MTL - In the Age of Mythology, I Evolved Into a Stellar Behemoth-Chapter 139 The evolution value has skyrocketed, destroying mountains and filling seas (ask for a monthly ticket)

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  Chapter 139 Evolution value soars, destroying mountains and filling seas (seeking monthly pass)

   Ho Ho! That's what you're talking about?

  Jianjiayan Beast looked at the little green crystal particles under the crack, which may not add up to a handful of green crystal particles, and felt a little uncomfortable.

   Chirp! These good things couldn't be kept, they were all eaten by those guys. The narwhal wagged its tail and explained in a humming voice.

   Ho Ho! How to divide it so much? The Sword Armor Flame Beast stretched out its huge claws and pointed.

   With such a little thing, it feels that it can’t get enough between its teeth. Could it be that it uses its huge claws to pick up a little bit and smell it?

   Chirp! Brother, you help me avenge this time, eat all these good things. The narwhal seemed very righteous.

   It's just that the Sword Armored Flame Beast knows that this guy is not that stupid, otherwise it wouldn't be looking for these good things, and came to it when it found that it couldn't beat those guardian armored beasts.

Roar! Then I'm welcome.

  Speaking, the Jianjiayan Beast swung its tail slightly, swam over, opened its huge mouth, and released a strong suction to swallow the scattered green crystals on the rock.

   Just as these crystal grains were swallowed into the belly, an extremely pure and vigorous vitality energy exploded in the body of Jianjiayan Beast.

   Click, click, click!

  Under that life energy, the Jianjiayan Beast expanded at a speed visible to the naked eye like blowing a balloon, the outer bone armor became thicker, and the breath became more ferocious.

  Just a small mouthful of green grains caused the Jianjiayan Beast to grow in size, reaching a height of nineteen meters.

  In addition, the evolution value has also skyrocketed by a large amount, from more than 2,500 to more than 2,700, which is only more than 200 points away from meeting the requirements.

   Hurrah! Such amazing growth. Immediately, the eyes of the Sword Armor Flame Beast turned red, looking at the green crack, the eyes were filled with strong killing intent.

  Damn those armor-footed mutant beasts, they actually ate up all the life grains accumulated over the years.

   No wonder these guys can grow so big and there are so many.

   Just as the sword armor beast was thinking bitterly whether to go back and kill those mutant beasts again, the unicorn killer whale behind it called out enviously.

   Chirp! Brother, are we leaving?

   Ho Ho! Wait, we can't just leave it here.

  Jianjiayan Beast signaled the unicorn killer whale to go a little further, then rushed to the edge of the trench more than 200 meters above with a whoosh, and stood up behind the cliff.

  I saw the Sword Armor Flame Beast raised its claws high, and the muscles of the whole body swelled to gather endless terrifying power.


  Accompanied by the Sword Armor Flame Beast hitting the angry elephant, half of the mountain wall collapsed, and countless boulders and rubble crashed down with muddy sand, submerging the trench.

  The Sword Armor Flame Beast felt unsafe when it got here. It bombarded continuously along the two sides of the trench, which was 100 meters wide and more than 200 meters deep.

  It wants to bury this place and use it as a fixed resource collection point, and then come to dig up and collect those life grains after accumulating more in the future.

   Of course, the premise is that no other mutant creatures with keen perception are found.

  In the turbulent seawater, the narwhal looked at the almost destroyed and filled trench in front of it, feeling a little dazed.

   Chirp! Brother, you buried this place, what shall we eat next time?

   Ho Ho! It's very simple, just dig a hole and go in.

   Chirp! How to dig?

   Ho Ho! Use your claws, idiot.

  ...The unicorn killer whale glanced at its thick fins, then at the sharp four claws of the Sword Armor Flame Beast, and was a little confused for a while. Will it dig it with its head?

   Ho Ho! Come on, let's eat those guys.

  The harvest this time is not only those life grains, but also dozens of mutant beast corpses.


   Click! The Sword Armor Flame Beast tore apart the armor of a fifteen-meter-long armor-footed mutant beast, and was speechless looking at the flesh and blood on its abdomen.

  Undeterred, it grabbed another hard spider leg that was one meter thick and full of spikes, and broke it with a burst of strength from its claws.

  Looking at the white fleshy and fascia-like substance in the middle of the spider's legs, Jianjiayan Beast felt a little pained: "These guys, have you taken all the nutrition to grow the exoskeleton?"

  These armor-footed creatures mutate and grow quickly by guarding the crack, but the characteristics of the creatures have all developed the exoskeleton armor, and there is not even a tenth of the flesh and blood in the body.

   It's just that no matter how small a mosquito is, it's still meat, and the sword armor flame beast didn't give up.

   It clicked like eating a big crab, dismantling and tearing the body of a mutant beast with a head and feet.

