Chu picked up the tail of the mutated dragon armor beast, and the real power in his body exploded, and he started to run rumblingly.

  This kind of thing can only be done by him, Luo Fei can't move the corpse of a mutant beast that weighs dozens of tons.




  (end of this chapter)

Read The Duke's Passion