MTL - In the Age of Mythology, I Evolved Into a Stellar Behemoth-Chapter 133 Amazing harvest, fiery demon

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  Chapter 133 The harvest is amazing, the flame demon

   It took the two of them only half an hour to enter the mountain, but it took almost two hours for Chen Chu, who was carrying almost seventeen tons of mutant beasts, to get out of the mountain.

  No way, the mutated beast is too big to run in many places in the mountains. It is either stuck by a tree or dragged by other things.

  At this time, Chen Chu would explode with real power and forcibly break a way.

  So when he came out of the mountain, even he was a little out of breath.

  Boom! Chen Chu tried his best to throw the packed corpse of the mutant beast onto the car from the side, and the tires sank immediately, and at the same time, the small half of the tiger and monitor lizard was thrown outside.

  The carcass of a mutant beast with a body length of eight meters, this kind of elongated medium-sized truck is a bit difficult to pull, and it is completely overloaded, but Chen Chu can no longer control so much.

  Chen Chu let out a breath, and looked at Luo Fei who followed in a good mood: "Go, get in the car."

   Too lazy to wipe the blood off his body, Chen Chu sat in the driver's seat.

   After Luo Fei also sat in the co-pilot seat and started the truck, the truck suddenly shook, and with some difficulty pulled a few huge mutant beast corpses and drove towards the small town.

   "Wow! Mom, what a big tiger."

   "Damn it, which fierce man is this? It took only half a day to kill four mutant beasts, mutant tigers, and monitor lizards. Judging by their size, they should all be level three."

   "The current freshmen are amazing."

   "Yeah, during the big cleanup and hunting mission last year, I remembered that the guys from the Armed Forces Department in the town had a hard time killing a third-level mutant beast."

  As a small town under Changbai Mountain, residents here often see mutant beasts, and some of them are retired soldiers with a certain level of cultivation, and the folk customs are tough.

  Many pictures and videos of mutant beasts on the Internet are taken by these people in the mountains, and some people even make a living from it.

   Not only filming videos, but also helping to capture some ordinary mutant creatures that can be raised, and sell them as high-end pets, becoming an alternative business line.

   But at this time, it wasn't just Chen and Chu, there were also other students who had completed the task and came back along the way.

   It's just that the corpses of the mutant beasts in their car are a bit small, almost all of them are first-class, and there are not many second-class ones.

  The logistics department of the Armed Forces Department is just an ordinary staff member who is a little embarrassed and said: "Student, can I trouble you to help move the corpse of the mutant beast down?"

"no problem."

   As he spoke, Chen Chu stood by the car, grabbed the bundled corpse of the mutant beast with both hands, swelled the muscles of his arms and lifted it vigorously, and threw it on the ground with a bang.

   Suddenly, the vines burst, and the corpses of four mutant beasts spread out, occupying half of the room.

   The staff member watching this scene was very envious.

  It's a pity that he was not talented back then, and he couldn't build a foundation after practicing for two months.

   "Two designated third-level mutant moire tigers, one designated mutant one-horned lizard and golden eagle, a total of 72 points of contribution have been transferred to your student number."

   "It's troublesome." A smile appeared on Chen Chu's face.

  According to this speed, he might really be able to collect 300 points within three days.

  Of course, being able to be so fast and his combat power is so much higher is almost entirely related to instant kills. Even Luo Fei can kill these third-level mutant beasts with one blow.

   After all, her weapon is too foul. She is said to be weak in melee combat, but the problem is that you must be able to spot her in close quarters.

  Of course, another advantage is that the official gave the precise positioning of the task, saving them a lot of time.

  If he could control the killing but not the burial, Chen Chu could complete more than a dozen level-3 tasks in a day and directly accumulate hundreds of contribution points.

  Unfortunately, this is impossible, because the official purpose is to 'train' these new students.

  Chen Chu glanced at the time, it was only one o'clock in the afternoon, he couldn't help turning his head to look at Luo Fei who was waiting aside: "Let's go eat first, and then continue."


  In the case of cleaning every year, the number of third-level mutant beasts in these deep mountains and old forests is limited, especially the tasks that have been detected.

  In this case, it is natural to have quick hands and no slow hands. After all, this time they are not just two or three heavenly practitioners.

  The girl nodded: "When choosing a mission in the afternoon, let's see if there are any missions for mutant herds. If there are, the second-level ones can also be accepted."

   "Don't tell me, I almost forgot this." Chen Chu's eyes lit up, killing a group of second-level mutant beasts was more profitable than killing a third-level mutant beast alone.

   It's just that when Chen Chu and Luo Fei, who were carrying sabers, wearing dark red armor, and covered in blood, walked into the restaurant, some students who didn't accept the task were taken aback.

  Under the invisible and heavy evil spirit, many freshmen who were not courageous were short of breath.

   "It's scary, who is he?"

   "It seems to be Chen Chu from Nantian Wugao."

   "It's that Chen Chu who practiced low-level exercises and made it to the top 50 in the ranking competition of Nantian Wugao!?"