   Well, although the meat of this super giant king crab is a little less, it has a chewy taste and rich energy. It may take half a day to cook it in a pot.

  Well, this Super King Spider Crab seems to have paste in its body, it looks disgustingly sticky, but it seems to taste good.

   It should be more delicious if it is tested on volcanic magma.

  The legs on this head... Forget it, it’s all exoskeleton armor that is difficult to chew, and the head hasn’t been eaten yet.

Huh! Not bad, the meat here is a bit tender.

   Just as the Sword Armored Flame Beast was discussing its head and feet, it pulled away a 20-meter-long armor-footed mutant beast, and a bright crystal appeared in its eyes.

   "Level 4 life crystal."

  The corners of Jianjiayan Beast's mouth slightly raised, revealing a ferocious smile.

  Jianjiayan beast carefully picked up the life crystal with its huge claws, and slowly put it into the snakeskin bag under its neck like an undetectable grain of sand.

  The Sword Armor Flame Beast who harvested a crystal was in a good mood, and then, like a hardworking bee, it gnawed away all the armor-footed mutant beasts before stopping.

   Dozens of mutated beasts of different sizes ate up the meat, and gave Jianjia Yan beast a hundred evolutionary points, and its stature even grew to 19.5 meters.

   At this time, it looks even bigger and more hideous.

   Chirp! Gone and gone.

   Ho Ho! let's go.

   As he said that, the two huge mutant beasts swam towards the surface of the sea one after the other, and rushed to the surface of the sea in just a few breaths.


  A huge splash of water exploded, and a huge 31-meter-long killer whale rushed out of the sea more than ten meters high, and then fell with a bang, splashing monstrous waves.

  Obviously, the narwhal was very happy that the vengeance was avenged this time.

   Behind the unicorn killer whale, the Jianjiayan Beast appeared to be much more low-key. Its figure was hidden and walked more than ten meters below the water surface, swimming along the induction direction with the main body.

   This is the skill of Jianjia Yan Beast to ensure that it will not get lost in the sea.

  Through the azimuth of Chen Chu's main body, it can determine its own direction at any time, and then estimate the distance based on the undulating mountains on the seabed and the water depth.

  Of course, this method can only be used in familiar sea areas, and can only be used to identify directions after leaving the deep sea.


   "Today, only four level-1 missions and one level-2 task were refreshed. It seems that almost all the mutant beasts have been killed."

  In the task hall, many students looked at the high-definition mountain map on the big screen with a little emotion.

   At this time, the map is bright and clean. There have been no missions refreshed for more than ten minutes, and the only missions refreshed are also scattered in all directions.

   "Tomorrow is half a month's end of the mission, the official calculation is very accurate."

   "This is normal. The government conducts a major cleaning every year. Killing those mutant beasts is like cutting leeks for decades."

   "It's true, considering the country's vast network, these newly evolved mutant beasts have nowhere to escape."

   "In fact, we should be thankful that the government has been suppressing the growth of mutant beasts, otherwise the wilderness would be many times more dangerous than it is now, especially for ordinary people."

   "Even so, there are more and more incidents of mutant beasts hurting people every year."


   "Tomorrow may end early. Here, I have achieved a good harvest this time, earning 19 points of contribution."

   "Excellent, I only earned 13 points."

   "However, I have already cultivated to the late stage of the first layer. This time I go back to exchange for a first-level life crystal and energy resources. I should be able to break through the second layer soon."

  Another Erzhongtian student proudly said: "You guys are really useless, it's been almost half a month, and I've earned a full 41 contribution points this time."

   "Nonsense, if I were Erzhongtian, I could earn so much..."

  In the hall, more than 300 students were sitting or standing, discussing the results of this trial in twos and threes, all of them looked excited.

  For these students who only had three or four contribution rewards a month ago, everyone has made a lot of money in this cleaning task.

  The students in the first level basically earned more than ten points, and more than twenty points.

  There are more people in the second level, except for those who are unlucky, most of them have thirty or forty points, especially those elites who have returned from trials.

  The most powerful student of Erzhongtian gained more than 70 points of contribution.

   This kind of genius can single-handedly take on the second-level mutant beasts, and even fight against ordinary second-level mutant beasts with one against two.

  If it weren't for the problem of going deep into the mountains and spending most of the day on the road and carrying the corpses of mutant beasts, they would have made more money.

  Of course, the greatest harvest this time is those geniuses of the third heaven.

  After returning from these trials, the geniuses who have broken through the third level in more than four months are all very strong in battle, even in the face of powerful third-level mutant beasts.

  These people's harvest is basically in the early 100s, which is because there are few third-level tasks two days after the start.

   Among these people, Chen Chu gained the most.

  Except for the 300 points exchanged for the Dragon Elephant Hegemony Body, he has accumulated more than 80 contribution points this week, which adds up to more than 300 points.