   "Yes, that's him. I heard that he also participated in the Koroya Trial before. At that time, his realm broke through the third level, and he killed the cultists of the fourth level."


  Amidst the discussions around, Chen Chu and Luo Fei took a meal and found an empty seat and sat down, and then asked in confusion: "Strange, why do you feel that those third-class martial arts students are so weak?"

  Luo Fei said softly: "It's normal, because they were half-abandoned from the beginning."

   "What do you mean?" Chen Chu paused slightly.

   "I tell you, don't say it."

  Luo Fei looked around, and said in a low voice with a mosquito sound that only the two of them could hear: "My sister-in-law told me that all freshmen have already passed a screening process when they enter high school."

   "The official has a 30% probability of detecting whether a person has a talent for cultivation through the trace elements contained in the blood of the annual physical examination."

   "In this case, those with higher quality in all aspects will enter the first-class colleges and universities, and then the next, although it seems that everyone is enrolled at the same time."

   "Of course, because the probability is low, the government will allocate many ordinary students to various schools, but there will be fewer first-class colleges and universities."

   "No wonder." Chen Chu nodded thoughtfully.

  When he picked up the plane at Ke Luoya, he felt that there was a big gap in the number of cultivation geniuses between first-class universities and second-class colleges, but he didn't expect to have already passed a screening.

   In the afternoon, Chen Chu and Luo Fei took on two more level-3 tasks, namely a mutated rock python with a length of 14 meters and a giant jungle crocodile with a length of 10 meters.

  The mutated rock python was shot in the head by Luo Fei, and the giant jungle crocodile that was lurking and trying to attack was cut in half by Chen Chu.

  The two missions were tens of kilometers deep into the mountains, and they were far apart. Therefore, it was already past eight o'clock in the evening when they returned with the carcass of the mutant beast.

   "This student, thirty-six points of contribution have been transferred to your student number."


  Chen Chu and Luo Fei, carrying sabers on their backs, came out of the logistics department, and the two holding the helmets looked at each other, with smiles on their faces.

  Today, they killed six third-level mutant beasts and gained a total of 108 points. Chen Chu alone got 72 points, and Luo Fei got 36 points, which was more than Chen Chu's hunting of the golden-backed violent ape.

   Looking at the gradually darkening sky, the two of them did not accept any more missions.


   At night, in the personal dormitory behind the Armed Forces Department, Chen Chu, who had eaten and showered, stood by the balcony and meditated.

  Today, on the first day, I earned 72 points of contribution, plus 30 points from Kailya beheading the blood envoy in the late stage of the Four Heavens, and exchanged for 40 points of blood crystals from the school.

  Currently his contribution has accumulated to 142.

  But Chen Chu knew that this situation was only today.

  Because the number of third-level mutant beasts within a mountain range is limited.

  When he accepted the task this afternoon, he noticed that the third-level tasks on the map were less than half. Obviously, those students in the third level are not vegetarians.

  In the case of one person hunting and killing one, plus those they beheaded, the number of third-level mutant beasts cleaned up today exceeds a dozen.

  Thinking of this, Chen Chu was a little thankful that those geniuses who broke through the third heaven, especially An Lingqing, applied in advance to go to the Alien Beast Battlefield.

   Otherwise, they would share it again, maybe the third-level mutant beasts would be killed in one day today, and he would be lucky if he could get two or three.

  Thinking about it this way, it seems a good thing for Xia Youhui and others to leave early, thinking of this, Chen Chu couldn't help smiling.

  But suddenly Chen Chu's eyes narrowed.

  Under the night, under the rough and rocky sea, two huge mutant monsters are confronting each other.

  One of them is a sword-armored beast with a body length of nearly 16 meters and a black and red body surrounded, and the other is a creature with a body length of 26 meters that looks like a crocodile or a whale.

  It is said to look like a crocodile, because this mutant beast has a long and narrow mouth, covered with sharp teeth, and it can almost tear a bus apart with one bite.

   But its body is thick and thick like a whale, covered with scales, with two pairs of thick fins under the front and back abdomen, and a long and narrow tail, exuding a tyrannical aura.

  The most important thing is that this mutant crocodile whale has powerful energy fluctuations, very strong.

   But this time it wasn't the Sword Armor Flame Beast looking for it, but this huge mutant sea dragon stared at the Sword Armor Flame Beast and used it as food.

  The Sword Armor Flame Beast has encountered this situation many times, but every time it turned those attackers into food.


  The mutated crocodile whale spits out air bubbles, and swims slowly around the sword armor beast with its fins swinging, trying to create a sense of oppression through its huge size to scare its prey.


  The sea surface was full of water, and the sword armor flame beast disappeared in place in an instant, almost as if teleporting, it instantly hit the mutated crocodile whale tens of meters away.

   Until then, a terrible shock wave behind tore the sea surface and formed a huge wave that exploded.

  As the Jianjiayan Beast grew larger, the power of the three talents became more and more terrifying.

  The sudden eruption of the sword armor flame beast made the mutated crocodile whale have no time to react. It only felt a terrible impact from the side of its body, and its huge body was knocked hundreds of meters away with a bang.

  Where it passed, the sea was violent, setting off billowing waves, and screaming from the mouth.

  Under the blatant blow of the Sword Armored Flame Beast, it not only knocked it into the air, but also exploded the flesh and blood of the attacked half of its body, exposing the huge white skeleton underneath.

  Eight of them were more than three meters long, and the edges of the one-meter-deep wounds still had scorched marks.

   This is because its scales are hard, its flesh and blood are tough, and the energy covered by its body surface resists most of the power of the Sword Armor Flame Beast's blow.

   Otherwise, the blow just now would be enough to explode its abdomen.


  A hundred meters away, the mutated crocodile whale that was bleeding from half of its body was aroused fiercely, staring at the looming figure in the distant darkness.

  A strong blue energy erupted on it, and the blood stagnated in the wounds it passed, and the blood grew at a speed visible to the naked eye and quickly recovered.

   At the same time, the muscles of its whole body swelled, and in the blink of an eye, it swelled by a third, and a heavy and terrifying power breath permeated its body.

  The surrounding sea water was faintly frozen under the pressure of the terrifying power breath, and the sea water within tens of meters was calm and waveless, which was a bit scary.

   This is a mutant beast that is relatively rare in the sea, and it mainly evolves with physical strength and recovery ability.

   It's just that the Sword Armor Flame Beast didn't care about it, and the pale golden vertical pupils were still cold and unwavering.

   Compete with it in the flesh? court death.

Roar! The ferocious beast wrapped in black and red roared out through the sea, and at the same time, the mutated crocodile whale roared violently and rushed to meet it.

   Boom boom boom boom!

   The surrounding sea exploded under the battle of the two ocean giants, and the force impact of each collision burst would set off tens of meters of sea water, and the momentum was terrifying.

  Every time the crocodile whale's huge fins slash, thousands of tons of impact force will explode, and every impact of its powerful body will smash the surrounding reefs, turning rivers and seas upside down.

  During their battle, many small fish that had no time to escape were directly shocked to death, and the surrounding sea surface was covered with corpses of various marine creatures after a while.

  The Sword Armored Flame Beast fought very excitedly in this battle, its muscles swelled up, propped up the black scales, and head-to-head with the huge mutant crocodile whale.


  The ten-meter-long thick tail of the mutated crocodile whale swept across the sea, rolling up violent water waves. Seeing this, the sword-armored beast did not hide at all, and stretched out its thick claws.


  The power of the terrifying blow made the Sword Armored Flame Beast startled. It stood firmly on the rock under the water with a pair of thick hind legs, and the terrifying power in its body erupted.

Roar! Accompanied by the roar of the Sword Armored Flame Beast, it stood on its hind legs on the rock, its claws swelled, and it directly hugged the mutant crocodile whale's tail and turned it around.

  Boom! The giant beast with a length of more than 20 meters rushed out of the sea, and then was smashed down again. Countless seawater blasted up and down with violent force, and it rained all over the sky.

  The hard reef under the sea surface was smashed to pieces by the mutated crocodile whale. The terrifying shock force caused its scales to shatter, and its flesh and blood flew everywhere.

   This is the difference between having wisdom or not.

   This mutated crocodile whale only knows how to fight with its strong body, but doesn't know how to use the surrounding environment at all, and its consciousness is dizzy after being directly hit by the sword armor flame beast.

  On the surface of the sea, just as the mutated crocodile whale was smashed and stunned for a while, behind it was a black beast standing on the reef, and the person stood up, with flames burning on his body.

  The terrifying power in the Sword Armor Flame Beast moves towards its claws, and the flames jump on its thick arms, forming circles of fire snakes under the influence of materialized power.


  As the dragon elephant, which had gathered a hundred times its strength, fell in anger, the scales on the thick head of the mutated crocodile whale exploded, the skull collapsed, and half of its head exploded.

  For a moment, countless blood and water mixed with liquid splashed everywhere, rendering the surrounding sea surface dark red.

  On the blood-red sea, a ferocious orc man wearing black scale armor and a row of sharp thorns on his back stood up, his body burning like a demon.

  Especially the three pairs of red feather horns flared on both sides of the head, above which the golden red flames burned to form a ring of fire, making the sword armor flame beast even more terrifying.

  The battle is over, and the next step is to eat.

   This mutated crocodile whale is huge in size, several times that of the two-headed giant python. Even the sword armor beast eats and digests it for a long time.

   When the sky was getting brighter, there was a huge broken biological skeleton among the reefs under the sea.

   Dozens of evolutionary points have been harvested beside the skeleton, and the sword-armored flame beast, which has increased in length by tens of centimeters, swims around and disappears under the sea in the blink of an eye.

  Many bones of this mutant beast are more than one meter thick, as hard as iron, and don't have much nutrition, so Jianjiayan Beast doesn't bother to use its teeth.




  (end of this chapter)

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