  The more than 300 points are removed from the original 70 points in the hand.

   Luo Fei, who had been hanging out with Chen Chu for a few days, also made a lot of money. In addition to fighting hard after separation, she also earned about one hundred and forty in total.

  Of course, Chen Chu's ability to earn so much by himself has something to do with his terrifying basic strength.

   Those Second Heaven students have an arm strength of 600 to 700 kilograms, and with the blessing of true strength, they can drag a ton of mutant beast corpses.

  Third Heaven practitioners have an arm strength of one or two thousand kilograms, and when it takes half a day to barely drag the corpse of a third-level mutant beast out of the mountain, he alone can carry ten tons of mutant beast and run away.

   Not to mention the second-level mutant beasts.

  Two more trips a day, even if it is a second-level task, still has a lot of contribution points.

  But this time, not everyone was rewarded. Some students were afraid of blood. Not only did they not earn contribution points, but they were sent to the hospital by mutant beasts.

  Besides, some of the students who came to join in the fun chose to go back after experiencing a battle, including more than a dozen Erzhongtians.

  Because they found that they did not have the courage to face the danger.

  Compared with fighting mutant beasts, what I want more is a peaceful and stable life.

   There are not a few such people. After the end of the first year of high school every year, many students who have built their foundation and broken through the first level will choose to switch to liberal arts.

   After all, not everyone has an adventurous spirit, goes forward bravely, and dares to go to the battlefield to fight those ferocious and terrifying mutant beasts.

  Of course, after they switch to liberal arts, it doesn't mean they don't practice anymore. It just means that they quit the competition with these students for resources and just want to practice quietly.

   No one can say they are wrong for such choices.

   After all, many people died halfway in the genius struggle, and although these students who chose to retreat made slower progress, they survived in the rear.

  Of course, the school and the country will no longer provide resources to these people, including a fixed monthly contribution.

  Unless someone makes outstanding contributions to the country and society in the future.

  In the corner, Luo Fei turned her head to look at the handsome young man beside her, and asked softly: "When you go back tomorrow, you must prepare to break through the fourth heaven."

   From Luo Fei's point of view, Chen Chu was on the verge of breaking through to the late stage at the beginning of last month, and now his cultivation level must have reached the late stage of the third layer after a month.

   After going back this time, I will exchange for dragon essence blood and some strengthening resources. With Chen Chu's terrifying talent, he should be able to break through the fourth heaven soon.

  Chen Chu withdrew his gaze and nodded slightly: "Almost."

  He now has 89 contribution points in his hand, which is long enough to exchange for dragon essence blood, but he didn't go back to earn more contributions.

  By going back to break through the fourth heaven tomorrow, the Sword Armor Flame Beast has almost accumulated 3,000 evolution points.

   After the clone completed evolution, Chen Chu was ready to go to the Alien Beast Battlefield.

   At that time, beheading a fourth-level mutant beast with his combat power will be like cutting melons and vegetables, and the harvest of contribution points will be faster, and it is possible to have a thousand a month.

   "Look, another task has been swiped out."

   "Wait a minute, it's a level four task."

  Suddenly refreshed fourth-level tasks made the hall lively.

  Although the authorities clean up every year, just like humans, some mutant beasts with extraordinary talents can evolve to level four in the next year.

   Or some fish that slipped through the net in previous years, hidden deep in the mountains and developed for a few years before growing to level four.

   But after reaching level four, these mutant beasts can no longer hide.

   Their large size will have a greater demand for food, so they must expand their range of activities and be discovered by humans.

  "The mutant dragon armor beast is suspected to have awakened a trace of dragon blood. The mutant beast is at level 4 and has strong combat power. It needs five elite teams of three or more heavens to pick it up."

   "This task goes deep into the mountains for more than 130 kilometers, and it is suspended for a day. If no one takes over, it will be handled by military experts."

  Looking at the introductory information that popped up on the big screen, someone was surprised and said: "It's actually a mutant beast that has awakened a trace of dragon blood, which is a pity."

   "Hey! No one can finish this time." Someone gloated.

  Because of its size and talent, the mutant beast was no weaker than cultivators of the same level, but now it is still a powerful dragon creature.

   This kind of creature is like a mutant beast that has awakened a trace of king-level blood, and its combat power has surpassed its own realm, which is very terrifying.

   Coupled with the fact that the level reaches level 4, even if these three geniuses join forces, they may not be able to kill, and the risk is very high, maybe someone will die.

  So no one stood up for a while.

  Even Li Chen and Zhang Zilong, who relied on a lot of resources to break through the middle stage of the triple heaven in the past two days, looked at each other and smiled wryly.

  Because the gap is too big.

  At this time, Chen Chu, who was carrying a sword on his back, took two steps forward, looked around and said calmly, "Since no one is willing to take over, let me handle this task."

   There is also



  (end of this chapter)

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